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Pengaruh Penempatan Penghalang Berbentuk Segitiga di Depan Silinder dengan Variasi Kecepatan Aliran Udara terhadap Koefisien Drag Tista, Si Putu Gede Gunawan; Suriadi, I Gusti Agung Kade; Astawa, Putu Pageh
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 6, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.314 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2015.006.03.3


One of the ways to preserve energy on the air plane is by decreasing the drag. Drag is closely related to the flow separation, the faster the separation, then the drag will increase more. Because of that, efforts were conducted to decrease drag is by manipulating a fluid flow field that is by installing triangle rod obstacle in front of the cylinder. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of installing triangle rod obstacle in front of the cylinder by various air flow velocity on the drag cofficient. In this research, the experiment was conducted in the wind tunnel, which consists of blower, pitot pipe, manometer, cylinder pipe, and triangle rod. The air flow velocity was varied from 6.25 m/s, 5.01 m/s, 4.09 m/s, 3.17 m/s, 2.24 m/s .The Reynold number based on cylinder (D = 42 mm) and air flow velocity is Re =18.100, 14.500, 11.800, 9.170, 6.480 .The distance triangle rod and cylinder is L = 70 mm or L/D=1.67.Pressure distribution is achieved by measuring the cylinder surface on 36 spots with interval of 100. The measured data was pressure of cylinder surface, static pressure, and airflow speed. The research results showed that the triangle rod could decrease the drag of cylinder. Coefficient drag for cylinder without triangle rod was 0,1276 while the less triangle rod was 0,01882 which takes place at speed 6,2479 m/s.
Kesetimbangan Energi Termal Dan Efisiensi Transient Pengering Aliran Alami Memanfaatkan Kombinasi Dua Energi Kade Suriadi, I Gusti Agung; Ricki Murti, Made
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1332.91 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol12.No1.34-40


The energy used as a dryer is usually only a single type of energy. In this case, study is conducted on the natural flowdryer system by using the chimney. This combination of energy utilization of solar energy and biomass that can be used simultaneously or one turns in accordance with the needs or circumstances. It has been tested against a dryer prototype by performing measurements on the temperature of the inlet air and exit on biomass furnace, the temperature of the inlet air and exit on the solar collector, the temperature of inlet air and exit on the drying chamber, the water content of dried material, the temperature of dried material, the surface temperature of inside and outside of wall on drying chamber, and the intensity of solar radiation. Data were collected at an interval of 30 minutes and do the processing of such data. Next made in a graphical form of thermal energy balance and system efficiency versus the time. Results obtained that: the drying time was 7.5 hours. Thermal energy balance versus the time found that the increase of energy losses lead to useful energy reduction system.
Analisa Traksi Untuk Kendaraan Truk Angkutan Barang Jalur Denpasar-Gilimanuk IGAK Chatur Adhi; AAIA Sri Komaladewi; IKetut Adi Atmika; IGAK Suriadi
Dinamika Teknik Mesin Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Dinamika Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.576 KB)


Road condition and plain all of the line traffic  Denpasar- Gilimanuk have many slope upward. Beside of many slope upward declivity and long slope upward have many variation too. We must give many attention for that condition in design minimum power engine to vehicle truck,beside the other factors like wind velocity , kind of asphalt , curves ,etc.            The purpose of this research to recite road condition (slope upward , wind velocity ,density) all of the line traffic Denpasar – Gilimanuk,and then will be count minimum traction need of vehicle truck that across that road.            From this research result obtained that the needed traction to overcome all resistance especially slope upward resistance are 6000 N and the estimate needed power about 220 hp from characteristic power torsi.
Kesetimbangan Energi Termal Dan Efisiensi Transient Pengering Aliran Alami Memanfaatkan Kombinasi Dua Energi I Gusti Agung Kade Suriadi; Made Ricki Murti
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 12 No. 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol12.No1.34-40


The energy used as a dryer is usually only a single type of energy. In this case, study is conducted on the natural flowdryer system by using the chimney. This combination of energy utilization of solar energy and biomass that can be used simultaneously or one turns in accordance with the needs or circumstances. It has been tested against a dryer prototype by performing measurements on the temperature of the inlet air and exit on biomass furnace, the temperature of the inlet air and exit on the solar collector, the temperature of inlet air and exit on the drying chamber, the water content of dried material, the temperature of dried material, the surface temperature of inside and outside of wall on drying chamber, and the intensity of solar radiation. Data were collected at an interval of 30 minutes and do the processing of such data. Next made in a graphical form of thermal energy balance and system efficiency versus the time. Results obtained that: the drying time was 7.5 hours. Thermal energy balance versus the time found that the increase of energy losses lead to useful energy reduction system.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 19 No 2 (2020): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (659.613 KB)


