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Economics and Islamic Business Faculty, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04, Pamekasan, East Java
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Iqtishadia: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah
ISSN : 23547057     EISSN : 24423076     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
Publishes mainly focuses on the major problems in the development of Islamic Business and economic areas, such as Islamic economic thoughts, Islamic economic and business, Islamic philanthropy (zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and waqf), halal industry (food tourism, product), Islamic microfinance, Islamic banking and financial institution, Islamic banking management, and Islamic monetary economics.
Articles 9 Documents
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Potensi Penerapan Model Koperasi Masjid Linked Program untuk Sustainability Keuangan Masjid Binti Nur Asiyah; Lantip Susilowati; Moh. Taufiqur Rahman; Erina Wiji Lestari
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

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This study aims to determine the potential application of the linked program model as an effort to maximize the sustainability of mosque cooperatives. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of case study research. Sources of data were obtained through in-depth interviews with the manager of the mosque/mosque takmir cooperative, the Head of BIMAIS Kankemenag Tulungagung, LAZ, and the congregation of the mosque. Data analysis was carried out through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of the mosque cooperative model has the socio-economic potential of the mosque in the form of revolving loans, buying and selling cheap basic necessities, fisheries, and zakat/qurban. The Linked Mosque Cooperative Program is implemented in collaboration with the Indonesian Mosque Council Program, the BAZNAS Program, the LAZ Program, the Indonesian Sharia Bank Program, and suppliers of fishery trading companies. In conclusion, the mosque model cooperative link program provides benefits for the financial sustainability of the mosque.
Creative Economy Development Challenges for Halal Tourism: A Study in Madura, Indonesia Kamiluddin; Zulfikar Hasan
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

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Indonesia is a country that has potential in the tourism sector. In the context of creative economy-based tourism, Sumenep, one of the districts in Madura, has the potential to be optimally developed. However, issues such as the production of sharia-compliant products, raw materials and product marketing have become challenges for creative economy entrepreneurs in this region. This study was conducted to closely examine the development of the creative economy for halal tourism in Sumenep by focusing on the real challenges faced by creative economy entrepreneurs, especially in the handicraft sector. The data collected was then analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in three main findings. First, implementing a creative economic development concept for halal tourism must be in line with the Halal Tourism Development Development Acceleration Team (TP3H) criteria. Second, nine challenges faced by creative economy entrepreneurs in Sumenep are the quality and quantity of human resources, capital, sharia-compliant products, competitors from outside the region, raw materials, marketing strategies, information and technology infrastructure, and Government policy. Competitors from outside the area are the main challenge faced by Sumenep's creative economy entrepreneurs. Third, training strategies, venture capital assistance, product innovation, marketing systems development, business partnerships, and the establishment of consulting and development centres could be implemented to deal with these challenges, with the cooperation of entrepreneurs and the government
Trade-off between Outreach and Profitability in Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Bangladesh Aminudin Ma'ruf; Hamim Azad
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/iqtishadia.v10i1.8051


Claims have been made that the purpose of microfinance is to alleviate poverty and remain sustainable. Hence, there is a trade-off between outreach to the low-income community and financial profitability. This research study tried to examine the trade-off between outreach and profitability of microfinance institutions in the context of Bangladesh. This study uses a data sample of 433 Microfinance Institutions obtained from the Microcredit Regulatory Authority on Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh. Factors that significantly influence the outreach are the Total number of borrowers and Loan size to borrowers, while the profitability, is Equity to asset and Total assets. The result shows that there is significant evidence of a trade-off between outreach and profitability in Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh. Furthermore, the paper recommends Microfinance Institutions remain small in order to maximize their outreach and urges policymakers to develop robust regulations on microfinance to help the poor community and support the nation’s economy for long-term prosperity.
Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan Bermasalah pada Perbankan Syariah di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Perspektif Fatwa MUI dan POJK Faizi; Satrio Adiputro
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/iqtishadia.v10i1.8069


