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Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan
ISSN : 30315018     EISSN : 30313503     DOI : 10.61132
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan. is a journal devoted to the publication of scientific articles published by the Indonesian Engineering Science Research Association. This journal is a peer-reviewed and open research journal of the Engineering Science Clump. The fields of study in this journal include the Civil Engineering, Earth and Shipbuilding Engineering sub-groups. The Research Journal of the Engineering Science Clump accepts articles in English and Indonesian. This journal is published 1 year 4 times (February, May, August and November)
Articles 13 Documents
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Perancangan TPS 3R Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat Kelurahan Menur Pumpungan Anggit Salis Media Utami; Praditya Sigit Ardisty S.
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.38


STBM is a comprehensive approach that not only includes sanitation infrastructure development, but also emphasizes changes in community behavior and sustainable waste management. Thus, in the implementation of STBM, the 3R Waste Disposal Site (TPS) is a key component in sustainable waste management. TPS 3R refers to waste management with the 3R principles, namely Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. However, in this case Menur Pumpungan Village still does not have a 3R-based waste processing facility. So it is necessary to plan the optimal design of TPS 3R to be applied in the future and be able to make a significant contribution in efforts to realize Community-Based Total Sanitation. To calculate the number of TPS 3R services as the basis for design, data on the population in 2023 and the waste generation rate of 2.6 liters/person/day were used. Based on the calculations made, in an effort to support the implementation of the Community-Based Total Sanitation program. The construction of TPS 3R, which is planned to be able to serve the domestic waste processing of the entire Menur Pumpungan urban village community, is expected to reduce the amount of waste entering the landfill. The total land required for operational facilities is 511.85 m2 with a TPS 3R design consisting of a 440.85 m2 waste processing area and 96 m2 of other supporting facilities..
Cyber Physical System For Autometed Weather Station And Agriculture Node In Smart Farming Kurnia Mustika Wati
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.90


The Cyber-Physical System is a key system in the implementation of the 4th generation industrial revolution. This system combines automation systems, electronics, internet networks and machine learning. The implementation of physical cyber systems in agriculture is one of the long-awaited applications because it is the backbone of the implementation of sustainable agribusiness systems. With this system precision agriculture and pervasive computing in agriculture can help stakeholders in agribusiness to enjoy various benefits optimally. One example of its application is a smart farming system that is conditioned to provide measurable and maximum yields without having to sacrifice soil nutrients because it is well monitored according to weather conditions. In previous studies, several LoRa communication-based systems for monitoring local weather in a place and measurements of soil nutrient conditions have been carried out and displayed through the internet network. Monitoring and control systems on other agricultural models based on hydroponics and aquaponics have also been carried out for some types of crops. The results provide greater potential for wider application and in actual conditions in the agricultural industry. In this study, the integration of physical cyber systems with lora communication-based agricultural monitoring and control nodes will be carried out more broadly by considering the local conditions under which the system is tested. In this case, the research will be carried out at the Research and Recreation Park, Telkom University and agrifarming industry partners as a model of actual application. The research findings show that the application of advanced sensor technology has improved the accuracy of weather measurements by up to 95%. Quantitative data collected from the new weather station showed a significant improvement in weather monitoring. Qualitatively, positive responses from stakeholders such as disaster management authorities and farmers were also noted. In conclusion, the development of this modern weather station supports the community's need for reliable weather information and is a step forward in addressing the challenges of climate change.
Peningkatan Kapasitas Pegawai Melalui Program Hospital Disaster Plan (HDP) di RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi Kabupaten Kudus Ficky Adi Kurniawan; Anggoro Budi Prasetyo; Oktomi Wijaya
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.97


This research aims to see the results of employee capacity building activities through the Hospital Disaster Plan (HDP) program at RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi Kudus Regency. Hospital preparedness plans are very important in ensuring the safety of the hospital environment and the actions that need to be taken to ensure health services remain available during a disaster situation. Dr. Hospital Loekmono Hadi needs to develop a hospital preparedness plan. The methods used in hospital employee empowerment activities include pretest-posttest, lecture-discussion, direct training/practice, observation and evaluation methods. The research results show that Disaster Management at RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi is very important considering that Kudus Regency has a variety of potential disasters and is located in an area that has potential threats of flooding, drought, landslides and earthquakes. there was an increase in pretest and posttest results by 12.00 points. It is felt that activities to strengthen employee capacity through the Hospital Disaster Plan (HDP) program need to be developed further because hospitals need more preparedness capacity in facing disasters or emergency situations and can support home accreditation.
Pengembangan Sistem Peringatan Dini Bencana Banjir Lahar Hujan Merapi di Sungai Blongkeng Kabupaten Magelang Agung Yulianto Nugroho; Awang Hendrianto Pratomo; Eko Teguh Paripurno; Johan Danu Prasetya; Arif Rianto Budi Nugroho; Ficky Adi Kurniawan
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.98


Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and is located in the Sleman Regency area of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province and the Magelang, Klaten and Boyolali Regencies in Central Java Province. There are tools to support the early warning system located at stations or posts around the Blongkeng River. This tool is still active and is needed to notify you if a rain lava flood disaster will occur with a water level sensor. Therefore, a warning system model is needed that can be utilized by the community around Blongkeng. This research was conducted using qualitative methods with data obtained through FGD/Interviews, Observation and documentation studies. The subjects of this research were 15 residents living around the Blongkeng River. The research results show that the existing device developed can provide information to the people around Blongkeng if the water level is dangerous and has the potential for lava flooding. From the results of interviews, observations and documentation studies, it shows that the community needs tools and systems to receive early warnings when a rain lava flood disaster occurs. Furthermore, as a means of information for villages located on the top/slopes of Mount Merapi to be able to provide information to villages located below it when lava floods will occur. Existing devices can provide information to people living around the Blongkeng River if the water level is dangerous and has the potential for rain lava flooding, although there are still several obstacles because there are tools at the Salamsari Station/Post that need to be calibrated.
Pemetaan Kawasan Potensi Rawan Longsor: Studi Kasus : Kab.Tanah Datar, Prov. Sumatera Barat Arif Okta Pratama
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Rapid development has caused changes in land use patterns, where built space increasingly dominates and pressures natural spaces to change function (Pribadi et al., 2006) explaining that changes in land use patterns result in fluctuations in the carrying capacity of land resources, giving rise to land disasters. landslide (landslide). Buol et al. (1980) and Darmawijaya (1990) explained that landslides are essentially caused by the inability of the soil to support the load above it because the soil has experienced degradation of its soil properties. The method used in this research uses a weighted scoring method. The results of the analysis of 5 parameters of potential landslide-prone areas in Tanah Datar Regency obtained 3 classifications of levels of vulnerability, namely high-level landslide-prone areas covering an area of ​​2032.6955 ha, moderate-level landslide-prone areas covering an area of ​​16174.395 ha and low-level landslide-prone areas covering an area of ​​6284 ha. ,6345 ha. The most extensive area prone to landslides with a high level is in North Lintau Buo District. The area prone to moderate landslides is most extensive in North Lintau Buo District. The most extensive low-level landslide-prone areas are in Sepuluh Koto District.
Analisis Dampak Industri Semen Menggunakan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Pada PT. Semen Z Andi Muhamad Rizki Nurzamilov; Praditya Sigit Ardisty Sitogasa
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.127


Semen Z is one of the largest cement supplier companies in Indonesia and will continue to increase every year. The development of the cement industry is in line with the continued development of infrastructure projects, both private and Indonesian government. PT. Semen Z has good integration from raw material providers to cement that is ready to be used by every project that requires it. Development of PT. Cement Z will occur in the quantity of raw materials, human resources, and production processes, up to distribution to consumers. The activities carried out are land clearing/stripping, blasting, excavation and loading, as well as transportation and destruction. Raw materials sourced from this mining process include limestone, silica stone and clay. In this study mining was only carried out on limestone and clay was obtained from suppliers. The units used in the inventory data are limestone and clay raw materials (tons), ammonium nitrate chemicals (tons), diesel fuel (liters), electricity (kWh), emissions (tons), B3 waste (tons), non-B3 waste (tons) and products (tons). Every activity process carried out will have an impact on the environment, so the Company's commitment to a green industry or clean industry is required. To determine the environmental impact analysis on cement production activities, the Company conducted an environmental impact analysis using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The aim of this research is to identify improvements in environmental performance, especially those that are hotspots in the Company's production process. The research results show that the highest identification of environmental impacts is obtained from activities at the Limestone mine, in accordance with the Pareto rules approach where if the contributors are more than 80% of the food it will affect the results of the impact analysis obtained.
Peran Teknologi Digital Dalam Industri Terhadap Produktivitas Dan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Migas Edy Soesanto; Citra Wahyuningrum; Sendy Dewanto
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.129


