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Oftalmologi: Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia
ISSN : 27236935     EISSN : 25414283     DOI :
Oftalmologi: Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia (P-ISSN: 2723-6935, E-ISSN: 2541-4283) is a scientific journal published by Cicendo Eye Hospital and accepts articles written in both English and Indonesian expected to become a media conveying scientific inventions and innovations in medical or health allied fields toward practitioners and academicians. Normally published every four months (April, August, December) using a peer review system for article selection. Papers dealing with results of case reports, systematic reviews, and clinical research related to visual science for ophthalmologists, eye nurses, and medical support in other fields of Ophthalmology.
Articles 6 Documents
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KOLOBOMA IRIS DAN KORIORETINA UNILATERAL: A RARE CASE Dr.Budi Santoso Nong Ulir; Fadillah Hana Hafifah; Nur Khoma Fatmawati
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v5i1.48


Pendahuluan: Koloboma iris dan korioretina adalah penyakit kongenital yang ditandai dengan adanya defek pada struktur mata. Koloboma iris dan korioretina merupakan penyakit genetik dominan . autosom, yang tidak bergantung pada jenis kelamin. Penyakit ini terjadi akibat kegagalan dari penutupan fisura koroidea selama perkembangan janin. Laporan Kasus: Pasien wanita 12 tahun, suku Jawa, datang ke Klinik Spesialis Mata SMEC Samarinda pada tanggal 8 Februari 2023 dengan keluhan penglihatan mata kanan terasa silau saat berada diluar ruangan. Pasien memiliki riwayat lahir normal. Pada pemeriksaan oftamologi didapatkan tajam penglihatan mata kanan 20/200 dan mata kiri 20/30. Tekanan intraokular pasien normal, palpebra, kornea, bilik mata depan, dan lensa pada kedua mata normal. Hasil pemeriksaan funduskopi pada 8 Februari 2023 didapatkan gambaran koloboma korioretina pada mata kanan.Diskusi: Pasien diberikan terapi dengan pemberian lensa mata kanan silindris -2,50 menjadi 20/40 dan mata kiri spheris ? 0,50 menjadi 20/20 dan Laser Barrage dilakukan sebagai prosedur profilaksis untuk pencegahan lepasnya retina sehat di luar coloboma. Tujuan prosedur ini adalah untuk memperkuat kontak antara retina dan lapisan pigmen retina sehingga ablasi retina dapat dicegah.Kesimpulan : Pada pasien tidak ditemukan penyakit dan anomali penyerta.Keyword :Oftamologi, iris, korioretina, koloboma
EMPTY SELLA SYNDROME: THE GREAT IMITATOR OF VISUAL COMPLAINTS Josiah Irma; Serena Onasis; Dr.Saraswati Rizki; Dr.Retno Ketaren; Patricia Budimulia
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v5i1.47


Introduction : Empty Sella Syndrome is a rare condition of sella turcica malformation, resulting in pituitary gland shrinkage. It may manifest as neurological symptoms, endocrine disorders, visual disturbances or even incidental findings during imaging. However, patients rarely come with typical complaints thus an extended course and review of this case is needed to prompt suspicion and aid in the diagnosis of ESS. Case Presentation: We report a 45-year-old woman who presented with cephalgia and bitemporal hemianopia and previous transient bilateral visual loss and foggy vision. A history of ovarian cancer was noted. Physical examination showed myopic astigmatism ocular dextra sinistra (ODS) with increased intraocular pressure and bitemporal hemianopia ODS. Posterior chamber examinations were within normal limits. Optical coherence tomography showed nasal retinal nerve fiber layer ODS being the thinnest among the rest, although still within normal limits. Neurological examinations also suggested presence of central vertigo. This subsequently resulted in a suspicion towards space occupying lesion chiasmal compression through metastasis. Discussion: MRI revealed an empty sella turcica. A laboratory examination was then ordered and showed normal endocrinology results. The diagnosis of Primary Empty Sella Syndrome with ocular hypertension was established. The patient was prescribed with timolol, codeine and dexamethasone. A month later during her follow-up, the patient did not show improvement and was suggested to do an MRI with contrast, however this patient was lost to follow up. Conclusion: This case report highlighted the manifestation to raise suspicion and aid in the diagnosis of ESS for an optimal and improved diagnosis and treatment of ESS.
REVIEW 5 TAHUN KARAKTERISTIK KLINIS PASIEN BENDA ASING INTRAOKULAR DI PMN RS MATA CICENDO Erwin Iskandar; Rova Virgana; Grimaldi Ihsan; Arief S. Kartasasmita; Made Indra Widyanatha
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v5i1.46


