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Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business is a international scientific proceeding are open to seeking innovation, creativity and novelty. Either letters, research notes, articles, supplemental articles, or review articles. Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business aims to achieve state-of-the-art in theory and application of this field.
Articles 78 Documents
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Financial Distress Analysis Using the Altman Z-Score Method at PT. Indofarma Tbk Period 2019 to 2022 Muhammad Rofi Ussan Al Mutasimbillah; Dyah Ayu Paramitha
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research objectives: This research aims to measure the level of financial distress and the potential for bankruptcy that may occur at PT. Indofarma Tbk. Design/Method/Approach: The research method applied is quantitative descriptive, using a population consisting of the financial statements of  PT. Indofarma Tbk., accessed through the website, particularly in the form of financial reports from 2019 to 2022. The analysis technique employed is the Altman Z-Score method, utilizing five ratios: the ratio of working capital to total assets, the ratio of retained earnings to total assets, the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes to total assets, the ratio of equity book value to total debt book value, and the ratio of sales to total assets. Research Findings: The research results indicate that PT. Indofarma Tbk. is predicted to face financial distress and the risk of bankruptcy from 2019 to 2022. Z-Score values for those years below 1.8 indicate that PT. Indofarma Tbk. is estimated to experience bankruptcy or financial distress.
Exploring the Effects of Implementing TQM Strategy, With Organizational Learning Capability and Innovation Capability as Mediators, On Operational Performance at Indonesian Plastic Packaging Industry Rahman Soesilo; Eddy Yunus; Sri Utami Ady
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The purpose of this study to unravel and understand the positive correlation between TQM and OP, mediated by Organizational Learning Capability (OLC) and Organizational Innovation (OI) on the plastic packaging industry. Design/Method/Approach: The This research utilizes quantitative survey conducted across 140 plastic companies with Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM PLS) analysis Research Finding: The findings reveal that as organizations implement TQM strategies, there is a discernible positive impact on Operational Performance. This relationship is intricately influenced and mediated by the organizational processes of learning and innovation. Organizational Learning Capability (OLC) and Organizational Innovation (OI) emerge as pivotal mediators, playing a vital role in shaping the dynamics between TQM and Operational Performance.
The Influence of Leverage Ratio, Capital Intensity Ratio, and Market Share on the Profitability of Cooperatives in Kediri City Shintya Mellinia Rani; Sigit Puji Winarko; Erna Puspita
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research objectives: This research is motivated by the fact that the profitability obtained in cooperatives varies. This is what attracts investors when they want to invest. Stable profitability will attract investors to invest their capital by seeing how profitability develops each year. To achieve the expected profitability, it is necessary to know the factors that influence profitability. This research aims to determine the effect of the leverage ratio, capital intensity ratio, and market share on the profitability of cooperatives in the city of Kediri. Design/Method/Approach: This research is a type of quantitative causality research. The population used in the research was 317 cooperatives using a purposive sampling technique which used several criteria to obtain a sample of 30. This research used the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination test, and hypothesis testing using the SPSS application. Research Findings: The research results show that leverage, capital intensity, and market share partially have a significant effect on profitability. Simultaneously, leverage, capital intensity, and market share have a significant effect on profitability. Based on the results of the analysis and conclusions, the author provides suggestions for investors to pay attention to before investing, for cooperatives it can be used as a guide in increasing cooperative profitability, and for further researchers they can add other variables that can influence cooperative profitability.
