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INFOKUM Vol. 9 No. 1,Desember (2020): Data Mining, Image Processing,artificial intelligence, networking
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The development of laptop hardware technology in the 21st century is increasingly rapid to support information technology that is increasingly easily accessed. Laptops have an important role in helping human activities, especially in teaching and learning activities. Not infrequently a laptop or better known as a laptop as most students and lecturers and even students who sit in secondary education have started to use it. In national tertiary education, the entire campus requires both public and private universities to have laptop laboratories. Along with these developments in the case of laptop usage is getting bigger.
Application of Multi-Objecttive Optimazation on the basis of Ratio Analysis in Determining Monthly Study Agenda onMasjid Al-Muhajirin Rumah Pondok Mansion Saidi Ramadan Siregar; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto
INFOKUM Vol. 9 No. 2, June (2021): Data Mining, Image Processing and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Pondok Mansion House (RPM) which is located in the Namorambe sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency is one of the government subsidized housing held by PT Rapy Ray. The construction of the mosque which has been completed provides good news for the Muslim residents of the housing because they can carry out routine prayers and various other Islamic holiday activities. On Saturday, June 19, 2021, a mosque committee was formed before the establishment of the Mosque Prosperity Agency. Then after the mosque committee was formed. The mosque committee held a meeting to find the name of the mosque and to complete the management of the mosque which was held on July 7, 2021. To make the mosque agenda, it was discussed again by inviting members of the management which coincided on August 3, 2021. Then the results of the meeting were agreed upon by the mosque management and the problem that occurs is the emergence of disagreements or disagreements on one of the mosque's agenda schedules resulting in small talks in the housing complex area which can result in disorganization between mosque administrators and individuals who do not agree with the agenda. It is necessary to make a policy in preparing a schedule with a scientific system based on mathematical calculations so that the results can provide explanations and can be accepted with grace. Of course the well-known system in this case is the Decision Support System (DSS) in which this system provides suggestions, input, as well as contributions to organizational actors, associations whose nature is to choose the best among several available options. Then the results will provide solutions in the form of approaches with alternative systems, ratings and several components related to DSS. The value of the approach or result that will be given later reaches 80% to 95%..
Implementasi Algoritma Base64 Untuk Verifikasi Qr Code Login Jaringan Wifi Berbasis Android Abdul Hidayat; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto
Jurnal Sistem Komputer dan Informatika (JSON) Vol 2, No 1 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/json.v2i1.2468


In this day and age many people use the internet with wifi media because its use is easy and efficient, in contrast to the use of network cables because of its inefficient use and consuming a lot of space. But now the use of wifi is widely accessed by unauthorized people to access it and insecure login verification process and the amount of access that uses wifi on one SSID will result in a decrease in internet speed on wifi, to enter and verify it into a wifi network. text and numbers or security using the QR Code. Using a QR Code or an ordinary password will not be able to deal with people who are not entitled to such access, so it needs layered security to secure and verify wifi logins from people who are not entitled to access them. Base64 algorithm is one of the algorithms for encoding and decoding a data into an ASCII format, which is based on basic numbers 64 or can be referred to as one method used to encode binary data. In securing wifi by verifying the QR Code login wifi network using the base64 algorithm makes using wifi can be overcome and handled so that no one breaks into the wifi network because it can harm the users or owners of the wifi network
Workshop Pembuatan Hotspot Login Responsive Untuk Siswa Prakerin SMK 2 Al-Wasliyah Perdangan Saidi Ramadan Siregar; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto; Heri Sunandar
Jurnal ABDIMAS Budi Darma Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (888.797 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/pengabdian.v1i1.2286