The current restructuring has been extended until 2023 due to micro, small and medium businesses are still affected by Covid-19. This study aims to find out and analyze the application of BTN Syariah KCS Pasar Minggu regarding the restructuring of troubled financing on mortgage products based on POJK number 11/POJK.03/2020, POJK Number 48/POJK.03/2020, POJK Number 17/POJK .03/2021 and DSN MUI Fatwa Number. 48/DSN-MUI/II/2005. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. with the subjects taken were Unit Head Collection, Staff Collection and Customers. This study used primary and secondary data sources with interviews, observation, and documentation data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the restructuring policy made by the OJK helps improve the economy in Indonesia with customers who can extend payment terms from the bank so that they can fulfil their payment obligations at a predetermined time. In addition, the restructuring provisions stipulated by the DSN MUI are implemented very well and reflect sharia financial practices that align with the main objective of sharia (Maqashid al-shariah) and strengthen the national economy.
Does Digital Financial Inclusion in Sharia Commercial Banks Drive Economic Transformation in Madura? Riskiyatul Khasanah; Nur Azizah
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

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The urgency of financial inclusion has been widely recognized and has even become one of the focuses of governments in several countries in the world, including Indonesia. In the era of increasingly rapid digital acceleration due to the pandemic, financial inclusion by banks that focus on digitalization takes a significant role in realizing a better economic transformation through digital financial services, Laku Pandai, digital account ownership, and other financing facilities. Sharia Commercial Banks are still the driving force for financial services in various regions in Indonesia, including Madura, this is because banking has a scope that is more accessible to the public and fulfills the religious value of the Madurese community. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Sharia Commercial Banks have been able to encourage economic transformation in Madura inclusively in the digitalization era. This study uses quantitative research methods with multiple linear regression analysis (Ordinary Least Square) with the help of EViews 9.0 software. The result of the study found that the contribution of financial inclusion made by Sharia Commercial Banks was able to encourage economic transformation in Madura and Showed significant development.
A Islamic Boarding School Economic Empowerment Strategy Through an OPOP (One Persantren One Product) Model in The Digital (Case Study on Boarding School in Madura): recontruction and transformation in economic aspect Robiatul Adawiyah; M. Ardiansyah; Nur Aisatus Sholehah
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/iqtishadia.v10i1.8162


Madura merupakan salah satu pulau yang dikenal dengan masyarakatnya yang religius, dibuktikan dengan banyaknya pondok pesantren yang tersebar di daerah Madura. Di bangkalan terdapat 114 pesantren, di kabupaten Sampang terdata 352 pesantren, pamekasan tercatat 218 pesantren, dan di Sumenep tercatat 177 pesantren. Pesantren memiliki potensi yang sangat banyak, petama berdasarkan sumber daya manusianya yaitu santri yang mencapai ratusan bahkan ribuan, kedua kepemimpinan seorang kyai yang dikenal sebagai tokoh paling berpengaruh, ketiga potensi sosial dimana keterkaitan dengan masyarakat sangat erat. Oleh sebab itu menjadi peluang dalam mempercepat pembangunan ekonomi, sehingga pemerintah mendukung melalui program pemberdayaan pesantren yang dicanangkan yaitu OPOP agar terbentuknya kemandirian pesantren dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di sekitar pesantren. Pesantren melalui relasi dengan masyarakat dan media e-commerce OPOP Jatim, dapat memasarkan produknya dan bermitra bersama pesantren lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui dan mendukung program-program yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pemberdayaan pesantren dan masyarakat Madura. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pedekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif, dan data yang digunakan ialah data sekunder dan data primer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemberdayaan pesantren dan masyarakat melalui model OPOP dapat dilakukan dengan cara membentuk komunitas, pendampingan, proses produksi, dan pemasaran serta pengolahan limbah. Dampak yang dihasikan ialah terbentuknya jiwa wirausaha, mendapatkan keuntungan dan manfaat, mengurangi degradasi lingkungan, dan mewujudkan kesejahteraan.
Pengaruh Online Customer Review, Citra Merek dan Religiusitas Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Dengan Kepercayaan Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Pengguna Marketplace Shopee Generasi Z) Naritsul Umma; Rifda Nabila
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/iqtishadia.v10i1.8407


