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Search results for , issue "El-Qudwah (10-2007)" : 8 Documents clear
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Ion Ca2+ discharge have been investigated due to soil structrure around coastal aquifer lake in limestone area at Bajulmati district Malang. As well as dynamica of ion Na+ consentration according tidal elevation dynamic on the lake. Consentration of Na+ and Ca2+ have been measured quantitatively including phisyco-chemistry variable influencing them, i.e. pH and tempeture. This study carried out in two step, i.e. the fisrt, ion Ca2+ consentration measure horisontally dan vertically for mapping of the origin of ion Ca2+ discharge. The second is measurement of ion Na+ consentration at definite sampling location for five different time with an hour range of each between tidal sea cycle. The result is compared with sea elevation measurement as long as tidal sea cycle and measurement of distance between coastal and the lake give a discription about sea water intrusion dinamic to the lake. On mapping of ion Ca2+ consentration horisontally and vertically, show that the discharge map of ion Ca2+ originate only from a location in the edge of the lake that have cross section position to the dam. It seem that the water in lake is originate from a groundwater river. The ion Na+ consentration dynamic show a linear pattern according with tidal sea elevation dynamic. There is a delay as long as intrussion process, while the dynamical curve of ion Na+ consentration have a symmettrical graphic to tidal sea elevasion dynamic curve.Keyword: mapping, dynamic, Ca2+, Na+, coastal aquifer lake, limestone area
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Trichophyton sp is a phaetogenic microscopic fungi which can cause infection on the outside part of our skin or skin surface and make skin disease or in medical term known as ”dermatomikosis” such as white bloches or ringworm. While Cassia Alata L. is a leaf which used by some people as a material for hose skin diseases traditionally. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of Cassia Alata on the growth of Trichophyton sp, through the treatment to its extract consentration  in order to know its effective concentration level in prevent the growth of Tricophyton sp. The result of this research shows that the concentration of  Cassia alata L. exctract has a very significant affect ti the growth of Trichophyton sp within 1 x 24 hours, 2 x 24 hours, while in 3 x 24 hours and 4 x 24 hours its affect was not significantly different to the growth of Trichophyton sp.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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A mathematic model plays an important role in the understanding of epidemiology and the spreader of dengue. This model describes briefly about the non-linear process and the infection process of dengue to a person and the emergence of this disease in certain population. An important definition is taken from –this a dynamic analysis, which is focused on the incidence or prevalence of the spreader of a disease in a certain population. It also includes epidemic process in a steady state population. This research explains mathematic models of the spreader of dengue in Malang that covers the number of outbreaks to cope with DBD, the stability of the disease, the endemic area and the prediction of the number of people that are infected by this disease in the future. The dynamic analysis of the host and vector were derived from the formula of differential equation system, and then defined as mathematic model. From this, we can get basic reproduction number (Ra). It is a number that indicate whether a dynamic system from the model is stable.Keyword: Mathematic Model, DBD, epidemic, Outbreak
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This research is aimed at investigating the implementation of education of Ma’arif Islamic school in Jombang regency, especially the characteristics of the students, teachers, the facilities and basic facilities, students’ motivation in learning, teacher’s preparation in teaching, the implementation of instruction by the teacher, students’ participation in the process of teaching and learning, the relationship between students and the teacher, and also students’ achievement. This research is an evaluation research by using Stake approach with quantitative data. Data were obtained through questioner, observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed by using quantitative approach. The analysis technique of this research used descriptive quantitative analysis technique. The findings showed that in the four Islamic schools that were studied, the parents, generally, work in agriculture; and they were graduated from SMA or MA. Students’ motivation in learning can be considered good. Besides, most of the teachers have taken undergraduate degree. The teachers’ preparation before the process of teaching and learning has been managed well. The facilities and basic facilities have not fulfilled the need of students and teachers yet.  Moreover, the implementation of instructional material can go well. However, students’ participation was still considered less. Despite of that, the relationship between students and teacher can be considered good. Students’ achievement in these schools has been meeting the criteria. Moreover, the academic achievement that includes students’ behavior was considered good. Keyword: Evaluation, Implementation of Education, Islamic School
PRAKTIK POLIGAMI DI KALANGAN PARA KIAI (Studi Konstruksi Sosial Poligami para Kiai Pesantren di Jawa Timur) Roibin Roibin
