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International Journal of Community Service Implementation
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International Journal Of Community Service Implementation (IJCSI) is to provide a community service medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of community service results that support high-level community service. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding all fields Community Service and Social, the journal publishes articles four times a year in September, December, March, June
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 29 Documents
Garbage Banks For Increasing The Income Of Housewives Ebenezer Owusu Mensah
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJCSI JUNE 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i1.137


Garbage is an environmental problem and urban society that until now there has been no solution. The limited garbage disposal site (TPA) in Sukoharjo regency, gives this increasingly complex waste problem. The waste bank is one of the alternatives in waste management strategy. The garbage bank is one program that can change the pattern of people's views on waste management. This community service program is partnering with PKK RT 04 RW 03 Wirogunan, Kartasura, where there are around 60 housewives under the PKK. Some problems that exist in partners include. Partners have major problems such as lack of knowledge about the dangers of waste & waste management/sorting and lack of knowledge about waste banks, how to work, and generate income only by sorting and depositing to the waste bank. The method of approach that will be carried out based on an agreement with partners is the socialization of waste and its management, as well as how housewives can earn income from existing waste management. The expected output target is to educate the public to sort waste and deposit waste to the Waste Bank, to create a clean and healthy environment. It is expected that the role of the Village Government in the formation of this garbage bank.
Training On Science Laboratory Management And Maintenance For Junior High School Teachers In East Aceh Tri Mustika Sarjani; Amin Harahap
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJCSI JUNE 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i1.138


The East Aceh IPA MGMP consists of 24 sub-districts with 221 schools. The selection of service areas is represented by three regions, namely Idi Rayeuk District, Darul Aman District, and Darul Ihsan District. East Aceh IPA MGMP teachers are still experiencing problems in terms of knowledge and skills in managing laboratories, using tools and materials as well as in equipment maintenance. The service activity aims to provide knowledge and skills for MGMP IPA teachers in East Aceh Regency. The method used is a descriptive method to see the improvement of teacher skills in compiling laboratory SOPs, maintenance of laboratory equipment and materials.
Electronic Marketing Training For Small Businesses With Disabilities (E-Marketing Training For Diffable Small Business) Edward Delali Darku
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJCSI JUNE 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i1.139


The business problem experienced by disabled partners Ida Modiste is not knowing how to market services electronic. Starting from this problem and the results of the survey, the partners agreed to market their services electric. The purpose of tranning electronic marketing assistance is a form of PKM activities and partnering with Ida Modiste (disabled). Through partners namely Ida Modiste (disabled) is so that the income of partners increases through marketing services from manual marketing to electronic marketing. The PKM method includes: (1) providing electronic marketing of tranning, (2) electronic marketing assistance. The results of PKM activities are increased understanding and skills of partners in terms of marketing services online, and the publication of mass media, as well as the existence of scientific articles published in PKM journals.
Entrepreneurship Training : "Strategy To Increase Sales Through Attractive Product Packaging” At Umkm Desa Gumukrejo Teras Boyolali” Yuli Chomsatu
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJCSI JUNE 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i1.140


Many MSME products are still difficult to compete due to the many obstacles faced by SMEs. One of them is the lack of information about the importance of packaging to product marketing. The Mindset of MSME actors in Gumukrejo Village Teras Boyolali most still do not consider that the packaging of the products produced is important to increase sales. Changing the mindset about the importance of attractive Packaging is very necessary for MSME actors in Gumukrejo Village today. So that the results of this training are expected to be able to change the Mindset for MSMEs to be able to do attractive packaging for the products they produce to increase sales turnover.
Online Stock Trading Workshop In Providing Understanding To The Public To Invest The Indonesia Stock Exchange Amena Allouch
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJCSI JUNE 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i1.141


