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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 9, No. 2" : 6 Documents clear
“Be Careful and Don’t Forget to Pray”: Indonesian Female Journalists’ Protocol in Dealing with Harassments Aderia, Aderia
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Female journalists’ safety is a long ignored and forgotten thing in Indonesian journalism. It has been ignored even by the female journalists themselves. They took the safety issues as a job risk and as the things they have to face regularly. Many female journalists, even the experienced ones, tend to take harassments or violence for granted. In addition, most of Indonesian female journalists even blamed themselves for being a victim. This paper is a research study which aims to figure out how Indonesian female journalists perceived the safety issues, challenges they have to face in the field, and challenges for the implementation of safety protocol in Indonesian media houses. Using the Standpoint Theory and adapting the qualitative research, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews of 7 female journalists in Jakarta. Thisresearch shows that most of female journalists experienced harassment in the field and did nothing about it, let alone to report it to their supervisors. This research was conducted in the hope of improving the safety concerns of female journalists and aims to guide both media houses and female journalists. This study suggests that there should be an appropriate systemto maintain the female journalists’ safety. Keselamatan jurnalis perempuan Indonesia terabaikan dan terlupakan sejak lama. Bahkan, oleh jurnalis perempuan sendiri. Mereka menganggap masalah keselamatan sebagai risiko pekerjaan dan merupakan hal yang wajar. Banyak jurnalis perempuan termasuk yang berpengalaman, menerima pelecehan atau kekerasan sebagai hal biasa. Kebanyakan jurnalis perempuanbahkan menyalahkan diri sendiri ketika menjadi korban. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana jurnalis perempuan Indonesia memahami isu keselamatan di lapangan, tantangan yang mereka hadapi serta hambatan untuk menerapkan protokol keselamatan di perusahaan media. Menggunakan Teori Standpoint dan metode penelitian kualitatif, peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan 7 jurnalis perempuan di Jakarta. Riset ini menemukan bahwa sebagian besar jurnalis perempuan mengalami pelecehan dan tidakmelakukan apa-apa, bahkan untuk sekadar melaporkannya kepada atasan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan perhatian terhadap keselamatan jurnalis perempuanbaik oleh perusahaan media maupun oleh jurnalis perempuan sendiri.
Selecting Information Sources in Times of Crisis Bastari, Andi Amiratania
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The Indonesian government has employed communication strategies such as leveraging new media and big data to provide its citizens with information during the Covid-19 global pandemic. Previous research has shown that these are some tools that were used by digital PR practitioners during a crisis. However, it is said that research on usage of new media has been focused on the organizational perspective. This article conducted an exploratory study on how and why users select certain forms of new media to search for information. An in-depth interview with three informants was done to gain a societal perspective. Uses and gratifications theory, including its development due to the advancement Of technology in Industry 4.0, served as a framework to analyze the data gathered from the interview. The results showed that all three informants tend to use alternative new media because of the gratification it provides, instead of Gugus Tugas’s official website. This article contributes to the literature on new media user behavior in selecting information sources in times of crisis. It also provides practical and theoretical insights for future studies. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menggunakan strategi komunikasi seperti pemanfaatan media baru dan data besar untuk memberikan informasi kepada warga selama menghadapi pandemi global Covid-19. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah beberapa alat yang digunakan oleh praktisi PR digital selama krisis. Namun demikian, penelitian tentang penggunaan media baru lebih banyak difokuskan pada perspektif organisasi. Artikel ini melakukan studi eksplorasi tentang bagaimana dan mengapa pengguna memilih bentuk media baru tertentu untuk mencari informasi. Wawancara mendalam dengan tiga informan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan perspektif dari sisi masyarakat. Teori Uses and Gratifications, termasuk perkembangannya akibat kemajuan teknologi Industri 4.0, berfungsi sebagai kerangka kerja untuk menganalisis data yang telah dikumpulkan dalam wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga informan cenderung menggunakan media baru alternatif karena lebih memuaskan daripada situs resmi Gugus Tugas. Artikel ini berkontribusi pada literatur tentang perilaku pengguna media baru dalam memilih sumber informasi di saat krisis. Artikel ini juga memberikan masukan praktikal dan teoritis untuk penelitian di masa depan.
Communication between Husband and Wife in Negotiating a Parenting Role for their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Saptyasari, Andria
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Families that have children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) were vulnerable in terms of financial, emotional, energy, and time that causes tension between husbands and wives as parents in caring for their children with ASD. The main purpose of this study is to elaborateon the communication used by married heterosexual couples in negotiating a parenting role related to financial, emotional, energy, and time problems for their child with ASD by using relational dialectical theory. The data collection method used interviews. The participants’ selection used snowball. The participants consisted of three married heterosexual couples with three different ages of children with ASD in East Java. The results showed that there are dynamic changes related to the role of married couple participants in meeting financial, emotional, time, and energy needs for their children with ASD who have difficulties in social communication and repetitive, restricted behavior. In meeting all those needs, each participant does role sharing change when necessary and share tasks with respect and responsibility.They also accommodate changes by using collective consensus. The conclusion of this study is a compromise strategy was used by them when sharing roles related to financial, emotional, time, and energy for children with ASD. Keluarga dengan anak ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) rentan akan kondisi finansial, emosional, tenaga dan waktu yang dapat memicu ketegangan antara suami dan istri sebagai orang tua dalam merawat anak ASD mereka. Studi ini bertujuanmengelaborasi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh pasangan heteroseksual yang sudah menikah dalam menegosiasikan peran merawat anak ASD terkait finansial, emosional, tenaga dan waktu dengan menggunakan teori dialektika hubungan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara. Cara mendapatkan tiga pasangan partisipan yang memiliki anak ASD dengan umur yang berbeda adalah dengan teknik snowball. Hasil menunjukkan ada perubahan yang dinamis terkait peran antar pasangan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan finansial, emosional, tenaga, dan waktu untuk anak ASD mereka yang memiliki kesulitan dalam komunikasi sosial. Setiap pasangan suami istri ini berusaha melakukan perubahan peran bila dibutuhkan dengan rasatanggung jawab dan saling menghargai satu sama lain. Mereka mengakomodasi perubahansecara kolektif dan melalui kesepakatan. Sehingga bisa disimpulkan dalam merawat anak ASD, mereka menggunakan strategi kompromi terkait finansial, emosional, tenaga, dan waktu.
