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Journal of International Relations seeks original manuscripts that provide theoretically informed empirical analyses of issues in international relations, as well as original theoretical or conceptual analyses. The journal represents no particular school or approach, nor is it restricted to any particular methodology. Instead, it seeks to foster an awareness of methodological and epistemological questions in the study of International Relations, and to reflect research and developments of a conceptual, normative and empirical nature in all the major sub-areas of the field.
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Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36012


The Korean Wave is a pop culture from South Korea that has become a phenomenon spreading widely throughout the world. The Korean Wave consist of music, movie, drama, fashion, and lifestyle. The spread of Korean Wave started from a high demand of chinese community towards South Korean pop culture until it spread to all corners of Asia and the rest of the world. Because of high demand the Korean Wave, it had also saved South Korea from economic crisis in 1997 which made the government started using pop culture as a main tool to strengthen the country. SM Entertainment is one of the entertainment companies that participates in the spread of the Korean Wave through music, has a great contribution to current growth of the Korean Wave. The success of SM Entertainment also made SM Entertainment become a perfect actor for to spread South Korea influence. This research discusses how South Korea uses cultural diplomacy by using SM Entertainment as an actor of cultural diplomacy to exercise its soft power in achieving its goals. This research uses the concept of soft power and cultural diplomacy in analyzing SM Entertainment and South Korea by collecting qualitative data from analysis of journals, books, websites, and documentation of Korean Wave phenomenon and SM Entertainment activities. The results of this research indicate that SM Entertainment take a huge part of South Korea cultural diplomacy to other countries. Keywords: SM Entertainment, South Korea, Cultural Diplomacy, Soft Power, Korean Wave
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36987


Technology has been present and has become an essential part of every human activity. The magnitude of the involvement of technology creates dependency and encourages countries to make technology one of the critical elements of the state. Today, most modern services rely on space-based technology to operate, which makes space an essential domain for the country. Although the United States still dominates space, China's emergence as a new power is causing concern for the United States. The accumulation of power as proof of state competency took place between these two countries. This article uses a literature study method where the data source is obtained from primary and secondary data. The result of this study is to present evidence that the United States' fear of China's rise in space is the result of US policy itself. This paper highlights three key moments that show how US policy has contributed significantly to the rise of its rival, namely China.
Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Narendra Modi Terhadap Perubahan Kebijakan Luar Negeri Look East ke Act East Iqbal Anta Maulana; Muhammad Faizal Alfian
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36778


In 2014 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the Act East foreign policy as a replacement for the previous policy, Look East. This policy is oriented towards strengthening the relationship between economic cooperation and maritime security in the Asia Pacific region in response to China's dominance in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions. This study will analyze Narendra Modi's type of leadership style to answer the question "Why did India's foreign policy change from Look East to Act East?". The purpose of this study was to determine the factors of change in India's foreign policy from Look East to Act East using leader trait analysis theory by Margarett G. Herman. This study uses a mixed method research type where the data obtained will be processed in quantitative type and qualitative type analysis using content analysis method. The result of this study show that Narendra Modi's opportunist leadership style changed India's foreign policy from Look East to Act East.
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36681


This article is summary from MA Project in International Relations Department European Unıversıty of Lefke, North Cyprus, 2016 whıch explained the counterterrorism policy of United States on ISIS and its impacts for further ISIS existence and regional peace. Base on the reasons that the appearance of ISIS seen as more of the results of obvious and severe conflicts in middle east partly in arab region. The conflicts seen have been expected by the interest of several countries. Eventually ISIS was existed as a state not only as a movement.U.S. counterterrorısm on ISIS had ımplemented amount of strategıes ıncludıng degraded ISIS’s capabılıty, shaped global coalıtıon to defeat ISIS, and mılıtary used wıth traınıng armed for Iraq army forces, Kurdı army, Arabıan army, moderate opposıtıton groups to Bassar.In congressional testimony and public statements early in 2015, U.S. civilian and military leaders described the ISIS as having assumed a defensive posture in Iraq and Syria in response to counteroffensives by coalition and local forces. U.S. Military General described the group as “losing this fight” and reported that anti-IS operations had killed more than 8,500 fighters, destroyed hundreds of vehicles and heavy weapons systems, and significantly degraded IS command and control capabilities.But ISIS is still exıst wıth theır weapons, moreover the presence of ISIS in Libya feared around the regions and near to Rome. The worst conditions not only happen in Syria, Iraq and Libya but the conflicts was also spreaded to many countries specially european countries. These countries are in dilemma positions. The other hand they intent to give the asylume to the refugees, but in the other hand they scaring from the exporting of ISIS’s ideologies more scares than economics crisis. The ISIS crisis was questioned obviously. How can the group such as ISIS can’t be destroyed in 3 years by U.S. attacks with global coalition power supporters. Whereas U.S. had defeated Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya in several days, and set up the new goverments in each these countries.
Pariwisata dan Praktik Ilegal “Jaringan Tiongkok” di Bali Zefanya S.D.I Picaulima; Hermini Susiatiningsih; Fendy Eko Wahyudi
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36855