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of online customer reviews, brand image and religiosity on purchasing decisions with consumer trust as an intervening variable (a case study of Generation Z Market Place Shopee ). This research is a quantitative study using primary data with a population of Generation Z Shopee . The sampling technique used non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling method total of 100 respondents.The data was processed using SPSS for windows 25, the analytical method used the instrument test, classical assumption test, Sobel test and path analysis. Research results: 1) online customer reviews have no effect on purchasing decisions, 2) brand image has no effect on purchasing decisions, 3) religiosity hasa positive effect on purchasing decisions, 4) consumer trust has positive effect on purchasing decisions, 5) online customer reviews have no effect on consumer trust, 6) brand image has positive effect on consumer trust, 7) religiosity has positive effect on consumer trust, 8) consumer trust cannot mediate online customer reviews on purchasing decisions, 9) consumer trust can mediate brand image on purchasing decisions, 10 ) consumer confidence can mediate religiosity on purchasing decisions.
Branding the Role Of the District Baznas in Madura Through Online-Based Digitalization in Efforts of Community Economic Empowerment Rudy Haryanto; Suaidi
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/iqtishadia.v10i1.8771


The duties and functions of BAZNAS are regulated in RI Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning the management of zakat, namely planning, implementing, and controlling the collection of zakat in terms of distributing zakat and utilizing zakat including reporting and being accountable for the movement of zakat. To optimize the duties and functions of BAZNAS nationally, the Government issued a Decree of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance No DJ. II / 568 / the Year 2004. Based on this decision, Baznas was born and formed for Pamekasan, Bangkalan, Sampang, and Sumenep Regencies on Madura Island. The strategy for procuring HR in the context of revitalizing Regency BAZNAS in Madura based on e-commerce/ digitization of zakat online is carried out following existing regulations, namely BAZNAS Regulation Number 1 of 2019 concerning procedures for appointing and dismissing Provincial BAZNAS and Regency/City BAZNAS leaders and circular letter from the Head of BAZNAS No. 3 of 2018 concerning the dissemination of the decision of the Chairman of BAZNAS number 24 of 2018 concerning guidelines for the management of amil zakat at Provincial BAZNAS and Regency/City BAZNAS. This strategy is not yet fully accommodating to online digitization-based services. The promotion strategy for revitalizing the Regency BAZNAS in Madura based on e-commerce/ online zakat digitalization is carried out directly and indirectly. In online digitization, promotions are carried out by uploading advertisements inviting people to make donations of zakat, infaq, and sadaqah at BAZNAS Regency in Madura through their website and Facebook. The potential application of e-commerce/ digitization of zakat online in the context of revitalizing BAZNAS districts in Madura is not yet representative in serving the collection of zakat, infaq, and sadaqah funds through digitalization online. Empowerment of the Community's economy through online digitization at the Regency BAZNAS in Madura has not yet been carried out because the digital application owned by BAZNAS Regency in Madura is not representative. After all, it is still done directly/manually.
Pengaruh Pengaruh Upah Minimum, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia, Dan Belanja Modal Terhadap Kemiskinan Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur Tahun 2017 s/d 2021: KEMISKINAN Ali Mauludi AC; Fadllan; Fitri Nur Rahmawati
IQTISHADIA Jurnal Ekonomi & Perbankan Syariah Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/iqtishadia.v10i1.8945


This study aims to determine the effect of minimum wages, economic growth, HDI, and capital spending on poverty in East Java districts/cities in 2017 s/d 2021. Using a quantitative approach, this research uses multiple linear analysis methods assisted by Eviews 12. Secondary data of this research sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics, Directorate General of Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance, as well as other sources. This research shows the results that the minimum wage partially has a significant positive effect, while the HDI, economic growth, and capital expenditure variables have a significant negative effect on poverty in districts/cities in East Java. In addition, together the variables of minimum wages, economic growth, HDI, and capital expenditures have a significant influence on poverty in districts/cities in East Java with an effect of 99.3%

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