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ENDLESS : International Journal of Future Studies
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Focus & Scope ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies is a globally-oriented, trans-disciplinary refereed journal. Its mission is to develop high-quality, future-oriented research and thinking, based on the evolving knowledge base of Futures Studies / Foresight. The Journal’s approach is: - Trans-disciplinary; - Epistemologically diverse, seeking articles from empirical, interpretative, critical and action learning research traditions, and; - Multi-methods based, including, for example, methods such as emerging issues analysis, scenario and alternative futures development and analysis, age-cohort analysis, causal layered analysis, visioning and backcasting. As well as refereed articles, the Journal publishes essays, book reviews, symposia, and art on the following topics: - Epistemologically focused futures studies on the construction of possible, probable and preferable futures; - Methodological innovation in futures studies, including not only integrated, layered, and critical approaches, but also empirical, interpretive, or action-learning based approaches; - Applied Futures (for example, case studies in using and practicing futures thinking for organizational change, development, and transformation); - Alternative futures on a variety of subjects (see topic categories below). ENDLESS: International Journal of Futures Studies, Futures, Foresight, Technological Forecasting, and Social Change, The European Journal of Futures Research, World Future Review, On the Horizon) as well as futures material contained in books, monographs, other field related journals, including visual resources and web resources. Editors strongly advise authors to cite at least two or more works in the futures field: Social sciences, Law, Economics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Marine, Agriculture, Materials, Life sciences, Education, Physics, Geography, Biology, Medicine, Power, History, Chemistry, Atmosphere, Mechanics, Geology, Technology, Applied sciences.
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ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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The Geriatric Social Work Competencies Scale II (GSWCS II) is considered a reference in the assess-ment of the competencies of Gero Social Workers. The aim of the study is to examine the psychometric properties of GSWCS II in a sample of Portuguese social workers work-ing with elderly people.The GSWCS II was administered in conjunction with a specific designed socio-professional questionnaire. A total of 543 social workers were interviewed, with a mean age of 33.05 (7.57 = SD ), female (96.1%) and in management functions (72.5%). Internal consistency was verified with high values ​​in all dimensions ( α > .9). The scale has high cor-relations with all its dimensions (> .85). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to test the model, based on a five-dimensional structure, the chi-square test of adjust-ment ( χ 2 / df ) = 3.129 presented an acceptable index of adjustment. The GSWCS II proved to be a valid and reliable scale for this population
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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This article analyzes the validity of vulnerability as a model for decision making regarding the personal and socio-family situation of the elderly person in need of care. The adequacy of the model responds to the centrality of the risk element in decision-making, the nature of care and respect for the principles that inspire the rights of vulnerable older persons. The concept of vulnerability connects with a new conception in which vulnerability is based, not only on the loss of autonomy, but also on the susceptibility to bankruptcy of the rights of dignity and integrity in daily life; in line with an existentially diverse and vulnerable human conception. The incorporation of this approach to the Law of the capacity of the elderly and regulation of social services will require its consideration in the reports and diagnoses of Social Work.
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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Motherhood in female same-sex couples challenges two important aspects in the construction of western par-enthood: on the one hand, heteronormativity; and on the other, the emphasis on biological ties. The aim of this work is to analyze how these families confront their motherhood attending to such restrictive and exclusive situations. Qualitative research, based on semi-struc-tured interviews, was conducted with 28 women who had planned their motherhood in a same-sex relation-ship. It may be concluded that female same-sex couples have to face some obstacles that are related to the heter-onormative and biological construction of parenthood.
The Problem of Fair Management in Politics: Religious Argument and Personal Interest Argument Gokhan Mitroglou
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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This study analyzes politics tradition in Sunn political thought in terms of exploring the problem of just ruling. In the relevant literature, the dominant approach consi-ders Siyāsatnāmas as ethical advice in general and regards them as ineffective against an un-just ruler who has no ethical concern. This study criticizes this dominant view by claiming that in addition to the religous / ethical argument to promote a just rule, the Siyāsatnāma tradition develops a second argument designed specifically for an unjust ruler who ignores ethi-cal advice. This second argument is ignored by the dominant position about the Siyāsatnāma tradition. I have called it self-interest argument in this study. An unjust ruler 's self interest is to maintain, empower, and hand down his power to his descendants. The self-interest argu-ment tries to convince a ruler who dismisses ethical advice to adopt just ruling by revealing that even for an unjust ruler the best strategy is just ruling to reach for his worldly aims.
Impact and memory of Ortega y Gasset in Ferrater Mora Naji Mehmet
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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In this contribution, the interpretation that José Ferrater Mora made of the work of the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset is exposed for the first time. After offering a brief intellectual profile of the Catalan thinker, his correspondence with Ortega y Gasset is studied below, also analyzing all of Ferrater's writings on Ortega, to conclude that, in Ferrater Mora's opinion, Ortega y Gasset is a "Living thinker" who always comes back.
El derecho de participación en la niñez: alcances y desafíos para la investigación social Adolia Barbara
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

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En 1989, la Asamblea General de la ONU adopta la Convención de Derechos de la Niñez y Adolescencia (CDN), reconociendo a niños/as y adolescentes (NNA) como sujetos de derechos. Al ser vinculante, su ratificación implica generar condiciones para que NNA se expresen y sean considerados. Esto involucra que su voz sea incluida en el trabajo científico, no como complemento o contraste, sino como actor prioritario, especialmente en las políticas públicas que competen. Este trabajo expone desafíos y alcances para la investigación, focalizando el análisis en tres ejes: el rol del Estado, las familias y el alcance de la participación de NNA. El artículo se organiza a través de dos objetivos. Primero, describir las bases teóricas que sustentan el Derecho de Participación de NNA, revisando la CDN y el Modelo de Protección Integral de la Niñez; la CDN y el Derecho de Participación; y el abordaje de la participación de NNA en investigaciones en ámbitos relevantes. Segundo, caracterizar trabajos de investigación empírica con participación de NNA realizados en diversos contextos, desde 1998. Se concluye que el discurso de la CDN ha enfrentado en la práctica concepciones tradicionales acerca del papel de NNA, tanto en escenarios macro (la política y el Estado) como microsociales (la familia), “chocando” con enfoques prevalecientes tradicionales (tutelares). La falta de compren-sión del significado de la participación, así como la resistencia al cambio del lugar de la infancia, actúan como barreras para la instalación del derecho estudiado. Sigue primando una forma de actuación intermediada por el eslabón adulto. El concepto de andamiaje (colaboración del entendimiento infantil), permitiría un giro en la promoción de la ciudadanía y protagonismo infantil y en sus formas de observación, desafiándonos a investigar la experiencia de la niñez desde la promoción (no desde las carencias), independiente de las características particulares, incorporando los conceptos de agencia, equidad y governance.

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