Investment is defined as the process of capital investment undertaken by an investor both foreign and domestic investors with the aim of making a profit. Investment is a term that is familiar to the public, both the upper, middle and lower class. However, most people have the perception that being an investor must be people who have a lot of money, especially for investing in large companies that are well known. Actually, this perception can be minimized by inviting people to conduct online trading training and providing an understanding to them that being an investor is not only among people who have a lot of money. Currently, the Indonesia Stock Exchange has made it easy for investors from the lower middle class to be able to act as investors. The solution provided by the Indonesia Stock Exchange is to reduce the number of shares in 1 lot, which is 100 shares. Finally, it is expected that with this online trading training activity, it can attract people to invest in the capital market.
Community Empowerment Training Through Local Potential Sugiyarmasto Sugiyarmasto; Herman Mawengkang
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): IJCSI JUNE 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i1.142


University as an academic institution has a massive potential to built-in entrepreneurs with extensive concept. This have been formed by Setia Budi University with funding the Community Service Programmed which aimed to increase the quality of community in economic, academic and prosperity. Based on that program, the community serviced program about training of making Souvenir will be held in Tambora Tengah , Kelurahan Mojosongo, KecamatanJebres where placed in Setia Budi University area. This district has 21;RW, and 04 RT which has about 30 families each.According to that situation, come up the idea to help each family to be more productive and earning trough training. This training of making souvenir amimed to increase the productivity and passive income to develop and self-supporting the family prosperity.This entrepreneurship in developing souvenir business identic as woman business activity which has time and energy effective and not disturbing their activity and responsibility as a housewife.
Training and Guidance in Use Software Wingeom 2D and 3D in Learning Geometry to Improve the Professionalism of Junior High School Teachers In Tanggetada District, Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi Province Supratman Supu; Herlina
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IJCSI SEPTEMBER 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i2.160


This service aims to increase the professionalism of junior high school teachers in learning geometry by using Mathematics Learning Media, namely the use Sofware Wingeom 2D and 3D. This was done because looking at the problems that are generally faced by teachers in research, namely the lack of utilization and knowledge of teachers in the use of Wingeom-Based Mathematics Learning Media, in schools teachers are known that one of their weaknesses is the lack of work in the field of scientific work and research caused by erroneous one of them is the inadequacy of teachers in using mathematics learning media which can make it easier for them to be able to work. Program Wingeom 2D and 3D is a computer application program designed to support geometry learning, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional. This program can be used asmind tools in learning geometry, where teachers can use it to develop a dimensional geometric framework. With programs Wingeom It is hoped that later the teacher will be able to explore, observe, do shape animation and display dimensional geometry material, in addition to the program Wingeom 2D and 3D are expected to help visualize a geometric concept clearly so that teachers will more easily understand geometric concepts so that it will have an impact on improving the quality of teachers in the learning process, especially learning geometry. The mandatory outputs to be achieved are (1). One scientific article published in a journal with ISSN or proceedings from a national seminar. (2) Publication in print/online/repocitory mass media PT. (3). Increased competitiveness (increase quality, quantity, and added value of goods, services, product diversification, or other resources depending on the type of activity proposed. (4). Increasing the application of science and technology in society (mechanization, IT, and management). (5) Improvement of community values (art, culture, social, politics, security, peace, education, and health. Meanwhile, Additional Outcomes are in the form of (1). method or system; product (goods or services). (2). HKI, (3). Books with ISSN, (4). TTG Innovation, and, (5). International Publications. Method used in this training and mentoring include: (1) talk and question and answer about steps usage stepssoftware Wingeom 2D and 3D in learning geometry, (2) discussion groups directed on the steps of use software Wingeom 2D and 3D in learning geometry, (3) guidance and each simulation usage stepssoftware Wingeom 2d and 3D in learning geometry, (4) practice direct use of each step usage software Wingeom 2D and 3D dalam learning geometry, (5) giving related assignments usage software Wingeom 2D and 3D dalam geometry learning.
Assistance in Preparing Anti-Anemia Food Menus to Prevent Stunting for Young Women and Posyandu Cadres in Tunjuk Village, Tabanan Regency Year 2023 Ida Ayu Eka Padmiari; Pande Putu Sri Sugiani; I Wayan Ambartana
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IJCSI SEPTEMBER 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i2.161


