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An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30316340     DOI : 10.62032/aijit
AIJIT (An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought) is a global academic platform committed to Social Sciences and Humanities research. The journal welcomes high-quality manuscripts in English and Arabic. With a comprehensive scope covering these subjects, the journal incorporates diverse viewpoints from different disciplines. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles investigating various aspects of the history, culture, society, philosophy, politics, anthropology, linguistics, art, and Sufism of Islam Nusantara, especially Javanese Islam
Articles 11 Documents
The Decline of Ideology and Rise of Political Pragmatism Among Kiai in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia Ahmad Nabilul Maram; Ahmad Busyairi; Muhammad Raqib Assidiqi
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): AIJIT - DECEMBER
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v1i1.15


This article discusses the significant role of pesantren in Indonesian politics. Pesantren institutions substantially influence shaping political perspectives, recruiting leaders, and organizing communities. During the New Order era, some pesantren supported the government to maintain political stability, while others were involved in Islamic political movements opposing the regime. Following the political reform in 1998, pesantren became more actively engaged in practical politics by supporting specific candidates or political parties and promoting Islamic values in political discourse. The research employs a qualitative method, analyzing relevant documents and literature and discussing the history of pesantren in Indonesian politics. It highlights the phenomenon of political pragmatism among kiai (Islamic scholars) and its impact on political dynamics. Pesantren and Kiai are central in shaping political perspectives, mobilizing the masses, and influencing policy-making.
The Spiral of Violence: A Critical Analysis of The Genealogy of Islamophobia Mohammad Fuyudun Niam Imam; Fawes Samudra; Muhammad Solahudin
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): AIJIT - DECEMBER
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v1i1.16


The rise of terrorism by extremist groups with religious backgrounds and the development of Islamophobia in the West after 9/11 are essential issues that need to be addressed. After the WTC incident in 2001, the US declared a "war on terror," which has implications for the bad sentiment of Western society towards Islam, which has led to many acts of discrimination and violence against Muslims in the West. There are still few studies that analyze the relationship between religious fundamentalism-extremism and the development of Islamophobia in the West. This study uses a qualitative approach with secondary data analysis from various sources related to the topic discussed.   It was found that propaganda and hateful rhetoric, as well as acts of violence by extremist Muslim groups, helped trigger and strengthen Islamophobia in the West. From the perspective of the spiral of violence theory, the 9/11 terrorist act also gave birth to other violence in the form of military attacks and discrimination against Muslims. Acts of terrorism by Muslim fundamentalists and Islamophobia in the West influence each other in an ongoing cycle of violence. Efforts to prevent terrorism and deradicalization, as well as religious tolerance education, are needed to break this cycle of violence. We recommend further research with a quantitative approach to empirically analyze the impact of acts of terrorism on incidents of Islamophobia.
Construction of the Paradigm of Islamic Universality in Maḥmūd Shaltūt's Taqrīb Madhāhib Project Zainal Fanani
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): AIJIT - DECEMBER
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v1i1.17


This paper will discuss the universality of Islam in the thought of Maḥmūd Shaltūt. The universality of Islam is an essential topic amid a crisis in the meaning of Islam due to violent conflicts that are often in the name of Islam. As a result, Islam, which is known to have a vision of raḥmatan li al-‘ālamīn, is perceived as a religion that legalizes violence for the sake of group interests. Maḥmūd Shaltūt is a moderate figure who tries to define Islam in a universal, moderate, and tolerant manner. This paper will explain Maḥmūd Shaltūt's biography based on a literature study. Then, it is directed to explain Islam in the distinction between the meaning of Aqidah and Sharia, followed by explaining the construction of the paradigm of Islamic universality through Mahmud Maḥmūd Shaltūt's interpretation of the word Islam in the Qur’an. The final part will review the implementation of Maḥmūd Shaltūt's paradigm of Islamic universality in the discourse of taqrīb madhāhib. This paper finds that (1) the crisis in the interpretation of Islam begins with the issue of the distinction between the meaning of aqidah and sharia. (2) in Maḥmūd Shaltūt's thought, Islam's universality comes from the Qur’an's universality. (3) the universality of Islam explored through the interpretation of the Qur’an led Maḥmūd Shaltūt to an understanding of Islam in the theological and sociological realms. Based on the paradigm of Islamic universality, Maḥmūd Shaltūt implemented the principle of Islamic universality in the discourse of taqrīb bayna madhāhib.
Exploring the Wisdom of Da'wah: Character Building Akhlaq al-Karīmah Santri Pesantren Al Kahfi Bangkalan, Indonesia Alvin Khoiron
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): AIJIT - DECEMBER
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v1i1.19


