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Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business is a international scientific proceeding are open to seeking innovation, creativity and novelty. Either letters, research notes, articles, supplemental articles, or review articles. Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business aims to achieve state-of-the-art in theory and application of this field.
Articles 78 Documents
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Factors Affecting Financial Performance in Banking Companies 2020-2022 Maf'ulatul Fa'ida; Amin Tohari; Erna Puspita
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The aim of this study is (1) to investigate the partial effects of Corporate Social Responsibility, independent commissioners, and Company Size on Financial Performance. (2) to examine the combined effects of independent commissioners, corporate social responsibility, and company size on financial performance. Research Method: This study employs a quantitative approach. The sample consists of 30 companies selected through purposive sampling method. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Technique is utilized for analysis, employing SPSS software version 23.  Research Findings: The findings reveal that (1) Corporate Social Responsibility and company size individually exert a significant impact on the company's financial performance, whereas independent commissioners show no significant partial effect on financial performance. (2) Corporate social responsibility, independent commissioners, and company size collectively demonstrate a significant effect on the company's financial performance.
Stock Price Regression Model Based On Current Ratio, Earnings Per Share, Price Book Value, And Total Asset Turnover Of Properties And Real Estate Companies For The 2020-2022 Period Putri Rizki Nurjanah; Amin Tohari; Diah Nurdiwaty
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the partial and simultaneous influence of the Current Ratio, Earning Per Share, Price Book Value and Total Asset Turnover variables on share prices in Property and Real Estate companies listed on the IDX for the 2020-2022 period. Research Method: This research uses quantitative research methods. The data used in this research is secondary data in the form of financial reports of Properties and Real Estate companies listed on the IDX for the 2020-2022 period. The sampling technique used was a purposive sampling technique with samples obtained from 21 companies. The data analysis techniques used are classical assumption testing, multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing using SPSS 23 software. Research Findings: The results of this research show that partially Earning Per Share and Price Book Value have a significant effect on Stock Prices, while the Current Ratio and Total Asset Turnover do not have a significant effect on Stock Prices. Simultaneously Current Ratio, Earning Per Share, Price Book Value, and Total Asset Turnover together have a significant effect on Share Prices. Keywords: Current Ratio, Earning Per Share, Price Book Value, Total Asset Turnover, Stock Price
Analysis of Product Quality, Price Suitability, Product Variation, and Brand Image on Purchase Satisfaction at the ASIKIE BAKERY Bread Factory, Ngronggot District, Nganjuk Regency. Nikken putri octapia Tahammy; Ema Nurzainul Hakimah
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The aim of this research is to measure or analyze whether there is an influence of product quality, price suitability, product variety and Brand Image simultaneously and partially on purchase satisfaction at the ASIKIE BAKERY bread Design/Method/Approach : This research uses a quantitative approach and uses nonprobability sampling techniques. The population in this study are all buyers who have tasted bread from ASIKIE BAKERY and the sample used in this study is 100 respondents who have made purchases at the ASIKIE BAKERY bread factory which will be analyzed using the classic assumption test method, multiple linear regression method , coefficient of determination and test. hypothesis with a tool called SPSSv23. By using this application you will be able to calculate the data in this research. Research Findings : The results of this research are that product quality and brand image partially influence purchasing satisfaction at the ASIKIE BAKERY bakery , while price suitability and product variety do not partially influence purchasing satisfaction. However, simultaneously the variables of product quality, price suitability, product variety and brand image have a positive and significant effect on purchase satisfaction. Theoretical contribution/Originality: Product quality can increase sales of ASIKIE BAKERY bread in terms of marketing such as brand image seen from the attractive side or not in the bread packaging. Meanwhile, price suitability can be seen in the type of bread, usually standard prices and delicious and attractive bread sell better than bread that is expensive but the product is not good. More product variations are made so that buyers don't get bored with just the same form of bread. Practitionel/Policy implications : This research provides practical implications for the ASIKIE BAKERY bakery . Research limitations: This research only discusses product quality, price suitability, product variety and brand image as independent variables, while purchase satisfaction is the dependent variable.
