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El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27212297     DOI :
FOCUS. Jurnal El Arbah is focused on publishing the original research articles, review articles from contributors, and the current issues related to Economic and Bussines. The main objective of Jurnal El Arbah is to provide a platform for the international scholars, academicians, and researchers to share the contemporary thoughts in the fields of Economic, Financing, and Bussines Syariah SCOPE. Jurnal El Arbah publishes research papers in the all the fields of Economic, Financing, and Bussines Syariah, Histroy of El Arbah, Economic in middle ages, Economic and Bussines , Media Digital of Finances, Online Canal Of El Arbah , and other related studies of Islamic Study.
Articles 5 Documents
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Utilization of Zakat for Pandemic Countermeasures Badrah Uyuni; Celina Balqis; Lia Fitriani; Nova Auliyatul Faizah; Akmaluddin Murdani; Ummi Rosilawati
El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 4 No 02 (2020): El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syari'ah Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah

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The global pandemic related to Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia has made humans experience a difficult situation that requires assistance in terms of support, material and financial. And zakat as a source of social funds in Islam has a strategic role to fulfill these needs. This study uses available literature and news developments from various media as the main reference for analysis. Observations by going directly to get involved in collecting zakat were also conducted. The decision of the Minister of Religion Fachrurozi is in accordance with the instructions of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin so that the community can collect zakat massively even though it is not yet due. So that it is expected to play a role as a social safety net for residents affected by Covid-19. The hope is that it can immediately help ease the burden of life, fulfilling the basic needs, and maintain the purchasing power of residents affected by Covid-19. It turns out that this effort creates conducive conditions and attracts public participation to fulfill zakat and increase awareness of others.
El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 4 No 02 (2020): El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syari'ah Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah

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Debt is muamalah which is allowed in Islam. Debt can bring someone to heaven because of their intention to help fellow humans (hablun minannaas) but debt can also bring someone into hellfire when it is not managed properly. Problems due to accounts payable often arise because debtors and borrowers do not pay attention to the manners in debt. Therefore, debt needs to be managed by paying attention to Islamic instructions both as contained in the Koran and in the alhadits so that the activities of accounts payable can bring blessings and become a solution for the ummah. This article is an introduction to the various types of debt in the Fiqh mawaris review. Various arguments and logics of fiqh are placed to understand that debt is an important study. As for the obligations towards Allah that have not been fulfilled such as zakat, going on hajj, paying for kafarah, it is also called debt, by jazy, not haqiqy, because the obligation to fulfill these things is not as a reward for an achievement that has been received by someone, but as fulfillment of obligations that are required when someone is still alive.
El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 4 No 02 (2020): El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syari'ah Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah

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Dakwah pengembangan masyarakat dan umat merupakan kegiatan Rasulullah Shallallahu Wassalam yang ditopang oleh perekonomian yang mapan. Hal ini dapat kita lihat bagaimana kiprah Rasulullah Shallallahu Wassalam bersama Ummul mukminin Khadijah radhiallahu'anhu dalam berdakwah memperbaiki keadaan umat dari keterpurukan peradaban. Begitu pula para sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah SAW, mengemban misi dakwah dengan mengorbankan harta kekayaan mereka. Bagaimana pengorbanan Utsman bin Affan membeli sumur dari seorang Yahudi untuk kaum muslimin. Bagaimana dengan kekayaannya Abu Bakar membebaskan para budak. Banyak teladan dalam Islam tentang pengorbanan harta dalam berdakwah. Selain adanya kebijakan pemerintah, pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dapat dilakukan diantaranya dengan membuka unit bisnis. Dengan adanya unit bisnis akan membuka lapangan pekerjaan yang menyerap tenaga kerja manusia. Bisnis yang dikembangkan bermacam-macam mulai dari unit bisnis sederhana berupa UMKM, home industri, koperasi, maupun unit bisnis yang yang dikelola secara besar seperti pabrik, perkantoran pariwisata, perbankan dan lain sebagainya Sudah saatnya umat Islam bersatu padu memajukan ekonomi agar Umat Islam lepas dari belenggu dan penjajahan dalam era kapitalis, hedonis serta matrealistis dengan menggerakkan ekonomi keumatan, berupa didirikannya pasar-pasar syariah, kegiatan pariwista berbasis syariah, serta sika pemerintah yang mengeluarkan kebijakan ekonomi yang pro pada syariat Islam dan mendukung program perbankan syariah di Indonesia.
El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 4 No 02 (2020): El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syari'ah Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah

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Negara sangat menjamin Hak dan Kewajiban para Pekerja / buruh, hal ini sudah sangat jelas dituangkan kedalam undang-undang sbb : Undang-Undang no 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan / Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003 Undang-Undang Nomor 21 tahun 2000 mengenai Serikat Buruh/Serikat Pekerja / Trade Union Act No.21, 2000 Berdasarkan paparan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Islam sebagai agama rahmatan lil alamien, sangat memperhatikan buruh. Islam melihat buruh merupakan makhluk Allah SAW yang sama dengan manusia lainnya. Maka Islam tidak pernah menganjurkan memusuhi kekayaan dan orang-orang kaya sabagaimana dalam faham Sosialisme. Tidak juga membebaskan sebebas-bebasnya individu sebagaimana dalam faham Kapitalisme. Untuk itu, Islam memandang buruh adalah Saudara yang harus diperlakukan sebaik mungkin oleh majikan. Kemudian memerintahkan setiap majikan untuk memperlakukan buruh dengan baik, dalam bentuk menghormati dan menjaga serta bersikap ramah dan menjaga dari memperlakukan buruh secara tidak terhormat. Islam juga mengharuskan majikan untuk memberikan beban kerja yang tidak melebihi batas kemampuan buruh. Hal ini dilukiskan dalam Al-Qur‟an melalui kisah Nabi Musa a.s, yang bekerja di rumah Nabi Syu‟aib, a.s. (QS. al-Qashash [28]: 27), serta memberikan upah yang layak dan tepat waktu kepada buruh. Sedangkan kewajiban moral seorang buruh terhadap majikan Islam memberikan tuntunan agar setiap buruh menghormati majikan dengan cara melaksanakan segala kewajiban yang telah terikat dengan majikannya.
El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 4 No 02 (2020): El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syari'ah Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah

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One of the beverage business that can be said is currently on the rise is CV. Indo Javaland. The purpose of this study was to determine how much to know the effect of the work environment and communication on employee performance on the CV. Indo Javaland by using the SPSS 22 program, namely the classical assumption test method, simple and multiple regression analysis, simple and multiple correlation analysis, and hypothesis testing t, f test, and the coefficient of determination. The results of the research with the hypothesis t test show that the work environment (X1) and communication (X2) variables partially have a significant and positive effect on employee performance (Y). From the results of the calculation of the F test also shows that the work environment (X1) and communication (X2) simultaneously significantly and positively affect employee performance (Y). While the determination of the coefficient of determination can be found that is equal to 0.589 which means that the work environment (X2) and communication (X1) has a contribution of 58.9% of employee performance (Y), while the remaining 41.1% is contributed by other factors that are not included in the research variables by researchers.

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