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Jurnal Teknik Indonesia
ISSN : 29872723     EISSN : 29870933     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Teknik Indonesia diterbitkan sejak tahun 2018 oleh segenap civitas akademika Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Center Sudirman GUPPI. Jurnal Teknik Indonesia terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober. Ruang lingkup dari Jurnal Teknik Indonesia berupa hasil penelitian, kajian dan aplikasi di dalam bidang Teknik Sipil seperti: (1) Manajemen konstruksi; (2) Rekayasa struktur; (3) Rekayasa sumber daya air; (4) Rekayasa geoteknik; (5) Rekayasa transportasi.
Articles 36 Documents
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): JEI (Jurnal Engineering Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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The purpose of this final project is to calculate the volume of traffic passing the Cepiring - Kendal road section. The first is calculating the V / C Ratio on the Cepiring - Kendal road section after the operation of the Semarang - Batang toll road. Then compare the value of V / C Ratio on the pantura road Cepiring - Kendal before and after the operation of the Semarang - Batang toll road. In addition to the objective, the benefits of this final project are to determine the level of vehicle traffic density on Jalan Pantura, Kendal Regency after the operation of the Batang - Semarang Toll Road based on the existing traffic volume. Then it becomes a reference for Stake Holders to determine policies related to the density level of the Cepiring - Kendal Pantura road.Keywords: V / C Ratio; traffic density; traffic volume; pantura road
ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KUAT TEKAN BETON NORMAL DENGAN BETON CAMPURAN BAN BEKAS Muh. Ilham Nurrosyid; Hanggara Yudi Susanto; Hartopo Hartopo; Totok Apriyanto
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 5, No 1 (2024): JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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This study evaluates the comparison of compressive strength between conventional concrete and concrete mix with used tire aggregate, focusing on its influence on compressive strength and concrete weight. The testing used cylindrical specimens with variations of used tire addition at 3%, 6%, 9%, and 12% of the coarse aggregate volume. The targeted concrete design strength is fc' 20 MPa at 28 days. Experimental methods were employed to compare their mechanical properties, measuring compressive strength and concrete weight across different mix compositions. The results for normal concrete yielded an average of 30.96 MPa, while for 3% tire mix yielded an average of 30.12 MPa, 6% tire mix yielded an average of 25.51 MPa, 9% tire mix yielded an average of 22.51 MPa, and 12% tire mix yielded an average of 21.54 MPa. The reduction in concrete weight for 3% tire mix was 0.035 kg from normal concrete, for 6% tire mix was 0.04 kg from normal concrete, for 9% tire mix was 0.23 kg from normal concrete, and for 12% tire mix was 0.35 kg from normal concrete. The study findings indicate that concrete mix with used tire aggregate exhibits competitive compressive strength with conventional concrete, while showing a tendency towards lower weight. The implication is that concrete mix with used tire aggregate has the potential to be a lighter and mechanically strong alternative. This study provides important insights for the construction industry in seeking more sustainable and cost-efficient solutions, while reducing the environmental impact of used tire waste.
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Vol 4, No 2 (2023): JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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Semarang Regency has 19 sub-districts with diverse regional growth. Several areas have experienced development into urban areas, such as Bawen District, East Ungaran District, West Ungaran District, Bergas District, Pringapus District, and Ambarawa District. Each sub-district has urban areas with different levels of influence. This research aims to identify urban clusters that are formed in the five sub-districts that are the focus of the study and provide an assessment of the urban areas that have the greatest influence. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. Secondary data collection is carried out through documentation techniques, namely by recording and studying statistical data relevant to the problem being discussed. Urban clusters in West Ungaran and East Ungaran Districts reciprocally provide the greatest spatial influence. The spatial interaction between the Bawen and Ambarawa urban clusters is in second place. The smallest spatial flow occurs between urban clusters in Bergas District and East Ungaran District. It is hoped that this research can provide input to the regional government of Semarang Regency to increase social interaction between Bergas District and Ungaran Timur District, through investment activities and development of several areas for industrial activities or other activities that can increase the attractiveness of the two clusters in these two sub-districts
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): JEI (Jurnal Engineering Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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Foundation failure and other factors that can cause bearing capacity to be incompatible when in the field. This is one of the factors that encourage direct loading tests in the field. Main objective of this study is to s to calculate and compare the ultimate bearing capacity of drilled pile after implementation with ultimate bearing capacity at the time of planning. SPT results were calculated using the Aoki Velosso method, the Decourt method, and the Reese & Wright method. Based on the calculation of the carrying capacity that has been carried out, there are differences in results, both due to the use of the method and the location of the point being reviewed. Based on the SPT data obtained from the calculation results of each Aoki Velosso method for TP-1/BP.48 the value of Qu = 783,933 tons while for TP-3/BP.78 the value of Qu = 1301,239, the Decont method for TP-1/BP.48 values Qu = 2593.098 tons while for TP-3/BP.78 the value of Qu = 2091.817, the Reese & Wright method for TP-1/BP.48 the value of Qu = 401.030ton while for TP-3/BP.78 the value of Qu = 334.022 and the results The loading test of the two test piles is TP-1/BP.48 Qu = 256 tons and TP-3/BP.78 Qu = 257 tons. Based on the calculation results, it can be seen that the efficient method used is the Reese & Wright method because the results of the calculation method are the smallest results, this is necessary to maintain building safety.
