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CHEMINFO JOURNAL adalah jurnal saintifik yang diterbitkan secara periodik 3 bulanan oleh Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Jurnal ini sebagai media publikasi hasil karya ilmiah lulusan S1 Jurusan Kimia.
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Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Purification of carbon nanotubes has been carried out by the method of synthesis results using spray-pyrolisis reflux treatment by reacting carbon nanotubes with nitric acid (HNO3) and its application for the adsorption of chloroform. Reflux is done by the time variation of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours. Carbon nanotube (CNT) synthesis results and the results of reflux were analyzed using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDS (Energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), and then applied to adsorption of chloroform. The results show that Fe impurities in carbon nanotubes decreases with increasing reflux time, while the adsorption capacity increased with increasing reflux time. Purity carbon nanotubes are the best in the carbon nanotube that reflux for 5 hours, while the ability of chloroform adsorption maximum of 5.8217 x10-4 g / mol to the carbon nanotube in which at reflux for 5 hours.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Offset industry potentially produces liquid waste that can pollute the environment. Generally, liquid industrial waste due to leaching of printing plates and film printing equipment like ink, turpentine, gasoline, and detergents. Offset industry wastewater contains many organic chemicals that are difficult to be degraded directly by environment such as alcohol, benzene, and contain heavy metal such as manganese. This research use electrolysis method with carbon as electrodes, Na2SO4 as the supporting electrolyte, H2SO4 and NaOH as adjuster to pH condition of the sample, to improve the quality of printing waste solution on the parameters were type, spacing and size of electrode and sample volume of wastewater, variated parameters were application potential, pH of the sample and electrolysis time. Analysis of the sample after electrolysis using Pelkin Elmer 1300 AAS, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 1601, and Turbidity unit HAC 2100P. Electrolysis with application potential of 5 volts, pH 4 and electrolysis time 150 minutes resulted in COD, turbidity, and Mn values decreasing up to 91.08%, 99.40%, 97.85%, respectively. This result showed that electrolysis method can be applied to treat offset industry.
AKTIVITAS Fusarium oxysporum DALAM MENGHIDROLISIS ECENG GONDOK (Eichhornia crassipes) DENGAN VARIASI TEMPERATUR Rosdiana, Noermala Syari
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Research Has done about activity of Fusarium oxysporum to hydrolysis water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) with variation temperature. This research aimed to getting Fusarium oxysporum were adapted on water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) fermentation media and it getting the data reducing sugar value of cellulolytic activity from Fusarium oxysporum that can hydrolysis of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on the optimum temperature. Activity of Fusarium oxysporum based on the size of the level reducing sugars resulting from the hydrolysis of water hyacinth. The study was conducted in several step that is rejuvenating of Fusarium oxysporum to PDB (Potato Dextrose Broth), adaptation of   Fusarium oxysporum to fermentation media CMC (Carboxyl Methyle Cellulose), delignification (lignin removal from water hyacinth), adaptation of Fusarium oxysporum to water hyacinth fermentation media, creating a standard curve of glucose, fermentation of Fusarium oxysporum in water hyacinth fermentation media with variation in temperature, and testing activities Fusarium oxysporum to hydrolyze water hyacinth with variation in temperature. The result shows that Fusarium oxysporum can grow in fermentation media of water hyacinth and it can degrade water hyacinth to reduction sugar. The higher activity from Fusarium oxysporum to produce cellulose for hydrolysis cellulose of water hyacinth happened in optimum temperature 30°C that result reduction sugars 0,308 mg/mL from 0,25 gram dry water hyacinth.
