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Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
ISSN : 01261193     EISSN : 2460545X     DOI : 10.35749
Core Subject : Health,
Ophthalmologica Indonesiana is an open accessed online journal and comprehensive peer-reviewed ophthalmologist journal published by the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association / Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata (PERDAMI). Our main mission is to encourage the important science in the clinical area of the ophthalmology field. We welcome authors for original articles (research), review articles, interesting case reports, special articles, clinical practices, and medical illustrations that focus on the clinical area of ophthalmology medicine.
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Sudut Pandang dan Tanggung Jawab Profesi Tjahjono D Gondhowiardjo
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.128


Dalam era globalisasi infomasi ini, kita selalu dituntut untuk melakukan atau menerapkan semua tindakan atau keputusan berdasarkan bukti ilmiah (evidence-based). Ironinya, sebagian besar dari kita mungkin tidak pernah tersentuh atau memahami apakah evidence-based itu. Oleh karena itu, edisi ini memuat dua buah makalah meta-analisis yang berupaya untuk menjelaskan tahapan pencapaian kesimpulan yang berdasarkan bukti yang kuat dari berbagai tingkatan kesahihan suatu laporan; baik dalam prosedur diagnose klinik, maupun dalam pola penatalaksanaan terkini. Tanpa kesadaran akan proses pencapaian standar evidence-based, maka dengan mudah kita akan menggunakan suatu jenis obat, hanya berdasarkan hasil suatu makalah, misalnya efek penggunaan myrtogenol yang ditampilkan dalam edisi ini. Disisi lain, perlu disadari bahwa pemahaman dogmatis dari ketentuan evidence-based tsb, mempunyai dampak negatif, yaitu pembatasan terhadap pemikiran kreativitas dan innovasi untuk mengatasi masalah yang ada di negara berkembang, baik karena ketiadaan sarana maupun prasarana; apalagi membuat terobosan untuk kebaruan pengembangan keilmuan. Dengan kata lain, kita akan terus digiring untuk menjadi pengguna teknologi baru berdasarkan pengetahuan yang berkembang di negara-negara industri. Sebagaimana biasanya, makalah yang ditampilkan masih didominasi oleh institusi pendidikan; yang umumnya dibuat oleh peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, kita dapat melihat bahwa seringkali terkesan sebagai output dari tahapan pendidikan, yaitu belajar meneliti dengan membuktikan suatu keadaan / teknologi yang relatif sudah baku. Di sisi lain, hal ini mempunyai nilai positif karena dapat menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan atau tindakan yang sederhana dan baku, seperti metode pencil push up, suntikan oxytetracyclin intra lesi dapat memberi hasil pengobatan yang sesuai dengan harapan. Data retrospektif yang ditampilkan dapat dibaca sekedar sebagai data deskriptif, yang relatif juga merupakan informasi baku; seperti misalnya insiden kekeruhan kapsul posterior lensa pasca operasi katarak, dan keberhasilan tindakan fotokoagulasi laser pada robekan retina. Dari sisi lain, hal itu dapat dilihat, atau digunakan sebagai data pembanding terhadap kualitas pelayanan di insititusinya sendiri atau institusi lainnya. Hal itu disebabkan karena pada hakekatnya kekeruhan kapsul lensa posterior adalah akibat dari ketidaksempurnaan teknik operasi katarak yang kita lakukan; begitu pula dengan robekan retina pasca fotokoagulasi laser terkait dengan kecepatan waktu tindakan, serta ketepatan dosis dan tembakan laser pada proses fotokoagulasi tersebut. Makalah yang membahas perbandingan kadar Placenta Growth factor dengan dan tanpa intervensi Aflibercept; secara tidak langsung menunjukkan bahwa, kita membutuhkan peran disiplin lain untuk dapat memahami perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi kedokteran secara umum; dan tentunya diharapkan dapat mengembangkannya dengan melakukan inovasi yang lebih spesifik untuk profesi kita. Hal yang serupa dengan laporan penatalaksanaan tumor Triton langsung menunjukkan bahwa tanpa peran pemeriksaan histopatologi maka kondisi mata pasien berpotensi untuk menjadi buta dan bahkan mungkin kematiannya. Kedua contoh tersebut, pada hakekatnya menggambarkan kebutuhan kita untuk dapat bekerjasama baik dalam aspek inter-disiplin, maupun intra-disiplin (baca: sebagai profesi kita sendiri) dengan semangat kolegialitas untuk kemaslahatan pasien-pasien kita, profesi oftalmologi di masa mendatang. Perkembangan profesi yang sehat, menuntut adanya keseimbangan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan profesi, namun kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa dalam berbagai kegiatan organisasi maupun ilmiah, mayoritas anggota yang berperan sebagai ujung tombak profesi kita di masyarakat dan yang berada di berbagai tingkatan pelayanan kesehatan relative bersikap pasif. Di sisi lain, hal itu merupakan alasan yang mendasar bagi mereka yang mengemban amanah organisasi profesi kita untuk dapat mengarahkan anggota untuk dapat menyamakan persepsi, kemampuan klinis dan keterampilan operatif yang siap untuk beradaptasi dalam gelombang perubahan saat ini dengan diterapkannya sistim Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional dan era pasar bebas ASEAN mendatang.
Malignant Triton Tumor without Von Recklinghausen’s Neurofibromatosis in a 16 year-old Indonesian Girl: A Case Report Neni Anggraini; Nurjati Chairani Siregar
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.129