Audience Reception of Hoax Information on Social Media in the Post-Truth Era Wahyono, Sugeng Bayu; Wirasti, Murti Kusuma; Ratmono, Barito Mulyo
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This research is an audience reception study of hoax information on social media during the 2019 Presidential Election campaign in the post-truth era. This research uses a qualitative method with a reception study approach and various theories of active audiences such as the encoding-decoding model from Stuart Hall, which was also elaborated by David Morley and Ien Ang. The result shows that there are three typologies in receiving hoax. Those are the pragmatic-creative, ideological, and critical-skeptical type of audiences. The three typologies of the audience have different characters in the reception of hoax information in political communication on social media. Some audiences are permissive-negotious, some are critically oppositional, and some are hegemonized by hoax information in the 2019 Presidential Election political moment in such a way that they are part of the increasing turbulence of hoax. Penelitian ini merupakan studi resepsi khalayak terhadap informasi hoaks di media sosial pada masa kampanye Pilihan Presiden 2019 dalam era pascakebenaran. Riset ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi resepsi, dan menggunakan berbagai teori khalayak aktif seperti model encoding-decoding dari Stuart Hall yang dielaborasi juga oleh David Morley dan Ien Ang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga tipologi khalayak dalam menerima hoaks, yaitu khalayak tipe pragmatik-rekreatif, ideologis, dan kritis-skeptis. Ketiga tipologi khalayak itu memiliki karakter yang berbeda dalam meresepsi informasi hoaks dalam komunikasi politik di media sosial. Ada yang permisif-negosiatif, ada yang kritis oposisional, dan ada pula yang terhegemoni oleh informasi hoaks dalam momen politik Pilihan Presiden 2019, sehingga menjadi bagian dari peningkatan turbulensi hoaks.
“I sometimes have doubts about the news on Facebook”: Adolescents’ encounters with fake news on the internet Vissenberg, Joyce; d’Haenens, Leen
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Fake news is increasingly present on the internet and on social media, and youths, who mainly follow the news on these platforms, are at risk of being misinformed and deceived. This study aims to serve as an important knowledge base about adolescents’ definitions of, experiences with, and opinions about fake news on the internet. A qualitative content analysis of open-ended survey responses regarding experiences with fake news online among 214 Flemish youths (aged 15 to 19) provides insight into the sources of fake news, the topics covered in fake news, and the characteristics of fake news according to these youths. This study contributes to the field by giving insight into adolescents’ experiences with fake news and serves as an important base for further research into youths and fake news on the internet.
Chatbots and Government Communications in Covid-19 Pandemic Untari, Ika Meilani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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COVID-19 has forced the world to change. Indonesian government, like the rest of the global community, promptly responded to the soaring transmission rate by launching an app to cater the Indonesians’ need for information. COVID19 GO.ID was launched on March 20, 2020, adding to previous chatbots built by WHO and afterwards followed by GOV UK. Using casestudies method and comparing it to the four unique affordances of chatbot, this study wasconducted to com pare the three chatbots, and thus achieve a valuable information to improve Indonesia’s chatbot under the Media Richness Theory. Indonesian government chatbot needs to add more engaging and informative topics. The availability of shareable graphics and videos would add richness to the chatbot, as well topics that provide information on myth buster or hoax revelation, mental health support and how people can donate to the society. COVID-19 telah memaksa dunia berubah. Pemerintah Indonesia, seperti komunitas global lainnya, segera merespon tingginya angka penularan dengan meluncurkan sebuah aplikasi untuk menjawab kebutuhan informasi masyarakat Indonesia. COVID19 GO.ID diluncurkan pada20 Maret 2020, menambah daftar chatbot yang telah dibangun oleh WHO, dan kemudian diikutioleh GOV UK. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus dan membandingkannya dengan empat kemampuan chatbot, kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk membandingkan ketiga chatbot tersebut dan menghasilkan informasi berharga untuk memperbaiki chatbot pemerintah Indonesia menggunakan Teori Kekayaan Media. Chatbot pemerintah Indonesia perlu menambahkan topik yang lebih melibatkan masyarakat dan lebih informatif. Ketersediaanmedia infografis dan video yang mudah didesiminasikan akan menambahkan kekayaan terhadap chatbot, begitu pula topik yang membahas mitos atau mengupas tentang hoaks, dukungan kesehatan mental dan bagaimana masyarakat dapat berdonasi.

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