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Jurnal Riset danAplikasi Teknik Industri (JRATI)
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 30260310     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri menerima penulisan artikel baik merupakan hasil penelitian, survey, dan literatur review yang membahas disiplin teknik industri meliputi: Logistic & Supply Chain Management Quality Engineering Production Planning & Inventory Control Ergonomics, Human Factor, and Work Study Sustainability Optimization and Mathematical Modelling Human Resources Development Product Design and Development Manufacturing Facility Design Business and Organization Design Business Intelligence Maintenance System Production System Information System Multi Criteria Decision Making Environmental Management
Articles 8 Documents
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Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Bahan Baku Produk Balsem Bokashi di PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer Company Group Putu Yoga Sastraguna; I Gusti Agung Kade Suriadi; Ni Made Cyntia Utami
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer Group Bali is a pharmaceutical company that sells bokashi balm products in the Bali area. However, this product has faced several problems in the ups and downs of demand. This causes a decrease in the quality of raw materials and the large savings costs incurred by the company. Therefore, this research was carried out to forecast demand for bokashi balm products for 1 year and know the most optimal lot-sizing technique for determining the planning and controlling of raw material supplies. This research was conducted using ABC analysis, demand forecasting, and supply planning analysis using the Lot for Lot, Silver Meal, and Least Unit Cost methods. Based on the research, it was found that forecasting results for bokashi balm products measuring 15 grams and 7.5 grams using the Moving Average method for the ninth and eighth periods were the best results. Then from the results of the ABC analysis, it was found that for the 15-gram bokashi balm product, the raw materials belonged to category A, namely packaging boxes, pot lids, pots, and top and bottom labels. In contrast, for the 7.5-gram product, there were raw materials in the form of packaging boxes, lids pots, pots, top and bottom labels, and bulbs. Raw materials belonging to group A will then be calculated using the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method. Then after calculating using 3 lot sizing methods, the Lot for Lot (LFL) method was chosen because it has the smallest total cost value, namely the 15-gram bokashi balm product of IDR 2,306,369 and the 7.5-gram bokashi balm product in the amount of IDR 4,079,780.
Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Sheet Mask dengan Metode SQC di PT X Advenni Natalia Makarawung; I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi; Ni Made Cyntia Utami; I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra; Desak Ayu Sista Dewi; Bryan Estavan Imanuel Sitanggang
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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PT X is a manufacturing industry company engaged in cosmetic and skincare manufacturing services that produce products based on order or PO (pre-order). In the production process carried out by PT X, there are several product defects such as damaged masks, packaging, and so on so that the product is not suitable for use and reaches consumers, for that the importance of the production process control system in a company in identifying factors causing damage or defects in sheet mask products and analyzing how to apply statistical quality control in quality control at PT X. The results of the pareto chart analysis with the most frequent problems to get priority for repair, namely the type of plastic defect (53%). Based on the P-chart analysis the production process is still not under control or still experiencing deviations, this is shown on the P-chart that many points are beyond the control limit. Known from the results of diagram analysis fishbone related factors causing plastic defects come from human, machine, and material factors. Companies should conduct training for employees on the shrink process, conduct regular checks on production machines and replace plastic materials that are thicker than before.
ANALISIS KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (K3) MENGGUNAKAN METODE HIRARC PADA SUBAK DELOD SEMA Moch Arya Puanggawa Amir TK Arya; I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra; Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati; Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi, MT; Mia Juliana, S.TP., M.T; Ni Made Cyntia Utami, S.T., M.T
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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Subak is one of Bali's local wisdoms related to rice field irrigation systems. The subak studied on this occasion was the Delod Sema subak located in Bali. In Subak Delod Sema there are several stages of the work process that have the potential for minor or serious accidents to occur. Lack of understanding of the concept of occupational safety and health (K3) on the part of Subak still does not pay much attention to this. By applying the K3 concept, the authors carry out an OHS analysis using the Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) method which is taking preventive measures to prevent and reduce the frequency of work accidents that occur there, and provide risk control recommendations to Subak. Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control are part of the HIRARC method, after identifying the hazards of the 4 work processes in Subak there are 10 activities that have hazards and risks. The risk assessment shows 5 low categories, 3 medium categories, and 2 high risk categories, risk control in the form of giving a warning system, engineering control, administrative control, and the use of PPE, and at high risk redesigning the seed cleaner machine to reduce the potential danger from machine.
ANALISIS KLASIFIKASI BEBAN KERJA MENTAL PADA PERAWAT IGD DI RSUP PROF. DR. I.G.N.G NGOERAH I Gede Bagas Karsa Samadya Bagas Karsa; Dr.Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi. MT; Desak Ayu Sista Dewi. S.TI.M Eng; I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra, MT.; Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati,S.T ,M.T.; Bryan Estavan Imanuel Sitanggang, S.T.,M.T.
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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One of the existing problems is the queue at the emergency room of a hospital which is caused by the service to a patient which takes quite a long time so that nurses, doctors, midwives and others are required to work faster. The increased workload of health workers can undoubtedly affect physical and mental changes caused by stress caused by work pressure. The amount of mental workload of nurses at Prof. Hospital. dr. I.G.N.G Ngoerah was assessed using the NASA-TLX method as part of a study on mental workload. The results (NASA - TLX) show that mental workload is high indicating the number of nurses is 26 people, and mental workload is being experienced by 4 nurses in the IGD Prof. Hospital. dr. I.G.N.G Ngoerah. subjective analysis between mental workload and working time and gender mental workload is not affected by gender differences in nurses or the 3 existing work shifts. A further step is to reduce the workload on nurses in the emergency room, such as allocating nurses according to classification and educational background to be more effective in treating patients who have a mental workload under 80.
