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Journal of Geosciences and Applied Geology
ISSN : 25793136     EISSN : 25793136     DOI :
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology (GSAG) is a National multidisiplinary Journal focus on Geological Sciences, Applied Geology, and Geological Engineering and Earth Science. Our Mission is to publish research related to (but not limited) Geology Petrology Paleontology Stratigraphy Sedimentology Remote Sensing Geomorphology GIS Engineering Geology Geotechnics Geochemistry Geophysics Geological Hazard and Disaster Geopark Hazard Mitigation Geography Earth Sciences
Articles 6 Documents
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Tephrostratigraphy Study Using Petrographic Method in Leles Sub-basin, Bogor, WestJava Dea Carrisa; Muhammad Nasir; Yoga Andriana Sendjaja; Nisa Nurul Ilmi; Edy Sunardi
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i1.13424


Tephrostratigraphy is a study used in determining pyroclastics layers,especially those in Ash/Tephrograin-sized, that can be used as a correlational tool to find out the order of sedimentation from one volcanic eruption. Leles Sub-Basinal, Garut, is composed mainly by Quartenary Sediment on the toppest layer and Tertiary Sediment on the bottom (Sunardi,2014). These thing of Garut Basin located in a plateau which is surrounded by volcanic plateau and dominated by lake sediment, and geographically located at low latitudes (Sunardi,2016). Based on the existence of Leles Sub-Basinal which is located on active volcanic complex, followed by its pyroclatics sediments, it is very ideal for this area to be the object of Tephrostratigraphy  Study. Moreover, earlier study was never been done before thoroughly at LelesSub-Basinal area.Based on mineralogical study, the tephroof Leles Sub-Basinal divided to Crystal Tuf, Lithic Tuf,and Vitric Tuf (Schmidt,1981). The commonly found minerals are quartz, plagioclase, pyroxen, feldspar, and opaque.The emersion of other minerals, suchasolivin, amphibole, and biotite are not visible in general. Based on the presentastion of that main minerals, it was concluded that the tephrolocated in Leles Sub-Basinal came fromandesitic and basaltic magma types. While from granulometric analysis, tephro from Leles Sub-Basinal was grouped in coarse ash and fine ash with well sorting and fall deposits mechanism of sedimentation. This tephrocontains many heavy minerals with bulk density variated around 2850-2900 kg/m3, which consists of apatite, biotite, and hornblende. Those heavy minerals are commonly found in ash falls lithology (Gale & Hoare, 2011). Stratigraphically, there were two period so feruption happening at Leles Sub-Basinal area, with unidentified volcanic vents due to lack of data. It is also concluded that the supported station in the south has stratigraphical  relationship with keystation. Keywords: Tephro, Tephrostratigraphy, Tuf, Leles Sub-Basinal. 
Determining of Coefficient Correlation between UCS and PLI data for Various Rock Types at Batu Hijau Mine PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Yan Adriansyah; Zufialdi Zakaria; Dicky Muslim; Johanes Hutabarat
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i1.13418


AbstractThe Batu Hijau Mine is one of the biggest gold-copper producer in Indonesia which operated by PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (PTAMNT). The mine site is located in the southwest corner of Sumbawa Island in the Sunda-Banda Archipelago in Indonesia. Based on the tectonic plate perspective, the Sumbawa Island lies along the tectonically active rock sequences.Refers to the geological model from comprehensive study starting from the exploration up to exploitation stages, there are four rock types that formed the slope at Batu Hijau Mine, namely volcanic rock, diorite, tonalite and young tonalite. The volcanic rock as a host rock is the most dominant material among the other rocks type which expose on the north-west, west and south wall.This study was focused on determining of the index conversion factor of the relation between uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and point load test (PLT) data which obtained from the laboratory test result. The correlation factor for predicting UCS value from the PLT data for each rock type has shown the good correlation with the average of regression value is 0.88.  Keywords : Batu Hijau, Uniaxial Compressive Strength, Point Load Test, Conversion Factor. 
Origin of Oil Seeps in West Sulawesi Onshore, Indonesia: Geochemical Constraints and Paleogeographic Reconstruction of the Source Facies Yarra Sutadiwiria; . Yeftamikha; Ahmad Helman Hamdani; Yoga Andriana; Iyan Haryanto; Edy Sunardi
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i1.13420


