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CommIT (Communication & Information Technology)
ISSN : 19792484     EISSN : 24607010     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
Journal of Communication and Information Technology (CommIT) focuses on various issues spanning: software engineering, mobile technology and applications, robotics, database system, information engineering, artificial intelligent, interactive multimedia, computer networking, information system audit, accounting information system, information technology investment, information system development methodology, strategic information system (business intelligence, decision support system, executive information system, enterprise system, knowledge management), e-learning, and e-business (e-health, e-commerce, e-supply chain management, e-customer relationship management, e-marketing, and e-government). The journal is published in affiliation with Research Directorate, Bina Nusantara University in online and free access mode.
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CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.505


Technology advances offer many advantages for information and data storage, delivery, access and processing. Technology advances have also placed information as one of the most prominent resources requiring good and proper management. Information technology management in enterprise, although has been implemented, yet has not been managed using structured approach, thus, it is difficult to measure the roles of Information Technology in supporting business process for achieving enterprise objectives. In that way, the aim of this research is to analyze standard model for IT Governance. From the study, it can be concluded that COBIT has a better compromise in its horizontal and vertical dimension compared to the other standards. COBIT has a wider and more detailed IT process spectrum.Keywords: IT Governance, enterprise, business process
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.506


Until recently, Body Mass Index (BMI) has been used as a method for measuring the nutrient state of an individual. Two people having the same weight and height may have different nutrient states. Whenever this occurs, the use of BMI for measuring the nutrient state shall be deemed irrelevant. The anthropometry will be vital in measuring the nutrient state. On the contrary, as the development of IT progresses, so does the improvement of numerical computation. One of the computational algorithms that have been improving is probabilistic reasoning with Naive Bayesian Classification (NBC) as its method. This algorithm is intended to data classification. In this research, the NBC algorithm will be applied for measuring the human nutrient status by using anthropometry data as input system. The result of this research shows that NBC can solve this problem adequately. Research results shows total performance of this system as 93.2%.Keywords: classification, Naive Bayesian Classification (NBC), nutrition
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.507


Hospitals have always manage their supplies used during their operational activities. However, hospitals still have difficulties in raising performance of supply management to optimum standards. This occurs because hospitals still implement a manual supply recording system therefore causing supply information needed to analyse supply management to be inaccurate, time consuming, and thus bigger costs.The purpose of this study is to conduct analysis of the the current hospital inventory system and design an inventory information system. Methods used are bibliography study, analysis method and design method. Analysis method is used to formulate the hospital’s problems. Design method is used to design a new system to solve the said problems in the hospital. The aims to be achieved are reports corresponding with inventory management and medicine transaction and interface that can be used to manage the inventory and medicine transaction. Conclusion is that the new system is expected to facilitate the related party in managing inventory and medicine transaction, and also producing accurate reports.Keywords: design, inventory, pharmacy, hospital information systems
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.508


In the globalization era, information technology (IT) plays an important role in the daily corporate operation. However, there are some risks in the IT implementation. To minimize these risks, a corporate should have an IT risk management. The objective of this research is to measure IT asset risks in Indonesia banking sector. The focus of this research is the IT risks, control, and risk mitigation. The research data is processed by Risk Register Table, based on Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI). The measurement shows the risks trend rate is not too high. However, there is a need to minimize the risks. To minimize the risks, the measurement results could be used. The minimization of IT risks could improve the bank services to its users.Keywords: risk measurement, IT asset risk, Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI)
PERANCANGAN E-SCM PADA PT SUPERPOLY INDUSTRY Rudy Rudy; Jackson Jackson; Christina Desi; Ishak Eko Hadi T
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.509


Manufacturing companies always strives to improve performance, namely in production of goods in time, management of material supply to prevent out of stock by exchanging information with suppliers, and on time delivery of goods to distributors to meet customer satisfaction on manufactured products. The purpose of this study is to analyse the supply chain management and to design the electronic supply chain management (e-SCM) on Superpoly Industry Company so it able to give accurate and reliable information also support the better supply chain acitivity for the company. The used research methods are preliminary steps (energize the organization, enterprise vision, supply chain value assessment, opportunity identification, and strategy decision) for the analysis and for the design consist of supply chain management strategic, customer and service management, manufacturing and supply chain planning, supplier relationship management, logistics resource management, and architecting. The conclusion is the e-SCM application will make it easier for the distributor to order merchandise from the company because information channel is open, which is website and information flow between supplier, company, and distribution is getting better.Keywords: supply chain management, electronic supply chain management, company
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.510