REDESIGN KURSI BUS YANG ERGONOMIS DENGAN PENDEKATAN ANTROPOMETRI (STUDI KASUS BUS TRANS METRO DEWATA) I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Hermaya Krisna; I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi; Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati; I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra; Mia Juliana; Ni Made Cyntia Utami
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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Due to passenger complaints regarding the comfort of the seats on the Trans Metro Dewata Bus, and the possibility that the design of the seats could result in musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), it is deemed necessary to redesign the seats of the Trans Metro Dewata Bus to create an ergonomic seat design. In the process of redesigning the bus seats, the ergonomics method with an anthropometric approach was used. The ergonomic approach in question is to adjust the seat design to the anthropometric dimensions of the sample of Trans Metro Dewata Bus passengers. In this anthropometric approach, four anthropometric dimensions are determined which play an important role in chair redesign, namely (1) shoulder height, (2) knee fold (popliteal), (3) hip width, and (4) distance from knee fold (popliteal) to buttocks. For each dimension, calculations were carried out according to the procedure for 100 sample data that had been taken from passengers of the Trans Metro Dewata Corridor 3 Bus in March 2023. Based on the passenger samples that had been obtained, then the anthropometric data testing process was carried out starting from the normality test, uniformity test data, and data adequacy test.
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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Company XYZ is a company in the field of chicken breeders. So far, the company has never applied a method in selecting suppliers. The company is not satisfied with the current suppliers. The company owner wants to evaluate the selection of animal feed suppliers to find out the right supplier to be chosen by the company according to the company's criteria. The company uses price, service, quality, and delivery criteria as elements in choosing animal feed suppliers. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to solve this problem. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method starts from identifying problems or goals. After that, a paired comparison of each element of comparison is carried out to obtain the priority level of each element, then consistency testing is carried out to ensure that the comparison is consistent. Alternatives that become animal feed suppliers in accordance with the criteria of Company XYZ are Supplier C (0.4465) being alternative I, Supplier B (0.2798) being alternative II, and Supplier A (0.2737) being alternative III. These results can be input for the company to choose the supplier to be used
Analisa Kinerja Di Perusahaan UD ABC Dengan Pendekatan Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Putu Khesa Dananta
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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Supply Chain Management (SCM) adalah salah satu kunci keberhasilan dari perusahaan dalam menghadapi persaingan di dunia bisnis. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui apakah rantai pasok berjalan sesuai harapan adalah dengan mengukur kinerja rantai pasok perusahaan. Metode Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) adalah salah satu model pengukuran kinerja manajemen rantai pasok yang paling umum digunakan. Perusahaan pernah menghadapi masalah dengan pengadaan, produksi, dan pengiriman yang tidak tepat waktu selama operasional rantai pasoknya. Salah satu masalahnya adalah perusahaan memiliki unit kendaraan pengiriman yang minim, yaitu perusahaan hanya memiliki 1 kendaraan untuk melakukan pengiriman produk mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menentukan kinerja rantai pasok dalam meningkatkan kualitas perusahaan dengan memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan melalui penerapan metode Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) di UD ABC serta membuat usulan perbaikan kinerja rantai pasok dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pada perusahaan UD ABC. Hasil dari nilai akhir kinerja supply chain perusahaan UD ABC pada atribut responsiveness adalah 69,49 dengan hasil pembobotan indikator paling besar adalah 0,1923 dan yang terkecil adalah 0,1538.
JURNAL RISET DAN APLIKASI TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Volume 1 No. 01, Desember (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Universitas Udayana

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Metode penjadwalan dapat dianggap sebagai prosedur yang mengambil contoh model penjadwalan sebagai input dan menghasilkan setidaknya sebuah jadwal sebagai output. Strategi penjadwalan yang baik dapat mendorong perkiraan untuk memprediksi tanggal penyelesaian untuk setiap bagian yang dirilis dan memberikan data untuk memutuskan apa yang akan dikerjakan selanjutnya. Artikel ini mengusulkan berbagai teknik masalah penjadwalan untuk mendapatkan urutan yang optimal atau mendekati optimal. Metode FIFO, NEH, dan Pour diaplikasikan untuk tiga model pekerjaan dan lima mesin dalam masalah penjadwalan di line transmisi. Tujuan utama dari teknik penjadwalan yang diusulkan adalah untuk menemukan urutan optimal atau hampir optimal untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi objektif di berbagai lingkungan penjadwalan. Metode NEH menghasilkan waktu terpendek dengan mengurutkan 4G15 CJM - 4D34 TD - 4D56 SLD atau 4G15 CJM - 4D56 SLD - 4D34 TD, yang membutuhkan waktu 20,94 menit. Perbandingan FIFO dan NEH berdasarkan parameter RE, mengungkapkan perbedaan waktu yang signifikan, yaitu sekitar 34,79%, dan HP ke NEH adalah 32,25%.

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