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Bulletin of Information System Research
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Bidang Kajian dari jurnal Bulletin of Information System Research (BIOS), pada bidang ilmu komputer diantaranya, yaitu: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kecerdasan Buatan Data Mining Sistem Informasi Manajemen Informatika Sistem Pakar Big Data Text Mining
Articles 26 Documents
Normalisasi Data Kependudukan Dengan Model Min Max Dan Algoritma K-Means Untuk Pengelompokkan Tingkat Ekonomi Masyarakat Wenny, Wenny
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 2 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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Desidential data at Disdukcapil Deli Serdang has only been used for administrative purposes such as making certificates, ID cards, family cards, and others. Meanwhile, the data should be able to increase its usefulness functions such as classifying the economic level of the Deli Serdang Regency community. So far, many people feel disadvantaged because the distribution of government assistance to low-level economic communities is often misdirected, there are people who should get assistance but instead cannot, but there are people who are less deserving of assistance who can get assistance, this can be influenced by various factors such as kinship, closeness or other things. techniques are needed in classifying the economic level of the Deli Serdang Regency community based on certain criteria. The K-Means algorithm is one of the algorithms in data mining to classify certain data, for that it is very suitable to use the K-Means algorithm in classifying the economic level of the community.
Analisis Implementasi Algoritma Elias Delta Codes Untuk Kompresi File Audio Pasaribu, Noki Cahya Putra
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 2 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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The development of file sizes today is very diverse, some are small and large, one of the problems that is often encountered among the public is the large number of files stored in memory storage or hard disks on computers, Indeed, in this day and age, storage space already exists that can accommodate many files, but there are still those who do not have a large storage area, so that a lot of data is stored resulting in memory storage space and hard disks on the computer quickly full, and resulting in delays in the file delivery process, then the way that can be done is by compressing the file. One of the files sampled in this study is an audio file, then the solution to reducing the file size by compressing the file, by compressing the original size of the file will be different in size from the file that has been compressed, but it should be known that all compressed files also do not experience a reduction in size as well, when compressing requires a compression algorithm, in this study using the Elias delta codes algorithm, compressing using this algorithm, the original file with the file that has been compressed is different in size. The results of the research that has been done, in compressing audio files using the Elias delta codes algorithm has reduced the file size, proving that the compression technique carried out takes the hexadecimal value of the audio file as much as 22 reducing the file size 0.54% from the original mp3 file to 43.66 MB.
Normalisasi Data Penjualan Ternak Menggunakan Metode Binning Untuk Menentukan Pola Penjualan Ternak Menerapkan Metode Apriori Halawa, Marinus
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 2 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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To Get Sales Data That Can Be Processed, It is Necessary to Normalize Data Aimed at Obtaining the Desired Information, One of which is by using the Binning Method in Normalizing Sales Data in Livestock. So that the Data That Has Been Processed With The Binning Method Which Is Used As Data In Obtaining Information On Purchasing Patterns Using A priori Algorithms. The problem in this study is that PT Expravet Nasuba does not yet have a system to obtain profit information and break-even points for broiler chicken livestock business with a Partnership of the solutions to the existing problems is to normalize data using the binning method, and then the results of the binning method are processed using the a priori method to obtain information and decision trees. This study aims to find out the profit and profitability point of the Broiler Chicken livestock business with a Partnership Pattern. This research has been carried out in Langge Village and Dunggala Village, Tapa District, Bone Bolango Regency. This research was conducted for 2 months starting from May-July June-August. The method used in this implementation is the case study method, this study describes the source of business capital for broiler chicken farms with a capacity of 2400 and 5000 heads using their own capital. From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the Results of the Application of the A priori Method are able to get the Pattern of Purchasing the Type of Livestock Purchased by Customers Based on the Sport Value Given Where If You Buy White Snapper, You Will Buy Vanami Shrimp and White Pomfret and Other Patterns.
Pengelompokan Kinerja Guru Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Clustering Al-Hafiz, Muhammad
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 2 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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As information technology develops rapidly in all areas of life, it encourages us to be more creative and innovative in solving existing problems. With today's various technologies, it becomes easier for us to find the right solution to a problem. One of them is the grouping of teacher performance at MTS Ikhwawanuts Tsalits Talun Kenas which is still classified as manual so that the results are not optimal. To overcome this problem, data mining with the K-Means Clustering algorithm method is needed in grouping teacher performance. With the K-Means Algorithm, it is hoped that it will be able to determine the ability of the teacher's performance in the teaching process. As well as helping the principal to make it easier to monitor the performance of teachers who are teaching.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Guru Kompetensi Terbaik Menggunakan Metode MOORA Ardinsah, Ardinsah
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 2 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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This research was conducted to conduct the process of selecting the best computer competency teacher at SMK Dwiwarna Medan. The assessment stage for selecting the best computer competency teacher aims to reward the best computer competency teacher at SMK Dwiwarna Medan. This study uses a Decision Support System (DSS) which is used as a system that can process the assessment of the best teacher competencies. At the stage of selecting the best computer competency teacher, there are 5 criteria, namely Hardware Skills, Software, Networking Skills, Communication Skills, and Creativity. Therefore we need a system that is able to make decisions, namely DSS using the MOORA method to get a preference value from the selection of the best computer competency teacher, there is the best alternative on the A3 alternative on behalf of Joko Suprinato with a value of 0.5123.
Analisis Kemudahan Penggunaan Aplikasi Salak Deli Dengan Menggunakan Metode TAM L. Tobing, Hotnida Br.; Togatorop, Monika Theresia
Bulletin of Information System Research Vol 2 No 3 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Graha Mitra Edukasi

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Information systems in technology are now familiar to the public so that they have become the most important aspect of people's lives. The satisfaction felt by the community is very influential on the information system because it can trigger people to accept an information system that is used. This study was conducted to determine the public's assessment of the information system by providing a questionnaire to the community so that the public can assess how the information system is and will be analyzed using the TAM method. In the TAM method, the variables to be used consist of perceived easy of use with a percentage of 96.5% and perceived usefulness of 93%, actual use presentation of 96%, attitude toward using percentage of 94%. By showing that the people of Patumbak are satisfied with the SALAK DELI application.

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