Praktek kerja industri (Prakerin) bagi siswa SMK Al-Wasliyah yang diselanggarakan di Universitas Budi Darma baru dimulai pada tahun 2019. Sehubungan yang disampaikan pembimbing sekolah SMK Al-Wasliyah oleh bapak Darmuji, S.Kom kepada pembimbing external yang ada di Universitas Budi Darma bahwasanya dalam melakukan pembimbingan anak prakerin siswa diharapkan mampu menambah pengetahuan mereka sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan-perusahaan saat ini. Selama pembimbingan yang dilaksanakan dan saling bertukar pikiran dengan siswa Prakerin ternyata dalam pembuatan hotspot login yang sifatnya responsive belum pernah disampaikan di sekolah, dimana tampilan hotspot login dapat menyesuaikan tampilan layar perangkat media pengguna. Sebuah tampilan hotspot login bisa dijumpai pada instansi pemerintahan dan instansi swasta seperti di telkomsel, kampus dan cafe. Untuk menambah pengetahuan mereka pada bidang teknologi komputer jaringan maka perlu dibuat suatu pelatihan (workshop) yang mudah dipahami dalam penyampain materi. Dalam hal ini untuk membuat tampilan hotspot login yang responsive mempunyai pengetahuan tentang pemasangan kabel utp, konfigurasi routerboard mikrotik dan memahami bahasa pemrograman web.
Analysis and Implementation of PlayFair Chipper Algorithm in Text Data Encoding Process Pristiwanto Pristiwanto; Heri Sunandar; Berto Nadeak
Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): September, Informatics and Science
Publisher : SEAN Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (829.358 KB) | DOI: 10.54209/infosains.v10i2.33


This research discusses the implementation of Playfair Cipher to encode text data. Playfair Cipher is one of the classic cryptographic algorithms that use symmetry keys. Originally invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone and Baron Lyon Playfair, the algorithm used a 5x5 keyboard to encrypt and decrypt. The process of encryption and decryption is done by grouping the letters in a bigram. By using a 5x5 keyboard, we can encrypt plaintext (original text data to be encrypted) and decrypt the ciphertext (encrypted text data) by grouping it by removing the letter J from plaintext. The keypad is generated randomly by the software so that each encoding process (encryption and decryption) can use different keys. The software is also used to prove the correctness of the encryption and decryption results of the Playfair Cipher with cube keyboards. Cipher Playfair software is developed using the C++ language and is console-based in a Windows development environment.
Steganography Formation by utilizing Enhanced Least Significant Bit Algorithm Pristiwanto Pristiwanto; Abdul Halim Hasugian
Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021): March, Informatics and Science
Publisher : SEAN Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.546 KB) | DOI: 10.54209/infosains.v11i1.38


Steganography is the science and art of hiding secret messages in other messages so that the existence of those messages cannot be known. The letter sent does not attract attention with steganography, and the container media does not arouse suspicion. Steganography requires two properties, namely container media and secret messages. The LSB method (least significant bit)is the simplest and easiest steganography method to implement. An example of implementing this method is to use a digital image as a cover text. Each pixel in the image is 1 (one) to 3 (three) bytes in size. Pda bit arrangement in a byte ( 1 byte = 8 bits), there are the most significant bits ( MSB) and the least significant bits (LSB). For example, on 11010010 bytes, the first bit from the right is the MSB bit, and the last bit from the right is the LSB bit. The matching bit is replaced with the message bit is the LSB bit, because the modification only changes the byte value to one higher or one lower than the previous value
Penerapan Metode Tripel Exponential Smoothing Dalam Peramalan Keuntungan Perusahaan dalam Tingkat Penjualan Alat Tulis Kantor Khairunnisa Pulungan; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto
Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.252 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/bits.v3i1.166


Deepening is a step called to determine the profit and loss of a company in its activities. This deepening is related to ATK product and product problems that often occur in a company. CV.Sumber Rezeki has objects that are marketed through marketing and sales counters. The object being marketed consists of three parts namely pens, printer ink, quarto paper and so forth. The problem of determining the cost of sales in CV. Source of sustenance is often faced by a company. The contributing factor is the amount of goods produced is not in accordance with the needs of consumers, so there is a buildup of stock of goods that can result in losses on the source of sustenance. Determination of sales costs can be completed using the triple exponential smoothing method. Several ways to solve problems with triple exponential smoothing. Among them are resolved using the smoothing method. Triple exponential smoothing method. is one of the settlement techniques in triple exponential smoothing. which is used as a decision-making technique in matters relating to the optimal allocation of resources.
Implementasi Algoritma A* Dalam Menentukan Tarif Minimum Berdasarkan Jarak Terpendek Rute Armada Taksi Bandara Dinda Luthfita; Pristiwanto; Soeb Aripin
Journal of Informatics Management and Information Technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jimat.v2i1.147


