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Nur Khoirullah
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Journal of Geosciences and Applied Geology
ISSN : 25793136     EISSN : 25793136     DOI :
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology (GSAG) is a National multidisiplinary Journal focus on Geological Sciences, Applied Geology, and Geological Engineering and Earth Science. Our Mission is to publish research related to (but not limited) Geology Petrology Paleontology Stratigraphy Sedimentology Remote Sensing Geomorphology GIS Engineering Geology Geotechnics Geochemistry Geophysics Geological Hazard and Disaster Geopark Hazard Mitigation Geography Earth Sciences
Articles 117 Documents
Analysis of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Andesite Lava Geulis Mountain Area, Jatinangor, West Java Fajar Abdullah; Raden Irvan Sophian; Nur Khoirullah; Zufialdi Zakaria; Abdul Wahid Asykarulloh; Mochamad Muslim Taufiq; Nisa Shafira; Revena Denia Putri
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Journal of Geological Science and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v5i1.34851


Jatinangor is an area composed of material from volcanic activity, one of the results of volcanic activity is andesite rock. The purpose of this research is to provide information related to the physical and mechanical properties of the lava rock in the Gunung Geulis area so that if there is construction work or rock utilization there is already information about the characteristics of the rock. The method used in this study is a laboratory experiment by conducting tests on 9 selected rock samples. The results of laboratory testing can be concluded the rock in the research area is andesite rocks and have rock physical properties namely Natural density (1.5 – 1.6 gr/cc), Saturated density (1.6 – 1.7 g/cc), Dry Density (1.5 – 1.6 g/cc), Bulk Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) Specific Gravity (2.3 – 2.4), Apparent Specific Gravity (2.5 – 2.7), absorption (3 – 5.9%), Natural moisture content (0.6 – 2.3%),  Porosity (4.9 – 9.4%) and the mechanical properties of the rock, namely the compressive strength of the rock, ranged from 33,099 – 85,096 Mpa. Based on the results and analysis, the mechanical properties of rocks, namely the compressive strength of rocks in the study area, have varying values and varied physical properties of rocks. Physical and mechanical properties of rocks that are correlated based on linear correlation are the compressive strength of rocks with absorption, Natural moisture content, and porosity. These parameters will show the relationship that can affect the compressive strength of rocks. So that when using rock in construction work, mining, the use of rock needs to pay attention to the compressive strength or mechanical properties and physical properties of the rock.
Liquefaction Potential based on Earthquake History in Sanana Region, Sula Island Regency, North Maluku, Indonesia Ulfia Sari Pajrin; Zufialdi Zakaria; Raden Irvan Sophian; Nur Khoirullah; Aziez Mubarak; Jodi Prakoso Basuki
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v3i1.21947


Sula Islands is a region in Maluku Province that is very vulnerable to earthquakes because it is located on an active seismic line. One of the disasters that often accompanies earthquakes is liquefaction. Sandy soil in a saturated condition will lose its strength when an earthquake occurs, thus endangering the building above it. The aim of the study was to determine seismicity and estimate the liquefaction potential of the earthquake history and CPT test in the Sanana region and its surroundings. The method in this study uses a "simplified procedure" method for evaluating liquefaction resistance of soils. 2 main parameters were sought in this study, CSR obtained based on tectonic conditions and a history of seismicity and CRR obtained from the results of CPT testing. The results showed that seismicity in the Sanana region was sourced from Sula-Sorong active fault activity with a history of the greatest magnitude of 8.1 and 7.7. As for the calculation results from CPT data, the Sanana area has the potential for liquefaction of sand medium material at a depth of 5-12 m for earthquakes with magnitude 7.5 and 4 -12 m in magnitude 7.7 and 8.1. The potential for liquefaction in this area is caused by the type of saturated medium sand material and this location which is close to the active fault activity of Sula-Sorong. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the potential for liquefaction in planning, building and developing infrastructure in earthquake-prone areas so that disasters of liquefaction can be prevented.
Eocene – Late Miocene Tectonostratigraphy of Bima Field in Northwest Java Basin Nanda Natasia; Muhammad Kurniawan Alfadli; Ildrem Syafri
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 3 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i3.15619