Pada umumnya abon dibuat dari suwiran daging sapi atau daging ayam, namun saat ini telah berkembang aneka olahan abon yang lebih variatif dari aneka bahan seperti ikan, belut, udang, lele, telur dan masih banyak jenis abon lainnya. Peluang membuat usaha abon telur dilirik oleh salah satu kelompok usaha di desa Baluk, kecamatan Negara, kabupaten Jembrana. Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Pitik Jaya di Banjar Rening, desa Baluk mempunyai peluang besar mengembangkan usaha pembuatan abon telur, karena didukung oleh bahan baku telur itik dan telur ayam yang dihasilkan sendiri oleh kelompok usaha tersebut. Usaha pembuatan abon telur sudah dimulai pada tahun 2014. KWT Pitik Jaya mempunyai permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan effisiensi dan produktifitas dimana permasalahan ini disebabkan oleh alat/sistem penirisan minyak abon masih konvensional dengan menaruh abon diatas niru. Upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, maka tujuan dan luaran dari kegiatan adalah merancang dan manufaktur mesin peniris minyak abon yang dapat menghasilkan produk abon telur lebih banyak dan lebih baik dibanding dengan penggunaan alat/cara konvensional. Mesin juga dapat dioperasikan untuk penirisan minyak produk yang lain. Tim berhasil merancang mesin peniris minyak abon multi fungsi dengan kapasitas 400 butir telur per hari. Jadi pemanfaatan mesin ini meningkatkan produktifitas mencapai 500% dan juga meningkatkan kualitas abon telur produksi KWT Pitik Jaya.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Mendoyo Dauh Tukad village located in the district Mendoyo, Jembrana Regency of Bali province, includingareas that have fertile land for agriculture with an average temperature of the village is 28o C - 30o C whichis good for a variety of crops. In addition to a potential agricultural area is also a great area to be used asbreeding areas to help improve the economy. Thus this village is a rural area that is fertile and rich inagriculture products, but everything is not fully utilized, therefore the necessary breakthrough to process thenatural resources. Gapoktan oyster mushroom cultivators constrained conditions of temperature and humidityin the mushroom house, so messelium do not grow well. Many straw that should be processed into animalfeed alternative. Livestock manure has the potential to be processed into organic fertilizer and biogas. The PENGEMBANGA POTENSI DAN PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DESA MENDOYO DAUH TUKAD KABUPATENJEMBRANA98 | JURNAL UDAYANA MENGABDIpurpose of KKN PPM activities in the village Mendoyo Dauh Tukad is empowering communities inexploring the potential of the territory, to overcome the things mentioned above. Methods of implementationactivities are divided into three stages. The first stage is the preparation and debriefing, the second phase ofimplementation of activities in the field, and the third stage of evaluation and monitoring for correction andimprovement of the sustainability of the program. The preparation phase begins with the supervisor and thestudent court hearings with village officials and community leaders to determine the scale of priority actionsbased on the conditions and the potential that exists in the community, this event was held on July 92015.Tahap implementation of the activities carried out by counseling and practice in the field , as well asmentoring by students participating in service learning while in the field. Service activities carried out for onemonth starting on August 1, 2015 until August 30, 2015. The third phase is the evaluation and monitoring isdone by the implementation team or field supervisor and coordinator of corruption to see the impact andsustainability of programs that have been implemented.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 18 No 2 (2019): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.013 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2019.v18.i02.p23


Program KKN-PPM di desa Baluk, kecamatan Negara, kabupaten Jembrana disusun sesuai dengan target yang ingin dicapai oleh pelaksanaan program dengan persetujuan masyarakat dan mitra. Tema dari program KKN-PPM di desa Baluk adalah: Pemberdayaan dan Peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan potensi desa berbasis Iptek menuju desa yang Mandiri, melalui program program seperti: program kesehatan masyarakat: penyuluhan sanitasi rumah tangga dan penyuluhan pola hidup bersih dan sehat pada anak-anak sekolah. Program lingkungan: melelui kegiatan penghijauan di areal sepanjang jalan desa. Peningkatan produktivitas masyarakat/kelompok usaha dalam produksi susu kedelai melalui pengenalan dan penerapan teknologi mesin blender. Efisiensi biaya dengan pengenalan dan penerapan teknologi digester biogas/biogas portable dengan pemanfaatan kotoran sapi untuk sumber energi sehar-hari. Peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam semua kegiatan KKN-PPM. Peningkatan swadaya masyarakat dalam melanjutkan setiap program yang telah didampingi selama kegiatan KKN-PPM. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan. Tahapan pertama adalah persiapan dan pembekalan, tahap kedua implementasi kegiatan di lapangan, dan tahap ketiga evaluasi dan monitoring untuk koreksi dan penyempurnaan keberlanjutan program. Tahap persiapan dimulai dengan dosen pembimbing lapangan dan mahasiswa audensi dengan aparat desa dan tokoh masyarakat untuk menentukan skala prioritas kegiatan berdasarkan kondisi dan potensi yang ada di masyarakat, kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2018.Tahap implementasi pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan penyuluhan maupun praktek di lapangan, maupun pendampingan oleh mahasiswa peserta KKN selama di lapangan. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan selama satu bulan dimulai tanggal 21 Juli 2018 sampai dengan 27 Agustus 2018. Sedangkan tahap ketiga adalah evaluasi dan monitoring dilakukan oleh tim pelaksana/dosen pembimbing lapangan dan koordinator KKN untuk melihat dampak dan keberlanjutan program yang sudah dilaksanakan. Kata kunci : Pemberdayaan, Peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat, potensi desa, iptek, biogas portable.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.591 KB)


