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Menyongsong Lahirnya Kompetensi Multikultural Anwar, Ahmad Khoirul; Toekio, Soegeng
KEMADHA Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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World Arts  is an  inherent part of human  life and  the  land  to work out any sense would think in the form of objects. Visual arts emerged as an important part  in  the  scope of material culture and continue  to grow  in  line with  the dynamics  people. Therefore much  art  work  produced  by  artists which capable of pouring creativity through various media and occurred in various areas,including  in  Indonesia.When  we  try  to  listen  to  cultural  wealth  of nations, both verbal and non verbal, either primary or secular , would look so rich source garapnya. In these cultural treasures, the source of work posted very pour , very diverse, even comes with a power generating common outside. There are charm and unique taste it bears, including the diversity of form is loaded with symbolism and value adhi. From several sources mentioned that the aspect of literacy work of art  it  is possible  to maturation media-character or moral reason which was rejected on the mores (ie, on the basis of norms of behavior habits, customs).Since  the socio-political atmosphere culminated  into a situation  that brings an update on various aspects of life, the existence of art seem slightly delayed echo nya.Dua  three decades before  the millennium,  the existence of  the art of singing was enough to inspire a lot of the hype. State-laden islands local culture, was rushed to reinvent its image in the middle of a worldwide cultural upheaval. This does not mean that whats been growing and developing is a deviation from the existing cultural roots. Many observers have even glanced at the art of cultural behaviors that tend to compromise on the aspirations of the people who heterogin and dynamics of  the  times.Similarly,  brief  exposure  can  I  convey  on  this  occasion,  and  as  a reflection of all that appears also in the works of artists on display and deliver meaningful messages for you in coverage mengapresiasikannya as the impact the  results of  the artist  / artists.
KEMADHA Vol 3, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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Today, the term often heard of Visual Communication Design , in our daily lives. Actually, Visual Communication Design is the development of advertising art and graphic design. Visual Communication Design is a sense of visual design  language of  the disclosure of  ideas or messages conveyed  through  visual  forms  to  the  recipient  (target  audience). Among  them  is  a  form  of  visual  images,  symbols,  symbol,  color, illustration and art of writing (typography). The process of delivering visual messages will  be  delivered  to  audience with  communicative, creative,  innovative, effective, and efficient  through various  forms of media  for  specific purposes.
KEMADHA Vol 3, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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Culture and art  is always  interesting  to be discussed especially  in this era of globalization . Culture itself is the essence of the life of the nation . One example is the Balinese culture is predominantly Hindu teachings are rooted in the Hindu religion . Balinese culture also has a clear identity that is expressive culture which includes the basic values ??of  the dominant  . Bali  is  the appeal of  the unique culture and populist. Various kinds of diversity  together  in creativity,  taste and  intention. Every  religion  has  a  feast  day  each,  one  of which  is  the  feast  day ceremonies of Hindus in Bali is Galungan . Galungan is the victory of Dharma  (  goodness  )  against  adharma  (evil  ).  Implementation  of Galungan  tinged with a series of unique and distinct  in  this  feast enliven like Penjor  in pairs  in  front of each house  ,  the offerings are set high and in " sunggi " at the top of the head , and there is a uniqueness that is nearly  run  over  by  the  progress  of  time  ,  ie  Bangkung  barong  . Pementasa barong bangkung are  for  starting  reinforcements  .Now this implementation barong bangkung staging seems more and more  rare  ,  especially  in  urban  areas  . Many  factors  influence greatly  to  the deterioration of  this  tradition, i.e  is  the number of incoming  foreign  cultures  and  increasing  population  ,  especially immigrants of different races and ethnicities to bring each culture to remain able  to maintain  this  tradition  into  the  future  .
Aura Budaya dalam Polykria Junaidi, Alip Supar; Toekio, Soegeng
KEMADHA Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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When the mass emotions appear to be part of the social dynamics are very different  in scale, appear various opinions. There  is a kind of pressure and sudden action, when life disturbed by the policies and the ease with which it is not  considered  correlative.  Problems  and  action  seemed  to  come simultaneously into clumps in the act. Among the many problems that must be faced, whether  they are positive or negative, seems  to never go completely dibincangkan.While men have always regarded as a maker-made; initiators, actors, even users of natural resources  is very greedy; often get attitude pros and cons. Another  phenomenon;  form  reclamasi  action,  such  reforestation  or conservation plan burst like the scale of urgency. This side was the tendency of trace some aspects that characterized the presence of a work of art that cares for  the  environment.  A  moment  comes  which  depart  from  the  vigorous performance of environmental  information and  scroll  to  the art.One might define good and evil, right and wrong or something more leads  to ambivalent. Ambiguous condition was apparently also  implied  the treasures  of  art,  where  the  conventional  structure  is  confronted  with  a moderate  reform. Artistic  treasures are  faced with  two options open areas. Thats all fine. However the choice should remain grounded in the wisdom that leads  to  the  front and opened  the optimism  in entering  the global competition.
