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Articles 93 Documents
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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According to the sociology of literature, the popularity of sufistic literature in Indonesia and Egypt in the 1980s until 1990s is more than the literary phenomena. It is the phenomena of social, politic, and culture. In order to understand that phenomena, works of literature should be put, firstly, as the most representative “space” for discourse of sufistic discourse, it is not only as the practical and literary movement but also religious, social, political and cultural movements. So, every sufistic literature becomes relevant and contextual toward its time. Secondly, the field of literature challenge can move by following the change of society, culture and civilization, this make sufistic literature to be put in that themes. Practicing the sufistic literature can transmit the preservation of divinity or principles of monotheism continously. We can understand that there is a relation between the phenomena of popularity of sufistic literature either in Indonesia or in Egypt and modernity. Sufistic literature tries to give reaction, response, and resistance to the modernism discourse generally and secularism or secularization specifically.
PERILAKU SOSIAL KEAGAMAAN DOSEN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM KEHIDUPAN DI MASYARAKAT (Studi Atas Kompetensi Sosial Dosen-Dosen Agama Islam Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang) H. M. Zainuddin
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This research focused on the social-religious competency of Islamic studies’ lecturers of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang. Therefore, this research explored the contribution of the lecturers for the social religious activities in the area in which the lecturers have been living for many years. In this research, the researcher uses the qualitative method using a phenomenology approaches. The techniques of collecting data include observation, in-depth-interview and documentation. This research shows that the contribution of Islamic lecturers for social-religious activities can be divided into four typologies or roles: first: lecturers who involved in social Islamic organization act as a kiai, second: lecturers who concern in Islamic preaching actions as preachers or (da’i), third: lecturers who contribute to spread Islamic teaching or (ustadz) and fourth: lecturers who occupied as village staff .
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Achievement or added values of an educational institution is higly influenced by invisible (soft) dimensions in the form of organization culture values, which comprise values, beliefs, cultures and behavior norms. These values can give spirit to the work of organization through transformation process as a changing step of the reflection or internalization of spiritual values. This, in turn, becomes individual and organizational values of an educational institution which can produce an outcome in the form of school organization culture, that is behavior or customs performed by the members of the organization consistently in solving various problems.
PENDAMPINGAN MANAJEMEN SUKSES UJIAN NASIONAL (UN) UNTUK KKM MALANG SELATAN (MTsN Harjokuncaran Sumbermanjing Wetan sebagai Inti) Meinarni Susilowati
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This present paper aims at reporting a collaborative research on empowering teachers’ competence and skill in helping their students to face the National Examination (NE). Considering its role in determining whether a student can pass a particular level of education, this high stake test creates wide negative impacts on students, teachers, and parents. It has been generally noted that some teachers have done irrespective efforts to make their students pass the grade level because of, among other, their lack of competence and skill to create conducive teaching learning processes. This present participatory action research accommodated this need by providing the teachers three cycles to help them effectively prepare the students face the NE. The findings showed that the teachers’ competence and skill in adapting and adopting the test items tended to significantly improve. In addition, this improvement was indicated to influence, to a particular extent, the number of students who passed the NE. However, the conclusion should be cautiously made considering the fact that some factors were significant in influencing the improvement.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Every single design of architecture have to present a convenience by considering the local climate, means there must be balance between climate and architecture in order to get the expected convenience. Wall as a skin of the building is relatively strike by the effects of hot, damp, and wind has to give thermal convenience and does not increase global warming either its materials or its construction. “Bamboo” which is made of cement is an efficient and best alternative for building wall. Then, this research is aimed to count the convenience of temperature inside the room of certain building which takes the bamboo as its wall.This is a quantitative research that uses comparison strategy. It is the comparison between the construction of vertical bamboo wall and  woven bamboo wall. The air temperature inside the room (Ti) is the main factor that is measured by using hygro termometer. The results show that the construction of woven bamboo wall has better value of convenience of temperature than vertical one. I hope that this research give the valuable contribution about the benefits of bamboo.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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The holy quran is a means for interaction between god and His ”man”?, it uses Arabic and many question sentences. in the study of pragmatics, especially speech acts. Question sentences can be used for other meanings according to its context. The general objective of this research is to discuss the use of question sentences in the translation of holy quran. This includes qualitative and content analysis research. Here research procedures used by the researcher: observasion, sampling, recording, data reduction, making inference, doing analysis, and validation. To gain the correct analysis result, the researcher uses correction technique adapted from Lincoln and Guba. The result shows that the forms of question sentences in the Holy Quran translation can be divided into two parts, that are who-questions and yes-no questions. Who-questions are marked by pronoun without –kah (apa, mengapa, bagaimana, siapa, dari mana, and betapa) and pronoun with –kah (apakah, bagaimanakah, siapakah, mengapakah, bilakah, kapankah, manakah, di manakah, and berapakah). Meanwhile, yes-no questions are marked by question words and –kah. The functions of –kah are predicate and adverb. –kah as predicate is founded noun, verb, welsh form, adjectiv, while –kah as adverb is founded in modifiers. The researcher suggests to the teachers to give more attention to the question words either in source language or target language since they have different meaning. The teachers hoped to give explanation about their differences. This research is very strict, so that, further research to complete this study is advised.  