The Effect of Green Accounting on Financial Performance with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as Mediation Noviolita Lingga Asti; Yoosita Aulia
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim : This study aims to determine the effect of green accounting on financial performance with corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mediating variable in energy sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2021 period. Design/Methode/Approach : This research is a type of quantitative research that uses secondary data in the form of company reports and company sustainability reports. This study used a sample of 12 companies in the energy sub-sector. The analytical tools used in this research are regression and pathy analysis. Research Finding : Based on the results of data analysis, the research findings are (1) green accounting has an effect on financial performance; (2) green accounting has an effect on corporate social responsibility (CSR); (3) corporate social responsibility (CSR) has no effect on Financial Performance; (4) corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not able to mediate the influence between green accounting on financial performance. Theoretical contribution/Originality : The results of this study indicate a lack of alignment with the grand theory used, namely the legitimacy theory as well as previous research. Examining the influence of green accounting on financial performance with corporate social responsibility (CSR) revealed that CSR was not able to mediate the relationship. Practitionel/Policy implication : The research findings on one of the hypotheses indicate that green accounting has an impact on financial performance. This finding has implications for all companies; by adopting green accounting, companies demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental responsibility, which can help maintain stakeholders' trust. It can also facilitate the company in attracting future investors. Research limitation : The limitation of this research is that the number of samples used is relatively minimal. Out of 80 companies, only 12 companies from the energy sub-sector reported their corporate social responsibility activities in the annual report. Therefore, the possibility of bias in the research results in each article is still relatively significant.
Analysis of Branding Strategies in Documentation Services Berdua Pictures to Increase Competitiveness Rafael Habib Abu Bakar; Rino Sardanto
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: Research aims to find out how to increase competitiveness through branding strategies that have been carried out by Berdua Pictures. Design/Method/Approach: This research is a qualitative descriptive research, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation to provide in-depth information about the operational situation of the research object. The subjects of the study involved company owners, employees and one consumer as resource persons who provided information related to the context of this study. Research Finding:  the results of this study documentation services of Berdua pictures have used branding strategies according to gelder such as brand positioning, brand identity, brand personality that makes Berdua pictures known (brand awareness) and have an impression (brand image) by utilizing social media such as Instagram and WhatsApp, which can increase the competitiveness of Berdua pictures, by always evaluating performance results and utilizing their advantages. Theoretical contribution/Originality: Implementing the right branding strategy not only creates added value for the product or service, but also allows the company to differentiate itself from competitors, providing an edge in attracting customers and grabbing a larger market share. Practitionel/Policy implication: branding strategy plays a crucial role in increasing brand awareness. The findings show that the implementation of an effective branding strategy is able to form a strong brand image and identity, increasing the level of brand recognition and understanding among consumers. Research limitation:  the research focuses on branding strategies applied by Berdua pictures that can increase competitiveness in the photography industry.
Analysis of Marketing Mix Strategies to Increase Export Sales Volume in The Kawoel’s Coir Pot Industry Dicky Permadi Saputra; Rino Sardanto
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The aim of this research is to determine the application of the 7P marketing mix used by the Kawoel's industry to increase the export sales volume of coir pot products. Design/Method/Approach: The type of research used is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The method used in collecting data is observation, interviews and documentation to describe the industrial situation in its operations. The sources in this research are owners, employees and customers. Research Finding: The research results show that the 7P strategy (product, price, place, promotion, people, Physical Evidence, Process) has been successfully implemented in Kawoel's industry. These products are sold with good quality and contemporary designs. The prices applied are in accordance with the quality provided. The location used is to analyze the market potential of the export destination country. Promotion utilizes social media WhatsApp and Instagram as a tool to market products. This industry has employees who are friendly to consumers so they can serve customers well. Kawoel's industry has raw material suppliers so that making its products does not require a long time and already has adequate tools and facilities so that it can help to increase export sales of coir pots. Kawoel's industry should prioritize which countries have great opportunities and leverage e-commerce platforms and social media applications to increase sales. Theoretical Contribution/Originality: The 7P marketing mix helps the industry more comprehensively design marketing strategies to create a better customer experience. Practitioner/Policy Implications: The 7P marketing mix involves product, price, place, promotion, people, processes and physical evidence so it is necessary to understand how each element can influence business performance and meet customer needs. Research Limitations:This research only focuses on marketing which is used to increase export sales.