This study aim to understand the tectonostratigraphy of Bima Field from Basement forming in Eocene to Late Miocene Interval based on seismic observation. Regional structural analysis of the Bima Field and surrounding area was conducted using integration 2D seismic lines and existing wells. The main purpose of the analysis is to describe structural pattern and style in the study area in relation to regional tectonic of the North-West Java Basinal area. The results of structural mapping using regional 2D seismic data controlled by numbers of wells indicates study area is mostly located along NNE-NSW trending basement high structures (Figure 3). Structural development of the study area is dominated by series of normal faults system with some locally observed folds. In many seismic sections, faults geometry characterized by high to moderate dips. This specific geometry often interpreted as half graben and horst structures resulting from Eocene rifting. The structural geology of Bima field can be observed clearly at the WNW-ESE seismic line. It was dominated by N-S trending Normal fault that was probably related to the Eocene rifting which occurred predominantly at the west part of the study area. The main fault, occurred toward to the west, formed the half graben system which cut from basement to Parigi formation. However, others that placed at central part only cut the basement. The pre-Baturaja Sediment can be divided into two packages, which are syn-rift package and quiescence package while the post-Baturaja interval is the late post rift (sag) package.
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v7i2.50380


Subduction with oblique dimensions causes the formation of structures in the Sumatra area, one of which is the formation of the Sumatran Fault System with dextral fault movements. Strike-slip Fault are segmented in varying geometries and sizes. The Sumatran Fault has been extensively segmented through geometric and structural analysis on the surface and seismic analysis using seismic clusters. This research was conducted to update fault segmentation using surface structure analysis and earthquake data distribution. Surface mapping was carried out through DEM imagery and association with earthquakes and their focal mechanisms, as well as geological factors such as lithology and volcanoes related to the Sumatra Fault. There were 14 segments based on geological and structural identification such as step over, bend, and discontinuity (gap). All the active fault in the region can produce >Mw 6.6 earthquake.
Rock Characteristics as The Basis of Aquifer Determination In Cianjur Sub-Watershed, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency, West Java Province Ahmad Husaeni; Yudhi Listiawan; Kurnia Arfiansyah Fachrudin; Teuku Yan Waliana Muda Iskandarsyah
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Journal of Geological Science and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v5i1.34872


Based on Presidential Decree Number 12 of 2012, this research area is part of the Upstream Citarum watershed and part of the Citarum River Basin. The boundary of this research area is the Cianjur Sub-watershed which has an area of approximately 41.0 km2. The research area is the eastern part of Mount Gede. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of the lithology as the basis of aquifer determination that composed the research area based on the results of surface geological mapping and supported by petrographic analysis. This research used a method split into several stages, namely the stages of fieldwork, rock sampling, and laboratory analysis. At the fieldwork stage, geological mapping of the surface was carried out by observing rock outcrops in the research area. At the sampling stage, it is done by taking rock samples representing each rock unit in the research area. As for the last stage, laboratory analysis is performed using the petrographic analysis method, namely the analysis of thin sections on rock samples to observe each of the mineral contained and porosity characteristics in the rock samples. The results of the thin section analysis are then compared with the existing classifications. Based on the results of the analysis, the research area is composed of igneous rocks, volcanic rocks, and pyroclastic rocks which are divided into three (3) units, namely the Volcanic Breccia Unit (SBv), Volcanic Tuff Unit (STv), and Volcanic Lava Unit (SLv). Based on these three units of lithology, SBv which is a unit of volcanic breccia is an aquifer
Lithofacies And Depositional Environment Of Halang Formation On Part Of Cihikeu River Section, Majalengka, North Java Eric Wijaya; . Abdurrokhim; Faisal Helmi; Nisa Nurul Ilmi; Edy Sunardi
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i1.13423


AbstractThis study about lithofacies and depositional environment is located at Cihikeu River, Village Area of Mekarwangi Village, Bantarujeg District, Majalengka, West Java. Geographically, the research area is located at 60 56’ 11,7” latitude and 60 57’ 09,3” latitude and 1080 11’ 22,3” BT until 1080 12’ 20,3” BT. Based on Arjawinangun Geological Map (Djuri, 1995), the research area is located at Upper Parts of Halang Formation. This research show that the lithology that dominantly occur in the research area is sandstones, mudstones, and breccia.The methods that been used in this research are stratigraphics cross section measurements, lithofacies analysis, and based on secondary data which is paleontology analysis, it can be concluded that there are 8 lithofacies refers to the submarine facies classification by Stow, 1985 that occur in research area, which are facies A1-1, facies A1-3, facies B1-1, facies C2-2, facies C2-3, facies E1-1, facies E2-1, and facies F2-2. Based on the secondary data, the age of research area can be concluded into middle miocene to late miocene.Based on the lithofacies analysis, the lithofacies association concluded into 3 lithofacies association, which are FA-1, FA-2, and FA-3. From those lithofacies associaton characteristics, thereafter the depositional environment can be interpretated into 4 sub-depositional environments which are lower slope, upper fan, middle fan, and lower fan that refers to submarine depositional environments classification by Walker, 1984. Keywords : Lithofacies, Lithofacies association, Depositional environments, Submarine fan
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Journal of Geological Science and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v7i1.48280