This research aims to investigate the critical role of Pondok Pesantren Al Kahfi (PP Al Kahfi) in shaping the character of akhlaq al-karīmah students. Moral character, which includes commendable traits such as kindness, patience, sincerity, and integrity, is highly valued in Islam. This research method involves collecting data through interviews with leadership staff, boarding school administrators, and students. Field observations were conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the character-building process of akhlaq al-karīmah in this boarding school. The results showed that Pondok Pesantren Al Kahfi School has a variety of educational and da'wah programs designed to shape students' character by the principles of akhlaq al-karīmah. The teachers and administrators of the boarding school play an important role in providing good examples and educating students about the importance of akhlaq al-karīmah in daily life. This study concludes that Pondok Pesantren Al Kahfi has successfully carried out its role in shaping the character of students who are akhlaq al-karīmah through real education provided by boarding school administrators. These results can be the basis for a better understanding of how Pondok Pesantren plays a role in forming good character among students
The Concept of Prohibiting "Approaching Adultery" and Efforts to Avoid it from the Perception of Generation Z Himmatul Khoiroh
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): AIJIT - DECEMBER
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v1i1.20


This research represents the concept of prohibiting "approaching adultery" and efforts to stay away from it, according to the perception of Generation Z (often shortened to Gen Z), colloquially known as Zoomers. Currently, there is a proliferation of relationships between men and women who have feelings of love but without marital status. This research uses qualitative methods with the type of field research or field research with data collection techniques carried out using interviews and questionnaires. This research was conducted by several respondents in various areas in Sidoarjo, including Sidoarjo, Sukodono, and Prambon subdistricts. The statements used during the interview show that Generation Z has different views regarding the prohibition on approaching adultery. Generation Z, who are firm in their stance with the thoughts and knowledge gained in Islamic Boarding Schools and a supportive environment, will not influence their views regarding the prohibition of adultery, even though Generation Z is developing in a world of technology that is developing rapidly, most of them have a circle that builds a good identity.  On the other hand, Generation Z, who have a non-Islamic boarding school background, feel that behavior approaching adultery is normal.
University Academic Jockeys and The Law in Islam Sugeng Santoso; Ivan Hadi Prawira Negara; Putu Yoga Satya Pratama
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): AIJIT - DECEMBER
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v1i1.21


This research aimed to describe the existence of university academic jockeys and the law status in Islam. This research used qualitative-descriptive techniques. The research method was utilized to characterize and characterize the subjects raised. The subjects for this research were academic jockey service providers and consumers at university, with a total of eight service providers and twenty-five service users. Observations and questionnaires were employed to obtain data. Meanwhile, Miles and Huberman’s interactive data analysis model was operated for data analysis, consisting of three stages: data reduction, data display, and verification. The findings of this research indicate that: (1) there are numerous types of jockey services available, ranging from the thesis, journal, daily tasks, and conference papers; (2) the income earned by service provider respondents are dominated by a range of IDR 1.000.000 to IDR 3.000.000/per month, the majority of them do not feel guilty about performing this work; and (3) in Islam, academic jockey activities are prohibited, as there is an agreement aimed at cheating and both parties suffer negative impacts; (4) academic jockeying has several negative impacts, including the erosion of higher education's integrity.
The Phenomenon of Jilboobs in Generation Z in the Era of Society 5.0 Wildan Amiruddin
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): AIJIT-JUNE
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v2i1.22


