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Search results for , issue "El-Qudwah (10-2013)" : 6 Documents clear
MENGGAGAS PESANTREN MASA DEPAN (Kritik Cak Nur atas Pola Pendidikan Tradisional) Mohammad Salik
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2013)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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MENGGAGAS PESANTREN MASA DEPAN (Kritik Cak Nur atas Pola Pendidikan Tradisional)   Oleh : Mohammad Salik UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Email: Abstract: Nurcholish Madjid is one of the Indonesian Muslim intelectuals who play a significant role as a renewer of Islamic thoughts in Indonesia. Among of his thoughts is about the renewal of education in pesantren (Islamic boarding school). In this case, Nurcholish Madjid critizised some of the weaknesses of Pesantrens. First is about formulating the objectives of Pesantren. In his opinion, Not many pesantrens are able to formulate the aim of education dan set them into clear work plan or program. Second is about the curriculum. In his opinion, the subjects in pesantren are still dominated by religious subjects, even all subjects are only presented in Arabic. Third is about method of teaching. In his opinion, the method of teaching in pesantrens do not emphasize on cognitive aspects. On the contrary, the students are not given the change to express their ideas, this makes the students become passive. Based on these, Nurcholish Madjid proposed some suggestions. First, the teaching of religion in pesantren should be the answer of all life problems, not only partial. Second, pesantren should understand the students` needs and give them the skills which are relevant to the life demand. It seems Nurcholish Madjid make Pondok Modern Gontor as the ideal model of pesantren. Key words: Islamic boarding school, Nurcholish Madjid
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2013)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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This paper discusses the renewal of classical leadership styles in the era of deliberative democracy. In the era of deliberative democracy is no possibility for the emergence of the classical model of leadership. Legitimacy in deliberative democracy lies not in the fact that the majority of vote that has been achieved, but on the ways achieve a fair and equitable manner. Law must be product by fairness and equitable process. The fairness can be processed by public discursive. It will have a powerfull law in the modern community or citizens.  In the context of the classical model of this kind of leadership both in the form of a great man theory, trait theory, and the theory of charismatic needed to oversee such a deliberative democracy. Under conditions of deliberative democracy requires great people who are able to have an insight into future developments in line with the new situation of community. We need a leader who concern to devote his intellectual and performance to develop a deliberative democracy.Keyterm: leardership, deliberative, and reactualization 
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2013)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN TES TERTULIS SELEKSI MASUK STAIN PONOROGO TAHUN AKADEMI 2010/2011   Oleh: Athok Fu’adi, M.Pd Dosen STAIN Ponorogo E-mail: Abstract This research for knowing quality of writen test instruments for STAIN Ponorogo entrance selection in academic year 2010/2011, they are : 1) how validity test is; 2) how far level of difficulty is; 3) how the different power test is; 4) how the validity result analysis, the level of difficulty, different power the test are. This research is quantitatif with the reseach subjects are student applicants and test question. Data is collected by interview and documentation. Sample is taken 10% from all of answer. Validity analysis uses SPSS, while the level of difficulty and different power use microsoft exel programe. The reseach results demonstrate that validity of writen test selection STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2010/2011 for islamic education is 17 items, for Arabic language is 53 items, for English language is 15 items, and General Knoledge is 25 items, so the validity of the test is very low. Whereas inthe level of difficulty of test instruments for islamic education, Too Difficult (TD) is 16 items, Middle (M) is 39 items, and Too Esasy (TE) is 55 items, for Arabic language Too Difficult (TD) is 25 items, Middle (M)  is 69 items, Too Easy (TE) is 6 items, for English language Too Difficult (TD) is 45 items, Middle (M) is 51 items, Too Easy (TE) is 4 items. For general knowledge, Too Difficult (TD) is 18 items, Middle (M) is 46 items, Too Easy (TE) is 36 items. The different power for islamic education, exellent is 0 item, good is 16 items, enough is 41 items, bad is 44 items, very bad is 4 items, so the items were worth at the preserve is on the criteria of excellent, good and enough that are 52 items, for 44 bad items is replaced, and 4 very bad items of this matter should not be issued again the future. 