Background: To diagnose malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation in malignant triton tumor which has a rare incidence. Case Illustration: We reported a case in a 16 year-old girl who presented with progressively painless proptosis of the left eye and decreased visual acuity. There was no evidence of Recklinghausen’s disease. She underwent surgery and radiotherapy. The histopatologic findings showed malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST). Four years later, she suffered recurrence proptosis and decreased visual acuity. Histomorphology supported by immunostaining with S-100 protein confirmed the diagnosis of malignant triton tumor. She underwent chemotherapy and enucleation. Conclusion: This case highlights the prudent use of immunohistochemistry that is essential in making an early detection and a correct diagnosis.
Outcome and Safety of Different Cumulative Doses and Protocols of Intravenous Methylprednisolone in Moderate to Severe and Active Graves’ Ophthalmopathy Amelya Permata Sari; M Sidik; Syntia Nusanti
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.131


Background: Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO), also known as Graves’ orbitopathy or thyroid eye disease, has a potential sight-threatening complications. The activity and severity are important determinants in GO and are implications for treatment. Intravenous Glucocorticoid (GC) was associated with significantly greater efficacy and was better tolerated than oral route in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe and active GO. Intravenous GC has a variation cumulative dose and protocols; meanwhile the optimal treatment is still undefined. The aim of this literature review was to analyze the outcome and safety of different cumulative doses and protocols of intravenous methylprednisolone of patients with moderate to severe and active GO. Methods: The literature search was conducted from Google Scholar and Pubmed for journal articles that were published and related to the use of IVGC in moderate to severe and active GO Results: From the keywords mentioned, titles were screened for eligibility and seventeen articles were found. After being checked for the duplication, the articles were screened based on the abstracts and/or full texts. As many as eight articles met the inclusion criteria, others were excluded. Conclusion: Intravenous GC therapy in moderate to severe and active GO provide effect in reducing CAS, decreasing lid aperture size, decreasing proptosis size, and disappearing diplopia. A protocol uses a low cumulative doses (<5 g) of methylprednisolone weekly for 6 weeks and then halved dose weekly for another 6 weeks are preferred due to higher response in clinical outcome and safety profile.
Diagnostic Performance of Macular Ganglion Cell/Inner Plexiform Layer Thickness to Discriminate Normal Eye from Eye with Early Glaucoma Using Cirrus Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Widya Artini; Baltazar Bimo Bisara
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.132


Background: Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy characterized by a progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGC). In glaucomatous optic neuropathy, structural optic nerve changes may occur before detectable functional loss, which can be diagnosed early by detecting loss of RGC. This review was conducted to see the diagnostic performance of macular ganglion cell/inner plexiform layer (GC-IPL) thickness parameters to discriminate normal eye from early glaucoma eye using Cirrus Spectral-domain OCT compared to peri-papilarry Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) thickness parameters. Methods: Literature search was conducted from MEDLINE database using Pubmed, Clinical Key, and ScienceDirect. No publication date was set, and only articles published in English were included. Reference list from the included studies were also checked for potentially relevant articles. Results: Twenty articles were found related to search term. Seven articles met the inclusion criteria. Fourteen others were excluded. All studies revealed significant thinner GC-IPL and RNFL average thickness in glaucoma patients compared to normal patients. GC-IPL Average was inferior to GC-IPL Minimum and RNFL inferior in determining normal eye from early glaucomatous eyes. Studies evaluating the diagnostic performance of Ganglion Cells Complex (GCC) thickness also found low sensitivity values, ranging between 61.0% and 78.6% for average GCC. Conclusion: Diagnostic performance of GC-IPL is comparable to RNFL parameters measurement in detecting early glaucoma eyes. Best performance in detecting early glaucoma were showed by GC-IPL minimum and RNFL inferior.
Correlation Between Best Corrected Visual Acuity Acquired by Snellen Chart with Potential Visual Acuity of Retinometry in Ametropic Patients Dera Tresna Utami; Fatimah Dyah NA
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.133


