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INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni
ISSN : 14113554     EISSN : 26206404     DOI : -
Inotek is a journal that publishes scientific articles related to the application of science and technology, vouchers, entrepreneurship, and a range of other community services that meet the qualification criteria. However, this journal also contains the results of research in the form of applications and technology innovation. This scientific journal published twice a year in February and August.
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INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v22i2.20958


Central Siantan is an area that has great potential in waste management business so that it becomes the center of the establishment of the Wahana Bersama (Mitra I) and Rosella (Mitra II) waste banks. The purpose of this PKM program is to accompany the waste bank: (1) get capital (credit application); (2) having a legal entity, (3) having a banking bookkeeping administration system; (4) Apply science and technology to waste collectors. In general, the PKM program targets garbage banks: (1) Having additional capital in providing facilities and payment for scavengers; (2) Having a legal entity (3) Managing the administration system of banking accounting (4) Increasing the amount of diversification of waste products; (5) There is a marketing gallery of waste products. The implementation of this program is carried out in three stages: 1) the preparation phase (survey the target location, coordinate with partners, plan outreach and training materials, divide the team's tasks according to their fields. Schedule agreements with partners; 2) implementation stage , socialization of the provision of facilities / facilities, conducting counseling, assisting the administration of banking bookkeeping), training in diversification of handicraft products from waste waste); and 3) Monetering and Evaluation Phase both internal and external. The implementation of this PKM runs smoothly, although there are obstacles in time adjustments between the team and partners, but can be overcome by implementation in the afternoon or evening or carried out during holidays. Keyword: Scavenger, Waste Bank, diversification of waste products
INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v22i2.21720


Industrial development in Indonesia is very dynamic, including in the food and beverage industry. So that innovation and facilitation for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are needed to improve the competitiveness of the products produced. SMEs shredded catfish "Indri Marwanti" Mojolaban Sukoharjo, is one of the fisheries product processing industries that have made innovations in shredded catfish products. Starting from the arrangement of facilities and production equipment, the application of good manufacturing practice methods, adaptive use of equipment to improve product quality, to packaging design and labeling on its business products. This activity is intended to implement innovations in increasing the quantity and quality of SME  shredded Catfish "Indri Marwanti" through improving production methods and introducing several equipment and packaging that can improve the quality of shredded catfish so that consumer acceptance and business turnover can increase.
Pengembangan sistem informasi posyandu berbasis notifikasi SMS gateway Cindy Taurusta
INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v22i2.19151


Kesulitan dan tantangan kader Posyandu dalam memonitor perkembangan anak menjadi tantangan tersendiri di setiap wilayah. Artikel dari hasil PPM ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem monitoring perkembangan gizi bayi dan balita di Desa Balas Klumprik Surabaya. Tahapan-tahapan yang dilakukan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra meliputi observasi lapangan, identifikasi permasalahan dan kelemahan mitra, penawaran solusi pada mitra, perancangan sistem, dan pelatihan penggunaan sistem. Pendataan seluruh kegiatan dan peserta posyandu berasal dari buku catatan yang diimiliki oleh kader/petugas posyandu dan Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS). Seluruh informasi yang terdapat pada KMS dan buku catatan ibu dengan bayi/ballitanya akan dipindahkan ke sistem informasi. Informasi pada aplikasi yang telah terhubung di handphone ini dapat diakses setiap waktu, setiap saat, dimana saja dan kapan saja. Hasil pengembangan mempermudah para kader atau petugas Posyandu dalam memberikan informasi dan pengingat kepada peserta posyandu untuk menghadiri posyandu dan memperoleh informasi penyuluhan kesehatan dan imunisasi gratis dari Puskesmas maupun Dinas Kesehatan hanya dengan mengirimkan SMS Gateway. Aplikasi ini juga memberikan database, mencatat dan menampilkan seluruh data serta grafik tumbuh kembang bayi balita.Kata kunci:sistem informasi, posyandu, sms gateawayDevelopment of posyandu information system based on SMS gateway notificationThe difficulties and challenges of Posyandu officer in monitoring children's development are a challenge in each region. This article from the results of the community service program aims to develop a monitoring system for the healthy development of infants and toddlers in Balas Klumprik, Surabaya. The steps taken in solving partner problems include field observations, identifying partner problems, offering solutions, system design, and training on system usage. The data collection on all Integrated Service Post (posyandu) activities and participants in the application were gathered from notebooks owned by posyandu cadres/officers and Cards Towards Health (KMS). All information contained in the KMS and the notebook is transferred to the information system. Information on applications that have been connected to this mobile phone can be accessed any time, any time, anywhere, and anytime. The development results make it easier for Posyandu officers to provide information and reminders to posyandu participants to attend the posyandu and obtain free health education and immunization information from the local hospital or the health office by simply sending an SMS Gateway. This application also provides a database, records, and displays all data and graphs of the growth and development of infants and toddlers.
Revitalization of Social Science and Pancasila and Civic Education Learning Materials on Information Technology-based in the City of Bekasi, West Java Budiaman Budiaman; Rusmono Rusmono; Tjipto Sumadi
INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v22i2.22629


