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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Lokasi Sampel Dalam Blok Sensus Pada Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic Khoiruddin Siregar; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto; A.M Hatuaon Sihite
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 1 No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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The national labor force survey is a survey designed to get a general picture of employment and also to understand whether there have been changes in the structure of the workforce between enumeration periods. In this survey, not all census block areas were included in the enumeration and also not all families in the survey area were selected as the enumeration sites. So, for each selected region and household, it is hoped that it will be able to provide employment data based on education, working hours, industry classification and employment status as well as unemployment rates based on different characteristics and efforts to find work as well as the working age population that is not in the labor force. For this reason, to make efficient and effective decisions, here the author will use the fuzzy logic method because this method is very flexible where this method is able to adapt to changes and uncertainties, also has tolerance for imprecise data and can cooperate with control techniques. conventionally. The purpose of this study is to be able to make decisions about areas that are able to provide the information data needed in the labor force survey at BPS Padang Lawas Utara.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Penerima Beras Raskin Di Desa Pearaja Kecamatan Sorkam Kota Sibolga Dengan Metode Preference Selection Indeks (PSI) Yanti Rutmana Gultom
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 1 No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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Rice for poor families or Raskin is a government program in tackling poverty. The Raskin program aims to help the poor and vulnerable groups to get enough food and carbohydrates without being constrained. However, in the implementation of the Raskin, there are many problems, one of which is the distribution of rice that is not targeted, to overcome a problem, a study was made to develop computer applications that help make decisions. Distribution of Raskin must be carried out properly, transparently and organized so that the Raskin received is right on target and really people in need. Therefore, a decision support system is needed to assist officers in selecting residents who are entitled to receive Raskin assistance based on predetermined criteria. The decision support system method used in making this decision is the Preference Selection Index (PSI) method. The Decision Support System for Raskin Rice Recipients in Pearaja Village, Sorkam District, Sibol City by using the Preference Selection Index (PSI) method provides convenience in processing data and making decisions to determine families who are unable and entitled to receive Raskin assistance and ease in making reports for Raskin recipients.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Lokasi Promosi Mobil Dengan Menggunakan Metode WASPAS Yovi Rivaldi
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 1 No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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The problem that occurs at PT.Arista Auto Lestari Sisingamangaraja Branch is that it has not been able to determine the location of a computerized car promotion because so far to determine the location of a car promotion only based on relations and price without taking into account the purchasing power of visitors and shopping intensity so that the expected turnover is rarely fulfilled. So to solve the problem at PT.Arista Auto Lestari Sisingamangaraja Branch it is necessary to improve the computerized system, so that in the future to determine the location of car promotions is no longer from relations or acquaintances but has been computerized by determining alternative locations and also predetermined criteria, such as the number of visitors per day, purchasing power, area area, visitor interest, visitor economic level and so on, it is necessary to create a decision support system by applying the Waspas method. The application of the Waspas method in the decision support system application to determine the location of car promotions at PT.Arista Auto Lestari Sisingamangaraja Branch first establishes the criterion value for each alternative location, after it is known, the next step is to apply the Waspas method, where the Waspas method process can provide the right decision . The application used is desktop-based using Visual language, so the results of the program implementation process are as expected.
Perbandingan Algoritma Raita Dan Apostolico Crochemore Untuk Pencarian Data Perpustakaan Menggunakan Metode Eksponensial Herman Krismon Simbolon
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 1 No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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The Raita and Apostolico Crochemore algorithms are string matching algorithms that can be used to simplify the search process for a search engine. The two algorithms have different search characteristics to find string matching results. Algorithms that have more optimal speed in string matching will certainly be more useful. In this study, the authors compare the two algorithms using the Exponential Method so that it is easy to find out which method is more optimal in searching between the two algorithms. A case study in string matching is used to compare the two methods, namely in the process of searching for library data that the author will build using Visual Basic Net 2008.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Guru Baru Pada Jurusan Jaringan Komputer Dengan Menggunakan Metode SMARTER Slamat Karunia Putra Daeli
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 1 No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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The teacher is a person who is responsible and responsible for the education of his students, either individually or classically, at school or outside of school. In the process of selecting a new computer network teacher (TKJ) at SMK Amir Hamzah Medan still not using a decision support system that can facilitate SMK Amir Hamzah Medan in choosing a computer network teacher (TKJ) who is professional in their field because at this time the selection of teachers at SMK Amir Hamzah is still based on interviews and testing of the ability of prospective teachers at SMK Amir Hamzah. However, there is still no specific reference used to determine who will be accepted as a network teacher at SMK Amir Hamzah based on the results of interviews and tests conducted.

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