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Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
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The SSCIJ (E-ISSN: 3030-914X) aims to provide a platform for the examination and discussion of issues in Social science. It invites submissions from diverse perspectives and approaches, including those from developing countries. By publishing articles that explore various aspects of the field, including empirical research, innovative techniques, and professional issues, the journal aims to promote ongoing dialogue and discourse on important topics and provide insight into the counseling needs of individuals, groups, and society. This includes research from developing countries, which may offer unique perspectives and approaches to social science and help to further advance the field globally.
Articles 25 Documents
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Analisis Pesan Dakwah Dalam Buku Muhammad Al-Fatih 1453 Karya Ustadz Felix Y. Siauw Berlian Rahmansyah; Nurseri Hasnah Nasution; Emi Puspita Dewi
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This study is entitled "Analysis of Da'wah Messages in the Book of Muhammad Al-Fatih 1453 by Ustadz Felix. Y Siauw.” In the current era of globalization, many people or ustadz preach through bi al-qalam (writing), including Ustadz Felix Y. Siauw who preaches through writing. Da'wah through writing has advantages compared to other methods, including: the work of an author will be known forever, even when the author is gone, because readers will always remember the messages contained in these books. The work of Felix Y. The purpose of this study was to find out what messages the da'wah conveyed by Ustadz Felix Y. Siauw in the book Muhammad Al-Fatih 1453, both in the messages of aqidah, moral messages, and shari'ah messages. Researchers also find out which messages are more dominant in this book so that researchers can conclude what the contents of this thesis are. Writing this thesis using a qualitative approach to the method of content analysis. Content analysis is research that is an in-depth discussion of the contents of written or printed information in the mass media. Based on the results of the data obtained, it is found that the contents of the book Muhammad Al-Fatih 1453 contain many da'wah messages including: messages of faith, moral messages and sharia messages that are related to everyday life. The most dominant da'wah message in this book is about Aqidah, how Muhammad Al-Fatih's belief in the promise that Allah and the Messenger of Allah gave in his bisyaroh in the form of the conquest of the city of Constantinople which became a separate strength for Muhammad Al-Fatih and his troops to realize the bisyaroh that the Messenger of Allah conveyed.
Keefektifan Konseling Kelompok Dengan Teknik Extinction Dalam Mereduksi Kenakalan Remaja Herman Herman; Manah Rasmanah; Bela Janare Putra
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This research is entitled "Effectiveness of group counseling using techniques Extinction to reduce juvenile delinquency”. This research is motivated by because juvenile delinquency is a problem that occurs in many circles students are good in their living environment, if not minimized it wil be have a very significant impact on life. So therefore With this research, it is hoped that a bette environment can be created safe, stable and positive for teenagers in Kayuagung District and in the region others with similar problems to reduce the level of juvenile delinquency This requires a special technique to be used in handling it, one of them is by using the extinction technique Purpose of the research This is to determine the effectiveness of Group Counseling with Extinction Techniques in Reducing Juvenile Delinquency. The type of research used is quantitative with experimental methods, while the design used in This research is a quasi research that uses a sample of 10 teenagers Kayuagung District. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Wilcoxon test. Research result This shows that first, the results of the pretest level of juvenile delinquency are in the high category with M=77.20 while the posttest results are in the category low with M=73.80. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon test show The resulting sig value is = 0.005. So it can be concluded that counseling groups using the Extinction technique are effective in reducing juvenile delinquency.
Peran Bimbingan Badan Penasehatan, Pembinaan, Dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (BP4) Dalam Mencegah Perceraian Di KUA BPR Ranau Tengah Rati Lastari; Suryati Suryati; Muzaiyanah Muzaiyanah
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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The title of this research is "The Role of BP4 Guidance (Marriage Advisory, Development and Preservation Agency) in Preventing Divorce in KUA BPR Ranau Tengah". As is known, a role is someone who is a part of or is a prominent leader in an event. Apart from that, role is an explanation that refers to the social science connotation which defines role as a function that a person carries out when occupying a characteristic (position) in the social structure. The problem in this research is: What is the role of BP4 Guidance (Marriage Advisory, Development and Preservation Agency) in preventing divorce at KUA BPR Ranau Tengah? The aim of this research is to determine the role of BP4 Guidance (Marriage Advisory, Development and Preservation Agency) in preventing divorce at KUA BPR Ranau Tengah.