REDESAIN BENDUNG KEDUNG JERUK KECAMATAN PRINGAPUS KABUPATEN SEMARANG Paryanto Paryanto; Wibisono Handoko Putro; Totok Apriyanto; Ratih Pujiastuti
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): JEI (Jurnal Engineering Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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Water is one an important element that can affect life in nature. To increase water resources, a long-term and short-term strategy is needed. Kelampok River has not been utilized optimally by the community. For this reason, it is necessary to build a weir that serves to raise water level. The planning for the construction of the Kedung Jeruk Weir in Pringapus District, Semarang Regency aims to improve the socio-economic environment in the surrounding area.The redesign is based on secondary data with other supporting data. The analyzes carried out include: hydrological analysis, planning dimensional, analysis of the stability of the weir body, and the safety of the weir body.From the results of the hydrological analysis which includes the calculation of planned rainfall using the Thiesen Polygon method and flood discharge using the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (HSS) Gama 1 method, the water requirement for irrigation in Pringapus Village is 0.3091 m3/s and the 50th flood discharge is 206, 01 m3/s. Weir width 36 m with 0.83 m high weir. The width of the weir crest is 30.4 m, the flushing width is 3.6 m and the pillar width is 2 m (2 Pillars 1 m each). The radius of the weir of the round threshold type is 0.8 m, the stilling pool type is USBR Type III with a length of 9 m. The value of stability during normal water conditions and flood water conditions is still above the safety value so that the weir building meets the requirements and is safe.
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Vol 4, No 2 (2023): JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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Floods are natural disasters that occur in an area due to the inability of drainage channels or many rivers, in overcoming the flooding problem that occurred a problem that occurred in, Susukan District, East Ungaran District, the Semarang Regency Government has taken action by constructing a retention pond. This research aims to analyze the capacity of the retention pond.This research required data: topographic data, rainfall data and geotechnical soil data. The analysis carried river watershed and hygrological analysis which includes: determining average rainfall, planned flood discharge, flood routing and calculating the stability of the spillway building.From the results of the hydrological analysis, the flood discharge value obtained using the gamma I unit hydrograph method for a 5-year return period was 21,53 m3/second. In flood investigations, an outflow value of 21.11 m3/second was obtained with an overflow height of 1,65 m.