The Influence Of Service Quality, Product Quality And Social Media Marketing On Sound System Customer Satisfaction : (AR Pro Nganjuk Case Study) Sanggita Nur Fadila; Zulistiani Zulistiani
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research objectives: The objective of this research is to ascertain and analyze the significant influence of service quality, product quality, and social media marketing on customer satisfaction with the AR Pro Nganjuk sound system partially and simultaneously. Design/Method/Approach: This research is a type of quantitative research with a causality approach. The population of this study was all customers in the AR Pro Nganjuk sound system, this research instrument used a questionnaire involving 40 customer respondents in the AR Pro Nganjuk sound system. The sampling technique uses nonprobability sampling (incidental sampling), and the data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression tests. Data processing is carried out using SPSS 23. Research Findings:The findings of this research demonstrate that service quality, product quality, and social media marketing collectively and individually influence customer satisfaction to a noteworthy degree in the AR Pro Nganjuk sound system. Theoretical Contribution: This research contributes to the understanding and provides insight related to improving the quality of products, services, and social media marketing in order to achieve success in the market. Policy Implications: For companies, this research can be an overview in the company's quality improvement strategy. So as to minimize the risks that may occur. Research Limitations: This study focuses on service quality, product quality and Social Media Marketing as independent variables, as well as customer satisfaction as the dependent variable. This research was conducted on customers who purchased Nganjuk's AR Pro Sound System product directly.  
The Influence Of Product Differentiation Strategies, Brand Image And Service Quality On Purchasing Decisions At Omah Pentol Café In Munjungan District Alfan Nurohman; Ema Nurzainul Hakimah
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The aim of this research is to analyze whether there is a significant influence between the variables of product differentiation, brand image and service quality on purchasing decisions at the Omah Pentol café in Munjungan district. Design/Method/Approach : Nonprobability sampling approaches and a quantitative approach are employed in this study. The 40 respondents who had made purchases at Rumah Pentol Café served as the research's samples. They were subjected to analysis using the traditional assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination, and test. The population for this study consisted of all customers who had made purchases there. utilizing the SPSSv23 tools, hypotheses Research Findings : According to the research's findings, Pentol House Café customers' decisions to buy are somewhat influenced by service quality and product difference. In the meanwhile, decisions to buy are not partially influenced by brand image. Brand image, service quality, and product distinction all have a big impact at the same time. Theoretical contribution/Originality : Product differentiation can expand understanding of how to increase sales which can influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. Measuring the impact and preferences of consumers on service quality, and digging deeper into the concept of brand image from a consumer perspective influences purchases. Practitioner/Policy implications: This research provides practical implications for Pentol House Cafés in improving purchasing decisions Research limitations: Only the independent variables—brand image, product distinctiveness, and service quality—and the dependent variable—product quality—are included in this study. Further investigation is required to determine the additional variables that continue to affect the dependent variable.
The The Influence Of Human Skill Training Of PGRI Argopuro Jember University Employees On Closing The Competency Gap And Individual Performance Riza Wahyu Utami
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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  Research aim : This scientific article was prepared with the aim of finding out the influence of Human Skill Training on closing the competency gap and the individual performance of PGRI Argopuro Jember University employees in carrying out their job descriptions. Design/Methode/Approach : As supporting data, the authors made 58 UNIPAR Jember employees as respondents based on the results of employee assessments and performance measurements in June 2023 as a result of employee participation in Human Skill Training which was held from February to April 2023. The Human Skill Training which was held was in the form of Training on Communication Effectiveness and Increased Self-Motivation at Work. The collected data is then analyzed using regression after validity-reliability, then observing the suitability and relationship between the variables measured. From the results of employee assessments and comparisons between employee performance before and after participating in Human Skills training, it can be seen and concluded that the influence between each variable measured Research Finding : Based on the results of the analysis of the relationship between the variables tested, it can be concluded that employee participation in Human Skill Training significantly influences increasing individual competency and performance in carrying out the job description, respectively, with a sig value of 0.001 (< 0.05) and with a correlation value. (R) is 0.42 and the amount (R2) is 0.301, so it can be interpreted that the results of Human Skill Training in closing the competency and individual performance gap are 15.8%. From these conclusions it can be recommended that to improve employee competency and individual performance, Human Skill Training is needed which must also be combined with other training on Conceptual Skills and Technical Skills so that closing the competency and individual performance gaps can be achieved perfectly.  
