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CHEMINFO JOURNAL adalah jurnal saintifik yang diterbitkan secara periodik 3 bulanan oleh Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Jurnal ini sebagai media publikasi hasil karya ilmiah lulusan S1 Jurusan Kimia.
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Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Enzyme chlorophyllase was isolated and determination specific activity of chlorophyllase from mahoni leaf (Swietenia mahagoni) Several stage of this work including plastid isolation, determination of specific activity chlorophyllase at pH= 7,4 and determination of specific activity of chlorophyllase with pH and incubation time variation. Result showed the highest specific activity in leaf mahogany (Swietenia mahogany) present in acetone with saturation of 80-95%, with value is 13.605 units/mg protein. The influence of pH and incubation time of the higher specific activity of chlorophyllase at pH 8.6 and incubation time of 5 minutes, whereas the smaller specific activity of chlorophyllase at pH 7.0 and incubation time of 45 minutes. The presence of variation pH and incubation time on specific activity of chlorophyllase, showed that variation pH not influence specific activity of chlorophyllase and the longer of incubation time, specific activity of chlorophyllase was decreased.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Have been made with sago fiber waste pyrolysis hold time variation of temperature on the product with or without catalyst. Activation of natural zeolite is done by soaking 1% HF, HCl 1N (each 4 hours), washing with akuabides, and calcined. Impregnation active zeolite with a salt solution NiCl2.6H2O, calcined, oxidised and reduced. The study begins with the pyrolysis of waste sago fibers 50 grams (2.5 grams of catalyst addition on the catalytic pyrolysis) with variations detention time 0 (without detention), 5, 10, 15, 20 minute intervals 1000C to 4000C. The percentage increase in the crystallinity of the zeolite after impregnation of 2.3% but a decline in surface lus, faint flattened, and the pore volume while increasing the acidity of 0.182 mmol/g. The results showed gains weight liquid bio-oil optimum pyrolysis without catalyst that detention at 5 minutes with a weight of 23.032 grams and the pyrolysis with Ni-zeolite catalyst in a 10-minute detention with a weight of 21.292 grams. The main products of liquid between the results without the use of catalysts and catalyst have 4 short-chain hydrocarbons with the greatest abundance of acetic acid; phenol, 2-propanon,1-hydroxy, and 2-furankarboksaldehid, while appearing in the specification that the methanol pyrolysis without catalyst (detention time of 15 minutes) and 2-furanmetanol on pyrolysis catalysts (all detention time).
Pengaruh Penambahan Konsentrasi Logam Seng (Zn) Pada Proses Electrowinning Logam Kobal (Co) Saputro, Adii
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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The Cobalt (Co) is a metal that is found in the same mine. Taking cobalt metal proved very difficult in electrolysis process. Electrowinning Co process needs to be studied in order to obtain as pure metal content in the process of separating the two. This research was conducted with the fixed potential in 2,3 volt electrolysis method within HCl as electrolyte. Electrodes used are carbon graphite. This experiment used variations addition of Zn2+ 105, 110, 115, and 120 mgL-1 in 100 mL of Co2+ 1100 mgL-1. The results showed the effect of the addition of Zn2+ to Co2+ changes in electrowinning overvoltage (ηE) from 0.106 volts to 0.666; 0.646; 0.706, and 0.546 volts at each variation. Value tends to increase the current efficiency (ηi) of each variation of 8.39%, 12.51%, 21.40% and 121%. The results of the reduction of Co2+ increased respectively 1.8%, 2.5%, 4.36% and 24.72%, while the reduction of Zn2+ declining 62.82%, 56.36%, 19.13 %, 10% in each variation. The color of the solution changed from pink to orange-yellow.