Generation Z was born amidst the development of technology. So this generation is more sophisticated. Their thinking is more tolerant of new paradigms. Technological advances like now are easily followed by them because of their close relationship, especially with the internet. The internet was previously used as a medium of information, but for Gen Z the internet was then used as a medium to socialize with each other. This is where Social Media came from. In its development, social media became the second brother for Gen Z. For them, social media has become a daily necessity. If they don't open social media, they will be left behind. They have a position as the main users of social media. This is manifested in the rise of new professions such as YouTubers and TikTokers. Whereas this profession was not found in the previous generation, namely the millennial generation. This is an integral part of society 5.0 which uses the concept of internet development as an orientation to a better human life. On the other hand, the impact of using social media that always wants a lot of comments, likes, and viewers makes Gen Z forget religious norms such as covering the aurat for women perfectly. So the jilboobs phenomenon arose, which prioritizes body orientation by accentuating certain parts. The main goal is to increase comments, likes and viewers. Seeing this phenomenon, researchers try to interpret it so that the reason Gen Z does this is answered by interpreting denotation, connotation, and metaphor.
Revitalizing Tradition Toward Islamic Modernity in Ṭāhā ʿAbd al-Raḥmān’s Though Ikrom Mausuli
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): AIJIT-JUNE
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v2i1.32


The discussion of turāth and modernity is a never-ending topic in contemporary Islamic thought. In contrast to secular scholars like Abed al-Jābirī and Ḥasan Ḥanafī, who used materialist and phenomenological methods in reading turāth, Ṭāhā ʿAbd al-Raḥmān employs a logic and linguistic method with ethical and spiritual approaches. Through this process, he seeks to formulate Islamic modernity instead of following Western modernity, which he critiques intensively in the works of Islamic thinkers such as al-Jābirī. This article traces Ṭāhā's way of creating Islamic modernity through turāth as a milestone, providing an analysis and critique of Ṭāhā's thought on turāth and contributing to the realization of the idea of Islamic modernity.
Dynamics of Islam and Politics in the Middle East region: (Analysis of Conflicts, Roles, and Future Challenges) Aris Munandar
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): AIJIT-JUNE
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v2i1.35


:  The Middle East, a region steeped in religious history, is the birthplace of major religions such as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Religion profoundly influences the political and social order in this region, with Islam, as the majority religion, playing a crucial role in shaping state policies and political direction. The Iranian Revolution of 1979 was a pivotal event that reinforced the influence of Islam in politics. Subsequently, Islamic movements have impacted political changes, notably during the Arab Spring, which aimed to transition autocratic systems to democracy with varied outcomes. However, the region is also marked by long-standing conflicts driven by religious, ethnic, and economic interests, exacerbated by the discovery of abundant oil resources since the 1930s. Western intervention and local political dynamics have further complicated the geopolitical landscape, resulting in prolonged conflicts with global repercussions. This research employs a quantitative approach with descriptive methods, primarily relying on a literature review. The literature review involves analyzing relevant sources such as books, journals, and articles to identify key patterns and themes, providing insight into the region's problems. Historical analysis is also utilized to understand the evolution of theories and concepts over time. The synthesized findings offer a comprehensive understanding and propose alternative solutions to the region's challenges.
Historical Analysis of Caliph Uthmān bin ʿAffān’s Policy (Period 24 AH-29 AH) Muhammad Raqib Assidiqi; Grand Colin Amdhana Priin  Putra
An-Nur International Journal of Islamic Thought Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): AIJIT-JUNE
Publisher : Yayasan Pesantren Mahasiswa An-Nur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62032/aijit.v2i1.41


This paper provides a detailed analysis of the early period of Uthman bin Affan's caliphate, spanning 24 AH to 29 AH. Utilizing Ibn Khaldun's historical methodology, the study critically examines the policies and events that shaped this crucial period in Islamic history. The research begins with a brief biography of Uthman bin Affan, highlighting his character traits and significant positions before his caliphate. It then delves into the critical policies implemented by the third caliph, including cabinet reshuffles, military expansions, economic reforms, and other administrative measures. The discussion explores the factors influencing these policy decisions, such as the wills of previous caliphs, disputes among companions, and the caliph's ijtihād. The military campaigns that led to the liberation of territories like Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cyprus, and Tunis are examined, along with their economic implications for the Islamic state. The study also sheds light on Uthman bin Affan's economic policies, including distributing war booty, land empowerment, and establishing a police force. Throughout the paper, it is argued that while Uthman bin Affan largely continued the policies of his predecessors, he also made necessary changes and developments in response to the expanding Islamic state. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding the historical context and factors behind the policy decisions made during this period.

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