Pengaruh Iklan Shopeefood Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Remaja Palembang Muhammad Nurfatoni; Hasmawati Fifi; Hartika Utami Fitri
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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The writing of this research is motivated by technological advances in business development which cause tighter competition in various media. Various companies in developing their business carry out several advantages and advantages of each which aim to attract consumer shopping interest, one of which is the e-commerce company Shopee in promoting its products through advertisements on the Youtube internet-based media. For this reason, researchers are interested in examining the variables that can influence buying interest in consumers. The title of this research is "The Effect of Shopeefood Advertising on Consumer Purchase Interest in Palembang Teenagers". This study aims to determine the effect of Shopeefood advertisements on Youtube on buying interest in teenagers in Talang Kelapa Village, Palembang city. This type of thesis research is explanatory using quantitative methods. The technique used in sampling used the slovin formula with simple random sampling technique, with a sample size of 90 teenage respondents in Talang Kelapa Village Palembang. Based on the simple linear regression analysis test conducted, it shows that each unit of Shopeefood advertising has an increase in purchase intention of 1.185, which means it has a significant influence. Meanwhile, based on the hypothesis test tested through the correlation coefficient, it has a very strong relationship with a value of 0.948, greater than the Ftable value of 0.207 (degree of freedom) at a significant level of 5% (0.05) with a positive direction, so that researchers can conclude that H0 is rejected while H1 is accepted. This statement is also supported based on the results of the coefficient of determination analysis, where the R Square value is 0.920 with a percentage of 92%. In other words, there is an influence of Shopeefood advertising on consumer buying interest among teenagers in Talang Kelapa Palembang Village with the percentage of influence on variable X (Shopeefood advertising) on variable Y (buying interest) is 92%, while the remaining 8% is influenced by other variables that are not discussed in this study.
Representasi Kenakalan Remaja Dalam Film Crow Zero Candra saputra; Aliasan Aliasan; Muslimin Muslimin
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This thesis is entitled "Representation of Juvenile Delinquency in the Film Crow Zero". The aim of this research is to find out the meaning of denotation, connotation and myth in the film "Crow Zero", and to find out the representation contained in the film "Crow Zero". The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used are primary data and secondary data. The object of this research is the film "Crow Zero" and the technique used is Roland Barthes' semiotic technique. The results of this research are the meaning of denotation, connotation and myth in the film "Crow Zero". Denotation is the first stage which uses Roland Barthes' semiotic method, connotation is the original nature of the sign, and myth is a second level system of meaning. The message contained in the film "Crow Zero" is that by uniting you can achieve a certain goal even though the method chosen, namely violence, is an inappropriate method.
Bimbingan Konseling Islam Dengan Metode Al-Hikmah Untuk Memperbaiki Moralitas Remaja Anggi Fitri Yani; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Selvia Assoboru
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This research discusses "Islamic Guidance Counseling using the Al-hikmah Method to Improve Adolescent Morality". This research aims to improve adolescent morality and find out Islamic counseling guidance using the al-hikmah method to improve adolescent morality. This type of research is field research with a descriptive approach. Data collection tools include interviews, observation and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions or verification. The subjects of this research were 12 teenagers aged 12-15 years, heads and supervisors of the Islamic Youth Family at the An-Nashiriin Mosque. The results of this research show that adolescent morality can be seen from their lack of respect and courtesy, their inability to control themselves, and their inability to get used to behaving well in accordance with moral values. After carrying out the Islamic counseling guidance process in 5 meetings. The stages of Islamic counseling guidance using the al-hikmah method to improve adolescent morality are using the initial stage, transition stage, activity stage, and final stage. So that the results obtained are that teenagers are able to be obedient and respectful towards other people, able to communicate well, able to control themselves, and able to get used to behaving well in accordance with moral values and reducing bad behavior towards other people.