70 items is maintained, while 23 items is replaced , which is 7 items should not be used in the future. Different power for English exellent is 0 item, good is 7 items, enough is 29 items, bad is 43 items, very bad is 20 items, so the items are worth at the preserved there are 36 items, in exchange for 43 points, while 20 points in the future should not be used. Different power general  knowledge, exellent is 0 items, 13 items well, 36 items is sufficient, 46 items is bad, 8 items is very bad, then the matter should be maintained 49 items, 46 items are replaced while the 8 items in the future should not be used. Analysis of the validity of a written test on Islamic education is 17%, Arabic is 53%, English is 15%, whereas 25% for general knowledge, it demonstrates the validity of the test is very low for the entrance test STAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2010/2011. Whereas the difficulty level of Islamic Educationis  average of 39% is good, 69% for Arabic, 51% for English, 46% for general knowledge, while the good different power for Islamic Education is 52%, 70% for Arabic, 37% for English language, and 49% for general knowledge. Keywords: Test development , test instrument , the University entrance selection
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2013)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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EVALUASI PROGRAM PENINGKATAN KUALIFIKASI SARJANA (S-1) BAGI GURU MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH DAN GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM PADA SEKOLAH MELALUI DUALMODE SYSTEM DI STAIN PONOROGO  Oleh:Drs. Ju’subaidi, M, Ag. Dosen STAIN Ponorogo Email:   ABSTRACT The research aim is to know the efective program of the dual mode system in developping of the teachers’ qualification in the elementery school of madrasah and the Islamic educational teachers’ qualification of elementery school. It uses the qualitative approach by evaluation design. The data collection with observation, interview by supporting the documentation technique. The data is analyzed by interactive analyzed which comprise data reduction, data display and conclusion or drawing. The results are only the phisych preparation without any understanding concept to cause the chaos in implemented program. The implementation doesn’t concord the framework of the program which raises in-efficiency and the cost increasing. Keyword : Dual Mode System, Interactive Analyze, Framework, in-efficiency
TEORI MUTASYÀBIH MAŠÀNÌ (Tawaran Teori Baru dalam Studi Al-Qur’an) Abdurrahman S.HI.,M.Pd
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2013)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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TEORI MUTASYÀBIH MAŠÀNÌ (Tawaran Teori Baru dalam Studi Al-Qur’an) Oleh: Abdurrahman, S.H.I., M.Pd. Dosen STAI Al-Qolam Gondanglegi Malang Email:   Astract God proclaims the Quran as a holy book with a mutasyàbih and masani character. According to the common transliteration, referred to a book that uses repetition system (mašànì), with editorial and content similarity, so there is no contradiction in it (mutasyàbih).The two charactersbecomes a powerful system in all parts of the Qur'an,aspecially when correlated with the concept of "the holding part" attached to seven paragraph (sab’an min al-mašànì) called al-fàtihah, and when any interpretation of the mutasyabih must be returned in the muhkam. This brings authors on the assumption that the character mutasyàbihmašànì is a model of Qur’anic representation that if traced with an inductive approach will discover a new concept, or even a new theory which can be compared with other major theories in Qur’anic Studies. And the authors offer al-fàtihah as early foothold inductive search project to build such new theory. Keywords: Mutasyàbih Mašànì, Sab’an min al-Mašànì, New Theory, Qur’anic Studies
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (10-2013)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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PENERAPAN BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN DAN KINERJA KARYAWAN OUTSOURCING DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM   Oleh: Dwi Sulistiani Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Email:   Abstract: Widespread use of outsourced staff lately has many implications for the operations of the company. On the one hand, utilization of outsourcing makes companies more focused on its core business in order to improve efficiency. On the other hand, companies are faced with the fact that outsourced employees tend to have performance and loyalty are lower than permanent employees of the company itself. One of the factors that affect the performance and employee loyalty is their understanding of corporate culture and how they apply in their daily work. Outsourced employees often have greater difficulty to understand the culture in the company in which he is placed compared with permanent employees of the company sendiri.Kemudian how Islamic law view about it? The paper is literature review aims to determine the effect of the use of force against the application outsourcing company culture and employee performance. Based on various sources of reading, it can be concluded that there was indeed a lack of understanding of corporate culture trend by outsourcing employees so that their low performance and loyalty. But with the support of management and employees remain on the company where it is placed, undoubtedly outsourced employees can adapt and understand the corporate culture so well that the performance and loyalty increased.. Keyterm : Outsourcing, Corporate Culture, Performance, Perspective of Islamic Law

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