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M. Said Hasibuan
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Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29858518     DOI :
Core Subject : Science,
Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering (EISSN. 2985-8518) is a scientific journal to publish research results and literature studies. It managed & published by Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia. This journal published 2 times a year, every January & July. Focus & Scope of this journal is in the field of digital literacy, information technology and socio informatics. This journal accepts manuscripts in Indonesian or English according to the template provided.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July" : 5 Documents clear
Analisis Perkembangan 6 (Enam) Literasi Dasar pada Pendidikan di Indonesia Diand Mardiana; Rina Fitriani
Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57119/litdig.v1i2.88


Peningkatan kualitas literasi suatu bangsa merupakan hasil dan bukti dari keberhasilan sistem pendidikan bangsa tersebut. Masyarakat menjadi lebih berpengetahuan, informatif, kreatif dan berdaya guna. Pada akhirnya akan dapat meningkatkan national competitiveness bangsa ditengah persaingan global. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui relevansi literasi dalam era kekinian. Hal ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan makna literasi awal dengan makna literasi terkini berdasarkan perkembangan zaman. Peneliti memfokuskan kajian analisis deskriptif mengenai 6 (enam) literasi dasar yang memanfaatkan data kualitatif menjadi informasi deskriptif. Informasi dalam penelitian ini dijabarkan berbentuk deskripsi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan dengan menerapkan budaya literasi seperti membaca, berfikir dan menulis baik sebelum maupun sesudah proses pembelajaran di sekolah, rumah atau di masyarakat akan meningkatkan Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration dan Creativity.
Pengaruh Sosial Media Facebook Pada Penjualan Studi Kasus Pada UMKM Group Wisata Kuliner Pringsewu I Made Dwiki Atmaja; I Made Suteja Maradona; Komang Tiara Setia Diana
Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57119/litdig.v1i2.91


The current development of technology has enabled many small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) marketers, particularly those in the snack food industry, to utilize social media as a means of promotion and sales. This has encouraged UMKM to create accounts on platforms such as Facebook. They actively engage with their customers on social media, hoping that this interaction will boost their product sales. This research aims to describe the activities undertaken by UMKM on Facebook and understand the influence of the Facebook social media platform on UMKM sales in Pringsewu Regency. The sample for this study consists of 160 respondents from culinary UMKM in Pringsewu. The sampling method used was purpose sampling, measured by the Hair formula. The data type is quantitative, and the data source is primary data. The data collection technique involves the use of questionnaires. The data analysis technique includes validity testing, reliability testing, simple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing with the assistance of the SPSS 2.0 for Windows program. Based on the validity test results, the variables are valid because the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO MSA) value for the social media variable (X) is 0.628 > 0.50 with a significance of 0.000, and the sales variable (Y) is 0.683 > 0.50 with a significance of 0.000. The reliability test shows reliable results because the Cronbach's Alpha value exceeds > 0.60. In the simple regression analysis, the regression coefficient for the Facebook social media variable is 0.166. The results of the T-test indicate that the significance value for Facebook social media (X) on sales is 0.045 < 0.05, and the t-value 2.021 > the t-table value 1.975. In conclusion, there is a significant influence of Facebook social media on sales.
Improvement of Lampung Police Services Through Siger Precision Lampung 21 (PSP-21) MS Hasibuan; Nathan Nurdadyansyah; M. Arif Rifai; Wahyu Bintono; Doni Andrianto; Adam Japal
Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57119/litdig.v1i2.92


Police services using information technology are developing rapidly. The development of this service is an instruction from the National Police Chief as the head of the police force. However, the police service does not yet have an integration feature that is able to provide the public with access to one application, so all services will be easily accessible. This research builds an integration service named Siger Presisi Police (PSP) 21. This service can be accessed using the website and mobile. In PSP 21 there are panic button service features, the latest information and other application services such as online samsat, online sim, e-yanduan, e-dumasan and skck. The results of this study indicate that the level of community satisfaction has increased as evidenced by the number of accesses made to the PSP21 application.
Prototype of Information System of Medical Record Borrowing and Return in Puskesmas Muhammad Yunus; Firdha Trisna Andriani
Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57119/litdig.v1i2.93


The borrowing and returning of medical records carried out at Puskesmas X is still done manually, there is no recording of medical records in and out of the expedition book in the MR unit which makes it difficult for officers to find patient medical records borrowed by the poly. The ineffectiveness of these activities hampers officer work and patient service activities if MR file has not returned to the MR room within 1x24 hours. Recording patient identity is still done manually using books and Excel so that double recording occurs which is considered ineffective by officers. In addition, the numbering of MR is recorded manually into a book based on the village code in Puskesmas X so that it is prone to number errors. The purpose of this study is to design an information system for borrowing and returning medical record files at Puskesmas X Pasuruan Regency to solve these problems. This type of research is Research and Development with the waterfall method and data collection through observation and interviews. The result of this research is a MR file loan and return information system that can facilitate the performance of MR officers at Puskesmas.
Analisis Data Pemahaman Anggota Komunitas Japan Club 6 Garut Tentang Bahaya dan Dampak Dari Ujaran Kebencian Eri Satria; Arif L Hakim; Ciptaraka N Hawari; Miftah Y Azwardhi; Muhamad Faturrahman; Taupik Rahman
Journal of Digital Literacy and Volunteering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : Puslitbang Akademi Relawan TIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57119/litdig.v1i2.95


Hate speech is a behavior that based on hatred to some tribes, religions, races, ethnic, skin color, believes, or faiths, Hate speech could be a worst impact to individual or social human beings and can be founded in various media. So in that case, social community must be given knowledge aboout impact and dangerous of hate speech. IT volunteers provides educational presentation to anticipating the impact and dangerous of hate speech for partnership that has been cooperated with IT volunteers. The community that has been appertain to do partnership is the community that have interest in culture and technology in focus to country of Japan, this community centered in SMAN 6 Garut highschool that called by Japan Club. For making sure that the educational presentation of the dangerous and impact of hate speech has been delivered successfully to the community, IT volunteers provides a socialitation with different session and a test. Then, statistical hypothesis test conducted by the IT volunteers on purpose for measuring the community knowledge after the socialitation done by every respondent that present in that presentation done by IT volunteers. In conclusion, that result of the dangerous and impact of hate speech presentation has been succesfully understood by the object.

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