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International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
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Core Subject : Economy, Science,
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJEBIR) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal. providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies. This journal focuses on every research discipline related to social behavior science, entrepreneurship and business management such as human resource management, marketing management, financial management, production/operational management, strategic management, sharia business management, halal industry management, tourism management, banking management, industrial management, agribusiness management, business administration, entrepreneurial activities, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and several areas of business behavior, also includes community social research
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Marketing Models And Strategies For Frozen Food-Based Agricultural Products In The New Normal Era Megawati; Wahyuni Zam; Budiman Haruna; Nur Alam Kasim; Mukhlis Mukhlis
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The marketing of frozen food products from agriculture / fisheries is very good with the increase in world per capita product consumption every year and the need for people to live healthy, hygienic and practical lives is getting higher. However, since COVID-19 became a world pandemic, consumer behavior towards the consumption of frozen food products such as frozen fish, frozen meat, frozen vegetables and processed frozen agricultural/fishery products has changed both regarding channels and marketing mix in facing the new normal era. This study aims to identify models and strategies carried out by frozen food-based agricultural product business actors in marketing their products in the new normal era. Determination of regional samples (Makassar, Maros and Gowa districts) and respondents purposively. The number of samples used in this study was 20% of the total frozen food-based agricultural product business actors. The analysis methods used are: qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the marketing of frozen food-based agricultural products business applies the ice cream business model with the application of 5 (five) marketing strategies so that the business can survive in the new normal era. This study suggests that policies from the government that are fast and responsive can help provide business capital assistance to anticipate the potential bankruptcy of frozen food-based agricultural product businesses.
A The Influence Of Procyclical, PSAK 71, Audit Quality On Earnings Management With Leverage Variables As Moderation : (Case Study: Banking Companies in Indonesia) Aprilya Dwi Yandari; Isnani Yuli Andini
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about many changes in several aspects, especially in the economic sector. The country of Indonesia has experienced a pandemic since the beginning of 2020, due to this outbreak, economic activities, especially companies, have really felt the impact, especially the banking sector. If we look at it from an economic perspective, the existence of procyclical behavior with a slowing economic rate indicates that the level of economic growth is in a contraction phase. Therefore, if viewed based on business cycle theory, procyclical will explain the relationship between economic conditions in a country, so that economic conditions will later influence company (banking) performance. The existence of procyclicals will later be able to influence the occurrence of management behavior in committing deviations, such as increasing market returns or committing fraud in obtaining the desired profit in response to market interest in investing. In this research, researchers used quantitative research using the eviews tool using multiple linear regression tests and moderated regression analysis. This research also uses a sample of 36 banking sector companies in 2020-2022 that are listed on the IDX. The results of this research are procyclical, PSAK 71, Audit Quality has no effect on earnings management. And the leverage variable is unable to moderate procyclical, PSAK 71, Audit Quality on earnings management.
Analysis Of The Influence Of Financial Literacy, Risk Perceptions, And Lifestyle On Transaction Decisions Through Fintech Payment Paylater On Students In The City Of Semarang Eva Purnamasari; Rifah Dwi Astuti; Sri Wahyuni; Sandi Supaya; Ana Putri Nastiti
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Indonesia is one of the countries that has great potential for the growth of fintech transactions as evidenced by the various new products emerging and supported by the large number of internet users in Indonesia, where the younger generation occupies the highest portion of fintech users. One of the biggest contributors to growth is fintech payment paylaters found in e-commerce transactions. Students, as generation Z who were born and grew up surrounded by technology, are a generation that is very adaptive in adopting paylater products. However, the decision to pay using paylater requires adequate financial literacy, an understanding of the transaction risks, and what needs to be taken into account is the lifestyle of today's students which could potentially harm their collectability at SLIK OJK if not carefully considered and taken into account. This research uses a descriptive quantitative study that uses an online survey method via Google Form to students in the city of Semarang who have made transactions using PayLater. The results of this research show that there is an influence of Financial Literacy, Risk Perception and Lifestyle together on the decision to make transactions via fintech payment paylater among students in Semarang City. However, partially, only lifestyle variables influence the decision to make transactions using fintech payment paylater.
