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Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
ISSN : 30310121     EISSN : 30310113     DOI : 10.61132
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Protein menerima manuskrip dalam bidang Ilmu Kesehatan, Kedokteran, Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Multidisiplin termasuk penelitian dasar ilmu kesehatan umum, psikologi, ilmu farmasi, keperawatan dan kebidanan.
Articles 31 Documents
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Analisis Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Kampili Kabupaten Gowa Isnaeny Isnaeny
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i1.174


Anemia in pregnancy is a national problem because it reflects the socio-economic welfare values of society, and has a huge influence on the quality of human resources. The high incidence of anemia in pregnant women is very worrying because it can have a negative impact on mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. The factors that influence the incidence of anemia are lack of nutrients, apart from that, education and maternal parity are closely related to the incidence of anemia. The aim of this study was to obtain information about anemia in pregnant women focusing on education, parity, maternal age and gestational age. This type of research is descriptive, namely to find out the general picture of the incidence of anemia in pregnant women, where the information is obtained from the results of medical records at the Kampili Community Health Center. Overall the population was 1090 and a sample of 375 pregnant women who experienced anemia were obtained. The results of the study concluded that the average education level of mothers who experienced anemia was mothers with a low education parity of more than 4, the mother's age was under 20 years and the gestational age was in the second trimester.
Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Dengan Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP -ASI) Pada Anak Usia 6 - 24 Bulan di Puskesmas Laubaleng Kabupaten Karo Tahun 2023 Kristina Natalia Simanjuntak; Basaria Manurung
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i1.176


Providing Complementary Food with Breast Milk (MP-ASI) to babies must pay attention to the recommended Nutritional Adequacy Rate (AKG) based on age group and food texture that is appropriate to the development of the toddler's age. This research aims to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge and attitudes and the provision of complementary foods for breast milk (Mp-Asi) in children aged 6 - 24 months at the Laubaleng Community Health Center, Karo Regency in 2023. This type of research is research using an analytical survey with a cross sectional method approach. The population is all mothers who have children aged 6 - 24 months, totaling 46 people. The number of samples used was 46 people obtained using the total sampling technique. The data analysis technique uses chi square. The results obtained in this study were that from 46 respondents, there was a relationship between maternal knowledge and the provision of complementary foods for breast milk (MP-ASI) in children aged 6 - 24 months, showing that the p value = 0.023 < 0.05. It is recommended for Health Workers to increase education regarding Complementary Feeding for Breast Milk (MP-ASI).
Aplikasi Konsep Model Teori Menurut Sister Calista Roy Pada Asuhan Keperawatan Diabetes Melitus Diruangan Rawat Inap Munawaroh Meihati; Nursanti Irna
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.178


The application of nursing care is in accordance with the nursing model with Sister Calista Roy with cases of Diabetes Mellitus in the inpatient room. The aim of this research is to provide nursing care to Mr. N with Diabetes Mellitus based on Sister Calista Roy's theory. This research method is a case study with a nursing care approach based on Sister Calista Roy's theory. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observations, physical examinations and documentation studies. The instrument used is an assessment format based on Sister Calista Roy's nursing theory. Results of the study Wounds that did not heal after amputation of the thumb and index toe of the left foot for approximately 4 weeks. The first wound was found between the big toe and forefinger approximately 4 months ago. The wound does not heal and slowly gets bigger and festers around the wound area. The first time he consulted at the Regional Hospital, he was then referred to Hospital P, where he was treated for 1 month. During his treatment at the hospital, his thumb and forefinger were amputated. But the surgical wound turned non-healing with pus and black color. So the doctor suggested a below-the-knee amputation. He underwent leg amputation surgery 3 weeks earlier. There are two nursing problems, namely damage to skin integrity and physical mobility. The interventions carried out are based on SLKI and SIKI. After providing nursing care for three days, it was concluded that two nursing problems had been partially resolved. It is hoped that nurses will be able to provide and improve the quality of service in providing nursing care based on the Sister Calista Roy approach.
Model Konsep Teori Keperawatan Katherine Kolcaba Yeni Astuty; Irna Nursanti
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.180