Currently, digital technology needs to be considered in Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas) companies. The Indonesian government revealed that the digital economy is a national economic recovery. Therefore, all business sectors, including the oil and gas sector, need to pay attention to the important role of technology in stimulating business. Quoted from, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that the oil and gas industry contributes investment of US$ 10 billion per year. This paper discusses the impact of technological innovation in the oil and gas industry on productivity and economic welfare. The literature review will outline recent developments in oil and gas technology. The data and methodology used cover a specific time period to understand the relationship between technological innovation and economic development. The results of this analysis provide an in-depth understanding of the contribution of technological innovation to economic growth and societal well-being, providing valuable insights for future policy making
Peran Teknologi Perangkat Pembentuk Artificial Intelligence dalam Novel Traveline Past Karya Luna Torashyngu Muhammad Rasyid Nurrohman; Eva Dwi Kurniawan
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.137


The aim of this research is to explore the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) device technology in supporting everyday human life, especially in Luna Torasyngu's novel "Traveline Past." AI is implemented as an intelligent and flexible assistant/partner, serving not only as a mechanical tool but also as an adaptive partner that responds to user needs. Concrete examples include smartwatches, computers with complex authorization systems, sensors that read phenomena and function as weapons, databases encompassing information from the past, and the use of Nano Technology in the production of clothing that can change according to needs. The research findings provide a holistic overview of how AI technology and its related components can shape the lifestyle and interaction of humans with the environment in the future, prompting questions about the positive impact and ethical challenges associated with the integration of AI into daily life. The focus is on analyzing the role of AI-forming device technology in the novel, using a hermeneutic approach. The findings include the utilization of technologies such as 1) smartwatches, 2) computers, 3) sensors, 4) databases, and 5) Nano Technology.
Eksplorasi Ketergantungan Teknologi Dalam Novel “Dune” Karya Frank Herbert Dimas Ikram Firmansyah; Reza Nafrendra Zain; Eva Dwi Kurniawan
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.140


This journal analyzes the exploration of dependence on technology in the novel "Dune" by Frank Herbert. The main focus of the journal is on the technological concepts introduced in the story, including the use of Melange as an energy source for the Holtzman Drive, the development of artificial intelligence, shields versus laser weapons, as well as water distillation technology used by the Fremen. This journal explains the impact of dependence on technology in the political, social and economic context of the universe created by Herbert. This research also discusses the contradiction in the acceptance of technology between human needs and the prohibition on the use of computers in the history of the Dune universe.
Desulfurisasi Batubara Dengan Metode Leaching Menggunakan Naoh Dan HCL Di PT. Anugerah Krida Utama, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur Widya Indriani; Tommy Trides; Windhu Nugroho
Globe: Publikasi Ilmu Teknik, Teknologi Kebumian, Ilmu Perkapalan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Febuari:publikasi ilmu teknik,teknologi kebumian,ilmu perkapalan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/globe.v2i1.163


The utilization of coal as a fossil fuel causes several ecological problems, as for the consequences of the coal combustion process, namely pollution and emissions. Combustion of high sulfur coal produces sulfur dioxide gas (SO2). This sulfur dioxide (SO2) will become H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) which can directly or indirectly disrupt human life, such as causing acid rain, causing tightness in the respiratory tract and causing corrosion and shortening the life of factory equipment. To reduce SO2 gas, a reduction in sulfur content is carried out before combustion which is called desulfurization. This research was conducted using the leaching method with variations in leaching agent and solution concentration. Leaching agents used in this study are NaOH and HCl. The coal to be desulfurized is coal from PT Anugerah Krida Utama with an initial total sulfur content of 4,05% adb. 10 grams of coal with a size of 0,212 mm was leached with 250 ml of chemical solution using a hot plate stirrer at 80˚C and 250 rpm for 1 hour. The results showed that the optimum condition for leaching agent NaOH occurred at a concentration of 8 M showing the initial total sulfur content of 4,05% adb decreased to 1,69% adb with a maximum percentage decrease of 58,27% and at leaching agent HCl the optimum condition occurred at a concentration of 1 M showing the initial total sulfur content of 4,05% adb decreased to 2,91% adb with a maximum percentage decrease of 28,14%.

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