Isolasi, Identifikasi Dan Uji Antibakteri Senyawa Triterpenoid Dari Ekstrak n-Heksana Daun Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) Rumondang, Meutia
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Isolation, identification, and antibactery test of triterpenoid compounds from n-hexane extract of tempuyung leaves (Sonchus arvensis L.) has been done. Maceration from 700 gram of dried leaves powder tempuyung with ethanol and then was partitioned by liquid-liquid extraction with n-hexane condensed n-hexane extracts was 4 gram. Phytochemical test result using Liebermann-Burchard showed that the n-hexane extract contained positive triterpenoid. Separation of n-hexane extract by column chromatography generated positive isolates of triterpenoid in E fraction and obtained triterpenoid isolates as 0.406 grams. Identification results of triterpenoid isolates from FT-IR spectrophotometer showed C=O ester, -CH3, -CH2, and C-O ester functional groups whereas identification results from GC-MS showed triterpenoid with molecular mass 552 g/mol and was suspected as pentacyclic triterpenoid ester. Antibactery test results showed MIC values of 50 ppm for ethanol extract, n-hexane extract, E fraction and triterpenoid isolates against E. coli and S.aureus.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Isolation, purification and characterization of α-amylase from Tichoderma viride FNCC 6013 were doing to get an α-amylase from Tichoderma viride FNCC 6013, to get value of specific activity before and after purification by gel filtration and to know the characteristic this enzyme like time incubation, pH and optimum temperature. Alpha amylase is amylolytic enzyme that hydrolysis soluble starch to produce simple sugar like maltose. Alpha amylase was isolated continued with first purification using ammonium sulphate and chromatograph gel filtration. The measured specific activity of α-amylase after purified by gel filtration show increased 381.91% more than before purified by gel filtration whereas specific activity before and after purification by gel filtration is 1.631 Unit/mg protein and 7.860 Unit/mg protein. The characteristic of α-amylase show that optimum time incubation is 28 minute, value of optimum pH is 4.7 and optimum temperature is 28 0C.
Sintesis dan Aplikasi Komposit ZnO-Karbon Aktif untuk Fotodegradasi Direct Blue 3R serta Fotoreduksi Ion Logam Pb2+ dan Cd2+ Secara Simultan Muchit, Moch Ali
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Synthesis and aplication of ZnO-active carbon composite for direct blue 3R photodegradation and Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions photoreduction. Have been conducted for characterisation of synthesid by XRD obtained ZnO (wurzite) with crystal size 30,96-33,48 nm and by DR-UV resulted Eg = 3.8 eV. ZnO-activated carbon composite produced in gray colour tablet. Based on SEM and BET characterization, composite has a hollow morphology with a surface area of 27.209 m2/g, pore volume of 0.089 cc/g with a radius pores of 3.25 nm and has a high effectiveness in the dye direct blue 3R photodegradation of 95.37%. The optimum pH for photodegradation process is at pH 4 with the effectiveness of 91.92%. The addition of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions can improve the effectiveness of direct blue 3R photodegradation and can reduce Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions simultaneosly with the optimum concentration of each metal were 12 ppm and 9 ppm. The addition of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions produce the optimum concentration of 9 ppm and 12 ppm in photodegradation of Direct Blue 3R by 94.70% and 93.70% and can photoreduced Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions by 40.67% and 87.67%. The optimum time for photodegradation process was 4 hours.
Studi Interaksi Segmen Dimer Kitosan...Nikotinamida secara Komputasi Ab Initio dan Eksperimen Wibowo, Sapto Adi
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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The research has been done on theoritical study interaction between segment chitosan dimer and nicotinamide by ab initio computational dand experimental. The aims of this research is to determine interaction energy between segment chitosan dimer and nicotinamide in specific configuration by ab initio computational method and determine encapsulation efficiency nicotinamide with variation nicotinamide concentration to rasio (b/v) chitosan with acetic acid (1%) 20mg/20mL. The method that used is ab initio quantum mechanical calculations at theoritical level and basis sets RHF/6-31G (d, p) and experiment with centrifugation method. The result of calculation showed interaction energy between dimer chitosan segment…nicotinamide on first configuration has interaction energy -65,254 kJ/mol or - 15,596 kkal/mol and second configuration has interaction energy -57,061 kJ/mol or -13,63791 kkal/mol.   Encapsulation efficiency (EE) nicotinamide in range nicotinamide concentration variation 500 ppm – 2.500 ppm to rasio (b/v) chitosan with acetic acid (1%) 20mg/20mL average 46,83%. The difference of interaction energy between nicotinamide with the chitosan in configuration 1 and configuration 2 can explain the slow-release process of nicotinamide from the chitosan matrix. Interaction in configuration 2 easier released than configuration 1 at time release process.
