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Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
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The SSCIJ (E-ISSN: 3030-914X) aims to provide a platform for the examination and discussion of issues in Social science. It invites submissions from diverse perspectives and approaches, including those from developing countries. By publishing articles that explore various aspects of the field, including empirical research, innovative techniques, and professional issues, the journal aims to promote ongoing dialogue and discourse on important topics and provide insight into the counseling needs of individuals, groups, and society. This includes research from developing countries, which may offer unique perspectives and approaches to social science and help to further advance the field globally.
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Strategi Pelayanan terhadap Pelanggan di PT Balai Mandiri Prasarana Palembang Asriadi Akmal; Candra Darmawan
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59388/sscij.v1i4.44


ABSTRACT: This research is entitled Service Strategy for Customers at PT Balai Mandiri Prasarana Palembang. Every company certainly needs a strategy in terms of service, such as PT Balai Mandiri Prasarana Palembang which requires a service strategy with the aim of providing customer satisfaction with the services provided. This study aims to determine the service strategy for customers at PT Balai Mandiri Prasarana Palembang. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data sources namely primary and secondary data, the subjects of this study amounted to 5 participants including Branch Heads (1 person), Staff (2 people), and Administrative Employees (2 people). Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The conclusion of this study is related to the service strategy used by PT Balai Mandiri Prasarana Palembang to provide customer satisfaction with the services provided, which include: First, physical evidence, such as appearance by providing services by dressing neatly and in accordance with regulations, while for communication facilities, such as using office facilities and using personal cellphone facilities. Second, reliability such as the reliability of employees in conveying information by explaining it at the beginning of registration with the aim that customers believe, understand and understand. Third, responsiveness is like employee service in serving customers by providing good service that makes the customers happy and comfortable. The four guarantees include instilling trust in customers and providing good facilities to their customers. The five empathy are like paying attention to customers to help customers who need help.
Strategi Dakwah Tokoh Agama Dalam Menanggulangi Perilaku Menyimpang Pada Pemuda Di Desa Serigeni Baru Kecamatan Kayuagung Oki Rika; Hidayatullah
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This thesis is entitled "Preaching strategies of religious figures in overcoming deviant behavior among youth in Serigeni Baru Village, Kayuagung OKI District". The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the preaching strategies of religious figures in overcoming deviant behavior among youth in Serigeni Baru Village, Kayuagung OKI District and to find out and analyzing the inhibiting and supporting factors of religious figures in dealing with deviant behavior among youth in Serigeni Baru Village, Kayuagung OKI sub-district. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. There are two data sources used, namely primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis technique with three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and verification. Next, we use Al Bayanuni's theory of da'wah strategy and Narwako's theory of deviant behavior. The results of this research show that the da'wah strategy used by religious figures in dealing with deviant behavior in Serigeni Baru Village, Kayuagung OKI District has three da'wah strategies, namely first, the sentimental da'wah strategy, which is a strategy that is implemented through a first approach. Second, the rational strategy, namel by looking at who wants to be given spiritual healing, of course the strategy must bdifferent so that it is more effective and can be put into practice and implemented. Third, the sensory strategy is a strategy that can provide an understanding of religion through an approach to young people and be a good example.
The Strategi Pondok Pesantren Darussa’adah Muara Enim Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Santri Nurhaliza; Candra Darmawan
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: This research is entitled "Strategy of the Darussa'adah Muara Enim Islamic Boarding School in Increasing the Number of Santri". The aim of this research is to find out the strategy of the Darussa'adah Muara Enim Islamic Boarding School in increasing the number of students. research taken by the author of this study using qualitative research methods. The results of the research (1) Holding a Festival or Competition. It is hoped that the competition activities carried out with Islamic nuances will become a place to meet other schools and by holding this festival it is hoped that it will have a positive impact on Madrasah aliyah Darussa'adah and be able to introduce Madrasah Aliyah to the community. Direct Promotion: a) Visiting junior high schools: This socialization aims to be able to provide information to students regarding the Madrasah Aliyah program and to introduce Madrasah Aliyah Darussa'adah to the wider community. b) Promotion through parents and through alumni: word-of-mouth promotion carried out by santri guardians to the wider community has a very good impact in increasing the amount of community interest, especially if they feel satisfaction with the education their children get while studying there. Promotion through alumni is very influential on people's assessment of changes in themselves, especially when they have achievements and become children who have a positive impact. (1) Improving Madrasah Excellence: (a) Developing extracurriculars: Extracurriculars become a vehicle for developing the potential of students, and it is hoped that Madrasah aliyah Darussa'adah can develop the talents/abilities that exist in each Santri/student. (2) Improving the quality of students. Improving the quality of students must be balanced with teacher professionalism and developing the potential of students according to the talents and interests of the students themselves. (3) Improve facilities and infrastructure. The facilities and infrastructure at Madrasah Aliyah Darussa'adah are quite complete, although there are still things that need to be completed. a) Through print media: Promotion of print media includes brochures and banners, brochures and banners are used as promotional material for Madrasah Aliyah Darussa'adah to attract new students so that they can increase the number of students and are considered simpler and easier to reach the community. b) Through social media: Electronic media promotion is one of the most effective promotions to use because it allows the public to easily find information on Madrasah Aliyah Darussa'adah through social media such as Facebook and the YouTube channel. KEYWORDS: Strategy, Muara Enim Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School, Number of Santri.
Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce Terhadap Pesan Moral Dalam Film Mencuri Raden Saleh Karya Angga Dwimas Sasongko Mareta Mareta; Nuraida Nuraida; Emi Puspita Dewi
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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Semiotic Analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce Against Moral Messages in the Film Stealing Raden Saleh by Angga Dwimas Sasongko" is the title of the research thesis. Mencuri Raden Saleh is a movie about six young individuals who stole artworks with the intention of making $2 billion in cash. They worked so hard and were so determined to succeed that they eventually succeeded. The formulation of the research issue is how the moral message is shown in the Angga Dwimas Sasongko film Stealing Raden Saleh, while the goal of this study is to discover the moral message portrayed in the Angga Dwimas Sasongko film Stealing Raden Saleh. A qualitative research methodology was applied. Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis, which focuses on the notion of the triangle of meaning, which is composed of the representamen, object, and interpretant, is the data analysis approach employed. Primary data sources in original DVD/VCD format as well as secondary data sources such books, journals, and the internet serve as the research's primary and secondary data sources, respectively. Using documentation procedures, data collecting methods. The virtues of duty, kindness, compassion, and friendship are among those portrayed in the movie Stealing Raden Saleh. collaboration and accountability. Through this semiotic process, an interpretation is generated that suggests that the next generation has to think critically and creatively, much like Piko and his pals did, who remained together in the face of several challenges.
Strategi Pemasaran Perusahaan Wong Solo Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Setelah Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ajib Romadhona
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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Wong Solo Company Marketing Strategy to Increase Revenue After the Covid-19 Pandemic.” The background to the restaurant business experiencing a decline in income is the Wong Solo restaurant business. The Wong Solo restaurant business is a restaurant business that is well known in Indonesia. This restaurant, which is synonymous with chili sauce, has many branches in various large provincial areas, one of which is in Palembang, South Sumatra. The aim of this research is to find out the marketing strategy for Wong Solo restaurants to increase income after the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the Wong Solo company's marketing strategy in increasing revenue after the Covid-19 pandemic is carried out by ensuring a 4P system starting from the product: it must be of higher quality and superior among buyers, then price: food package menus so that it creates interest. Strategic place from the Palembang city branch. Then promotion is carried out widely, covering aspects both through social media and directly through word of mouth. Using 4P as a promotional step in addition to getting lots of customers and increasing revenue after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pendekatan Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Untuk Mengatasi Mysophobia (Studi Kasus Klien “C” Eks Pasien Corona) Bela Rahmanita; Abdur Razzaq; Neni Noviza
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: This research is entitled "REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) Counseling Approach to Overcome Mysophobia (Case Study of Client "C" Ex-Corona Patient in Mariana Village, Banyuasin I District)". The aim of this research is to find out the description of mysophobia experienced by client "C" who is a former Covid-19 patient and what the REBT counseling approach is to overcome mysophobia in client "C". This research uses field research with a qualitative approach and case study research methods. The subject of this research is an 18 year old teenage girl with the initials "C" who is one of the victims of the Covid-19 virus and has excessive anxiety about germs and limits herself to the surrounding environment. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques used are pattern matching, making explanations (data explanation) and time series analysis. The results of this research show that after the REBT counseling process was carried out on client "C", there were changes that occurred in client "C" psychologically, physically and behaviorally, namely that he is now more open to telling stories first and his fear of bacteria has reduced and he is also It seems that he is able to think positively about dirty objects.