The Effect of RGEC on Share Prices (Case Study in the Banking Sector Listed on the IDX in 2020-2022) Mesi Widya; Andy Kurniawan; Sigit Puji Winarko
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The purpose of this research is toconduct an analysis of the impact of the RGECcomponents which include Non-Performing Loans(NPL), Good Corporate Governance (GCG),Return onAssets (ROA), and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) onshare prices of banking sector companies listed on theIndonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) during the 2020-2022period.Design/Methode/Approach:This research uses secondarydata obtained from the Financial Services Authority(OJK), the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI), and theofficial websites of the companies concerned.Research Finding: The results of the research show thatoverall RGEC (NPL, GCG, ROA, and CAR) has asignificant impact on banking company share prices. Inparticular, the NPL variable has no significant impact,while GCG and ROA have a significant positiveinfluence on stock prices. On the other hand, the CARvariable does not show a significant impact on stockprices. These findings can provide insight tostakeholders, especially investors, regulators andbanking company management, to better understand thefactors that influence share prices. This information canbe used as a basis for making more appropriatedecisions in managing investments and carrying outcorporate governance
The Effect of Promotion, Service and Estimated Value to Increase Customer Rate of Gold Pawn Products at PT. Pawnshop UPC Trenggalek Luki Ayu Kusumaningsih; Ema Nurzainul Hakimah
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: Baims to determine the influence of promotion, service and estimated value both partially and simultaneously on customer decisions in choosing gold pawn products on pawnshops Design/Methode/Approach: to answer the problems in this study, a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis tools is used. The population in this study is customers who do gold pawn financing. The sample was determined as many as 80 respondents taken using accidental sampling techniques T test used to determine the variables of promotion, service, and partial estimates against customer decisions. While F test is used to see the effect together of all independent variables to the dependent variable. Research Finding: This study showsthat promotion, service, and value are estimated to have a significant influence on customer decisions in choosing mace products. Theoretical contribution/Originality : Practitionel/Policy implication : Research limitation : Keywords : Gold pawn, promotion, service, estimated value, and customer decision
Optimizing Raw Material Inventory Using the EOQ Method (Business Case “Madumongso Bu Binti” Diah Ayu Wahyuningsih; Diah Ayu Septi Fauji
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim : This research aims to analyze the most economical number of orders for sticky rice raw materials to fulfill supplies at the "Madumongso Bu Binti" business and determine safety stock and reorder points.Design/Methode/Approach : This type of reseacrh is descriptive with a quantitative approach and the method used is EOQ (Economic Order Quantity). The subject of this research is “Madumongso Bu Binti” Business, and the object is the supply of sticky rice raw materials. The data collection technique was carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation.Research Finding : The research results show that the optimal purchase of sticky rice raw materials is 786 kilograms per order with a purchase frequency of 8 times a year or once every 1.5 months. The safety stock required by the company is 127 kilograms and the Re-Order Point for sticky rice raw materials that must be reordered before stock runs out is 159 kilograms. Keywords : inventory, EOQ, and sticky rice raw material
The Effect of Islamic Advertising and Brand Image on Sasha Toothpaste Product Purchase Decision Hamidah Tussifah; Gina Atikah Hasni; Anisa Nur Hasanah
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of Islamic advertising and brand image on Sasha's toothpaste product purchase decision on students at the University of Darussalam Gontor Female Campus. Design/Methode/Approach: The research method used was quantitative, the sample was used by 143 respondents. Data collection techniques with questionnaire deployment and data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression analysis. Research Finding: The results of this study showed that there was a positive and significant effect between Islamic advertising and brand image variables on the purchase decision of Sasha toothpaste products. Theoretical contribution/Originality: Islamic advertising is one of the advertising offerings that are often used today. A brand image reflects a consumer's perception of a product or brand. Practitioner/Policy implication: The important role of Islamic advertising and Brand image can influence a consumer's purchase decision, therefore this must be very concerning for companies to form an image and determine target consumers. Research limitation: The limitations of this research are does not account for unexpected events like the current pandemic, this affects the limited number of respondents, so the respondents are only female students from the University of Darussalam Gontor.