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International Journal of Community Service Implementation
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International Journal Of Community Service Implementation (IJCSI) is to provide a community service medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of community service results that support high-level community service. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding all fields Community Service and Social, the journal publishes articles four times a year in September, December, March, June
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Articles 6 Documents
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Making Dry Herbarium Preservation To Support Biodiversity Lessons In Schools Nurul Hidayah Nasution; Irda Wahidah Nasution
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): IJCSI JUNE 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i5.214


Herbariums are plant specimens that have been preserved and can be used as learning media. There are two types of herbarium, namely dry herbarium and wet herbarium. The most common type of dry herbarium used as a learning medium. Dried herbaria are plant parts that have been dried and arranged on paper and then accompanied by information regarding the specimen. Making herbarium preserves is one of the main sources for studying biodiversity in the surrounding environment. So that students can feel ownership, understand and protect the biodiversity in their area, learning about biodiversity conservation will not be enough just to study conservation theories in the classroom. Students need to be invited to get to know biodiversity in its natural habitat, therefore teachers need to have knowledge and skills on how to collect and preserve organisms so they can be used as learning material in the laboratory. The method used in this service activity is training and performance in the form of practice. Training materials for the process of making dry herbarium include collection techniques, drying/pressing, applying sublimate, gluing to herbarium paper and labeling, equating it with living plants that are known by name in the school environment. The activity of delivering material for making a herbarium was carried out classically, all participants (students) followed the material presented by means of lectures, discussions and questions and answers. After completing the material delivery activity, a practical demonstration of making a dry herbarium was carried out using plants found in the school environment. For practical activities, participants were divided into groups of 3-5 members each. The students continued with the practice of making herbarium with the activity of gluing dried specimens to herbarium paper and labeling them. When gluing specimens, assistance is carried out intensively by researchers to provide guidance to students so that the process is carried out properly and correctly. Students gain a lot of knowledge about the principles of gluing specimens whose patterns are adapted to each student's creativity. Each group presented their own herbarium in front of the class which the other groups responded to.
The Training of Canva-Based Interesting Learning Content Creation for Students at SMK Putra Anda Binjai I Gusti Prahmana; Tioria Pasaribu; Husnul Khair; Zira Fatmaira
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): IJCSI JUNE 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i5.213


Technology is the main need in today's world of education because it is able to produce many applications that can be used as digital learning media. One of them is the Canva application which can be used to design learning displays or teaching materials as visual media in the teaching and learning process. This Community Service (PkM) aims to describe the training activities for creating interesting learning content with the Canva application for students at SMK Putra Anda Binjai which was held on March 15, 2024. The material of the training activities was delivered through presentations and questions and answers located in the Hall of SMK Putra Anda Binjai. This activity was carried out on the basis that most students still do not have insight and knowledge in developing and using applications that can be used in learning, lack of student creativity in designing innovative learning media in designing learning to be more interesting and fun, and students have difficulties in utilizing learning media applications, such as the Canva application, due to lack of information and training on the use of IT-based learning media. The methods used in this service are lectures, discussions, questions and answers, and finally evaluating activities using google forms. The result of this activity is that students have a broader knowledge of learning media, especially on the Canva application so that they are able to create learning content that is interesting, easy to understand, and fun.
Digital-Based Consumer Loyalty Development in realizing an Independent Economy at PSAA PU3 Ceger Richy Wijaya; RR Dyah Astarini; A Aji Kusuma Wijaya
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): IJCSI JUNE 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v2i1.215


Social institutions play a vital role in supporting underprivileged children and teenagers by offering guidance and essential services. Recognizing that the youth represent the future of our nation and are integral to its progress, it's imperative to empower these institutions. The orphanage, traditionally seen as a financial burden, now faces the imperative of achieving socio-economic independence. In response to this challenge, the Kedaireka grant recipient team has initiated the Green-Techno Sociopreneur Livestock Magot project to bolster the economic autonomy of social institutions. As of October 20, 2022, maggot cultivation has commenced in three social institutions in DKI Jakarta. However, during the assessment phase, it was noted that the residents and administrators of one of the participating institutions, PSAA 3 Ceger, lacked the capability to conduct effective marketing activities. To address this issue, the Community Service team from the Faculty of Economics and Business at Trisakti University intends to organize outreach programs aimed at enhancing the marketing skills of the residents and administrators of PSAA 3 Ceger. The objective of this Community Service project is to impart knowledge and understanding of building consumer loyalty through digital technologies. Participants will receive guidance in content creation, setting up e-commerce platforms, crafting captions, and implementing other digital marketing strategies. A crucial aspect of this initiative is ongoing sustainability monitoring, which will be undertaken by the student team and further developed in a dedicated program.
Effective Organizational Development for Students of Bina Amanah Cordova Entrepreneurship School Dorina Widowati; R. Rosiyana Dewi; Nurhayati; Andjani Putri Ramadhani
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): IJCSI JUNE 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v2i1.216