The research was conducted at a company working in the coal mining contract sector, namely PT. XYZ Tbk. OPD is located in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. The research aims to create a slope simulation for analysis. This analysis is used to determine the safety value factor with the influence of the parameters used, with reference to the safety value factor based on safe slope criteria according to KEPMEN ESDM Number 1827 K /30/MEM/2018. Parameters in the simulation are material properties in the form of unit weight, cohesion and internal friction angle. The material used is bedrock material in the form of sandstone, and overburden material in the form of a mixture of sandstone and claystone. Engineering is carried out by considering the condition of the groundwater table, namely full saturation and the earthquake vibration coefficient, to be analyzed using the Morgenstern-Price method. The safety factor value that has been obtained in the slope simulation is 1,216, the safety factor value includes unsafe slopes which are affected by groundwater conditions and earthquake vibrations.
SEISMIC STRATIGRAPHY ANALYSIS OF 2D SEISMIC CROSS SECTION IN ARAFURA SEA, PAPUA Muhammad Audy Naufal; Nurdrajat Nurdrajat; Budi Muljana; Catur Purwanto
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Journal of Geological Science and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v4i2.29153


Arafura Sea is one of the shallow marine located in eastern Indonesia. This is accommodated based on the bathymetry map of Arafura which has a depth of up to 90 meters. Stratigraphy in eastern Indonesia is quite complex, consisting of rocks aged up to Paleozoic. There have been five tectonic event since Pre-Cambrian until now, namely the pre-rift, syn-rift, passive margins, convergence and compression. The 2D seismic  cross section of line 5 acquired as the result of seismic data processing which is part of the Buru Formation consisting of shale siltstone, sandstone, limestone, calcareous sandstone aged from Late Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene. Bouguer Anomaly data from Buru Formation have a value of 1,8 – 2,2 gr /cc which shows fine grained sediments in the form of silt, clay, and sand which deposited on the continental shelf. 2D Seismic cross section of line 5 shows the direction of sediment deposition obtained from the south which continues to fill the geometry of the basin in the north and divided into 4 seismic facies based on the characteristics of the internal reflector, amplitude, frequency and continuity. From these characteristics, there is a process of changing depositional energy that tends to slow toward the center of the geometry space of the depositional basin so that the resulting sedimentation pattern is uniformed. A fault structure has been identified  which is formed the compressional force due to the presence of convergent tectonics which is perpendicular to the direction of the bedding
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 2, No 6 (2018): Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v2i6.20874


The research was conduct in north Kabaena sub – basin in the middle of the Bone Bay and it is the result of tectonic development of Sulawesi since the early Miocene. Since early Miocene tectonic development creating spaces for the accommodation process of sedimentation in Bone Bay. The existence of a process of sedimentation in the Bone Bay allows the existence of oil and gas. As a contribution to the development of science and oil & gas industry in Indonesia, study of the north Kabaena sub – basin was conducted with seismic 2D and gravity anomalies. This study is aiming to find out potential area through the subsurface contour maps. This research start with the analysis of the fault on the 2D seismic interpretation and aided by gravity anomaly data, followed by horizon interpretation using tectonostratigraphy approach as a marker. Both interpretation is a material to make subsurface contour maps. Through this research, we identified 5 packs of rocks from old to young is unit X, unit A, unit B, and unit C&D, and we proposed a lead's which is at unit C with carbonate build up type.
Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology Vol 5, No 3 (2021): Journal of Geological Science and Applied Geology
Publisher : Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/gsag.v5i3.38039


South Tambang Air Laya Disposal is an inpit disposal located in an active tectonic area adjacent to the active Sumatran Fault Zone. Area's support this with a peak acceleration value of 0.2 – 0.25. One of the causes of liquefaction is the presence of shocks or earthquakes. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the liquefaction potential to determine the liquefaction potential, especially in the disposal material and the disposal foundation of the research area. The method used in this research is the Waste Dump Stability Rating Hazard Classification System; this method is used to assess the liquefaction potential at the disposal, divided into two parts, namely the liquefaction potential at the foundation and the liquefaction potential at the disposal material. The data used in this research include secondary data from seismic factor data, South Sumatra earthquake zone data, South Sumatra liquefaction zone data, and laboratory test results of disposal foundations. In addition, data on the results of physical and mechanical properties of the disposal material were used in the form of grain size gradation data and data from plasticity test results. All the data used shows that the liquefaction potential of the disposal foundation is included in a negligible category with a rating value of 0. Meanwhile, the potential for liquefaction of disposal material is included in the low category with a rating value of -2.5, which must still be considered to avoid unexpected things that can occur.

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