Introduction: Potential vision is determined by assessing macular function. Retinometer is a tool that is often used to assess the potential visual acuity. Refractive error is the most common cause of vision decline. Currently, examination of best visual acuity still uses Snellen chart, but if the result of vision correction with Snellen chart not maximized can cause the emergence of other problems such as amblyopia. Objective: To analyze correlation between best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) acquired by Snellen chart with potential visual acuity of retinometry in ametropic patients. Methods: This was an observational cross sectional study, enrolled at department of ophthalmology dr. Karidi General Hospital. This study involving 73 myopic eyes of 40 patient. After having their potential vision examined with retinometer, patient undergoing visual acuity assesment with Snellen chart. Statistical analysis using Spearman correlation. Result: In this study we found retinometry scale 0,8 for BCVA 1.0 (56,8%) and 0.32 for BCVA < 1.0 (48,4%) as the most common finding respectively. We found most of mild myopia cases in patients with BCVA 1,0 (52%) and high myopia in patients with BCVA < 1.0 (71%). Statistical analysis shows a moderate strength-positive correlation between potential visual acuity retinometry with best corrected visual acuity acquired by Snellen. Conclusion: BCVA acquired by Snellen shows moderate strength-positive correlation with potential visual acuity retinometry in ametropic patient. Scale 0.63 in retinometry can be used as benchmark for predicting visual acuity after correction reach 1.0.
The effect of mirtogenol towards the changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and visual field in primary open angle glaucoma Astriviani Widyakusuma; Widya Artini; Virna Dwi Oktariana; Joedo Prihartono
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.134


Objective: To evaluate the effect of Mirtogenol towards the changes in retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and visual field in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) with controlled IOP. Methods: This is a prospective, double blind, randomized study. Forty one POAG patients with IOP ≤ 18 mmHg were randomly assigned to receive either Mirtogenol or placebo. Changes in RNFL thickness and mean deviation of visual fields were evaluated before the treatment, as well as 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the treatment. Patients were asked for any side effects during the treatment period. Result: The average RNFL thickness in the Mirtogenol group decreased -0.70±1.63 μm from 87.29±19.39 μm before the treatment to 86.58±19.43 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, however the change was not significant (p=0.121). The average RNFL thickness in the placebo group decreased -1.74±1.79 μm from 97.14±17.19 μm before the treatment to 95.40±18.56 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, the change was statistically significant (p< 0.001). The average MD of visual field in the Mirtogenol group increased 0.542±1.93 dB after 8 weeks of treatment while the MD of visual field in the placebo group decreased -0.083±1.36 dB after 8 weeks of treatment. Hoewever the changes in MD of visual field was not significant (p>0.05). No side effect was found throughout the study. Conclusion: Mirtogenol seemed to maintain retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and increased mean deviation of visual fields.
Incidence and associated factors of posterior capsule opacification formation in pseudophakic patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital : January - December 2010 Sita Paramitha Ayuningtyas; Tjahjono D Gondhowiardjo
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.135


Objective: Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is the most common postoperative consequence of cataract surgery which may cause visual acuity reduction. The incidence of PCO in Indonesia has not been reported yet. The objectives of this study were to evaluate three years cumulative incidence of PCO and factors associated with PCO formation at Cipto Mangunkusumo (CM) Hospital. Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study to patients with uneventful senile cataract surgery in year of 2010. All related data were retrieved from those medical records in year of 2013, which included patient demographics, type of surgery, time of PCO stated, IOL characteristics (material, optic edge design and diametere. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) pre operatively, when PCO was determined and Nd:YAG laser (Neodymium- doped yttrium aluminium garnet) was performed in decimal. Result: A total of 578 eyes (485 patients) was involved in this study. Three years cumulative incidence of the PCO was 8.82% (51 eyes). Phacoemulsification surgery was conducted in 496 (85.8%) eyes. The median time to PCO was being determined was 21 months (range 1 to 34 months) with the mean of BCVA was 0.50±0.26. Age, gender, and type of surgery had no related factors to PCO, but higher evidence in using of hydrophilic acrylic IOL (10.7%) was found. After laser Nd:YAG laser was performed, BCVA was improved. Conclusion: Three years cumulative incidence of PCO was 8.82% and there was no defined related factor to PCO reformation, but eye had been using hydrophilic acrylic IOL seem to be higher percentage
Karakteristik pasien ocular surface squamous neoplasia di Pusat Mata Nasional RS Mata Cicendo periode Januari 2012- Juni 2014 Sandraningrum Sandraningrum; M Rinaldy Dahlan
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.136