Analysis of Marketing Strategies in Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) in The Sales of Twelve SMPN 1 Pace Canteens Andi Ihza Darmawan
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: This study aims to analyze the process of segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) as a marketing strategy in the twelve canteen business. Design/Method/Approach: This research is a descriptive qualitative research, with a case study approach. This method is used to understand in depth about the opinions of each informant, so that the object of research can develop a more appropriate and effective strategy. Research Finding: This research is expected to provide strategic guidance to the twelve canteen businesses in developing more effective and targeted marketing strategies. By understanding market segments deeply, targeting effectively, and positioning products appropriately. Theoretical contribution/Originality:  Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) is one of the marketing strategies that greatly affects business. Segmentation involves breaking the market into homogeneous groups, while targeting helps select potential market segments and, positioning creates a unique image for the product or brand in the minds of consumers. Practitionel/Policy implication: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) shows a company or business can target individual consumers more effectively, Implications can see market segmentation that has been targeted. Research limitation: limited informants as interviews for this research, so that misih is weak in the process of Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP). This research is applied to get input from other business people and the cutomers involved.
Analysis of Sales and Cash Receipt Accounting Information Systems to Improve Internal Control at Foto Prima Kediri in 2023 Ahmad Ma'ruf Marzuki; Badrus Zaman; Hestin Sri Widiawati
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the sales and cash receipts accounting information system on the internal control system at Foto Prima in 2023. Design/Method/Approach: This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Research Finding: The results of this study are the implementation of the sales and cash receipts accounting information system at Foto Prima is still not good, it can be seen from the existence of concurrent functions, namely the cash function concurrently with the accounting function, and incomplete accounting documents and records. However, the implementation of the sales and cash receipts accounting information system in internal control at Foto Prima is good as seen from the sequentially numbered printed cash sales invoices, the cash balance from sales is deposited on the same day as the sales transaction and there is a surprise inspection from the business owner of the cash balance. Based on the results of the study, researchers recommend separating the cash function and accounting function to avoid duplication of functions and complete accounting documents or records in order to reduce and prevent manipulation of company data.
The Influence of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Use of Accounting Information Systems on Company Performance at CV. Prima Independent Mella Wijayanti; Hestin Sri Widiawati; Erna Puspita
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of the effectiveness and efficiency of using an accounting information system on company performance at CV Prima Mandiri as one of the companies that uses an accounting information system. Design/Method/Approach: The subjects in this research were CV Prima Mandiri employees as users of the accounting information system implemented in the company. This research uses a causal quantitative approach with analytical instruments in the form of multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using the t test, F test and determination test. Research Finding: The results of the research show that the effectiveness and efficiency variables in the use of accounting information systems have a significant effect, both partially and simultaneously, on company performance at CV Prima Mandiri.
Analysis of Recruitment and Empowerment and Their Influence on the Human Resources Performance of the Nganjuk Environmental Service Roynaldi Wahyu Irawan; Sugiono Sugiono
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The aim of the research is understand the recruitment process to distribute employees evenly so that the strength of human resources becomes more balanced. Design/Method/Approach: This method uses a quantitative approach with associative causality research techniques. In this research, the questionnaire uses the SPSS application in the calculation process. Research Findings Research Finding: The results of multiple regression analysis show that Recruitment (X1) and Human Resource Empowerment (X2) partially influence the dependent variable (Y), namely Employee Performance. Meanwhile, the Ha test simultaneously means that Recruitment (X1) and Human Resource Empowerment (X2) as a whole (simultaneous) have an effect on the dependent variable (Y) on Human Resource Performance. Theoretical contribution/originality: Human resource planning has a significant and positive effect on HR performance, according to HR planning it turns out to have an effect on employee performance, although not significant. Research Limitations: In this research, by limiting the problem to variables, this research only focuses on discussing recruitment and empowerment of human resources for managing employee performance at the Environmental Service.