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Exist for publishing the results of research and development in nuclear science and technology Starting for 2010 Atom Indonesia published three times a year in April, August, and December The scope of this journal covers experimental and analytical research in all areas of nuclear science and technology. including nuclear physics, reactor physics, radioactive waste treatment, fuel element development, radioisotopes and radio pharmaceutical engineering, nuclear and radiation safety, neutron scattering, material science and technology, as well as utilization of isotopes and radiation in agriculture, industry, health and environment.
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Search results for , issue "Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017" : 11 Documents clear
Comprehensive Prediction of Thermosyphon Characteristics in Reactor Passive Cooling System Simulation Loop FASSIP-01 H. Tjahjono
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (41.319 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.777


Passive cooling mechanism for a nuclear reactor has been proven to be very important since the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor accident that was caused by active cooling system malfunction due to total loss of electrical power source. In the Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety of BATAN, the cooling mechanism was studied by using a natural circulation test loop named FASSIP-01 that applied thermosyphon mechanism of water inside pipes of 1” diameter. This study aimed to analytically predictthe thermal characteristics of the loop including its response time towards steady condition usingthe MATLAB calculation program. This prediction derived the influence of several parameters such as the heat transfer coefficient of the cooler side (h-cooler), the heater power, the elevation difference between the heater and cooler(DZ), and the effects of the insulation thickness of pipe (IT) on the flowrate, temperature, and the heat power distribution across all components in the loop. The result showed that byavoiding boiling condition, for transferring the heater power of 1000 W and 2000 W,the needed h-cooler exceeds 200 and 400 W m-2°C-1, respectively. For a h-cooler of 200 W m-2°C-1, the circulation flow rate increased from 0.04 to 0.06 kg/s-1 for heater power increase from 1000 W to 2000 W. Those flow rates were decreased to 0.037 and 0.052 kgs-1 by increasing h-cooler to 1000 W m-2°C-1.The results were in agreement with other studies on rectangular loops in the literature.The time needed to reach 95 % towards steady state was predicted to be more than 13 hours. Reduction of this time to less than five hours was possible by reducing the heater tank volume from 100 L to 30 L or by modifying the starting heater input power.
Technetium-99m-Labeled Diethylcarbamazine Citrate (99mTc-DEC) as a New Diagnostic Agent for Lymphatic Filariasis Detection N. K. Oekar; A. Hanafiah; D. Setiawan; E.M. Widyasari
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.556 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.747


Lymphatic filariasis or more commonly known as elephantiasis disease has infected more than 120 million people in 80 countries; and more than 40 million of them are unable to work, in addition to disruption of aesthetic values. The problem faced by almost all people in combating this infectious disease is delayed diagnosis. The sufferers do not realize that they have been infected with this disease. A specific and accurate method of early detection is therefore needed. 99mTc-labeled Diethylcarbamazine-citrate (99mTc-DEC) has been successfully prepared. However, as part of the discovery and development of new drugs, the fulfillment of pharmaceutical and safety requirements have to be evaluated. Physico-chemical aspects such as stability, purity levels, and other pharmaceutical requirements, as well as pharmacokinetic studies and route of administration, are important parameters to be studied. The stability test showed that after seven months of storage, a preparation in a dry kit retains an efficiency of labeling and a purity level of more than 90 % and its physico-chemical and biological characteristics remained steady. Biodistribution test in Wistar rat showed that the greatest accumulation occurred in the lymphatic system, especially in the popliteal glands and in lumbar and mesenteric lymph nodes. Imaging with a gamma camera after intradermal and intravenous injections to the experimental animals resulted in a positive image that showed 99mTc-DEC accumulation in the target organ. The results of this innovation are expected to contribute significantly to improving public health, particulary in early detection of filarial infections. In addition, this result is expected to be a concrete contribution to the program of "The Global Goal of Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis as a Public Health Problem by the Year 2020”.
Synthesis and Characterization of Stoichiometric Spinel-LiMn2O4 T. Y.S Panca Putra; D Deswita; A. Insani; H. Mugiraharjo; E. Sukirman; A.K. Jahja; T.H. Priyanto; S. Lee; T. Kamiyama
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (16.966 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.542


In this study, spinel LiMn2O4 powder was synthesized from LiOH.H2O and MnOx by conventional and mechanical alloying (MA) methods, followed by heat treatment at 800 °C in O2 for four hours with cooling to room temperature in the furnace at 60 °C/h. It is found that both samples do not show phase transition in low temperature, and this occurred for different reasons. In the MA sample, the presence of Fe as contamination increased the Mn valence and hindered the occurrence of phase transition. The conventional sample does not show phase transition at low temperature due to stoichiometric content, without any contamination. In general, the absence of phase transition occurred due to synthesis condition employed in this study.
Comparative Analysis of Direct and Indirect 131I Measurement Methods from the Stack to Outdoor G. Suhariyono; B Bunawas
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.396 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.756


The radioisotope production facility at PUSPIPTEK Serpong produces and processes 131I that can disperse to the settlements (community) and the environment around the Serpong Nuclear Area (SNA). 131I is produced routinely for medical uses in hospitals and pharmacies, for both domestic uses and export. 131I is a beta and gamma emitting radioactive material and can cause thyroid cancer. The problem was that there was so far no research and in-depth assessment of the aerial dispersion of 131I radioactivity emitted from the radioisotope production stack to the environment at actual conditions. The research was conducted through simultaneous measurement of 131I radioactivity in the stack of the 131I radioisotope production facility, Serpong, and outdoor in house courtyards around SNA in normal condition (no accident) based on the variations of the distance and wind direction. Direct measurements were carried out with a portable in-situ NaI(Tl) detector at outdoor, and with a LaBr3 detector in the stack. Indirect measurements were carried out by using charcoal filter and vacuum pump in the stack and outdoor. The direct measurement method has many advantages over the indirect measurement. The direct measurement method was found to be more accurate, less expensive, easier to operate, needing just one operator in its implementation, portable, and can be operated continuously and for long durations. The overall activity concentrations of 131I on average obtained by either direct or indirect method were still below the upper limit of 131I activity concentration in the air (530 Bq/m3) stipulated by the Regulation of the Chairman of BAPETEN (Perka BAPETEN) No. 7/2013. 
Cover Atom Indonesia Vol 43 No 3 cover cover
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.312 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.801