Kitin Sebagai Bahan Dasar Drug Delivery: Studi Interaksi Molekul Kitin dengan Vitamin C secara Ab Initio (Chitin as Base Material of Drug Delivery: Study of Interaction Chitin Molecule with Vitamin C by Ab Initio) Satria, Army Putra
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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The research has been done on theoritical study interaction between chitin molecule and vitamin C by ab initio. The aims of this research is to determine interaction energy between segment chitin and vitamin C in specific configuration by ab initio. The method that used is ab initio quantum mechanical calculations at theoritical level and basis sets RHF/6-31G (d, p). The result of calculation showed interaction energy between dimer chitin segment…vitamin C on first configuration has interaction energy -89,299 kJ/mol or -21,343 kkal/mol and second configuration has interaction energy -49,381 kJ/mol or -11,802 kkal/mol. Configuring the more stable is the interaction between dimer chitin and vitamin C in configuration 1 because it had a greater interaction energy than configuration 2. This proved that the configuration of one more potential use as carriers in drug delivery.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Isolasi bakteri penghasil selulase termofil sangat penting untuk dilakukan, mengingat besarnya potensi selulase termofil pada industri. Salah satu sumber isolasi bakteri selulolitik termofilik alternatif yaitu kompos pertanian. Desa Bayat Klaten merupakan desa dengan potensi kompos yang besar dan belum dieksplorasi dengan maksimal. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri selulolitik termofilik dari kompos pertanian fase termofil. Bakteri selulolitik termofilik kompos diisolasi dari kompos pertanian dengan menggunakan metode pengenceran, streaking dan spreading pada media CMC (Carboxymethilcellulose). Isolat bakteri selulolitik yang tumbuh pada media CMC tentukan suhu optimum pertumbuhannya dengan parameter jumlah sel yang diukur dengan menggunakan metode OD 600. Penelitian ini menghasilkan isolat bakteri KB dan KK yang diisolasi dari kompos pertanian desa Bayat, Klaten Jawa Tengah, Isolat bakteri KB tumbuh sekdikt lebih optimal daripada isolat bakteri KK pada media CMC dengan suhu kultivasi optimum pada suhu 50 oC.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Has done research on use of concerning the effect of time on the hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite from rice husk ash and its application as a detergent builder. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of time on the character of hydrothermal zeolite synthesis are the type of zeolite crystal size and cation exchange capacity, and determine the detergency of the surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate using zeolite synthesis as a builder and compared with sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP). The method used in this research is the synthesis of zeolites include the manufacture of rice husk, manufacturing of sodium silicate, and manufacturing of sodium aluminate zeolites with various hydrothermal time 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, and 7 hours, results obtained later in the characterization by x-ray diffraction method to determine the size and type of zeolite crystals, to determine the identification of functional groups on the zeolite with FT-IR, to determine the ratio of Si / Al using atomic absorption spectroscopy and determine the cation exchange capacity. The results of the characterization of zeolite synthesis optimum time variation of hydrothermal 7 hours with the type of zeolite Na-A and sodalite, crystal size 0.404 μm, and the CEC value of 53.23 meq/100 grams. Synthesized zeolite was then used as a detergent builder and membandingakan with sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP). The process involves determining c.m.c surfactant detergency, manufacture and test a standard dirt detergency. Optimum detergency power the time variation of hydrothermal 7 hours of power by 93.76% and 70.47 detergency use of STPP