Polykria Milik Kita Toekio, Soegeng
KEMADHA Vol 3, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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An exhibition is basically a work culture that implements a combination of creative and proficiency. The rate of development is determined by the offender, seeker, and the atmosphere of the times. When the cultural dynamics at the  center of civilization, including what came to pass that mark the interaction dynamics of the movement known as hyperexogenous. The diversity of systems and the growing competition is very influential on cultural actors. Like a vortex of endless, global culture must be faced with an optimistic attitude. But beside that, there is negligence on the toughness of their own culture. In this fast-paced atmosphere of a gap there was a group of young people who dared to display works with the image of different traditions. Serving them is the answer to the advantage of local cultural (ethnic culture). Academic base that is grounded in local culture is essential for the existence of cultural capital of the  nation. This exposure is  only a fraction  of the phenomenon of cultural work. Hopefully their enthusiasm will motivate other young people
Gema Kriya di Tengah Jagad Budaya Sugiharjanto, Asto Adi; Toekio, Soegeng
KEMADHA Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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Indonesia as an archipelagic country as well as a maritime nation that is rich  in  customs  and  lush  islands  in  bantangan  equator .  The  country  also recognize  the  diversity  in  cultures  and  ethnic  groups  scattered.  Indigenous culture that was born of the tribes in many cases the common feature would also imaging,  including a wealth of material culture  is very diverse. When  the concept of blown art  complements  the  realm of  science and  technology, his position became increasingly taken into account. Many efforts and tips to find novelty in the  concept  and  engineering  of  this  material.  One  phenomenon  which  is currently  less preached,  is  the existence kekriaan as one kind of  Indonesian art In  the  atmosphere  created  by  dualism mainstream  of  the  developing nations, will require many wise minds to be able to form a renewal without any cultural conflict. Negative picture of the atmosphere that can only be a source of catastrophe for the existence of cultural assets that no longer have a place to exist. However , it does not mean that the old habits that rests on peradatan was then  terluluhkan.  Actually  there  are  superior  power  of  indigenous  culture (ethnicity) and has a strong desire to keep strong in the midst of a global culture. Excellence  that  has  been  proven  true  history  has  shown  its  reputation  and acknowledged able to appear in the middle of chess world. Some of them would not even be something that is familiar , such as: batik, wayang, gamelan, keris / tosanaji, weaving, plaiting, grabah, and other kria products  that use natural ingredients.Similarly, wide opportunities to enter the constellation of global culture, but it is very unfortunate that the impact of multi-cultural arena that makes the attitude of complacent. Theres homework to explore the local idioms become a source  of  knowledge  that  was  valid  and  the  accelerated  nature  of  arena global.Dari rich repertoire of such kekriaan  it  is possible  to  tampil. Beside that, the sources of art in the barn and spread culture, still only in conditions hardly budge.Exposure is inclined to open a portion of the map kekriaan which allows to be explored to further packed into bertara information science. Like a pearl that  has  not  been  honed,  the  sources  kekriaan  will  put  the  validity  of  the archipelago  when  art  idiom  be  appointed  as  part  of  the  taxonomy  of  art.
KEMADHA Vol 3, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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n the postmodern era and the economic, political , social and cultural erratic  in  Indonesia  today  , present  the medium of  television  led  to a new phenomenon  in  the  world  of  audio  visual  advertising  .  Cigarette advertising LA LIGHT version of " Do not Quit " which brings various questions  .  Serving  ads  presented  ,  does  not  show  any  relationship between  the messages being delivered  to  the marketed product  .Display advertising LA LIGHT version of " Do not Quit" , in this paper cigarette advertising LA LIGHT version of " Do not Quit" , examined the postmodern linguistic approach , namely semiotic theory , a theory derived  from  the  language  theory.  Between  signifier  (  form  )  and signified ( meaning ) in the display advertising LA LIGHT version of " Do  not Quit  "  it  seems  there  is  no  ideological  and well-established relationship , but it appears that perceptions in packing quite ironic in its entirety  . Serving advertisements LA LIGHT version of " Do not Quit " also seems to combine aspects of life that evolved in that time , so the text  , the language  , both audio and visual ( are works of post - modern ) not only produce a single meaning , but a multidimensional space in which it is mixed diffuse , interact , and contrary to various problems . These ads indicate the use of the postmodern aesthetic language that is visual  semiotics  linguistics and  semiotics  .
