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International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
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Core Subject : Economy, Science,
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJEBIR) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal. providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies. This journal focuses on every research discipline related to social behavior science, entrepreneurship and business management such as human resource management, marketing management, financial management, production/operational management, strategic management, sharia business management, halal industry management, tourism management, banking management, industrial management, agribusiness management, business administration, entrepreneurial activities, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and several areas of business behavior, also includes community social research
Articles 77 Documents
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The Influence of Brand Ambassadors and Advertising on Purchasing Decisions at E-commerce Tokopedia Masrurriana Elmiata; M. Oktaviannur
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The goal of this study isbyo evaluate the advertisement and brand ambassadors impact to the purchasing decision on Tokopedia e-commerce. The method used is quantitative using non-probability sampling, namely purposive sampling. The population studied in this study were followers of the @7bts.update2 Instagram fanbase account. The sample consisted of 100 respondents selected implementing the formula slovin technique from the number of followers of the fanbase. The data were analyzed using SPSS 29 software, with descriptive techniques and multiple linear analysis to test hyphotesis. Results proves that 1) Brand ambassadors or commonly known through brand ambassadors provide a signficant and positive impact to the aspects of purchasing decision in Tokopedia e-commerce; 2) Advertising also provide a signficant and good impact to theaspects of purchasing decisions in Tokopedia e-commerce; 3) Simultaneously, brand ambassadors and the advertisement provide a signficant and good impact to the aspects of purchasing decisions in Tokopedia e-commerce. Both have an influence of 58.8%, when the 41.2% is impacted from some other factors not examined here.
Implementation Of Business Strategies In Facing Coffee Industry Competition (Case Study of PT. Ulubelu Cofco Abadi Michaellim Michaellim; Habiburahman Habiburahman
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Ulubelu Cofco Abadi is one of them business coffee home industry in Bandar Lampung. The problems faced by PT. Ulubelu Cofco Abadi , namely PT Sales . Ulubelu Cofco Perpetual fluctuates . This research aims to find out what business strategies should be used to obtain a market leader position for PT. Ulubelu Cofco Abadi. The method used in This research is a qualitative analysis method, using the SWOT analysis tool ( strength , weakness, opportunity and threat) Judging from the Cartesian SWOT diagram where PT. Ulubelu Cofco Abadi is in quadrant 1, namely: strategy cost leadership ( reducing total costs , determining the right cost price), strategy differentiation (adding new products, food or drinks), focus strategy ( maintaining product quality , cleanliness is always maintained, more friendly service to consumers ) .
The Influence Of Entrepreneurship Courses On Interest In Entrepreneurship In Students Of The Faculty Of Economics And Business, Bandar Lampung University (Case Study of 2019 Faculty of Economics and Business Students) Vinsensius Ivan Rianto; Tina Miniawati Barusman
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The aim of this research is to find out how entrepreneurship courses influence the interest of students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Bandar Lampung University in this field. The population of 240 students at the Faculty of Economics and Management in 2019 is 175 management students and 65 accounting students. The Accidental Sampling method with the Slovin formula was used to select 71 respondents as research samples. A survey of economics and management faculty students class of 2019 was used as a data source. Primary data collection was carried out by observation, examination of documentation, and questionnaires. The results of this research show that entrepreneurship courses have a positive and significant effect on students' interest in entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Bandar Lampung University.
The Influence Of Grabfood Prices And Promotions On Purchasing Decisions At KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung During The Covid-19 Pandemic Wahyu Ageng Laksono; Ardansyah Ardansyah
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung collaborates with PT Grab Indonesia to utilize the GrabFood feature to minimize losses during the COVID 19 pandemic. Using the GrabFood feature really helps to increase sales. KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung utilizes the GrabFood feature to maintain the number of buyers to remain significant or even increase. Through the GrabFood application , the KFC company collaborates with PT Grab Indonesia to provide promotions to attract consumers' attention to make purchases .. The aim of this research is to find out the influence of GrabFood prices and promotions on purchasing decisions at KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung during the Covid-19 pandemic . This research uses quantitative research methods . Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis . Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence of price on purchasing decisions at KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung, which means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, where the better the price the more purchasing decisions at KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung. There is a positive and significant influence of the Grab Food promotion on purchasing decisions at KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung, which means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, where the better the Grab Food promotion will increase purchasing decisions at KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung. There is a positive and significant influence on Grab Food prices and promotions Simultaneously there is a purchasing decision at KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung , which means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, where the better the price and promotion of Grab Food will increase the purchasing decision at KFC Kedaton Bandar Lampung .