Peran Video Editor Dalam Produksi Program Kampungku (Studi Deskriptif di TVRI Sumsel) Panesa Selvia; Sumaina Duku; Jawasi Jawasi
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: The "Kampungku" program is one of the flagship programs aired by this television station, which aims to raise the potential and life of rural communities in South Sumatra. This research aims to reveal the role played by video editors in the production of the "Kampungku" program at TVRI South Sumatra. In addition, this research also seeks an understanding of the editing techniques applied by video editors in the context of the production of the "Kampungku" program. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach by conducting direct observation, in-depth interviews, and content analysis of the video production process involved in the "Kampungku" program. The data collected was then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman data analysis technique which involves three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the role of video editors in the production of the "Kampungku" program at TVRI South Sumatra has great significance. They are responsible for editing the video content which includes clip selection, story sequencing, audio adjustments, and visual effects utilization. In addition, video editors also have an important role in maintaining the consistency of the program's visual and narrative style in accordance with TVRI South Sumatera's production standards. As such, this research provides an in-depth understanding of the important contribution of video editors in structuring and producing the program.
Bimbingan Konseling Islam Melalui Dakwah Mau’izah Hasanah Dalam Memperbaiki Perilaku Negatif Pada Santriwati Pondok Pesantren Daarul Hikmah Suci Ayu Andini; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Selvia Assoboru
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This research discusses "Islamic Counseling Guidance Through Da'wah Mau'izah Hasanah in Correcting Negative Behavior in Students of the Daarul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, Talang Kelapa District". This research aims to increase positive behavior and find out Islamic Counseling Guidance through Mau'izah Hasanah Da'wah in Correcting Negative Behavior in Pupils at the Daarul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, Talang Kelapa District. This type of research is a type of field research with a descriptive approach. Data collection tools include observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The subjects of this research were 10 female students at the Islamic boarding school "Daarul Hikmah, Talang Kelapa District". The results of the research show that the condition of female students is better and more accepting of themselves than before. Where these female students can be seen so far being able to change themselves little by little, being more able to accept the existing situation, and continuing to try to always learn from previous situations and as time goes by and in the process of maturation they will understand and comprehend.
Analisis Tahapan Produksi Program Siaran “Halo Palembang” Di PALTV Pebrina Pebrina; Sumaina Duku; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: The Halo Palembang program on PALTV is a talk show program that discusses interesting things or events in the city of Palembang broadcast live This study aims to find out how to analyze the production stages of the halo Palembang broadcast program on PALTV starting from the Pre-Production, Production and Post-production stages in accordance with the Operational Standard Procedures (SOP) and what are the obstacles faced during the production process of the halo Palembang broadcast program. This research method uses qualitative descriptive analysis methods. The subjects of this study were the halo Palembang program crew which included producers, hosts and technical teams who became informants to find data, using interview techniques and direct observation.the results of this study showed that producers have roles and responsibilities during the production process starting from pre-production, production and post-production. The pre-production stage includes determining the theme, resource persons, script making and production meetings. The production process is a shooting process that includes a series of events consisting of 3 segments that are broadcast live (live). And finally, the post-production stage which is referred to as the completion stage where the halo Palembang program is broadcast live (Live), so not too much is edited, it's just that the editing process itself must be in accordance with P3SPS (KPID Broadcasting Behavior Guidelines) owned by PALTV.
Gaya Kepemimpinan Mudir Dalam Mencetak Da’i Di Pondok Pesantren Raudhatul Qur’an Desa Payaraman Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Aliya Saputri; Candra Darmawan
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This thesis is entitled "Mudir Leadership Style in producing Da'i at the Raudhatul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School, Payaraman Village, Ogan Ilir Regency". The background of this research is the lack of mudir leadership in producing preachers at the Raudhatul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School. The purpose of this research is to determine the leadership style in producing preachers at the Raudhtaul Qur'an Islamic boarding school and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for a student to become a preacher at the Raudhtaul Qur'an Islamic boarding school. The approach used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation techniques using primary and secondary data. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is interactive analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The theory used in this research is the Evans-Haous path-goal theory related to leadership style and the theory of Faizah and Lula Machsin Effendi related to the nature of a preacher. Based on the results of this research, it shows that the mudir leadership style has a significant influence on producing preachers. A leadership style that is inclusive, motivating and provides good examples tends to produce quality preachers who are able to become role models for society, and the inhibiting and supporting factors for santri to become preachers, the inhibiting factors are lack of motivation and lack of Islamic boarding school religious education facilities. And the supporting factors motivate students internally, adequate educational facilities for students. Thus, this research examines the importance of the mudir's role in producing competent and integrated preachers at the Raudhatul Qur'an Payaraman Islamic Boarding School, so that they can contribute positively to building society and the people.Keywords: Leadership style, Printing Da'i.

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