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs, UMKM in Bahasa Indonesia) are vital to the economy, serving as key job creators and contributors to national income and economic recovery (MartĂ­nez-Olvera, C, 2019; Darwin, 2018). However, SMEs face challenges like limited funding, inadequate human resource management, technological shortcomings, raw material constraints, and marketing difficulties (Sulistia Teg, 2012). The School of Entrepreneurship Trust Cordova (SKBAC) provides a one-year entrepreneurial training program for young people and college dropouts, free of charge. Participants, some of whom already have businesses like food stalls or jewelry, gain knowledge in business management. The Faculty of Economics and Business of Trisakti University has partnered with SKBAC since 1998, offering a program on capacity building and effective organizational development. The latest session was held on December 17, 2023, at SKBAC, Japos Raya, Pondok Jati, Tangerang South, Banten. The training focused on strategies for effective organizational development. Evaluations showed that SKBAC students, both current and aspiring entrepreneurs, found the training useful and relevant. Participants gained confidence in improving their businesses' performance and revenue. The program was successful and beneficial to participants, the community, and the organizers, with recommendations for further training and support for SKBAC students. entrepreneurs
The Role of Trisakti University Students in Enhancing Community Resources in Ciambar Village, Sukabumi, through Independent Entrepreneurial Activities in Applied Science and Technology or Kuliah Usaha Mandiri Ilmu Teknologi Terapan (KUM-ITT) Nurhayati Nurhayati; Muhammad Fahurrahman; Khusnul Ramadhan Eka Putri; Syahla Larrissa; Cicilia Benita Putri Patricia; Aisyah Nurkhansa Putri; Anisa Suci Ramadhana; Estevania Wise Maharani
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): IJCSI JUNE 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v2i1.217


Kuliah Usaha Mandiri Ilmu Teknologi Terapan (KUM-ITT) program is an initiative that integrates education, research, and community service into a cohesive field activity aligned with the objectives and content of the curriculum. This program bridges theory with practice in social life beyond the campus. KUM-ITT is designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience life within a community. By directly interacting with the community, KUM-ITT participants are tasked with uncovering potential and addressing social issues in the village. Ciambar Village in Sukabumi Regency is one of the target areas for the KUM-ITT activities. In 2008, based on Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2008, Ciambar Village was divided into Ciambar and Cibunarjaya Villages. Surveys have identified several challenges faced by the residents of Ciambar Village, including issues related to infrastructure, health, economy, environment, and others. To address these challenges, five work programs have been established: Community Welfare Improvement, Awareness of Healthy and Clean Living, Infrastructure Empowerment, Women's and Housewives Empowerment, and Children’s Empowerment. The activities were conducted from July 2 to July 22, 2024. All planned programs were successfully implemented as intended and anticipated.
Quizwhizzer Learning Media Training On Interest In Learning Mathematics In Elementary School Students Ana Uzla BatuBara; Bambang Suryanto; Ulfa Hanim
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): IJCSI JUNE 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v2i1.218


Mathematics is an issue that we cannot separate from daily life. The characteristics of elementary school mathematics learning aim to develop students' logical, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative thinking abilities, as well as to foster a habit of working together in solving problems. Mathematics learning should be meaningful, emphasizing understanding of the material and its application rather than rote memorization. In meaningful learning, students learn mathematics starting from the process of forming a concept and then trying to apply and manipulate these concepts in new problems. Many students do not like mathematics. They consider mathematics to be the most difficult subject, leading to a sense of difficulty even before the lesson begins. Therefore, it is necessary to implement learning methods that motivate students to improve their academic performance. To assist students in enhancing their mathematics learning, educational media can be utilized, one of which is the Quiz whizzer Learning Media. Learning media serve to convey messages and can stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, and motivation, thereby encouraging the learning process. Media can take the form of teaching aids and tools. One of the e-learning media that can be used is the Quiz whizzer application.

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