Katherine Kolcaba originally wrote comfort theory in Alzheimer's and dementia patients. However, Katherine herself has written several articles in the nursing field regarding her theory. When Kolcaba developed his theory, he used logical reasoning. He uses induction, deduction, subtraction. Kolcaba uses existing frameworks to synthesize or identify comfort types. This book has a provocative and profound effect, encouraging psychologists to study personality holistically and in depth and emphasizing the complex interactions between individual, social, and cultural characteristics. This is an excellent starting point for this theory because comfort is best achieved through holistic treatment. He also begins with the analytical concept of the term "comfort". Katherine Kolcaba collects definitions of “comfort” from various scientific disciplines. In comfort theory, the metaparadigm proposition of nursing action is used.
Asuhan Kebidanan Komprehensif Pada Ny. K Umur 27 Tahun Dengan Anemia Ringan Di PMB Ny. S Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kaliwadas Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2023 Suji Astuti; Hafsah Hafsah; Surni’ah Surni’ah
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.189


The success of maternal and child health can be seen from the indicators of maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). One of the causes of maternal mortality is bleeding that occurs due to anemia during pregnancy. Anemia conditions can be prevented by antenatal care (ANC) checks, and can help make labor run physiologically. Objective To provide comprehensive midwifery care to the patient, family, community or closest friends in order to get appropriate care.This study used a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. In the first visit pregnancy care found the incidence of Mild Anemia, at the second visit found the incidence of Mild Preeclampsia. In the care of childbirth, there were cases of premature rupture of membranes and chepalopelvic disporpotion so that delivery was carried out by Sectio Caesarea. And in the care of newborns, postpartum and family planning there are no problems and the condition of the mother and baby is normal. Based on the comprehensive care provided to Mrs. K, there were no gaps in the care of pregnancy, puerperium, newborn, and family planning, but in the care of childbirth there were some gaps between theory and practice.
Hubungan Beban Kerja Dengan Kelengkapan Dokumentasi Asuhan Keperawatan Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Bakti Timah Karimun Tahun 2023 Apriliani Dwi Wahyuningsih; Sri Muharni; Utari Christya Wardhani
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.201


Old age is said to be the final stage of development in the human life cycle which experiences various health problems and is at high risk of dangerous diseases. Health problems that occur in the elderly in general are a decrease in organ function, changes in lifestyle, diet and physical activity which are often the main factors in degenerative diseases including hypertension which disrupts blood flow. This hypertension often occurs in the elderly where the blood pressure is at the upper limit ( Systole) is more than 140 mmHg and lower limit blood pressure (diastole) is more than 90 mmHg. One non-pharmacological treatment that can improve the flow of oxygen in the blood is laughter therapy. The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of laughter therapy using comedy videos on reducing blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension at the Tiban Baru Community Health Center, Batam City. The Batam City Health Service noted that hypertension occurs more frequently in elderly people aged 60-70 years and over with the highest number being 9,282 people at the Tiban Baru Community Health Center, Batam City. This research uses a quasi-experimental method with a pre-test and post-test design without control. The sample provided used the purpose sampling method with a total research sample of 20 respondents. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an effect of laughter therapy on reducing blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension.
Pengaruh Program GRSSIA (Gerakan Rumah Sakit Sayang Ibu dan Anak) Terhadap Kejadian Stunting Balita di RSUD Sayang Cianjur Tahun 2023 Ima Agustina; Susaldi Susaldi; Aida Diana Astarie
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.227


Stunting is a disorder of child growth and development due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation which is characterized by the length below based on age the standard (-2SD/Stunted). Stunting occurs with age in the first 1000 days of life (fetus up to 24 months) and children up to 60 month. The GRSSIA (movement of hospital in safe motherhood and childhood) is an innovation programme held by the public hospital in the cianjur area in an effort to reduce maternal mortality, baby and child expecially accelerate the process of preventing and reducing stunting in cianjur district. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the GRSSIA (gerakan rumah sakit sayang ibu dan anak /movement in hospital of safe motherhood and childhood) programme on the stunting incidents at the regional public hospital of sayang cianjur in 2023. This type of research is quantitative with a quasy experimental one group pretest-posttest design approach. The sampling technique used is non-random sampling type of total sampling are 55 childrens meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instruments used were the observation sheet, microtoise, and reference of children antropometri. Statistical test using the paired t test. The result showed a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05 which means that there is influence of GRSSIA (Gerakan Rumah Sakit Sayang Ibu dan Anak/Movement of hospital in safe motherhood and childhood) programme on the stunting incidents at the regional general hospital of sayang cianjur in 2023.
Pengaruh Bermain Konstruksi (Lego) Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Halus Pada Anak Pra Sekolah Di TK Miftahul Az-Zahra Desa Cihea Tahun 2022 Rika Nur Zaqiah; Weslei Daeli; Risky Kusuma
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.237


