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LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30480493     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
The scope of the articles published in this journal deals with a broad range of topics in the fields of Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Islamic Law, Economic Law, Medical Law, Customary Law, Environmental Law and another section related contemporary issues in law
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 5 Documents
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Peranan dan Eksistensi Yurisprudensi dalam Sistem Hukum di Indonesia Junaedi
LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (Februari)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.08221/lexlaguens.v1i1.1


Understanding the importance of jurisprudence in relation to the role of judges in processing a case in court, this all indicates that jurisprudence is an inseparable part when a judge processes a case to make a decision when the written legal rules are not textually stated. And this is also the principle of freedom of action for judges, when the legal text does not stipulate concretely, this is all done to fill the legal vacuum. However, what needs to be considered is the principle of freedom of action (freies ermeseen / discretion) for a state official (judge), may not act as freely as he or she wills, but the freedom to act must result in legal decisions that are guided by the value of control, the value of benefit and the value of certainty to be able to do so. felt by all components of society. Thus, the role and existence of jurisprudence in the legal system in Indonesia is highly expected to build and enforce social justice laws for all Indonesian people. For this reason, a legal problem arises, what is the role and existence of jurisprudence in the Indonesian legal system? This requires a firm, clear, and concrete legal reasoning so that in practice the law can be touched by all levels of Indonesian society.
Peran Kode Etik Profesi Kehakiman terhadap Pertanggungjawaban Hakim dalam Memutus Perkara di Pengadilan Ryan Abdul Muhit
LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (Februari)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.08221/lexlaguens.v1i1.2


Ethics is a branch of philosophy that talks about human practice, or about human actions or behavior as humans. Professional ethics as a norm that regulates how members of a profession carry out their duties and functions as well as possible according to the demands of ethical, moral, and even legal values ​​and professional justice that they carry, so that they are truly professional in carrying out their professional functions. This research is a qualitative type with a library research approach, which is research with data obtained from various sources and literature. Collecting data obtained from reviewers of relevant literature and relating to this research. The results of this study are the role of the code of ethics of the judiciary on accountability in deciding cases is as a basis or guideline and is preventive in nature against the authority of judges in carrying out their duties and functions as judges. Then the code of honor of judges also adheres to the principle of submission to the law.
Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor dalam Perspektif Kriminologi Fahrul Triana Nugraha
LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (Februari)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.08221/lexlaguens.v1i1.3


The crime of robbery is a troubling phenomenon that exists in society, in this example the item of a motorized automobile. Looking at criminology, it is trying out and observing how a criminal offense can arise through thinking about diverse aspects, one in every of that's the prison and socio-monetary aspects. Criminology perspectives the crime of motor automobile robbery as an unavoidable social phenomenon, however criminology additionally gives to proportion efforts to cope with it to the foundation of the problem. It is likewise a sequence withinside the traditional judicial agreement that will become unavoidable. Efforts to take a look at criminology had been additionally achieved to look how powerful the punishment withinside the crook justice device turned into according with what he had done. The study approach uses descriptive evaluation. The outcomes of the evaluation which have been achieved withinside the case of the crime of motor automobile robbery: criminological research of the crime of motor automobile robbery, criminological responses to the conviction of perpetrators of the crime of motor automobile robbery, instances which have been processed through regulation had been analyzed the use of a restorative justice approach. The inspiration for this example is to observe the traditional crook device through undertaking a criminology, the want for involvement among the parties, specifically the wrongdoer and the sufferer to create mutual justice.
Penerapan Jaminan Fidusia dalam Akad Murabahah Pembiayaan Oto Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Cabang Cirebon Sintya Fakhrunisa; Ryan Abdul Muhit
LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (Februari)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.08221/lexlaguens.v1i1.4


In today's life will not escape all the needs and desires to buy an item. For this reason, Murabaha is a form of buying and selling with a commission, the buyer usually cannot get the goods he wants except through an intermediary. In the purchase of a vehicle there is a fiduciary guarantee, fiduciary is goods by the debtor entrusted to the creditor as debt guarantee. However, in its implementation there are problems with traffic jams that can harm the debtor or creditor. The method used in this research is qualitative which produces descriptive data, namely what is stated by the respondents in writing, verbally and real behavior. The results of this study are the procedure for applying for financing on BSI products with murabahah contracts that make it easier for the community to access them, friendly, kind and honest service. The execution of fiduciary guarantees is the final solution for customers who are in arrears by conducting auctions of collateral objects. The application is in accordance with the DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 04/2000 and compilation of Sharia Economic Law.
Rekontruksi Upaya Hukum bagi Terpidana dalam Undang-Undang Pemilu di Indonesia Devi Siti Sihatu Afiah
LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): LEX LAGUENS: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (Februari)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.08221/lexlaguens.v1i1.10


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui regulasi tentang upaya hukum bagi terpidana pemilu dan bagaimana rekontruksi hak hak terpidana pemilu dalam mendapatkan upaya hukum yang maksimal. Dalam ketentuan tentang hukum acara pidana pemilu dibuatlah serangkaian aturan dan upaya hukum bagi pelaku yang di duga melakukan tindak pidana pemilu yaitu upaya hukum tingkat pertama dan upaya hukum banding, Upaya hukum banding merupakan upaya hukum terkahir yang disediakan oleh regulasi kepemiluan yang membuat upaya kasasi dan Peninjauan Kembali menjadi tidak ada. Hal tersebut bertentangan dengan amanat UUD 1945 Pasal 27 ayat (1) dan asas hukum acara pidana equlity before the law. Maka menurut peniliti, semestinya ada ruang uoaya hukum yang sama bagi terpidana tindak pidana Pemilu. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan mengkaji regulasi-regulasi tentang kepemiluan khususnya tentang upaya hukum hak terpidana serta bahan hukum lain seperti buku dan jurnal-jurnal. Hasil penelitian yaitu bahawa berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 1 ayat 12 KUHAP, terpidana berhak melakukan upaya hukum banding, kasasi dan PK. Bahwa perlu dilakukan rekonstruksi pada pasal 485 ayat (5) Undang Undang No.17 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum “Putusan pengadilan tinggi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (4) merupakan putusan terakhir dan mengikat serta tidak dapat dilakukan upaya hukum lain.” berdasarkan kontruksi pasal tersebut maka haruslah ditambahkan frase dapat melakukan upaya hukum Kasasi dan upaya hukum Peninjauan Kembali (PK) selama pemohon dapat membuktikan bukti baru (novum).

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