Introduction : Intraocular foreign bodies (IOFBs) are defined as intraocularly retained, unintentional projectiles that require urgent diagnosis and treatment to prevent blindness or globe loss. IOFBs account for 18?41% of open globe injuries, and frequently cause severe visual loss in patients with ocular trauma.The purpose of this study are is to describe the characteristics of open-globe injuries with posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies (IOFB). Subject and Methods: Retrospective data of all patients with posterior segment IOFBs from 2017 to 2022 was conducted. Data including demographics, mechanism of injury, type of IOFB, method of diagnosis, presenting examination, medical and surgical treatment, visual outcomes, and complications were recorded. Result: There were 39 patients (eyes) with IOFB, 38 (97,4%) were male, 10 (25,6%) were 46-55 years old. The most common IOFB occurred at workplace 30 patient (85,7%), 29 (74,3%) were insuranced, surgery were performed 1- 4 days in 15 (38,5%. The most Ocular trauma score were 3 (38,5%) and 2 (35,9%) initial VA were light perception ? hand movement (25 or 64,1%), final VA with BCVA were lebih besar 20/40 (30,8%) patients and 6/60-6/15 (25,6%). The posterior segment IOFB (51,3%, metallic IOFB 25 (61,5%). Cataract 74,3% and Endophthalmitis (20,5%) were found in initial examination patient with IOFB (13 or 37,1%). Late complication in post surgery IOFB patient was glaucoma 14,4%. Conclusions: The IOFB occurred most commonly in adults, men, at the workplace. The IOFB mostly was metallic, found in the posterior segment. Cataract and endoftalmitis were common in initial finding IOFB patients
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v5i1.45


Introduction : Salzmann nodular degeneration (SND) is an idiopathic and degenerative noninflammatory condition of the cornea. SND is characterized by a grayish-white or blue-white subepithelial nodule. Mild symptoms may improve with lubrication and topical anti-inflammatory therapy. Visual disturbances may occur and surgery may be required. Purpose: To explain clinical manifestations and operative management of corneal Salzmann nodular degeneration. Case Report: A 63-year-old woman came with the chief complaint of a nodule in her left eye since 4 months ago. Complaints accompanied by blurry vision, watery eyes and glare. Ophthalmological examination revealed a regression of visual, a nodule in the corneal stroma was grayish white. After examination, the patient was diagnosed with Salzmann OS nodular degeneration and ODS immature senile cataract. Debridement keratectomy and amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) were performed as the management of this patient. Anatomical pathology results clinically support Salzmann's nodular degeneration. Discussion: Slow-progressive, yellowish-white nodules are characteristic of SND. SND can be asymptomatic, mild symptoms, or until there is a decrease in visual function. It depends on the location and depth of the nodule. Several treatment options can be done ranging from conservative with topical drugs to surgery. Surgical treatment options have the goal of reducing the worsening symptoms of nodule recurrence. Conclusions: A complete history, comprehensive ophthalmological examination can help establish the diagnosis of SND. The appearance of nodules causes complaints of foreign body sensation, decreased visual function and other accompanying symptoms. Treatment needs to be given according to the patient's condition and indications, especially the selection of surgical therapy.
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v5i1.44


Pendahuluan : Kasus simblefaron yang jarang terjadi pada pasien Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), dengan riwayat pasca vaksinasi Covid-19 satu tahun yang lalu. Presentasi Kasus: Seorang wanita berusia 50 tahun, berasal dari Jawa Barat. Pasien menderita SJS satu tahun yang lalu dan kini mengalami simblefaron. Visus Oftalmicus Dextra Sinistra (ODS) Light Perception (LP) dengan palpebra ODS menyebutkan bahwa terdapat eritema, konjungtiva ODS, terdapat simblefaron, kornea sulit dinilai. Palpebra superior dan inferior menyatu. Pasien mengeluh perih dan sulit membuka mata. Hasil: Asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan pada pasien dengan simblefaron diantaranya berfokus pada resiko jatuh dan mengatasi perburukan kerusakan integritas jaringan. Kesimpulan: Intervensi keperawatan yang tepat dapat mengatasi perburukan kondisi kerusakan organ internal mata akibat simblefaron yang dapat mengakibatkan kebutaan. Pendidikan kesehatan merupakan bagian intervensi terpenting bagi pasien dalam upaya menghadapi kondisi penyakitnya.
Oftalmologi : Jurnal Kesehatan Mata Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Oftalmologi
Publisher : Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/ojkmi.v5i1.43


Pendahuluan : Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy (PBK) merupakan suatu komplikasi dari operasi ekstraksi katarak disertai implantasi lensa intraokular yang menyebabkan rasa nyeri pada mata, penurunan tajam penglihatan, edema dan erosi kornea serta bula pada lapisan epitel dan subepitel kornea. Terapi yang diberikan meliputi terapi medikamentosa, non medikamentosa, dan tindakan pembedahan. Tulisan ini dibuat untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan bandage contact lenses (BCL) sebagai terapi pada kasus PBK. Laporan Kasus: Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan studi kasus. Pasien laki-laki berusia 60 tahun datang dengan keluhan nyeri pada mata kanan disertai penurunan tajam penglihatan. Diperoleh tajam penglihatan OD 0.5/60 dan OS 6/9. Pemeriksaan oftalmologi mata kanan ditemukan Conjunctival Vascular Injection (CVI) dan Pericorneal Vascular Injection (PCVI), edema, erosi, dan bula pada kornea, bilik mata depan (BMD) dalam, pupil ireguler, iris atropi, reflek pupil negatif, dan lensa intraokular terpasang di belakang iris. Tes fluorescein mata kanan diperoleh positif. Pembahasan: Mata kanan pasien diberi terapi tetes mata Levofloksasin 6x1 tetes, tetes mata Eyefresh sebanyak 1 tetes setiap jam, tetes mata Noncort 3x1 tetes, Parasetamol tablet 3x500mg, dan Vitamin C 2x500mg, serta penggunaan BCL. Setelah menggunakan BCL selama 3 bulan, pasien dapat beraktivitas tanpa terganggu rasa nyeri dan keluhan penglihatan buram dirasakan membaik. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan BCL efektif sebagai terapi pada kasus PBK.

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