Anemia is a health problem throughout the world, especially in developing countries, where an estimated 30% of the world's population suffers from anemia. Anemia in adolescent girls is still quite high. Anemia is a nutritional problem that often occurs in teenagers, especially young women. Anemia is a continuation of the impact of deficiencies in macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals). In adolescent girls, the need for iron increases because they experience regular menstruation which releases a certain amount of iron every month. This increase in the need for total blood volume is often not accompanied by adequate iron consumption, especially when teenage girls tend to want to have a slimmer body, so they often make various efforts, including going on a strict diet.Based on data from the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting among children under five in Tabanan Regency is still above the prevalence of stunting in Bali Province (8.0%) while in Tabanan Regency it is 8.2%. Research on female vocational school students in Tabanan Regency found that 54.2% had low levels of energy consumption, 32.5% had low levels of protein consumption, 88.0% had very low levels of iron consumption, 96.4% had very low levels of folic acid consumption. less and 78.3% have a very low level of vitamin B12 consumption and the level of knowledge about Anemia and CED, most of the Young Women have little knowledge about Anemia and CED, namely 84% less, 14% enough and 2% good. This lack of knowledge will affect the attitude of young women towards anemia and CED so that when they are pregnant they tend to experience anemia and CED and will give birth to stunted babies. The nutrition education that has been carried out is not enough to increase knowledge and especially attitudes of teenagers towards the risk factors for stunting, therefore the service will carry out training in preparing anti-anemia food menus for young women and Posyandu cadres in Tunjuk Village, Tabanan District. The priority solution is to improve the skills of young women and posyandu cadres to create anti-anemia food menus to prevent stunting by providing training. The method used to achieve this community service objective was to carry out training for 2 days for 50 young women and Posyandu cadres. This community service activity was carried out in Tunjuk Village, Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency in July 2023.
Training on Enhancing Women's Role in Supporting Household Economy Nurhayati Nurhayati; Jakaria Jakaria; Aina Zahra Parinduri
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IJCSI SEPTEMBER 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i2.162


Women's contribution to family income is increasingly necessary, especially during the current economic crisis. Women's limited access to market opportunities is shown by their low participation in formal businesses. Most women still work in the informal sector and in jobs that do not use sophisticated equipment and technology. This work usually does not provide adequate social and legal protection and welfare guarantees, in addition to unhealthy working conditions and of course low income levels. Azalea MSMEs are currently almost mostly women entrepreneurs, expected to support the household economy. Therefore, this PKM activity aims to provide training to be able to increase the role of women (community and Azalea MSMEs) in supporting the household economy, it is hoped that women can have financial independence
Enhancing Brand Quality through Business Kit Assistance for Micro Enterprise Jamu Bandung Rivaldi Arissaputra; Sarah Sentika; Sena Rahma Amelia
International Journal of Community Service Implementation Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): IJCSI SEPTEMBER 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijcsi.v1i2.166


This project addresses the challenges faced by micro 'Jamu Bandung' enterprises in Indonesia. The background of the project highlights the significance of these small businesses in preserving traditional herbal medicine practices and the need to adapt to modern market dynamics. The research methodology employed a qualitative approach, including interviews, surveys, document analysis, and observation, to improve the impact of branding, packaging design, and e-commerce strategies. The results of this project have provided invaluable insights, as follows: (1) Implementation of comprehensive Brand Guidelines has significantly improved brand consistency within the micro 'Jamu Bandung' sector, fostering a unified brand identity and instilling trust among consumers, (2) Innovative packaging designs have substantially increased the appeal of 'Jamu Bandung' products. Detailed analyses demonstrate the specific design elements contributing to consumer attraction and market success, (3) The integration of e-commerce strategies shows promise in expanding market reach and deepening customer engagement. A detailed exploration of these strategies and their impact on consumer behavior offers a nuanced understanding of the project's effectiveness. Future endeavors in this direction should prioritize addressing digital literacy challenges and ensuring the sustainability of these enhancements. These efforts are crucial for long-term success and the continued preservation of Indonesia's herbal medicine heritage.

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