fine motoric development is the development of motion that includes small muscles with eye-hand coordination. Fine motor development in children is related to the movement of the body, namely, muscles, nerves, and the brain each have a very important role. To determine the relationship between the intensity of social media use with the tendency to nomophobia. This study is a type of quasy experiment with a pretest-postest quasy experiment research design with a sample of 16 respondents. Based on the results of research that has been done that the influence of lego game intervention on the development of fine motoric TK Miftahul Az-zahra desa cihea. In addition, how to give lego games for 4 days with a duration of 30 minutes. Statistical test results based on the results of collecting data on fine motoric development are summed into a MAP (Mean Arterial Preasure) so that it can be concluded a significant effect on the provision of intervention lego games with p-value 0.000 which means p-value <0.05, therefore Ho rejected and Ha accepted that there is an effect of giving lego games on fine motoric development of children in kindergarten Miftahul Az-zahra cihea village. From this study shows the effect of lego play treatment to increase fine motoric development in preschool children P-Value = 0.000 t test. Which means that Ho is rejected and the sample supports the existence of a meaningful influence.
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Melakukan Kontrol Rutin Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Di Puskesmas Kalibagor Banyumas Prawesty Desy Nugraheni; Ita Apriliyani; Noor Yunida Triana
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.246


Diabetes Mellitus is a disease characterized by blood glucose levels above 90-120 mg/dl. A person suffering from Diabetes Mellitus must carry out routine control for the rest of his life to control blood sugar and prevent complications. Family support is important during the treatment period. One form of support is giving motivation to comply with routine controls. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between family support and adherence to routine control of DM sufferers at the Kalibagor Health Center. The research method is descriptive correlation (cross sectional) and uses a non-probability sampling technique (total sampling) with 45 respondents participating in prolanis activities. This study used a questionnaire in the form of family support. Using the Spearman rank test, the results of the study included good family support of 88.9% and adherence to routine control of 88.9%. Spearman rank test results with a p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05) with a moderate level of closeness (R = 0.550), which means that there is a significant relationship between family support and compliance with routine control of diabetes mellitus patients at the Kalibagor Health Center. So, it is suggested that respondents adhere to routine control with the help of family support to avoid complications caused by diabetes mellitus. The better the family support, the more obedient the patient is to carry out routine controls.
Pengaruh Akupresure Pada Titik Perikardium 6 Terhadap Intensitas Mual Muntah Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I di TPMB I Tahun 2023 Iis Ismawati; Dewita Rahmatul Amin
Protein : Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan.  Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): April : Protein: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/protein.v2i2.250


Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy occur as a result of changes in the endocrine system that occur during pregnancy. According to WHO, pregnancies with excessive nausea and vomiting reach 12.5% of all pregnancies in the world with varying incidence rates. In Bekasi Regency in 2018 there were 206 pregnant women with nausea and vomiting in the first trimester. Therapy to reduce nausea and vomiting can be done by means of acupressure at pericardium point 6 3 times a day with a minimum duration of 10 minutes. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of acupressure at pericardium point 6 on the intensity of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women at TPMB I in 2023.The research method used is the Pre-experimental One Group With Pre-Post Test Design method. Sampling was taken with a total sampling of 30 people. Data analysis used frequency distribution and Wilcoxon test. This research uses primary data from observation values by researchers.The results of the study showed that all respondents experienced a decrease in nausea and vomiting after acupressure was carried out at point P6. The P value is 0.000 < 0.05 so it can be concluded that Ha is accepted or Ho is rejected, meaning there is a significant influence on administering acupressure at point P6 to pregnant women with nausea and vomiting at TPMB I in 2023.It is hoped that this research can be used as an alternative non-pharmacological technique that is easy to carry out without harmful effects in providing intervention for cases of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.

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