The Role Of Trust As A Mediator Between Extraversion And Knowledge Sharing Of High School Employees Evada Rustina; Asri Laksmi Riana; Nur Wening
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The purpose of this study is to test the effect of Extraversion (EXT), and Trust (TRU) on Knowledge Sharing (KSH), and to examine the role of TRU in mediating EXT and KSH. The study was conducted on 105 employees of the High School. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale and analyzed with SEM PLS. The results of the study proved that EXT and TRU positively affect KSH. TRU has also been shown to play a role in mediating between EXT and KSH. The findings from this study suggest that schools have the opportunity to enhance knowledge-sharing behavior among employees. This research adds valuable insights to the existing academic literature by exploring the connection between extraverted personality, trust, and knowledge-sharing behavior. Fostering a culture of trust among school staff is crucial to promoting knowledge sharing.
Contingency Of Local Government Financial Report Quality (A Case Study of The Environmental Agency of Bandar Lampung City) Iis Isabela; Riswan Riswan
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This research investigates the impact of the Accounting System and Internal Control System on the Quality of Financial Reports, with Human Resource Capacity as a moderating factor. Employing an explanatory approach and purposive sampling, the study aims to elucidate the interplay among these variables. Utilizing multiple linear regression modeling for analysis, the findings reveal that both the Accounting System and Internal Control System exert a positive and significant influence on the Quality of Financial Reports when moderated by Human Resource Capacity. This implies that the effectiveness of financial reporting is not solely dependent on the intrinsic features of accounting and control systems but is also contingent upon the organizational capacity in terms of human resources. These results underscore the intricate dynamics between structural components and human elements in ensuring the quality of financial reporting. In conclusion, understanding the interdependence of these factors is crucial for organizations seeking to enhance their financial reporting processes and overall accountability.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) To Measure Competitive Advantage in Tourism Village From Supply Tourism Perspectives Ayu Esteka Sari; Gampo Haryono; Reni Yuliviona
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The competitiveness of the tourism sector is the capacity of tourism businesses to attract foreign and domestic visitors visiting a particular tourist destination. Increasing competitiveness can be achieved by utilizing existing resources, improving management capabilities so that they have competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to analyze Competitive Advantage in Tourism Village From Supply Tourism Perspectives using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) analysis. The population in this study is visitors from tourist attractions in the tourist village of Apar, with the number of samples is 100 respondents. Analysis of the Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method was performed using AMOS 25. The result of the construct reliability (CR) value of the latent variable natural resources and environment with the result is 0.7296. The result of the construct reliability (CR) value of the latent built environment variable with the result is 0.7018. The result of the construct reliability (CR) value of the latent variable Operating Sectors with the result is 0.81006 and the result of the construct reliability (CR) value of the latent variable of hospitality and cultural resources produces a value of 0.9558.
2023 Joint Leave Holiday Creativity Through Minangkabau Int'l Airport According To Islamic Education Herry Zulman; Martin Kustati; Nana Sepriyanti; Nurhasnah Nurhasnah
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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At the end of the year, the dream of every individual is a vacation and time off, often involving the use of air travel for comfort, smoothness, and speed. The impact of COVID-19 has led to fatigue due to routines for over a year, affecting people of all ages, including parents, children, and grandparents. Therefore, it is crucial to enjoy a vacation as a form of rejuvenation. Common challenges every year include expensive tickets, human movement congestion, traffic jams, delays, and increased prices of products at tourist destinations. In evaluating holidays and joint leave with six people (parents-in-law and two elementary school children) from the perspective of Islamic teachings, the author aims to make the vacation enjoyable, entertaining, and fitness-enhancing for the participants, following the guidance in the Quran, as found in Surah Al-Jumuah/62: 10. Despite the high cost and difficulty in obtaining airline tickets, Minister of Transportation Decree No. 106 of 2019 regarding the Upper Limit Tariff (TBA) and Lower Limit Tariff (TBB) for Domestic Air Transport allows airlines to use upper limit ticket prices during the holiday season (peak season). Before the holiday season arrives, they use lower limit tariffs that are more affordable. The author identifies eight strategies that prospective air passengers need to prepare, including planning, choosing tourist destinations, financial preparation, early ticket reservations, cost savings, physical and mental preparation, creative thinking, and increased patience from the outset. Through thorough planning, it is expected that holidays and joint leave will bring satisfaction to all parties.