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Has done research on use of electrodecolorization batik dye wastewater using PbO2 and Pb electrodes. The purpose of this research are to decolorize batik dye wastewater by electrolysis using PbO2 and Pb batteries electrode, to decrease COD’s parameter and to increase quality of water after the treatment of dye waste batik’s by molecular filtration. This research was carried out by electrolyzing waste dye samples solution at potential of 9 volts using PbO2 as anode and Pb as cathode. Results were filtered by natural zeolite. Analysis including observing solution color, absorbance measurements by UV-Vis spectrophotometer and AAS’s instrument analysis, COD value of the sample before and after electrolysis, and after filtering. Results showed that electrolysis of dye waste batik using PbO2 anode was effective to decolorize that samples until 100% and to reduce COD value then molecular filtering of the sample could improve water quality by Fe reducing metal and Na+ ion on indigosol and remazol black B dye waste.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Binahong  (Anredera  cordifolia  (Ten.)  Steenis)  can  heal  burns,  wounds  like  after  the surgery, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, heart swelling, typhoid, and stroke. Binahong leaves contain flavonoid  compound  that  has  an  antioxidant  activity.  The  aims  of  this  research  are  isolation, identification, and antioxidant activity  test of  flavonoid compound  from Binahong  leaves. This research  was  started  by  extraction,  partition,  purification,  and  followed  by  the  purity  test. Identification  of  flavonoid  structure  was  conducted  using  shift  reagent  on  UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Antioxidant  activity  test  used DPPH method, which  brings  in  the  value  of IC50.  Characterization  by  shift  reagents  on  UV-Vis  spectrophotometer  resulted  that  the compound was 3, 5, 3’,4’-  tetrahydroxiflavonol. The results of antioxidant activity  test  indicate that ethyl acetate extract and C fraction from Binahong leaves have a potentiality as antioxidant.
Identifikasi Senyawa Flavonoid dari Daun Ketapang Kencana (Terminalia muelleri Benth.) dan Uji Aktivitas Sebagai Antibakteri Penyebab Bau Badan Ariyanti, Dyah Arum
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Telah diisolasi dan diidentifikasi senyawa golongan flavonoid dari daun ketapang kencana (Terminalia muelleri Benth.) Isolasi diawali dengan ekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi, dilanjutkan fraksinasi menggunakan metode kromatografi kolom dan pemurnian menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis. Isolat flavonoid dari ekstrak etil asetat daun T. muelleri berwarna kuning dengan rendemen 0,14%. Hasil identifikasi menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dengan pereaksi geser dan spektrometer FTIR diduga senyawa flavonoid merupakan senyawa herbasitin. Uji aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus epidermidis dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa pada konsentarsi ekstrak etil asetat 1% dan fraksi EC14 5% memiliki kekuatan daya hambat yang sedang.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Kompleks Ni(II)-EDTA dan Ni(II)-Sulfanilamid Triyani, Nur Farida
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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A study entitled Synthesis and Characterization of Complex Ni (II)-EDTA and Ni (II)-sulfanilamide. This study aimed to obtain complex compounds are formed [Ni (EDTA)] and [Ni (slf)3(H2O)3] and know the complex characterization of Ni (II)-EDTA and Ni (II)-sulfanilamide with analysis using UV -Vis, FTIR and AAS. Synthesis of complexes Ni (II)-EDTA done with 2:2 ratio, whereas Ni(II)-sulfanilamide done with 2:6 ratio. The final results were analyzed using UV-Vis wavelength for the determination of the maximum. FTIR analysis to determine functional group compounds and complex interactions between the metal and the ligand. AAS analysis done to determine how many metal atoms are bound to the ligand. FTIR results showed the acquired group O and group N on EDTA center coordinated to Ni2+ ions form complexes Ni(II)-EDTA, while the amine nitrogen groups coordinated to the central Ni2+ ions form complexes Ni(II)-Sulfanilamide. UV-VIS spectra result in the absorption peak for the complex Ni (II)-EDTA at 594 nm and 772 nm at 10 Dq at 201.207 and 154.815 kJmol-1 kJmol-1, while the maximum absorption of Ni(II)-sulfanilamide at 407 nm and 742 nm at 10 Dq at 298.047 and 161.074 kJmol-1 kJmol-1. Ni (II)-EDTA = 3,544 log Kstab more stable than Ni (II)-sulfanilamide log Kstab = 3,48.