The increase in Bali tourism can be seen through the suffering of Chinese tourists in Bali in 2017. However, behind the domination of Chinese tourists in Bali, unknowingly there are illegal practices carried out by the "Chinese Network" in Bali, which has caused the image of Bali tourism to become unhealthy and bad. Therefore this research will discuss how behind the domination of Chinese tourists in Bali there is a Chinese network that moves illegally in detail about the Chinese network, then how the policies of the Government of Indonesia and the Provincial Government of Bali respond to this issue. This study uses the concept of the Chinese School to see the ideological values applied to Chinese identity, then the concept of Guanxi which is one of the keys to China's success in doing business. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with sources obtained through literature studies and primary sources in the form of documentation. The findings in this study are that the China Network consists of Chinese Entrepreneurs and Travel Agents. These two actors work together to carry out their activities in Bali by attracting Chinese tourists and selling Chinese-produced goods. The impact of this illegal activity gives a bad view of the image of Bali tourism and affects the Indonesian economy, especially Bali.
Melampaui Kepentingan Nasional: Kerjasama Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) antara Swiss dan Indonesia dalam Menangani Kejahatan Pencucian Uang Suci Permata Zetri; Mohamad Rosyidin; Muhammad Faizal Alfian
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36893


Money laundering is the act of disguising the origin of money resulting from a crime so that it appears as if it came from a legal act. Money laundering is a transnational crime because its actions and impacts reach across countries. Therefore, international cooperation is needed in dealing with money laundering. Indonesia decided to propose Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) with Switzerland to investigate money laundering cases that had been committed by Indonesian citizens in Switzerland. After several negotiations, Switzerland finally agreed to cooperate with Indonesia in bilateral cooperation on Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA). Before this collaboration was agreed, Switzerland was known for its very strict banking secrecy system. From this phenomenon of Indonesia-Switzerland bilateral cooperation, a question arises as to why Switzerland which is known for its bank secrecy, is willing to assist Indonesia in tracing the money laundering case. To answer this question, the authors use a norm-based constructivist theory in conducting this research. The main argument of this study is that Switzerland's decision to agree to bilateral Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) cooperation with Indonesia was driven by compliance with international norms formed from international regimes agreed upon by Switzerland. The type of data used in this study is qualitative and analyzed using congruent analysis methods.
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36926


Changes within Brazil's policy orientation in the environmental sector have been felt since the leadership of President Lula da Silva (2003-2011), then Dilma Roussef (2011-2016), until the realization of the changes was very tangible during the reign of Jair Bolsonaro (2018-present). Bolsonaro's campaign that said if he is elected he will retrack Brazil's environmental policy away from the Paris Agreement has become a huge controversy in the the world. Not to mention that during his reign, changes in domestic and international environmental policies continued to occur. Starting from the merger of environmental management agencies in the Ministry, reducing the allocation of funds for the environment, expanding commercial land in the Amazon Forest, loosening the law for development on Amazon Forest land, up until the creation of many new development projects which being carried out on Amazon Forest land. Various policy changes and the commercialization of land under Bolsonaro's government caused the amount of deforestation in Brazil to increase every year and Brazil's compliance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement decreased. This study uses Hermann's Theory to analyze the causes of changes in policy orientation that occurred in Brazil under Bolsonaro's government. Based on the research that has been done, it is evident that there are two main factors causing the change in policy orientation which are rooted in the leadership factor (Leader Driven) and the Bureaucratic Advocacy factor (Beraucratic Advocacy) from the Bolsonaro government itself.
Journal of International Relations Volume 8 Nomor 4, Tahun 2022
Publisher : International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jirud.v8i4.36930


Russian military attack upon Ukraine on February 2022 spark and old conflict that started on the same month in 2014. Russian military intervention in 2014 against Ukraine’s territory culminating in Crimea’s annexation started the worsening relation between the two nations. Upon the aftermath of the annexation, question on the legitimacy of both the intervention and the annexation rises. Meanwhile Russian keep claiming the annexation is legitimate, several United Nations, including Ukraine, disapproved and refused the annexation of Crimea by Russia. The research was made through the collection of qualitative data, as well as the concept of military intervention and crime of aggression. This research analyzes on how the Russian military intervention against the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine during 2013-2022 period is categorized as international law violation. The result of this study explains that aforementioned military intervention wasn’t legitimate based on faulties in the justification used by the Russian. The justification including invitation, self-defense, and the Crimean parliament’s referendum on the annexation. The results furthermore explains that according to UN Resolution 3314, this military intervention is a crime of aggression.Keyword: Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Military Intervention, Violation of International Law, Crime of Aggression

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