The Influence Of Prices, Promotions And Product Quality On Sales Volume In Trimoda Textile In Pringsewu Ferdi Setiawan; Tri Lestira Putri Warganegara
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Trimoda Textile is one of the businesses engaged in the textile trade which continues to grow well by providing quality products and trends to win the competition in similar companies. This research will examine the influence of price, promotion and product quality on sales volume at Trimoda Textile in Pringsewu. The research objective was to analyze the effect of price, promotion and product quality on sales volume at Trimoda Textile in Pringsewu. The populations in this study were consumers at Trimoda Textile in Pringsewu who were observed for 1 month with an average number of 353 people or 4,236 people per year and a sample of 353 people. Data collection tool using a questionnaire, data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the value of Count Which is 91,013. When compared to Ftable at a significant level of 95% and α = 0.05, which is 2.6049, then Fcount = 91,013 > Ftable = 2.6049 So it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between price, promotion and product quality together on sales volume of Trimoda Textile in Pringsewu.
Effect of Organizational Culture, Work Engagement, and Communication Skills on Employee Performance in PT Dimas Pratama Indah Anisa Rahma Dini; Septa Diana Nabella; Nurmayunita Nurmayunita
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The company's success depends on employee performance. This research was conducted to determine the influence of organizational culture, work engagement and communication skills on employee performance at PT Dimas Pratama Indah in Batam City. This research used a causality design with a population of 65 people. The sampling technique was saturated sampling, totaling 65 people. The data analysis method used is the multiple linear regression analysis method using the SPSS version 25 program. The results of the test show that organizational culture and communication skills have no partial effect on employee performance, while work engagement have a partial effect on employee performance. Organizational culture, work engagement and communication skills simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Performance Study of Agricultural Extension Workers at the Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) in Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency, Maluku Province Ricard Paratya; Melvis A. Tahitu; Risat a. Far Far
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This study aims to determine the performance of agricultural extension workers and factors related to the performance of extension workers. This study used the swot analysis method. The results showed that extension performance succeeded in increasing agricultural productivity, farmer welfare, and the quality of agricultural products with environmental support factors, local governments, communities, and related institutions for agricultural extension performance.
The Influence of Interactivity, Hedonic Motivation, and Performance Expectations on Purchase Intentions of HMNS Perfumery on the Shopee e-commerce platform Nugraheni Pramestiti; Drs. Anas Hidayat M.B.A., Ph.D
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Most social media users like fast and easy e-commerce transactions. Effective communication between buyers and sellers influences buyer satisfaction when shopping online. Active public participation in online shopping drives the growth of e-commerce in Indonesia. This study discusses important elements that influence purchase intention in using e-commerce, such as interactivity, hedonic motivation, and performance expectancy. This study looks at the cause-and-effect relationships between the variables considered through hypothesis testing. This research data was used by testing primary data obtained from respondents using quantitative calculation research methods. This research aims to examine the component that drive the intention to buy goods online via e-commerce and analyze the function of each variable. There are 251 research samples from Shopee e-commerce users who were familiar with the HMNS Perfumery brand through an online survey (google form) and analyzed using SPSS and PLS-SEM by SmartPLS. The research results reveal that interactivity, hedonic motivation, and performance expectancy have a positive and significant effect on online purchase intentions through e-commerce. This study adds to the marketing literature on online purchase intentions through e-commerce. In addition, this study suggests marketing managers to manage important factors that can influence potential consumers' online purchasing decisions so that they can increase their sales.
Community Rice Consumption Level On Small Islands: A Case Study Of Booi And Paperu Villages, Saparua Sub-District, Central Maluku Regency Clara WT Rantetana; Wardis Girsang; Noviar F. Wenno
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Food is the most important basic need for humans to live productively. As a staple food, rice is a very important food considering that rice consumption tends to increase along with the increasing population. This research aims to determine the level of rice consumption and the factors that influence rice consumption in Negeri Booi and Paperu, Saparua District, Central Maluku Regency. The research method used a simple random technique by taking 30 household respondents. Data were analyzed using simple tabulation and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the research results, what can be obtained is that rice consumption is higher compared to local food consumption (sago and tubers) with a total food consumption of rice, sago and sweet potatoes of 0.305 kg/capita/day. This is shown by the value of rice consumption of 0.187 kg/capita/day, sweet potato consumption of 0.116 kg/capita/day and sago consumption of 0.002 kg/capita/day.. The results of the regression test show that the factors that influence the level of rice consumption in Booi and Paperu are sago consumption, income and number of dependents.
The Effect of Career Development and Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction of Employees of the Transportation Department of Central Lampung Regency Viska Rindra Ningrum; M. Oktaviannur
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 3 No. 02 (2024): March, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (I
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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One component of regional autonomy related to transportation is transportation services. The purpose of this study is to determine how the level of job satisfaction of workers is influenced by professional growth opportunities and intrinsic motivation to work at the Transportation Agency of Central Lampung Regency. A total of 56 people working at the Transportation Agency of Central Lampung Regency were surveyed using this quantitative methodology. A Likert scale questionnaire was used as part of the data collection approach with the help of SPPS version 29. Multiple linear analysis produced the findings. Workers of the Transportation Department of Central Lampung Regency became the research sample. The research findings show that professional growth opportunities and intrinsic motivation in the workplace affect the level of job satisfaction of workers. Workplace satisfaction is influenced by professional growth opportunities and intrinsic motivation, according to the findings of this study.