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Deterjen terdiri dari campuran builder, surfaktan, filler dan aditif. Penggunaan sodium tri polyphosphate (STPP) sebagai builder pada deterjen menyebabkan deposit fosfat dalam air sehingga mengakibatkan eutrofikasi. Zeolit mampu menggantikan peran fosfat sebagai builder pada deterjen. Abu sekam padi dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mensintesis zeolit karena kandungan silika yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh konsentrasi NaOH dalam pengambilan silika dari abu sekam padi terhadap karakter zeolit hasil sintesis dan menentukan deterjensi dari surfaktan sodium lauryl sulfate dengan menggunakan zeolit sintesis sebagai builder.   Metode yang digunakan dalam sintesis zeolit dari abu sekam padi adalah sol gel yang dianjutkan dengan hidrotermal. Natrium Silikat (Na2SiO3) dicampur dengan Natrium Aluminat (Na2AlO2) kemudian disetirer sehingga membentuk gel yang selanjutnya dihidrotermaal pada suhu 100oC selama 5 jam. Karakterisasi zeolit hasil sintesis meliputi penentuan menggunakan metode difraksi sinar-x, FT-IR, kapasitas tukar kation pada zeolit dan pengujian daya deterjensi zeolit serta membandingkan dengan STPP dalam peranannya sebagai builder.   Hasil penelitian diperoleh kemampuan deterjensi optimum sebesar 94,313% dengan nilai KTK 65,71 mek/100 g dan ukuran kristal 23,589 nm pada variasi konsentrasi NaOH 6,67M. Berdasarkan karakterisasi XRD dan FT-IR zeolit yang terbentuk adalah zeolit A, Na-A, Na-Y dan Sodalit. Pengaruh konsentrasi NaOH dalam pengambilan silika dari abu sekam padi terhadap zeolit sintesis adalah semakin tinggi konsentrasi NaOH semakin kecil ukuran kristal sehingga daya deterjensi semakin tinggi.
Purifikasi L-Asparaginase Dari Bawang Bombay (Allium cepa L.) Menggunakan Kromatografi Filtrasi Gel Sephadex G-100 Setiawan, Ayu Sri Rahayu
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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L-asparaginase from onion (Allium cepa L.) was purified. Some stage of the work including isolation of L-asparaginase obtain of crude extract was further fractionated with ammonium sulphate, dialysis, and gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-100 to produce L-asparaginase with a higher purity. Analysis of L-asparaginase in the crude extract, the ammonium sulphate fractionation, and results of gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-100 is done by determining the activity of the enzyme with Nessler method and determination of protein content by Lowry method so it can be determined the specific activity. The analysis obtained are a crude extract of L-asparaginase from onion (Allium cepa L.) with a specific activity of 30.502 units/mg protein. The highest specific activity of the fraction of ammonium sulphate is at F5 (80-100%) of 30.831 units/mg protein. F5 was further purified by gel filtration chromatography sephadex G-100, obtained the highest specific activity was in fraction 10 by 6508.250 units/mg protein with a purity level more than 200 times compared to the crude extract.
Isolasi, Identifikasi dan Uji Aktifitas Senyawa Alkaloid Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis) Marwoko, Muhammad Titis Budi
Chem Info Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Chem Info Journal

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Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang isolasi, identifikasi serta uji aktifitas senyawa alkaoid daun binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis). Serbuk daun binahong dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana, kemudian etanol, diperoleh ekstrak n-heksana dan ekstrak etanol. Dari ekstrak etanol dilakukan isolasi alkaloid total. Pemisahan alkaloid dilakukan dengan KLT preparatif dan analisis dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, FTIR dan LC-MS. Dari analisis yang dilakukan diduga isolat alkaloid adalah senyawa betanidin (C18H16N2O8) yang bersifat tidak sitotoksik dengan LC50 sebesar 85,583 ppm.