Restruksi* Estetika dalam Wujud Kosakarya Seni Toekio, Soegeng
KEMADHA Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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When people looked at clouds of dark clouds, people will assume that the rain will soon arrive; cloudy become markers hujan. Like markers that deliver meaning and we agree on the truth. In the scope of visual arts, certainly  not  that  simple  to  get  the  meaning  of  a  perupaan.  Various backgrounds on the following concepts of media used to be a differentiator . Kekaryaan or even the perpetrators are often targeted for a review and make conversation material. There was dialogue about  the work & perupanya, about the work and its economic impact, and so on. Unfortunately, however , is there any dialogue  to dissect  karyarupa  tradition  for  entries art of  science? Yes maybe one or  two of  limited community can only be done, but  the portion  that  is oriented  towards more macro may need  to be our concern.In  the atmosphere created by dualism mainstream of  the developing nations, will require many wise minds to be able to form a renewal without any cultural conflict. Negative picture of the atmosphere that can only be a source of catastrophe  for  the existence of cultural assets  that no  longer have a place  to exist. However ,  it does not mean  that  the old habits  that rests on peradatan was then  terluluhkan. Actually  there  are  superior  power  of  indigenous  culture (ethnicity) and has a  strong desire  to  keep  strong  in  the midst of a global culture. Excellence that has been proven true history has shown its reputation and acknowledged able to appear in the middle of chess world. Some are even no longer something that is familiar , such as: woven, batik, wayang, gamelan, keris  /  tosanaji,  weaving,  grabah,  and  other  kria  products  using  natural ingredients.Exposure will be delivered  is actually  trying  to  look  fragments of artistic assets are spread widely  in  the country  ini.Saya believe  there are enough young researchers who explored  it and make a  review about  it. However , what  is produced is still not supported by preaching and caring for the other party can strengthen  its contribution  to  the  science of our art.
KEMADHA Vol 3, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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When mentioning Photography  , people will always be attached to  the  name  Derwis  Triadi  .  Andreas  Triadi  Derwis  is  an  icon  of photography in Indonesia . World Photography in Indonesia, we also know  some  professional  photographers  who  dominate  the  field  of commercial and artistic photography Jhonny Hendarta one of them is living in Jogjakarta . They can both draw on the ideas in his mind and forth  in his works  .         The main characteristic picture of the woman who successfully lies in precisely understanding the character , and given light precisely on the photo . Inspiration is key to shooting photography , inspiration distinguishes a work with  the work of others  . Proper shadows will make a photograph has a strong character . Both works show the character on  each  model  ,  the  similarity  between  the  chemistry  and  mood photographer  to  produce  images  with  the  model  properly  .  It  is interesting to Jhonny work that he managed to combine the techniques of photography  , art elements , and elements of the local Indonesian completely on his work  , while  the work of gathering  light Derwis  , artist and model poses on camera  shots  .
Polykria Milik Kita Toekio, Soegeng
KEMADHA Vol 3, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : KEMADHA

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An exhibition  is basically a work culture  that  implements a combination of  creative  and  proficiency.  The  rate  of  development  is  determined  by  the offender , seeker , and the atmosphere of the times. When the cultural dynamics at  the  center  of  civilization,  including  what  came  to  pass  that  mark  the interaction dynamics of  the movement known as hyperexogenous. The diversity of systems and the growing competition is very influential on cultural actors. Like  a  vortex  of  endless,  global  culture must  be  faced  with  an  optimistic attitude. But beside  that,  there  is negligence on  the  toughness of  their own culture. In  this  fast-paced atmosphere of a gap  there was a group of young people who  dared  to  display works with  the  image  of  different  traditions. Serving them is the answer to the advantage of local cultural (ethnic culture). Academic base that is grounded in local culture is essential for the existence of cultural  capital  of  the  nation.  This  exposure  is  only  a  fraction  of  the phenomenon of cultural work. Hopefully their enthusiasm will motivate other young people.

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