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Jurnal Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka
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Jurnal Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka (Journal of Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals) bertujuan untuk memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang radioisotop, radiofarmaka dan bidang terkait, yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk makalah ilmiah hasil penelitian atau tinjauan dan gagasan.
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Articles 102 Documents
VALIDASI KIT RADIOIMMUNOASSAY AFLATOKSIN 81 Widayati, Puji; Ariyanto, Agus; Triningsih, Triningsih; Susilo, Veronika Yulianti; Lestari, Wening
Jurnal Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka Vol 18, No 1 (2015): JURNAL PTRR 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka

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Aflatoksin merupakan senyawa mikotoksin yang bersifat sangat toksik sehingga dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya kanker pada manusia. Aflatoksin berpotensi karsinogenik, mutagenik, teratogenik, dan bersifat imunosupresif oleh karena itu kandungan aflatoksin B1 dalam bahan dan prod uk pangan harus dibatasi. Salah satu teknik penentuan kadar aflatoksin B1 adalah radioimmunoassay (RIA) yang didasarkan pada reaksi immunologi antara antigen dan antibodi yang spesifik hanya untuk antigen tertentu saja, serta menggunakan antigen yang ditandai zat radioaktif sebagai peru nut. Pusat Teknologi Radioisotop danRadiofarmaka BATAN telah berhasil mengembangkan kit RIA Aflatoksin B1 yang dapat digunakan untuk penentuan kandungan Aflatoksin B1dalam bahan dan produk pangan. Sebelum digunakan di lapangan kit aflatoksin B1 harus divalidasi meliputi penentuan batas deteksi, kepekaan (sensitivitas), ketelitian (presisi) dan parameter assay (Non Spesific Binding, NSB dan Maximum Binding, MB) sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menentukan kadar aflatoksin B1• Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan batas deteksi, ketelitian intra assay dan inter assay serta parameter assay. Telah dilakukan validasi kit RIA aflatoksin yang menghasilkan batas deteksi 0,35 ng/mL dengan ketelitian intra assay memberikan koefisien variasi (%CV) QC 9,80% sedangkan ketelitian inter assay untuk QC 12,39%. Kit RIA aflatoksin B1 ini disimpulkan memberikan unjuk kerja yang baik karena menghasilkan %NSB sebesar 6,6 dan B/T sebesar 47,18. Aflatoxins are mycotoxins compounds that are highly toxic and carcinogenic. Aflatoxins are potentially carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, and immunosuppressive so that the content of aflatoxin B1 in food products should be limited. One technique of determining the level of aflatoxin B1 is a radioimmunoassay (RIA) which is based on immunological reactions between antigens and antibodies, and using radioactive substances as a tracer. Center for Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Technology (PTRR) has successfully developed Aflatoxin B1 RIA kit that can be used to determine the aflatoxin B1 in food products. Aflatoxin B1 RIA kit must be validated, which includes determining the limits of detection, sensitivity, accuracy (precision) and assay parameters (Non Specific Binding, NSB and Maximum Binding, MB) that can be used to determine the level of aflatoxin B1. This study aims to determine the limit of detection, accuracy intra-assay and inter-assay and assay parameters. The Aflatoxin B1 RIA kit validation results in the detection limit of 0.35 ng / mL with coefficient of variation (% CV) QC 9.80%, while the inter-assay precision for QC 12.39%. RIA Kit Aflatoxin B1 is inferred provide good performance because it produces 6.6% for NSBand 47.18 for B/T.  
Jurnal Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka Vol 11 (2008): Jurnal PRR 2008
Publisher : Jurnal Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka

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CALCULATION OF PRODUCTION OF GOLD-198, IRRIDIUM-192 ANDLUTETIUM-177 BY NEUTRON ACTIVATION FOR RADIOACTIVE NANOPARTICLE. It was reported that nanoparticle was effective for cancer treatment by thermotherapy. It is also possible to kill cancer cell by radiation of radioisotope from nanoparticle. A study on production ofradioactive nanoparticles by neutron activation has been carried out. Nanoparticles of gold, iridium and lutetium with diameter of 100 nm were studied. Calculations were carried out for irradiation at central irradiation position (CIP) of GA siwabessy reactor for 12 days. Calculation results showed that gold-198 with radioactivity of 0.378 Bq was produced in the gold nanoparticle. In the irridium nanoparticle, 192Irwith radioactivity of 0.179 Bq was produced. Radioisotope of 194Irwas also produced with radioactivity 0.337Bq at the end of irradiation in the iridium nanoparticle. The radioisotop decayed fast and became 0.000133Bq after 10 days. In the lutetium nanoparticle, I77Lu with radioactivity of 0.0884Bq was produced. In the lutetium nanoparticle, 176mLuand 177mLuwerealso produced. Lutetium-176m decayed fast and I77Lu radioactivity was 0.0095% of the I77Lu radioactivity at the end of irradiation. During neutron irradiation, the nanoparticle was put in the quartz ampule and aluminum capsules. Radioisotopes with short half life were produced in thequartz and aluminum.Keywords: gold-198, iridium-l92, lutetium-l77, neutron activation27

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