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Grand mosques are commonly designed as a symbol of the glory of Islam. Many symbolic elements and forms are also included in these mosques. Consequently, these kind of mosques are usually built in a very luxurious and monumental way. In contrary, there are some values of Islam which unfortunately have been forgotten while building them. This research aims to identified contradictions that take place between those symbols and the substances of Islamic values in some mosques’ architecture. Furthermore, this research also aims to find the reasons behind those contradictions. The method that used in this research is the normative criticism where a standard or a principle is used to assess the quality or success of a building or urban setting. The principle that used as the parameter in this research is some Islamic values which are related directly to mosque architecture, such as moderation, openness, equality, advantageousness, and prevention of dangers (mudharat). The results of this research are (1) monumentality as the symbol of Islamic glory is oftenly found contradicted to most Islamic values, and (2) Islamic values which mostly forgotten while designing a symbolic-based mosques architecture are moderation, advantageousness, and prevention of dangers.  Moreover, the reasons behind these contradictions are (1) conceptual problems in the owners’ and  architects’ mind while representing the symbol of Islamic glory in buildings, (2) operational problems in architects’ ways of representing symbol in some un-Islamic architectural designs.
KONSEP PEMIMPIN IDEAL DALAM SYI'IR MADAH JARIR (Telaah Strukturalisme Puisi Pujian Jarir Terhadap Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz) Ahmad Kholil
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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There are two elements in every literary works, intrinsic and extrinsic. Structuralism used as the tool for analyzing Jarir’s work here is the intrinsic one. By using this approach, the ideal concept of leadership founded here are: responsibility, empathy, ability to rule with correct system, morality, ability to communicate with all elements, modest in anything related to physichal beatifulness, keeping well performance.From elements which form the intrinsic aspects, the structure of this Jarir’s madah poetry is really strong. There are three aspects that support the strength of intrinsic structure, they are unity as intern coherence, transformation as the new formula and self regulation. Beside theme, this poetry have plot, character and characterization, and setting. The relation between the process of plot and conflict is really close. Character develop together with conflict. There are some characters, one of them is kholifah that become the character and goal of this poetry. There are also the explanation about characteristic of character and condition of the people strike with poverty. This poetry use usual words but soft, this makes it easily to be understood. Since madah is for praise Kholifah to get our goal.
PENGEMBANGAN WAKAF TUNAI UNTUK KEADILAN SOSIAL Studi tentang Manajemen Wakaf Tunai di Tabung Wakaf Indonesia Sudirman Sudirman
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Waqf is one of the most encouraged devotion in Islam, its reward will always be given to the waqif although he or she has passed away. In historical view, the existence of waqf have supported the development of Islamic mission in the whole of the world, including Indonesia. In order to develop waqf maximally, as the mandate of law number 41/2004 about waqf, the professional waqf institution is needed. Unfortunately, there are only few institutions that are able to bring this big mandate.  However, a non-government organization, named TWI (Tabung Waqaf Indonesia) focuses on this matter.This research is aimed to find model of developing cash waqf that is done by TWI to create social justice. Beside that, it explains TWI’s method to build and maintain donor’s trust. One of the focuses of this research is opportunity and threat ness faced by TWI in developing cash waqf as a role model for cash waqf developer.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This paper contains the research of two issues on law as follows 1) the juridical normative and substantive position of MUI and its fatwa (instruction) commission (KFHMUI) in the constitutional law system and 2) the influence of the fatwa issued by KFHMUI on the government policy on the fatwa of KFHMUI. Elaborating primary, secondary and tertiary law sources through historical approach carries out this juridical normative research. Jimly Assiddiqie categorizes state institutions in the constitution into three parts. The first is called the high state institutions (LTN). The second part is the institutions that function to support the prime roles, whose authority in constitution 1945 only by implication not assertively defined. The last is state institution that is not mentioned in the constitution, but only mentioned in the parliamentary laws. These institutions are categorized into constitutional importance. The result indicates that, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is neither explicitly categorized as a reflection of islamic institution, nor precisely recognized in the constitution for its authority and even its name. Above all, however, there are some findings of this research: first, the position of MUI and its fatwa commission in constitutional law can be found through historical approach. Second, state institution will have stronger legitimation in formulating its policy or regulation related to Moslems by taking into account, considering, and positioning the institutions of the religion fatwa reviewer as a co partner in law forming and public policy making.

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