In Vitro Infectivity Study of Cryopreserved Irradiated Intraerythrocytic Form of Plasmodium falciparum S. Nurhayati; T. Rahardjo; D Darlina; D. Tetriana; T. Kisnanto; M. Syaifudin; D. Ramadhani
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14.058 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.760


In control human malaria infection studies using irradiated Plasmodium falciparum, the cell bank of irradiated P. falciparum infected erythrocytes is needed. The cell banking methods represent an obvious way to obtain suitable material for blood stage Plasmodium. In a cell bank development of irradiated Plasmodium infected erythrocytes, the ability to cryopreserve procedure of Plasmodium is important to recover the infectivity of irradiated Plasmodium. This study aims at evaluating the in vitro infectivity of cryopreserved irradiated intra-erythrocytic form  P. falciparum. A protein profile investigation using Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of cryopreserved  P. falciparum also conducted in this study to know the cryopreserved effect on the protein of irradiated P. falciparum. Plasmodium falciparum of 3D7 strain in human erythrocytes was maintained in invitro continuous culture. When the percentage of parasites was 10-20%, the culture was harvested and irradiated with gamma rays at a dose of 175 Gy. Irradiated P. falciparum then was mixed with cryopreserved solution and stored in -80 °C for one hour before transferred into liquid nitrogen for 20, 40 and 60 days. After being stored the irradiated P. falciparum was thawed and cultured for 20 days. The percentage of parasitaemia was enumerated by examining Giemsa stained thin blood films prepared for 20 days after initiation of culture. Results showed that storage time significantly (p<0.05) influence the percentage of parasitaemia. The cooling procedure and cryopreservation media may affect this study results. It also showed that there was insignificant difference of  P. falciparum protein profile in all storage times. Overall it can be assumed that the irradiated P. falciparum still kept their infectivity after stored in liquid nitrogen for 60 days. Further study using different cooling procedure and different formula of cryopreservation media with a longer storage time should be conduct to validate this study results.
Preface Atom Indonesia Vol 43 No 3 preface preface
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (992.096 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.802


Assessment of Heavy Metals on Occupationally Exposed Workers from Hair Analysis E. Damastuti; N. Adventini; W.Y.N. Syahfitri; S. Kurniawati; D.D. Lestiani; M. Santoso
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (22.293 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.772


The use of human hair as a tool in assessing changes and abnormalities in human bodies has been increasing for last decades since it may reflect the health status or environmental condition of habitation or working place of individuals as well as population groups. Compared to other body tissue or fluids, hair provides an ease of elemental analysis especially in reflecting the long-term exposure. This research was conducted to determine the elemental content especially heavy metals, since they are bioaccumulated in human body organs and impact human health, in hair of workshop workers and traffic services officers as exposed groups and its comparison with control group and references data for assessing of occupational exposure. Thirty-five automotive workshop workers and 32 traffic services officers’ hair specimens were collected in Bandung, while hair specimens of the control group were collected from 43 healthy individuals. The elemental concentrations in hair specimen were analyzed using neutron activation analysis (NAA) for mercury and chromium, and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) for lead and arsenic.  The accuracy of the method was evaluated using GBW 07601 human hair certified reference material (CRM) and it was found to give good results in accordance with the certificate values. It was found that chromium, lead, and arsenic hair concentration in exposed groups (0.88, 10.7, and 0.051 mg/kg, respectively) were higher than in control group (0.27, 4.52, and 0.045 mg/kg, respectively), while mercury hair concentration of traffic services officers were higher than control group but mercury hair concentration of automotive workshop workers were lower than in control group (1.41 mg/kg). The t-test statistical results shown that mercury concentrations in one exposed group did not differ significantly from the control, but other exposed groups showed otherwise. The level of mercury in hair is strongly attributed not only to environmental exposure, but also to lifestyle and dietary habits, while t-test statistical results ofchromiumand lead differ significantly with p value < 0.05. These results indicate that heavy metal hair concentrations were well quantified to show the abnormalities of elemental concentration in human hair for evaluating the occupational exposure. 
Acknowledgement Atom Indonesia Vol 43 No 3 ack ack
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.397 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.803


Thermal Hydraulic Modeling of Once-Through Steam Generator by Two-Fluid U-Tube Steam Generator Code A. Zeighami; M. Rahgoshay; M. Khaleghi; M. Hashemi-Tilehnoee
Atom Indonesia Vol 43, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : PPIKSN-BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/aij.2017.757


The THERMIT U-tube steam generator (THERMIT-UTSG) code was used for evaluation for the parametric study of a scaled once-through pressurized water reactor steam generator (OTSG) made by Babcock & Wilcox. The results of the code were compared to the experimental data of the 19-tube OTSG and a simple heat transfer code that was developed by Osakabe. The main calculated thermodynamic parameters were primary-secondary fluid temperatures, tube wall internal and external temperatures that were subjected to primary and the secondary fluid, and the secondary fluid vapor quality. The assessed code can be used for modeling the OTSGs with some modification. The results of THERMIT-UTSG were in agreement with the experimental results and the prediction of Osakabe’s numerical model.

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