ABSTRACTNumerous oil and gas seeps occur at onshore West and South Sulawesi. These may indicate the presence of active petroleum system in subsurface hence the area is worthy for further exploration. No discovery well so far in this area. Therefore, the seeps provide significant data to build integrated petroleum system analysis.A number of geochemical analysis were conducted on the oil seeps and rock samples from outcrop and well cuttings to reveal the source rocks that generate the oils. Triterpane m/z 191 shows low content of tricyclic terpane, low norhopane to hopane, and abundant oleanane. Sterane m/z 217 and bicyclic alkane m/z 123 show dominant C29 sterane and bicadinane. These biomarkers indicate that the source of oils are coals and/or coaly shales deposited in fluvio-deltaic setting. Contribution from marine input is shown in Karama region to the south.Based on stratigraphic setting of West and South Sulawesi, the best candidate for the source of oil seeps is Eocene coals or coaly shales of Toraja or Kalumpang Formation. The Eocene coal samples have been characterized and show similar GC alkane distribution with the oil seeps. Contribution from marine facies, which may age-equivalent to these coals are shown in Karama region.Aromatic methyl phenanthrene m/z 178 and m/z 192 were also analyzed to know their maturities and they were generated at maturity level equivalent with Ro 0.8-1.0 %.Based on geochemical constraints and geologic data, a paleogeographic setting of Eocene Toraja/Kalumpang Formation was built to know better about the paleo-source facies of the oils and its geochemical characteristics. Keywords: Biomarker, coaly shales, Toraja/Kalumpang Formation
Lithofacies And Depositional Environment Of Halang Formation On Part Of Cihikeu River Section, Majalengka, North Java Eric Wijaya; . Abdurrokhim; Faisal Helmi; Nisa Nurul Ilmi; Edy Sunardi
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i1.13423


AbstractThis study about lithofacies and depositional environment is located at Cihikeu River, Village Area of Mekarwangi Village, Bantarujeg District, Majalengka, West Java. Geographically, the research area is located at 60 56’ 11,7” latitude and 60 57’ 09,3” latitude and 1080 11’ 22,3” BT until 1080 12’ 20,3” BT. Based on Arjawinangun Geological Map (Djuri, 1995), the research area is located at Upper Parts of Halang Formation. This research show that the lithology that dominantly occur in the research area is sandstones, mudstones, and breccia.The methods that been used in this research are stratigraphics cross section measurements, lithofacies analysis, and based on secondary data which is paleontology analysis, it can be concluded that there are 8 lithofacies refers to the submarine facies classification by Stow, 1985 that occur in research area, which are facies A1-1, facies A1-3, facies B1-1, facies C2-2, facies C2-3, facies E1-1, facies E2-1, and facies F2-2. Based on the secondary data, the age of research area can be concluded into middle miocene to late miocene.Based on the lithofacies analysis, the lithofacies association concluded into 3 lithofacies association, which are FA-1, FA-2, and FA-3. From those lithofacies associaton characteristics, thereafter the depositional environment can be interpretated into 4 sub-depositional environments which are lower slope, upper fan, middle fan, and lower fan that refers to submarine depositional environments classification by Walker, 1984. Keywords : Lithofacies, Lithofacies association, Depositional environments, Submarine fan
THE SALT POTENTIALS IN INDONESIA Emi Sukiyah; Vijaya Isnaniawardhani; Adjat Sudradjat; Faisal Muhamadsyah
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i1.13419


Abstract The salt deposits are unevenly distributed in the world. The most productive countries are China, USA and India. Indonesia experiences the salt deficit, due to the limited number of the deposits. The evaluation of the characteristics of salt deposit in the world reveals the Pre Tertiary association in semi closed marine environmental deposition. The geological condition in Indonesia does not favor such environment, therefore the salt deposits unlikely to occur. The saline solution in mud volcanoes in northern part of Java Island however indicates the possible saline deposits in Tertiary Kalibeng Formation with the thickness of approximatelly 3.000 meters. The saline seepages most probably have continuously been taking place since early Pleistocene or about a million years ago. The saline seepages in northern part of East Java might extend to thebottom of Madura Strait and enrich the salinity of the sea in the strait. The semi closed configuration of the strait contributes to the accumulation of salt. It is therefore suggested to expand the evaporating pools for salt production, among others by the reclamation of the shallow offshore area in the southern part of the island. Keywords: salt deficit, mud volcano, saline solution, enrich the salinity, solar evaporating pools
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i1.13422


AbstractThe Late Miocene shelf-margin carbonate reef is well exposed in the study area, and named as Klapanunggal Formation.  The formation is characterized mainly by thick and massive reefal limestone with large foraminifers and other types of shell fragments, such as mollusks and echinoderms, and it have been developed in a response to the decrease in sediment discharge superimposed by relative rise in sea level during the late Miocene. Keyword: carbonate, Klapanunggal Formation, rimmed reef, shelf margin, Bogor Trough

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