This activity aims to revitalize information technology-based learning materials. The Social Science Teacher Association in the City of Bekasi frequently become the area to promote the information technology-based learning materials from publishers. The position of this Teacher Association seems merely as a distributor of learning material products. For this reason, empowerment of Social Science and Pancasila and Civic Education teachers is conducted in order to produce information technology-based learning materials. The implementation method of this activity begins with focus group discussions (FGD) between the chairman and the committee of  Social Science and Pancasila and Civic Education Teacher Association. The FGD’s results implemented in the form of mentoring program of  Social Science and Pancasila and Civic Education teachers with matter as follows:  (1) designing learning materials, (2) introduction to information technology, (3) create information technology-based learning materials, (4) create Edmodo online application and Appgeyser application, and (5) produce information technology-based learning materials.The outcome of the activities is in the form of information technology-based learning materials. The learning materials developed represent all Basic Competencies from 7th, 8th and 9th grades both in Social Sciences and Pancasila and Civic Education.
Uji impak mesin heated die screw extruder pada pembriketan limbah pertanian Eko Prasetya Budiana; Dwi Aries Himawanto; D. Danardono D. Prija T.; Purwadi Joko Widodo; Bambang Suhardi
INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v22i2.12337


Limbah pertanian (sekam padi, jerami padi, tongkol jagung, kulit singkong, rumput, dll) diproduksi dalam jumlah besar di Indonesia. Limbah pertanian dapat diubah menjadi bentuk energi melalui proses konversi termo mekanik. Proses pembuatan briket adalah pengubahan limbah pertanian menjadi briket berbentuk seragam yang mudah digunakan, diangkut, dan disimpan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan suhu dan kecepatan poros ekstruder ulir die berpemanas untuk pembriketan limbah pertanian. Sampel briket dibriket pada suhu 200, 300, 400o C dan kecepatan poros 30, 50, 100 rpm. Uji impak dilakukan untuk mendapatkan temperatur dan kecepatan poros yang sesuai untuk pembuatan briket limbah pertanian. Uji impak dilakukan dengan menjatuhkan sampel briket dari ketinggian 2 m ke lantai beton. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa temperatur briket dan kecepatan poros yang baik adalah 300o C dan 50 rpm.The impact test of heated die screw extruder on agricultural waste briquettingAgricultural wastes (rice husk, rice straw, corncob, cassava peel, grass, etc.) are produced in considerable quantities in Indonesia. Agricultural waste can be converted to a form of energy through the thermomechanical conversion process. The briquetting process is converting agricultural waste into uniformly shaped briquettes that are easy to use, transport and store. The present study aims to determine the temperature and the shaft speed of heated die screw extruder for briquetting agricultural wastes. Briquette samples were briquetted at the temperature of 200 o, 300 o, 400o C and shaft speeds of 30, 50, and 100 rpm. An impact test was conducted to obtain the temperature and shaft speed suitable for briquetting of agricultural wastes. The impact test was carried out by dropping a briquette sample from 2 m onto a concrete floor. The test results show an excellent briquetting temperature and shaft speeds are 300o C and 50 rpm.
Yoghurt berbahan dasar susu kambing sebagai embrio usaha mikro masyarakat meilan sugiarto
INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v22i2.15905


Upaya pemulihan ekonomi kehidupan masyarakat pasca erupsi gunung Merapi sangat membutuhkan sinergi antar komunitas yang ada. Artikel IbM ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan usaha untuk menciptakan sinergi antara kelompok wanita tani “Adem Ayem” dengan kelompok peternak kambing “Sido Makmur” Huntap Gondang 3 Desa Wukirsari Kabupaten Sleman. IbM ini menerapkan inovasi melalui transfer IPTEK berupa pembuatan yoghurt berbahan dasar susu kambing, yang diharapkan menjadi stimulus munculnya embrio usaha. Manfaat kegiatan IbM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan nilai jual susu kambing serta pemberdayaan perempuan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan IbM ini adalah pendampingan, pelatihan, pengadaan alat, bimbingan teknis. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan secara internal dan eksternal. Berdasarkan berbagai kegiatan IbM yang telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dapat disimpulkan bahwa ditinjau dari aspek produksi, melalui berbagai pelatihan, pendampingan dan bimbingan teknis yang dilakukan, kedua mitra mampu meningkatkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan mitra dalam berbagai hal. Inovasi yang dilakukan melalui transfer IPTEK dengan mengolah susu kambing menjadi yoghurt telah memberikan dampak ekonomis secara nyata. Dukungan perangkat desa maupun kepala desa sangat membantu dalam mengembangkan hasil karya kelompok mitra IbM di masa datang, terutama dalam hal pemasaran.Yogurt made from goat's milk as an embryo for community micro-enterprisesEfforts to restore the economy of people's lives after the eruption of Mount Merapi need synergy among existing communities. This IbM article aims to describe efforts to create a synergy between the women farmer group "Adem Ayem" and the goat breeder group "Sido Makmur" Huntap Gondang 3 Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency. This IbM applies innovation through science and technology transfer in making yogurt made from goat's milk, which is expected to be a stimulus for the emergence of business embryos. The benefits of this IbM activity are expected to increase the selling value of goat's milk and empower women. The methods used in this IbM activity are mentoring, training, equipment procurement, and technical guidance. Evaluation of activities is carried out internally and externally. Based on various well-implemented IbM activities, it can be concluded that in terms of production, the two partners were able to improve their abilities and skills through various pieces of training, assistance, and technical guidance. Innovations made through the transfer of science and technology by processing goat's milk into yogurt have had a real economic impact. The support of village officials and village heads is beneficial in developing the work of the IbM partner group in the future, especially in terms of marketing.

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