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AGROLAND: The Agricultural Sciences Journal
Published by Universitas Tadulako
ISSN : 24077585     EISSN : 24077593     DOI :
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Agroland: The Agricultural Sciences Journal (Agroland: The Agr. Sci. J.) is an Open Journal System published by Tadulako University and Indonesian Society for Major in Agriculture (PISPI), is published twice a year in June and December. This journal provides a multi-disciplinary and international platform in which young and senior researchers can present their work on all aspects of tropical agriculture to other researchers, policymakers, and professionals. The journal welcomes primary research papers, reviews, and short communications on tropical Agriculture research. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields: Agronomy & Crop Science, Agribusiness, Agriculture economics, Agriculture Engineering, Agriculture genomics, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Hydrology, Bioclimatology, Plant protection, Plant biochemistry and biotechnology, Seed technology and research, Soil science research, Soil restoration, Weed biology, Water management.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December" : 8 Documents clear
In Vitro Multiplication of Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba (Roxb)) on Various Concentration of BAP and IAA Asgar Taiyeb; Baharuddin Baharuddin
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.279


One of problems in the Jabon propagation is the availability of seeds both quality and quantity. Tissue culture technology is one of the alternatives that can be used for the supply of Jabonseeds to produce organs of plants (buds, leaves, roots). The success of plant tissue culture techniques is determined by the condition of explants, a supportive environment and the addition of growth regulators are expected to provide a response to the cultured explants. This study aimed to know the effect of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) and Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) to in vitro multiplication of Jabon. This research conducted at the Laboratory of Forestry Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, University of Tadulako from March to May 2015. Using a completely randomized design with treatments: 0.1 mg / l IAA + 1 mg / l BAP (JB1), 0.1 mg / l IAA + 1.5 mg / l BAP (JB2), 0.1 mg / l IAA + 2 mg / l BAP ( JB3) and 0.1 mg / l IAA + 2.5 mg / l BAP (JB4). Each treatment was repeated three times to obtain 12 experimental units. The results showed that the difference in response Jabon of treatment tested was the highest number of buds and leaves were in the media added 0.1 mg / l IAA + 1.5 mg / l BAP. Furthermore, the formation of callus obtained in media which added 0.1 mg / l IAA + 1 mg / l BAP.
Utilization of Organic Liquid Was Teas Fertilizer with Different Concentration on The Growth and Yield of Bok Choy (brassica rapa var. chinensis) Restu Dwi Nugroho; Muhammad Anshar Pasigai; Bahrudin Bahrudin
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.283


This research aimedto study the influence ofthe right type and concentration organic waste on the growth and yield of bok choy. This research was compiled using a randomized block design factorial with two treatment factors, The first factor type of waste, second factor of concentration spraying. Thus obtained 8 experimental unitsconsists oforganic liquid waste cow urine (concentration of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%), organic liquid waste water catfish pond (concentration of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%). Each unit treatment was repeated three times so that there were 24 experimental units. The observed variables includeplant height (cm), leaves number, fresh weight of roots stems and leaves (g), dry weight of roots, stems and leaves (g), the amount of leaf(cm2), and the fresh weight of the plants (ton ha-1). The results showed that interaction between the type of organic liquid waste concentration of 40% (equivalent to 40 mL L-1)gives better results than other concertation , Types of organic waste liquid cow urinegave better resultsthanorganic liquid waste water catfish pond, and the concentration better of organic liquid waste in a concentration of 40% (equivalent to 40 mL L-1).
Growth Of Spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Under Various Applications of Nutrient Concentrations in Hydroponic System of Nutrient Film Technique Sindy Sella Rukmi; Aiyen Aiyen; Abdul Rauf
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.286


The research aimed to discover the response of the growth of two spinach species on Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) hydroponic system and the concentration of the appropriate AB Mix solution on each species. The research was conducted in January to February 2016, at Green House, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University by using Split Plot Design method. The main plot was red and green spinach, while the subplot was the concentration of AB Mix nutrient solution, namely 4 ml/L of water, 5 ml/L of water, 6 ml/L of water and 7 ml/L of water. The research findings reveal that AB Mix nutrient solution was generally very good to support the growth of spinach on NFT hydroponic. The green spinach had better response rather than the red one. There was no interaction between species and the concentration of nutrient solution. The good concentration of nutrient solution for green spinach is 6 ml/L. It was showed by the better growth of plant height on all age of plant, the more number of leaves, the canopy and the root (wet and dry) were heavier, while on the red spinach, 5 ml/L of concentration of nutrient solution resulted in the best growth, yet it was not significantly different from other concentration except on the parameter of plant height and the dry weight of plant canopy.
Waste Application of Seaweed (Eucheuma Cottonii) on Plant Growth and Results of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Suriyani Suriyani; Ramal Yusuf; Abd Syakur
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.289


Seeing the importance of consuming vegetables and increasing of public demand each day, to increase the maximum production using the fertilizer is one of the solutions, either organic fertilizers or inorganic fertilizers. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii waste application on growth and yield of mustard. This study was conducted on January and February 2016. Located in Sidondo, district torch and Seed Technology Laboratory Sciences, Tadulako University, Palu, Central Sulawesi. This study was conducted using a randomized block design (RBD), with treatment consisting of R0 (control), R1 (20% of waste seaweed), R2 (40% of waste seaweed), R3 (60% of waste seaweed), R4 (80% of waste seaweed) and R5 (100% of waste seaweed). Each treatment was repeated four times so that there are 24 experimental units. The results showed that the treatment of waste RO seaweed significantly affect the growth and yield of mustard. R5 (100% of waste seaweed) generating plant height, leaf number, fresh weight, dry weight, better than other treatments.
The Analysis of Economic Value on Irrigation Utilizationatrice Farming in Buahdua District, Sumedang Regency, West Java Ulfah Suci Amalia; Ernah Ernah
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.291


