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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) mempublikasikan artikel penelitian orisinil dan diskusi ilmiah tentang Pendidikan Islam pada pendidikan formal, pendidikan non formal dan pendidikan informal.
Articles 6 Documents
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Landasan Sosiokultural dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Irfan Ismail; Mulyawan Safwandy Nugraha; Asep Nursobah
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.64


Indonesia's diverse society requires tolerance, but paradoxically, we also see the emergence of intolerance, radicalism, and extremism, especially among millennials, who are very worrying even though schools are always taught to respect their cultural and social backgrounds. Therefore, it is necessary to build a moderate understanding to overcome this problem. With this background, researchers feel interested in exploring how sociocultural foundations in the Islamic religious education curriculum. This research uses qualitative field methods with a phenomenological approach. Looking at the social and cultural aspects of society, in the educational environment such as participation in social and religious activities. Religious tolerance that exists in the millennial generation family education that has been passed down from generation to generation by their parents. Keywords: Sociocultural; Curriculum; Islamic Religious Education
Peran Kompetensi Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kolaborasi Pembelajaran Terhadap Pola Pendidikan Moral Generasi Z Nakhma Ussolikhah; Ilman Nafi'a
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.66


The deviant behavior of Generation Z teenagers causes difficulties for teachers at school. the difficulty of overcoming the attitudes and delinquency of teenagers in the technological era is a challenge for teachers in the technological era. The aim of this research is to reduce adolescent deviant behavior and increase student understanding. Research methodology with a qualitative approach to case study design. The primary subject consists of 1 client and the secondary subject consists of 3 clients. Data analysis using triangulation techniques. The research results describe that the client initial X has deviant behavior involved in illegal drugs as a user and dealer. After treatment using the Korlberg approach, individual counseling lasted 5 sessions. Y as a client identifies brawls between students, dating. There was a change in behavior from X in the initial stage, X experienced a loss of self-identity, in the 2nd stage. Stage 4 X is realizing the wrong actions and desires by deciding to leave the punk community and bad habits. Stage 5 X takes action by avoiding making friends with punk groups and starting to focus on living a better life as a reseller, utilizing technology to earn income and focusing on a future career. Keywords: Teachers; Moral Education; Generation Z
Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI Melalui Inovasi Bahan Ajar Digital di SMK Al-Hidayah Cirebon Siti Nur ‘Azizah; Abdul Hanan; Ade Irwanto; Ali Murtadlo; Vikria
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.69


The development of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has been a crucial focus in enhancing the educational quality at SMK Al-Hidayah, Cirebon. This research aims to explore and implement innovative digital teaching materials to enrich the PAI learning process within this school environment. The research method used is a qualitative research method to gain insight into the observed phenomenon. Researchers also use a type of case study research that aims to describe and explain the phenomena we studied. The data collection techniques that researchers use are using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The findings indicate that the application of digital teaching materials has successfully increased students' interest in learning, broadened access to PAI content, and provided flexibility in the learning process. These findings contribute positively to enhancing the quality of PAI education at SMK Al-Hidayah, Cirebon, and offer guidance for other schools to adopt similar innovations in PAI education. Keywords: Islamic Education Learning; Teaching Materials; Digital
Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI Melalui Inovasi Bahan Ajar Multimedia di Kelas XI SMK Al Hidayah Dinda Syifa Dahlia; Indriani Samba Purwanti; Achmad Abdurrouf; Ahmad Zuhair Syafiq; Afif Maulana
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.70


This study aims to evaluate the use of multimedia teaching materials in learning in class XI of SMK Al Hidayah, focusing on aspects of success, obstacles, and implementation implications. Education in the modern era demands innovation in learning methods, and the use of technology, such as multimedia teaching materials, is considered as one of the approaches that can improve the quality of learning. This research is conducted using an evaluative approach that involves analyzing the effectiveness of using multimedia teaching materials, identifying the barriers that may arise, and exploring the implications of implementing the technology on the learning process. The research methodology involved quantitative and qualitative data collection, including surveys, observations, and interviews with teachers and students in grade XI. The results illustrate the success rate of using multimedia teaching materials, the obstacles faced, and the impact on the learning process. The conclusions of the study provide an in-depth insight into the effectiveness of technology in learning within SMK Al Hidayah. The implications of the findings are expected to provide a foundation for the development of better learning strategies in the future. By evaluating the use of multimedia teaching materials, this research contributes to further understanding of technology integration in the context of vocational secondary education. Keywords: Islamic Education Learning; Teaching Materials; Multimedia
Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Bamboo Dancing dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAI Siswa di SMPN 7 Bengkalis Riau Atira Rossa; Ika Kurnia Sofiani; Muhajir Darwis
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.71


This research was motivated by the fact that the learning methods used were still less effective, resulting in students tending to be less motivated in the learning process. The aim of this research is to find out how the Bamboo Dance learning model is implemented and to find out whether the implementation of the bamboo dance learning model can increase students' learning motivation in class VII PAI subjects at SMPN 7 Bengkalis. The type of research used in this research is experimentation by taking 2 classes from the population consisting of an experimental class and a control class. The total sample in this study was 49 students divided into 2 classes, namely class VII A as the control class and VII B as the experimental class using the Total Sampling technique. Data collection techniques use tests and documentation. The results of the research are that after implementing the Bamboo Dance learning model, students learn to run well, this is because students are more active in discussing, asking questions, exchanging information and paying attention to the material being explained. Furthermore, the results of the research are the results of the paired sample t test which was carried out by the researcher on the results of the sig<t table, namely 0.000<005, which means there has been a significant change. The test results also show a difference in the average scores of the experimental posttest and control posttest, namely the experimental is 84.58 while the control is 80.60. From these results it can be concluded that the Bamboo Dancing learning model can improve student learning outcomes in class VII PAI subjects at SMPN 7 Bengkalis. Keywords: Learning Model; Bamboo Dance; Learning Outcomes
Pengembangan Pembelajaran Materi Qur’an Hadist Integratif Ekspositori dan Inquiri di SMA Akmal; Fadriati
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Publisher : PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61227/injuries.v2i1.72


One of the factors that determine the achievement of educational goals is learning. Good learning can have a positive influence on students. Among the learning models that can be an alternative is learning based on an integrative expository and inquiry approach. The purpose of this learning model is for students to be able to integrate religious material with science, and have an inclusive, moderate, tolerant and respectful personality. This goal is very important because Indonesia is a sea of diversity in ethnicity, language, customs and religion. Learning through an integrative-expository and inquiry approach can be implemented in the Qur'an Hadith at Senior High School (SMA). Al-Qur'an Hadith is an important subject because it is related to the sources of Islam. In addition, high school students have begun to think critically, and can be brought into an integrative learning model of expository and inquiry. Keywords: Learning Development; Qur'an Hadith; Integrative Expository; Inquiry

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