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Historically, the practices of polygamy in some countries in the world almost become an inevitable empirical fact, both formally (frankly) and informally (illegally). On the contrary, polygamy has been a familiar charismatic symbol of the kiais, especially kiais in pesantren in East Java. Thereby, polygamy in one side generally gets a less positive response from public, but on the other side, polygamy is exactly assumed as a distinct social status symbol for a kiai. In connection with the fact, this study will see how the understanding and the practice of polygamy done by kiai in pesantren in East Java is. Then from the understanding, we expect to find typology of kiai based on classification of his socio-religiosity. Besides, this study also wants to know the impact of understanding and practice of polygamy of the kiais against the pattern of institution interaction relation between kiais and society, their students, and their wives. According to its data characteristics, this study uses qualitative method with social definition paradigm. The more relevant approach theory is Berger and Luchmann’s theory of social construction. This theory is expected to see how the dialectic process of the kiais with the essence of polygamy itself. According to the proposed research method, there are three research findings. They are 1) there are two kinds of understanding among the elites of kiai in pesantren about polygamy: normative and sociologic understanding. 2) From the understandings, we know the pattern of socio-religiosity classification; they are normative-theological and normative-humanistic classification. 3) The impact of understanding and the practice of polygamy of kiais mentioned above are related with its pattern of socio-religiosity classification. Normative-theological classification will affect statically to the institution they lead. On the contrary, normative-humanistic classification will give a progressive and dynamic impact to the institution they lead. Keyword: Polygamy, Kiai, Social Construction
INTERAKSI SOSIAL JAMAAH TABLIGH DI KOTA MALANG (Studi tentang Interaksi Sosial Jamaah Tabligh di Masjid Pelma dan Ponpes Jami'urrahman Malang) Haris Mahdi
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This study will discuss the understanding and matters pertaining to meaning of culture-value orientation, the typology of social action/interaction and the tendency of social action/interaction of the member of Jamaah Tabligh, in organizational context both internally and externally. The approach of this research is survey-descriptive approach with individual analysis unit. The collection of samples is using sampling quota of 103 respondents. The data collection is using triangulation model. This research describes that in the perspective of culture-value orientation there are basic values of Jamaah Tabligh about five basic human issue, i.e.: the essence of life, the essence of work, perception of time, view about nature, and human interrelationship. In their daily activities, the members of Jamaah Tabligh tend to be rational with value oriented. In the matter of organizational internals, the social interaction developed by Jamaah Tabligh is associative-cooperative. If an internal conflict happen, the accommodation form that is built including toleration or tolerant participation, compromise, arbitration, and mediation. The social interaction of Jamaah Tabligh with outside party is the mixture of associative-cooperative and associative-accommodation. The associative-cooperative side is visible in members’ daily lives, who also actively involved in society’s activities. The form of accommodation in the context of social interaction of Jamaah Tabligh with other parties is by trying to compromise by explaining the religious mission done by Jamaah Tabligh. If it is failed, Jamaah Tabligh does the toleration. Keyword: Social Interaction, Jamaah Tabligh
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Pesantren, recently, is one of educational institutions that still exist in Indonesia’s education. The important role of pesantren in developing human resource is by implementing fighting spirit to its santri2. This study is a descriptive research designed using case study model with the source determined purposively (purposive sampling), by choosing samples who knows the problems, have the data and willing to give the data. The data collection technique is using in depth interview with key informant and document analysis. The data analysis is using data reduction procedure, data presentation, and conclusion/verification making. Data validating is using method and source triangulation. This research objectives are to know deeper about 1) the form of ritual tradition applied in College Student Pesantren Al Hikam and the meaning of the ritual tradition, 2) the strategy of santri’s human resource development in College Student Pesantren Al Hikam in entering the societal life, and 3) the motivation model applied in College Student Pesantren Al Hikam.Keyword: Human Resource, Pesantren, Santri
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2007)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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The title of the research is The Koran Concept of Business Ethics (A Thematic Interpretation Study). The aim is to identify business ethics according to The Koran. This research is a library research. Therefore, to have a credible and capable, as well as valid data, the data gathering technique used is documentation, which was followed by data analysis using qualitative descriptive method, and then data interpretation. The sources of data are primary data that were taken from The Koran, and possibly from hadits (prophet Mohammed sayings). Meanwhile, the secondary data were taken from data written by the experts (The Koran and hadits were excluded) concerning the business ethics. The results of the research indicated that the Koran concept of business ethics is very comprehensive. The parameters used were not only matters of living in this world but also living in the world hereafter. According to the Koran, a successful business is a business that makes profit for the businessman in this perishable and limited world and the unlimited eternity hereafter. The formal legal business in Islam is of two fundamental principles, independence and justice. A well behavior and action in business, as in the business transaction reflects the same two principles plus the awareness of Allah existence, kindness and devotion motive.Keywords:The Koran, Interpretation Method, Development and Pattern of Thinking.

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