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Oftalmologi: Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia
ISSN : 27236935     EISSN : 25414283     DOI :
Oftalmologi: Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia (P-ISSN: 2723-6935, E-ISSN: 2541-4283) is a scientific journal published by Cicendo Eye Hospital and accepts articles written in both English and Indonesian expected to become a media conveying scientific inventions and innovations in medical or health allied fields toward practitioners and academicians. Normally published every four months (April, August, December) using a peer review system for article selection. Papers dealing with results of case reports, systematic reviews, and clinical research related to visual science for ophthalmologists, eye nurses, and medical support in other fields of Ophthalmology.
Articles 6 Documents
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Tatalaksana Glaukoma Primer dan Sekunder Pada Anak : Serial Kasus
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v3i3.19


Pendahuluan: Glaukoma dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kebutaan permanen, dikarenakan terjadinya peningkatan tekanan intraokular (TIO) dan kerusakan saraf optik. Terapi medikamentosa pada kasus glaukoma anak, memiliki respon yang kurang baik dan sering membutuhkan tatalaksana pembedahan seperti trabekulektomi, implantasi tube shunt dan siklodestruksi. Tujuan: Untuk menjelaskan karakteristik klinis dan tatalaksana pada 3 pasien anak dengan glaukoma. Laporan Kasus: Kasus 1, anak perempuan usia 4 tahun dengan glaukoma sekunder pada kedua mata akibat mikrosferofakia, dilakukan implantasi tube shunt pada kedua mata dengan hasil post operative day (POD) 1 tekanan bola mata kiri tetap tinggi. Kasus 2, anak perempuan usia 10 tahun dengan juvenile open angle glaucoma (JOAG) kedua mata, dilakukan trabekulektomi dengan antimetabolit untuk mata kiri dengan POD 1 TIO mata kiri normal. Kasus 3, bayi perempuan usia 2 bulan dengan glaukoma sekunder mata kanan akibat disgenesis pada segmen anterior, dilakukan tatalaksana siklodestruksi pada mata kanan dengan TIO POD 1 tetap tinggi. Kesimpulan: Trabekulektomi, implantasi tube shunt dan siklodestruksi merupakan pilihan tatalaksana untuk pasien glaukoma pada anak dengan TIO yang tidak terkontrol secara medikamentosa. Pertimbangan dalam pemilihan tatalaksana pembedahan terdapat beberapa faktor seperti sumber daya medis di rumah sakit, pengalaman operator dan kondisi dari pasien itu sendiri. Pada laporan kasus ini belum dapat dinilai follow up jangka panjangnya sehingga keberhasilan terapi pada laporan kasus ini belum dapat dinilai. .
Analisis Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik Terhadap Kejadian Katarak
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v3i3.20


Pendahuluan: Katarak adalah setiap keadaan kekeruhan pada lensa yang dapat terjadi akibat hidrasi lensa dan denaturasi protein lensa. Lensa mata sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan oksidatif akibat kumulatif radikal bebas yang mengarah pada perkembangan kekeruhan lensa. Cara mengurangi tingkat stres oksidatif adalah salah satunya dengan melakukan aktivitas fisik yang dapat meningkatkan aktivitas enzim antioksidan. Analisis ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan aktivitas fisik terhadap kejadian katarak. Metode: Systematic review yang diperoleh dari 52 sumber referensi melalui mesin pencari manual pada database Pro Quest, Science Direct, Pubmed, Research Gate, dan Google Scholar dari tahun 2016-2021. Dengan 40 jurnal sebagai kriteria inklusi yang memuat topik hubungan aktivitas fisik terhadap katarak. Hasil: Aktivitas fisik ringan/rendah dan aktivitas luar ruangan (pekerjaan) yang terpapar radiasi dan sinar Ultraviolet (UV) dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya katarak. Hal ini berkaitan dengan mekanisme kerusakan oksidatif di lensa mata yang menyebabkan kekeruhan lensa. Sedangkan, aktivitas fisik teratur dapat meningkatkan antioksidan endogen yang dapat melindungi lensa dari kerusakan oksidatif. Simpulan: Aktivitas fisik sedang dan berat yang dilakukan teratur dapat menurunkan risiko terjadinya katarak. Namun terdapat hubungan dua arah yang berarti rendahnya aktivitas fisik meningkatkan risiko katarak dan tingginya kejadian katarak menurunkan tingkat aktivitas fisik.
Characteristics of Retinoblastoma Patients Treated with Transpupillary Thermotherapy from January ? December 2020 in Cicendo National Eye Hospital
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v3i3.21