Peran Tokoh Agama Dalam Mengatasi Perjudian Ibu Rumah Tangga Di Desa Cengal OKI Yolen Satria Gustama; Choriyah Choiriyah; Mohd Aji Isnaini
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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The behavior of housewives who commit deviations in the form of gambling that occurs in Cengal OKI village. The problem in this research in general is what is the role of religious leaders in dealing with housewives' gambling in Cengal OKI village? The general aim of this research is to find out and analyze the role of religious leaders in dealing with housewives' gambling in Cengal OKI village. This research is included in the field research category, the type of data used is qualitative and consists of primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews and documentation, for data analysis, interpretation, source criticism, qualitative description and qualitative and comparative description are carried out. The research findings are: First, the factors that involve housewives gambling in Cengal OKI village are the feeling of boredom felt by housewives, inadequate family economy, invitations from fellow housewives, addiction that cannot be stopped and a sense of satisfaction. What is felt when playing gambling? Secondly, what the Cengal OKI village religious leaders did to overcome the gambling of housewives was to start by carrying out routine recitations which were held every Thursday and Saturday at the mosque. Take a direct approach with village officials, approach through the family, and take legal action in collaboration with the authorities, through the Village Head and other village officials. And third, the response of mothers who were involved in gambling to the actions of these religious figures was a desire to make changes either individually or as a community group. Apart from preventing recurrence, it is hoped that there will be a solution provided by religious leaders and the village government.
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: This study examines the editorial team's strategy to improve the production quality of the "Handcuffs" broadcast on iNews TV, a local television broadcasting institution in Palembang. According to a Nielsen survey, the Detak Palembang program has an audience of more than 90% of Palembang people, and images are very important for television broadcasts. Images must be attractive and high quality. The producer is responsible for leading the entire production team to achieve the goals that have been set together in terms of creative and production management in accordance with the agreed themes and topics. Therefore, producers must be creative and have their own strategies so that the resulting images are good and quality broadcasts. Next, the researcher gave the title of the problem: "What is the editorial team's strategy for improving the production quality of handcuff broadcasts at the local television broadcaster iNews TV." In addition, the aim of this research is to determine innovative methods that producers can use to improve image quality in Palembang iNews events. There were two informants for this research, namely the Producer and Chief Editor of the iNews TV handcuff program. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Researchers found that iNews TV producers used strategies to get a good angle when reporting, so they could describe the atmosphere at the scene correctly. Producers also ensure that their images are not shaky. KEYWORDS: Creative Strategy, iNews Handcuffs, Palembang, Image Quality.
Peran Leader Travel Umrah Zafir Tour Dalam Pengembangan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Pelanggan Anwar Ibrahim; Candra Darmawan
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: This research is entitled The role of the Umrah Zafir tour travel leader in developing service quality for customers. The problem raised in this research is the role of the Umrah Zafir Tour Travel leader in developing the quality of service to customers and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in service to customers. The aim of this research is to determine the role of the leader, as well as the impact of supporting and inhibiting factors in service to customers on the Umrah Zafir Tour. This research uses a qualitative approach, with data sources namely primary and secondary data. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The conclusions of this research are: 1. The role of the leader in providing services to the congregation is very necessary so that the service continues to run smoothly, and the candidates and registered congregation feel safe and comfortable. The role of a leader is really needed to ensure Zafir travel management is carried out well. Leaders also set an example for employees to apply to consumers so that consumers are confident in choosing Zafir travel to accompany the Umrah pilgrimage. 2. Supporting factors in the service, one of which is a speaker/loudspeaker to call the congregation who are separated from the group so they can immediately reach the gathering point, the loudspeaker is very helpful for congregations who are elderly, we prioritize the elderly because the elderly are easy and very vulnerable so they must be take note. Inhibiting factors in service are pilgrims who are left behind or lost, pilgrims who are sick due to differences in weather between Indonesia and Arabia, so pilgrims are very vulnerable to illness, pilgrims who do not understand the technology that has developed.
Analisis Makna Semiotika Pada Lirik Lagu Di Ujung Hari Karya Ungu Masagus Muhammad Okta Fakri; Indrawati Indrawati; Hartika Utami Fitri
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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A song is a literary work, almost the same as poetry, but sung. The lyrics of the song Di Ujung Hari are a religious song which contains a message, namely conveying how difficult it is to live during a pandemic, when the earth is being hit by serious problems and humans can help each other, and whatever trials they face are only a test from God Almighty so that their creatures will be better. strong. In conducting this research, library research researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods. Qualitative research methods are often also called naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in a natural setting. Qualitative research is carried out on natural objects that develop as they are, are not manipulated by scientists, and the presence of scientists does not actually influence the dynamics of these objects. The song being studied is the lyrics of a song entitled "At the End of the Day", which will explain the first stanza explaining human destiny, then the second stanza will explain about togetherness, then the third stanza will explain disaster, then the fourth stanza will tell about giving, then the fifth stanza will explain about test, then the sixth stanza tells about trials and the seventh stanza explains about belief. The results of this research were obtained from the signs contained in the words and sentences used. In the review, the writer got the lyrics of this song by Arlonsy Miraldi, noting that there is naturally a story behind the lyrics of the song, talking about the inspiration for the song, which was inspired when he realized how difficult it was to live during a pandemic when the Earth was facing serious problems.

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