The use of the shortest path on the taxi route to the destination point can certainly reduce the cost of travel fares. This can provide benefits for taxi customers as well as for the progress of the taxi company. Airport Taxi Angkasa Pura II Kualanamu International Airport applies taxi orders through the call center. Prospective passengers who have ordered a taxi through the operator will be picked up by the taxi driver immediately. Taxis that are closer and there are no passengers will answer the call center to pick up passengers. Due to the limited information on road data, it makes taxi drivers need time to find out the shortest path to be taken in order to determine a more efficient fare. For this reason, a geographic information system to find the shortest path to determine the minimum fare to make it easier for passengers to find out the cost of travel fares. From the results of the application of data in the field, it can be seen that the A Star algorithm has succeeded in finding the shortest path to determine the minimum travel fare
Workshop Pengenalan Openmediavault Sebagai Sistem Operasi Jaringan Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Mandiri Saidi Ramadan Siregar; Hery Sunandar; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto
Journal of Social Responsibility Projects by Higher Education Forum Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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The development of technology in the field of computer networks in the era of the 21st century is very fast along with its rival, namely information system technology. Both of these technologies play an important role in the world of informatics because they complement each other and contribute to each other. For example, the information system already exists but the storage is still constrained, which means that the information system only runs on standalone, meaning it runs on its own device. as an operating system network attached storage is one of the data storage in a computer network where everything related to data can be stored in it including information systems that can be run through the operating system. At the level of Vocational High School (SMK) the Department of Computer Network Technology still rarely practices in making data storage using a network-based operating system. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to upper secondary level students, especially vocational schools majoring in computer network technology in knowing or increasing their knowledge of data storage in computer networks by utilizing open source services. Workshop is the last solution to provide direct practice to these students because in essence they are very happy with hands-on practice. In order for this workshop to run as expected and coincide with the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementing team or community service participants obey the health protocol. The practicum software media used are virtualbox, openmediavault, while the hardware is in the form of a laptop that has been provided by the Budi Darma University which has been given prior permission by the campus. The final result of this activity is that the students are able to install app templates from
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Pekerja Buruh Harian Lepas Dengan Menggunakan Metode Waspas (Studi Kasus : PT.Socfin Indonesia) Indri Susilawati; Pristiwanto Pristiwanto
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Peran Generasi Milenial Bertalenta Digital Pada Era Society 5.0
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/komik.v5i1.3737


Buruh Harian Lepas (BHL) merupakan pekerja dengan perjanjian waktu tertentu. Dalam proses pemilihan pekerja buruh harian lepas harus dilakukan dengan pertimbangan yang matang, sehingga mampu memberikan keuntungan yang maksimal bagi perusahaan. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibangun suatu Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dalam pemilihan pekerja buruh harian lepas pada PT. Socfin Indonesia menggunakan metode WASPAS. Penilaian pekerja buruh harian lepas saat ini masih menggunakan cara manual. Hal ini terkadang memakan waktu yang lumayan lama. Untuk membantu perusahaan dalam menentukan calon pekerja BHL maka diperlukan sistem yang dapat memperhitungkan segala kriteria untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan guna mempermudah proses pengambilan keputusan penerimaan calon pekerja BHL oleh pihak manajemen kepegawaian. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan untuk mendukung keputusan adalah Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assesment (WASPAS). Penelitian ini disusun dengan cara merancang sebuah program dengan konsep customize yang membolehkan user menginput sendiri informasi kriteria, pembobotan, serta kandidat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah sistem pengambilan keputusan yang dapat digunakan dalam penentuan pekerja buruh harian lepas yang akan bekerja di PT. Socfin Indonesia.