Introduction: Treatments for retinoblastoma were aimed to preserve the globe and saving the vision. Transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) has been used to treat several type of small or medium sized tumor, including retinoblastoma. Purpose: To describe the TTT laser properties for retinoblastoma tumor. Methods: Retrospective method was selected from the medical records. Total sampling data were collected from the patients with diagnosis of retinoblastoma who underwent examination under anasthesia and transpupillary thermotherapy laser in Cicendo National Eye Hospital from January to December 2020. The data collected consist of the demographic information, retinoblastoma tumor characteristics, and TTT laser properties. Results: There was eleven eyes from ten patients who underwent TTT session in Cicendo National Eye Hospital from January until December 2020. Majority was male patients with mean age at diagnosis 16.3 ? 17.01 months and mean TTT session 3.54 ? 1.36 for each eye. The mean total laser that applied in every session were 169.25 ? 241.21 times, with mean power 941.35 ? 1894.16 mW, and mean time exposure 1392.89 ? 1349.09 ms. All of the patients were on chemotherapy systemic treatment, with mean frequency 12.2. Ninety percent patients showed regression of the tumor. Conclusion: Majority of the patients retinoblastoma who treated with TTT were male, bilateral tumor, with mean TTT session 3.54 for each eye. All of the patients treated with systemic chemotherapy. Majority of the eye in this study showed tumor regression..
Hypercoagulable States Therapy in Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION)
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v3i3.22


Background Ischemic optic neuropathy is one of the main causes of blindness or visual impairment in middle age or elderly population. Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION) is the most common type of ischemic optic neuropathy. Systemic risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, nocturnal hypotension, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease and hypercoagulable states are related to NAION. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of hypercoagulable states therapy in NAION patients. Methods This study is a retrospective study conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. All NAION patients with age more than 19 y.o were included. Patients were divided into 4 group; group 1: NAION patients treated with hypercoagulable states therapy, group 2: NAION patients treated with anticoagulant therapy, group 3: NAION patients treated with antiplatelet therapy and group 4: NAION patient without anticoagulant, antiplatelet or hypercoagulable states therapy. Results The total sample were 49 patients (49 eyes). Twenty-six patients (56.5%) were diagnosed with hypercoagulable state. In group 1 ? 3 half of the patients (50%) had clinical improvements with anticoagulant, antiplatelet and hypercoagulable therapy. Conclusion Hypercoagulable states therapy may improve clinical outcome of NAION..
Karakteristik Pasien Corneal Cross-Linking Di Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v3i3.23


Introduction: Corneal cross-linking (CXL) is a minimally invasive procedure aiming to haltering corneal ectasia progressivity. Corneal cross-linking are part of a management of keratoconus, infectious keratitis, and bullous keratopathy cases. Purpose: To describe characteristics of patients that underwent corneal cross-linking procedure in National Eye Center - Cicendo Eye Hospital, Bandung. Method: This is a retrospective descriptive study. The data were collected from medical records within the period of October 2019 ? August 2020 in Cicendo Eye Hospital. Subjects of the study were patients who underwent corneal cross-linking procedure, divided in three main group CXL keratoconus, PACKCXL, and CXL bullous keratopathy. Results: Forty-six corneal cross-linking procedure was done during the period of this study. Corneal cross-linking was done on 16 eyes of 13 patients with keratoconus, 28 patients with infectious keratitis and on one patient with pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (PBK). The mean age of keratoconus patients was 21.77 ? 4.66, the majority of the patients was mild keratoconus 9 patients (56.25%), 7 patients (43.75%) visual acuity with correction ? 6/18. In infectious keratitis the mean age of the patients was 48.07 ? 17.40, the main risk factor was trauma in 19 patients (67.85%), the most common pathogen was fungus in 15 patients (53.57%) and had blindness visual acuity in 26 patients (92.86%). Patients with PBK experienced a reduction in symptoms. Conclusion: The keratoconus patients are young adults with mild keratoconus requiring correction for visual acuity and the infectious keratitis patients with majority of the pathogens are fungus with blindness visual acuity..
Orbital Apex Syndrome With Encephalitis: A Rare and Serious Complication of Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v3i3.24


Introduction: Herpes zoster reactivation is more common in the elderly population. Although ocular complications are seen in 20-70% of patients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus, orbital apex syndrome is a rare case. Encephalitis is also a rare neurologic complication of HZO. Purpose: To report a Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (HZO)case with rare neurologic complication that ophthalmologist should be aware of. Case Presentation: A 68-year-old man had a chief complaint of a sudden blurred vision in right eye two days before admission, followed by rash and pain on the right upper eyelid and forehead. Visual acuity was hand movement on the right eye and 0.5 on the left eye. The patient had total ophthalmoplegia and total ptosis on his right eye, reverse relative afferent pupillary defect on his left eye and right peripheral facial nerve palsy. Optic discs were found to be normal on both eyes. The patient was diagnosed as orbital apex syndrome on his right eye associated HZO and right peripheral facial nerve palsy. The patient received oral acyclovir 800 mg five times/day and intravenous methylprednisolone 250 mg four times/day for three days. After four days of admission, the patient had a seizure and loss of his consciousness. The patient was consulted to neurology department and was given anticonvulsant therapy. The spinal tap revealed pleocytosis and increased protein. The patient was diagnosed as herpes zoster encephalitis. After one week, the patient regained full consciousness and his visual acuity was improved to 0.16 on the right eye. Color vision, visual field, and contrast sensitivity were also improved, ophthalmoplegia were partially resolved and peripheral facial nerve palsy was fully resolved. Conclusion: Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus affect the central and peripheral nervous system at the same time and can be life-threatening with delayed diagnosis and treatment. It may be necessary to collaborate with the neurology department for every HZO case to minimize the life-threatening complications of HZO.

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