Background: Ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) is a broad term encompassing conjunctival intraepithelial neoplastic lesions (CIN) and invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of conjunctiva and cornea. The purpose of this study is to describe the demographic, clinical, therapy and histopathology characteristics of OSSNs patients in Cicendo Eye Center within period of January 2012 – June 2014. Methods: Patient medical records were reviewed. Fourty patients of biopsy-proven OSSN at Cicendo Eye Centre from January 2012 until June 2014 were reviewed. Results: Data was collected from 40 patients (41 eyes), OSSN was more frequent in men (62.5%) and had unilateral presentation (97.5%). The mean patient age was 45.9±14.7 years. The most common complaint was lump on the ocular surface (50%). The size of lesion was mostly less than 2 mm (62.5%). All of the patients were managed with surgery using wide excision and histopathology examination, of whom 46.4% cases were managed with wide excision only, 41.4% cases were managed with wide excision and application of topical mitomycin C (MMC), 12.2% cases were managed with wide excision, application of topical MMC, and cryotherapy. Histopathology examination revealed that 41.5% cases were CIN, 19.5% cases were carcinoma in situ, and 39% cases were invasive SCC. Conclusions: Patients with OSSN who came to Cicendo Eye Center were mostly male and had unilateral presentation. The most common clinical sign and symptom were ocular surface mass with size of the lesion less than 2 mm. Management of patient with OSSN is mostly excisional surgery only. Majority of histopathology examination showed CIN.
The pattern of increasing intraocular pressure after phakic anterior chamber intraocular Lens Implantation Puty Lestari; Widyandana Widyandana; Agus Supartoto
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.137


Background: Phakic intraocular lenses (IOL) are being used to correct refractive errors. We studied the pattern of increasing Intraocular Pressure (IOP) after Phakic Anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation as the risk after surgery. Methods: Sixty eyes of 30 patients were enrolled. All eyes underwent the same protocol with IOP examination before surgical procedure, and during follow up (one day after, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months and 3 months) after implantation of phakic IOL anterior chamber. All results were analyzed statistically using SPSS 16 statistics software. Correlation between parameter were analyzed using the wilcoxon test. Results: Median IOP before surgery were 14.00 mmHg (IOP), during follow up 17.00 mmHg (IOP I), 16.00 mmHg (IOP II) , 17.00 mmHg (IOP III), 15.00 mmHg (IOP IV), 15.00 mmHg (IOP V). The increasing of IOP between pre surgery and follow up a day after was found to correlate significantly (p=0.03), there were increasing of IOP after 2 weeks, a month, 2 and 3 months but no significant difference. Conclusion: There were significant of increasing IOP before surgery compare to a day after surgery,then the pattern of increasing IOP tend to be stable. There were no significant increasing of IOP during 3 months follow up.
Pediatric Cataract Surgery: Comparison between Ages at Surgery and Contrast Sensitivity Outcomes Aquirina Caesari Putri; Rozalina Loebis
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 43 No 1 (2017): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v43i1.138


Background: Pediatric cataracts are major causes of children’s blindness. Surgery has proven to be beneficial in terms of visual function prognosis. Contrast sensitivity evaluation after surgery is as important as visual acuity considering that natural world consists of various objects in low-to-medium contrasts. The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference of contrast sensitivity outcomes based on ages at surgery. Method: Retrospective data of children with pediatric developmental cataract from July 2013 to November 2015 were collected. All children who underwent cataract surgery at 60-months-old or less were randomized into two groups, ≤24 months and >24-to-60 months. Contrast sensitivity was then examined with preferential-looking method using Hiding Heidi low-contrast test face chart. The main outcome measures were contrast sensitivity of both groups. Age-at-evaluation, cataract onset, duration of follow-up, duration of deprivation and visual acuity were also noted. Result: Of 14 children (23 eyes), 11 eyes (47,8%) were in ≤24 months group, 12eyes (52,2%) were in >24-to-60 months group. All eyes underwent cataract extraction and similar type of intraocular lens implantation. Mean age-at-surgery was 28,2 months±16,8 (SD). Mean contrast sensitivity for each group was 47,50 %±42,29 and 18,33%±27,38, respectively, with p-value 0,031. Further analysis of Spearman’s correlation test demonstrated significant negative correlation (rs = -0,559; p = 0,006) between the two groups. Conclusion: There was statistically significant difference in contrast sensitivity between those who underwent surgery at ≤24 months and >24-to-60 months. Children who underwent surgery at older ages tend to have better contrast sensitivity afterwards.

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