PENINGKATAN JARINGAN IRIGASI DAERAH IRIGASI KRIPIK KOTA SEMARANG Muhamad Irvan; Nurwakhid Nurwakhid; Totok Apriyanto; Ratih Pujiastuti
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 4, No 1 (2023): JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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Water is a very basic need for All living things on this earth without exception. The Kripik River is currently not being utilized by community optimally. For this reason, it is necessary to increase Irrigation Area which aims to increase agricultural production. Currently, the Bendung Kripik area serves an irrigation area of 95,94 Ha with the height of the exsisting weir lighthouse is 1 m.The improvement of the irrigation network is carried out based on secondary data with other supporting data. The analysis carried out includes: hydrological analysis which includes : watershed, maximum rainfall, flood discharge, average rainfall, average climatology, Eto – Penman, F.J Mock mainstay discharge, planting patterns then carried out channel design, weir design and calculation of weir stability.In this study, it was proposed to increase the rice field area by 130.17 Ha From the results of hydrological analysis, the flood discharge value of the Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (HSS) method was obtained when repeating 100 th by 40.10 m3 / s. The water requirement for irrigation of D.I Kripik after the addition of the area is 0.086 m3 / s. As for the bed, a weir width of 30 m with a weir height of 1.05 m is required, a weir lighthouse width of 28 m, a rinse width of 1 m and a pillar width of 1 m (2 Pillars of 1 m each). The radius of the spherical threshold type weir is 0.5 m, the olak pond type is USBR Type IV with a length of 3.50m. Keywords: Irrigation, Weir, Flood Discharge
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JEI (Jurnal Engineering Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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Design flood is one of the important aspects in the design of water structures. Calculation of the design flood is very dependent on the existing rain data in the watershed area. The amount of flood discharge is not only influenced by the value of rainfall but also depends on the duration and distribution of rainfall per unit of time.This study was conducted to determine duration of rainfall that produces the maximum flood discharge for Tenggang and Sringin River. Calculation of flood discharge for Tenggang and Sringin River was carried out using a rainfall distribution pattern (hyetograph) for rainfall durations of 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours and 5 hours with the distribution of rainfall distribution referring to hourly rain data at Maritime Station. Results of analysis show that different distributions are produce different flood discharge values. For Tenggang and Sringin rivers, the maximum flood discharge value is obtained at a rain duration of 2 hours.Keywords: flood discharge, rainfall duration, hyetograph
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): JEI (Jurnal Engineering Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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This type of rigid pavement (Rigid Pavement) is an alternative to pavement in Indonesia which is currently widely used, because it is quite strong and lasts longer than flexible pavement. This is due to the heavy-loaded and high frequency lanes of vehicles operating on National, Arterial and Toll Roads.As in the Brebes area on Jalan Tegal - Purwokerto, it was reported that the volume of vehicles crossing the road was very high. This is exacerbated by the existing conditions of the roads that cross the railroad tracks so that the flow of transportation is not smooth and experiences congestion. Therefore, the Government built an underpass at the railway crossing in Karangsawah, Tonjong District, Brebes Regency, which is expected to be able to overcome the congestion that often occurs.Along with the economic growth in Indonesia which continues to develop and causes an increase in traffic flow. Especially in economic activities such as the distribution of goods and services between regions, provinces and the national level. For this reason, adequate facilities and infrastructure are needed so that these activities run smoothly. In order to support these activities, the government needs to allocate a large enough fund for road infrastructure.Road construction is one of the things that always goes hand in hand with technological advances and the thinking of the people who use it, because roads are an important facility for humans to reach the area they want to reach. Roads as a national transportation system have an important role, especially in supporting the economic, social, cultural and environmental fields developed through a regional development approach in order to achieve a balance and equitable development between regions.Keywords: Underpass Karang Sawah – Tonjong Brebes
JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia) Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Vol 4, No 2 (2023): JTI (Jurnal Teknik Indonesia)
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI

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The suspension bridge construction program is part of President Joko Widodo's Nawa Cita Program, namely developing Indonesia from the outskirts. The location of this research is the Jurangsari Suspension Bridge Construction Project, Semarang Regency, while the object of this research is the stability of the anchor blocks.In this research, calculations were carried out on the stability of the anchor blocks. The data used includes design drawing data and soil investigation data at the location. The data was processed and analyzed using the Excel spreadsheet program.The results of the analysis concluded that the stability of the anchor block at the service limit conditions was safe against shear with SF=5.5 > 1.5 and overturning SF= 57.0 >1.5 while under extreme conditions/seismic it was safe against shear with SF= 6.81 >1.1 and overturning SF = 21.09 >1.1. The bearing capacity of the soil to withstand its own weight and the forces acting on the anchor block in the conditions of safe service limits on the allowable bearing capacity with maximum s= 132.52 kN/m2 and s minimum = 119.26 kN/m2, s maximum <s permit 292.137 kN/m2 or 2.20 times greater than the s maximum that occurs, whereas in extreme conditions the soil tension that occurs at s maximum = 190.09 kN/m2 and s minimum = 142.74 kN/m2, s maximum <s permit 292.137 kN/ m2 or 1.54 greater than the maximum s that occurs. Settlement that occurs in the anchor block under safe service limit conditions is Si = 0.441 cm and in extreme conditions is Si = 0.633 cm, both conditions the safety factor for the decrease is £ 1.0 cm.

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