Water is a main factor on production input in rice farming. The need for water will increase as time progresses, but the availability of it is increasingly uncertain. One way to overcome the scarcity of water is the efficient using of water by determining the price of irrigation. This study aims to determine the price of water which is probably paid by farmers in rice farming, and to know the constraints faced by them. The research design used is quantitative descriptive. Primary data are obtained from 80 farmers taken by simple random sampling. Data analysis’ used here are analysis of descriptive, analysis of farming, and analysis of Willingness To Pay (WTP). The result of this research shows that the value of water rent in Buahdua Village is Rp. 4,428,031/ha/MT. Interviews show that almost all farmers are willing to pay the price of irrigation. The average value of PAP respondent is Rp. 61,813/ha/MT and the average value of TWTP is Rp. 28,751.891. Many obstacles faced by farmers in the use of irrigation is garbage, difficulty of getting water during the dry season, and damaged irrigation. This condition will affect the increasingly inefficient management of irrigation. Therefore, the economic value of water usage can be used as a reference asafees level by the farmers to reach efficiently.
Drought Tolerance Test Of Three Gogo Rice Cultivars Using PEG Atgermination Phase Mustakim Mustakim; Maemunah Maemunah; Adrianton Adrianton
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.292


Data in 2012 explained that Indonesia had dry land about 148 million ha (78%) and wetland by 40.20 million ha (22%) out of 188.20 million ha of the total land area. The variety of rice which can grow and produce well on marginal land such as gogo rice is very indispensable. This research aimed to find the gogo rice cultivars that can germinate normally in particular osmotic pressure and the tolerance limit on the drought by using PEG 6000 solution. The research was prepared with two-factor factorial design by using Completely Randomized Design. The first factor consisted of three gogo rice cultivars, namely 1. siang, 2. Pulut ko, and 3. roda, while the second factor consisted of four treatments, namely 1. water as control of 2. -1 bar, 3. -2 bar, and 4. -3 bar.Thus, there were 12 combinations of treatment in which each treatment was repeated four times. In the experiment Rolled Paper placed in plastic test method was used in which there were 50 items in each experiment unit.The variable observed was potential for growth, percentage of germination, and germination rate. The research findings reveal that the three cultivars were able to germinate normally only up to -1 bar osmotic pressure, while the pulut cultivar had higher germination capacity compared with siang and roda cultivars up to -3 bar PEG 6000 osmotic pressure. Siang cultivar and -1 bar osmotic pressure gave potential for growth, germination capacity, and germination rate.
Effectiveness of Tomato As Trap Crop for Liriomyzachinensiskato (Diptera : Agromyzidae) and its Parasitoid on Red Onion Crops (Allium Cepavaraggregatum) Ni Putu Sukarini; Shahabuddin Shahabuddin; Hasriyant Hasriyant
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.293


This research aimed to find out the effectiveness of tomatoes as a trap crop to control liriomyzachinencis, the leaf cutter pest s and its parasitoids on onion plants varieties with a different planting time at Palu valley.This research was conducted on June until August 2015 in Langaleso village, west Dolo of Sigibiromaru Regency, central Sulawesi procince. Also futher research was conducted at the laboratory of pest and plant disease of agriculture faculty, tadulako university palu. This research applied an experimental research design by using cluster random sampling. It was treated with one kind of trap crop (tomatoes) with four different planting time, namely : 0, 2, 4, and 6 weeks before the onion being planted. The parameters observed was a kind of liriomyzachinensis, amount of excavation, and the abundance of parasitoid at the level of parasitism. The results of thi research showeded the average number of excavation liriomyzachinencis on the control plants on the eighth week was higher than average number of excavation liriomyzachinencis on the other plants which was given a trap crop treatment. There were two species of parasitoids found on the research area, namely Hemiptarsnusvaricornis and Opius sp. With a level of parasitism which range 23% until 27%.
The Effect of Soil Water Content and Gamal Bokashi on Vegetative Growth of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays Saccarata) Nur Afifah Usman; Anthon Monde; Uswah Hasanah
AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal) Vol 4 No 2 (2017): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agroland.v4i2.294


This research aimed to get the moisture content and dose of bokashi gamal accordance with the vegetative growth of the sweet corn plant (Zea mays saccarata) and the benefit of this study was to provide the information on the effects of agriculture on groundwater levels and bokashi gamal to plants. The research design using factorial completely randomized design. The first factor bokashi gliricidia with 3 levels of treatment was without bokashi gamal (B0), bokashi gamal 20 t.ha-1(B20), and bokashi gamal 40 t.ha-1 (B40). The second factor levels with 3 levels of water treatments, namely, water content 50% field capacity (K50), the water content of 75% field capacity (K75), and water content 100% of field capacity (K100). Treatment was repeated three times to obtain 27 experimental units. Data analyzed by analysis of variance according to the design used and conducted a further test using Honestly Significant Difference (HSD). The results showed the interaction between water content and Bokashi Gamal significantly affected the vegetative growth of the plants sweet corn. The water content of 50-75% and gamal bokashi 20-40 t.ha-1gave the best to plant vegetative growth of sweet corn.

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