Several Antecedent Variables That Influence Entrepreneurial Intention Endang Sulistiyani; Azizah Azizah; Winarto Winarto; Isnaini Nurkhayati; Febrina Indrasari
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The purpose of this study was to analyze several antecedent variables, namely adversity quotient, family support and digital literacy in influencing entrepreneurial intention. The object of research is students majoring in Business Administration at Politeknik Negeri Semarang. The sample was taken using purposive sampling method. Respondents are students who have received entrepreneurship courses and conduct business activities. Data were collected using questionnaires, and processed using Structural Equation Modeling analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, the three hypotheses that have been proposed show two hypotheses proved to have a significant positive effect and one hypothesis is the relationship of family support has no effect on entrepreneurial intention. The dominant influence between variables is shown from the relationship between adversity quotient to entrepreneurial intention.
Development and competitiveness of Indonesian coffee exports: Case Studies: Georgia, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Italy, Algeria, England, Belgium, India, Egypt for the period 2013-2022 Indrawaty Sitepu; Medi Lilis Wenny Br. Nainggolan
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This research aims to determine the development and competitiveness of Indonesian coffee exports to Georgia, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Italy, Algeria, England, Belgium, India, Egypt for the period 2013-2022. The data used is secondary data sourced from BPS, the Directorate General of Plantations and UN Comtrade. The data analysis methods used are description analysis, RAC (Revealed Comparative Advantage) and EPD (Export Product Dynamics). The results of the research show that: 1. The development of Indonesian coffee exports for the last ten years 2013-2022 has generally fluctuated, while to Georgia the last three years have increased consecutively and India for the last four years has increased consecutively. 2. The competitiveness of Indonesian coffee exports for the last ten years 2013-2022 using RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) analysis is strong for two countries, namely Georgia and Algeria, while for eight other countries, namely Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Italy, England, Belgium, India and Egypt is weak. With EPD (Export Product Dynamics) analysis, there are eight Raising Star countries, namely Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Algeria, England, Belgium, India and Egypt, while two lost opportunity countries are Georgia and Italy. Keywords: Competitiveness, Coffee exports, Development of Indonesian coffee exports
Re-Examining Theories X, Y And Z In The Contemporary Media Industry In Nigeria Ifeanyi Martins NWOKEOCHA, PhD
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This paper re-examine the applicability and relevance of Theories X, Y, and Z within the dynamic ladscape of the contemporary media industry in Nigeria. The media sector in Nigeria has undergone profound transformations in recent years, influenced by technological advancements, shifting audience behaviours, and evolving socio-political landscapes. The theoretical frameworks that have traditionally guided scholarly discourse on media practices are now facing scrutiny as to their adequacy in explaining and predicting the complexities inherent in the present-day Nigerian media environment. The study adopts a comprehensive analysis of current media trends, the research aims to elucidate the extent to which Theories X, Y, and Z align with, or require modification to reflect, the intricacies of the contemporary Nigerian media landscape. Key focal points include the impact of digitalization on media consumption patterns, the role of social media in shaping public discourse, and the media's response to socio-political changes. Ultimately, this research strives to provide a nuanced understanding of the applicability of existing theoretical frameworks in the context of the rapidly evolving media industry in Nigeria, offering a foundation for future theoretical developments and empirical investigations in the field. The study recommended a collaborative approach to provide diverse insights and ensure that the re-examination process is inclusive and reflective of real-world experiences.

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