The Negara city is an area that has already quite crowded, shown by the availability of many facilities, sosmall industrial/business group are emerging, one of which is an industry or group of enterprises manufactureof cassava chips "Niki Suka". Meanwhile, in the eastern region of of Bali island, there are UD. Gurih Sari, isa small industry that produces cassava chips as well . Production of chips is still utilizing local resourcesandproduced conventionally. UD Gurih Sari and Suka Niki Suka business groups, both have a similarproblem that is related to productivity, caused by small capacity and conventional of cassava cutlery/slicer, aswell as low educational background of human resources (HR). The aims of the activity is to generate cassavaslicing/cutting machine. Solutions or methods offered in this program is to replace the equipment or theconventional way with a cassava mower/slicer. Technical planning activities of our team was using someinput from business groups partner. The next activity in introducing the good management "of the company "that was dealed and desired by the partner. Then continued by the introcudtion of work safety. The firstcommunity service activities held on August 22, 2015 at Niki Suka women business group, located in thevillage Cupel, Negara, Jembrana District, Bali. The activities began with a demo making cassava chipsconventionally by Niki Suka women business group, continued by introducing and demonstrating themachine that we made. This training can improve the skills of the workforce in producing cassava chips.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 17 No 1 (2018): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.033 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2018.v17.i01.p24


The themes of the KKN-PPM program in Baluk village are: Empowerment and Improvement ofcommunity participation in the management of the potential of science and technology-basedvillages to Mandiri villages through programs such as: public health programs: householdsanitation counseling and counseling of clean and healthy lifestyle in children. school children.Environmental program: reforestation activities in the area along the village road. Increasedproductivity of community / business groups in the production of soy milk through the introductionand application of blender machine technology. Cost-efficiency with the introduction and application of biogas / biogas portable biogas technology with the use of cow dung for a day-to-dayenergy source. Increased public participation in all KKN-PPM activities. Increased communityself-reliance in continuing every program that has been accompanied during KKN-PPM activities.Method of implementation of activities is divided into three stages. The first stage is preparationand briefing, second phase of implementation of activities in the field, and third stage evaluationand monitoring for correction and refinement of program sustainability. Preparatory phase beginswith field supervisors and students with the village apparatus and community leaders to determinethe priority scale of activities based on the conditions and potentials that exist in the community,this activity was held on July 20, 2017. The implementation of activities carried out withcounseling and practice in the field , as well as mentoring by students participating KKN during thefield. The dedication activity is held for one month starting from July 22, 2017 until August 27,2017. While the third stage is the evaluation and monitoring conducted by the team of fieldsupervisors and coordinators of KKN to see the impact and sustainability of programs that havebeen implemented.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.672 KB)


Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil implementasi ergonomi pada pengerajin seni ukir batuparas di desa Sakti. Desa sakti adalah salah satu desa di Kecamatan Nusa Penida,dimana beberapa diantarapenduduknya ada yang menekuni pekerjaan sebagai pengerajin seni ukir batu paras. Batu paras ukirumumnya digunakan untuk bangunan tempat suci seperti pura dan sanggah, serta sebagai aksesoris bangunanrumah. Pengerajin seni ukir paras pada umumnya bekerja dalam ruang/bangunan darurat dengan peralatankerja yang sederhana. Kondisi dan lingkungan kerja sangat tidak nyaman, hal ini karena tempat kerjanyaberupa emperan, terpapar panas matahari, angin, dan debu. Sementara sikap kerja pengerajin juga tidakalamiah,dengan peralatan yang tidak sesuai antropometri. Kondisi demikian menyebabkan pekerja cepatlelah, mengalami gangguan muskuloskeletal, dan nyeri pinggang serta berdampak pada rendahnyaproduktivitas. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini maka dilakukan intervensi ergonomi berupa penggunaanlandasan sebagai alas benda kerja, penggunaan tempat duduk, pelatihan cara mengangkat beban, danmembiasakan memakai alat pelindung diri (APD). Untuk mempercepat proses pemotongan dan penghalusanpermukaan disumbangkan satu unit alat electic cutter circle. Hasilnyadapat dilihat daricara dan sikap kerjayang sudah alamiah, cara mengangkat beban dengan teknik squat, dan kebiasaan menggunakan masker.Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan aplikasi ergonomi dapat meningkatkan kenyaman dan produktivitaskerja.