The Human Resources Division of a company is a vital division. Most of the time, they perform their work manually, and therefore creating limitations to their capacity. The knowledge contained is very important for human resources development and subsequently for developing the company. In order to manage this knowledge well, the company shall require a knowledge management system. This knowledge management system would be a solution to be used for the company to manage all knowledge contained in that particular division. Phases in designing knowledge managements starts from analyzing knowledge sources of the company, knowledge identification and definition, and determining knowledge goals. Knowledge management systems contain many functions such as collecting, recording and managing the knowledge and sharing this to all related employees easily. The company may also use knowledge management systems to share and inform employees regarding updates of information, news and/or activity regarding the employees themselves. Information from knowledge management systems may also be used by employees to monitor their performance and thereby increasing it. Knowledge management systems may also help employees in their learning activities.Keywords: knowledge management, human resources, employee
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.511


In the imaging process, computer technology has a big role in reconstruction. This paper describes imaging the fluid flow imaging in three medium using ultrasonic tomography for reconstructing the cross sectional image. The image based on wave velocity in each medium and the time of flight are obtained from the measurements using transducer that placed around the pipe. Data collection is constructed into parallel form, then with the use of filtered back projection algorithm an image can be reconstructed. The resolution of image is limited by the number of data of each projection in order to obtain high accuracy of resolution. To increase image resolution, data is interpolated using computer with Matlab.Keywords: image reconstruction, three medium, ultrasonic tomography, filtered back projection
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.512


The aim of integrating the information system for Community Health Center is to create an integrated information system for managing all data processing between different community health centers, namely district community health centers with village community health centers. Methods used in integrating community health center information system are Identifying Information Requirements, Identifying System Requirements, Modification of Information System Application Design (integrated), Modification of Information System Application, Application Test, Refining Application, employee training, and the last is implementation of integrated community health center information system. The result of this research is development of integrated community health center information system which in the past is only integrated in the same location, and now integrates between community health centers in different locations. The steps are development of database from local database into distributed and central database; development of admission transaction, clinic data, and pharmacy data modules which makes it possible for synchronization of patient data between distributed database with the central database. Therefore, patient data is still stored in both databases.Keywords: integration, information system, community health center
EVALUASI SISTEM INFORMASI PERSEDIAAN PADA PT SUMBER MANDIRI Suryanto Suryanto; Sanyoto Gondodiyoto; Ristianto Ristianto; Herny Herny; Devi Nathalia
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.513


Inventory is a resource that is stored for the production process or for the sale of a business process. The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze current procedures and business in the information system implemented in the company’s inventory, measure the effectiveness and efficiency of inventory control information system that is applied, knowing the strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of information systems inventory by the company, so it can provide recommendations and suggestions for improving the existing weaknesses. The method used in preparing this paper the writer is literature study, observation, interviewing relevant parties, check list, application testing, and documentation study. Observations collected will be analyzed, evaluated and compared with the theory of internal control. Based on the results of evaluation writers, inventory information system procedures performed PT Sumber Mandiri was good enough, although there are still some weaknesses. In this case the company should fix these weaknesses to improve operations and performance.Keywords: evaluation, information systems inventory, general control, application control
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): CommIT Journal
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/commit.v3i1.514


Use of applications to assist business processes to be completed faster, saat have been very widely adopted by companies so that good performance yang applications and meet the needs of users will be very important. The purpose of this research is to find the application user expectations Intersystem Business Solution (IBS) in PT Citajaya Infinite System and find out how the performance of these applications after implemented so that will be generated an output, which form the level of satisfaction from the use of applications by managers and employees at the company. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Manual methods used in data processing, Microsoft Excel 2003, and SPSS version 13.0. While the analysis method using gap analysis to determine the scale and range of satisfaction levels. So, one conclusion that can be drawn from this study is the performance of this application is sufficient to meet user expectations.Keywords: level of satisfaction, users, IBS applicationABSTRAKPenggunaan aplikasi untuk membantu proses bisnis agar menjadi lebih cepat diselesaikan, saat ini sudah sangat banyak diterapkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan sehingga kinerja aplikasi yang baik dan memenuhi kebutuhan dari pengguna akan sangat penting sekali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari harapan pengguna aplikasi Intersystem Business Solution (IBS) pada PT Citajaya Infinite System dan mengetahui bagaimana kinerja aplikasi ini setelah diimplementasikan sehingga akan dihasilkan sebuah output, yang berupa tingkat kepuasan dari penggunaan aplikasi oleh para manajer dan karyawan di perusahaan tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Metode pengolahan datanya menggunakan manual, Microsoft Excel 2003, dan SPSS versi 13.0. Sedangkan metode analisisnya menggunakan gap analysis dan rentang skala untuk menentukan tingkat kepuasan. Jadi, salah satu simpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah kinerja aplikasi ini sudah cukup memenuhi harapan pengguna.Kata kunci: tingkat kepuasan, pengguna, aplikasi IBSPENDAHULUANPersaingan dalam dunia bisnis saat ini sangat cepat dan tinggi sekali. Perusahaan harus dapat memproses setiap data menjadi informasi yang akurat secara cepat. Hal ini berhubungan dengan pengambilan keputusan untuk mendukung strategi bersaing perusahaan. Untuk mengolah data yang demikian banyaknya dari hasil kegiatan harian perusahaan menjadi informasi yang tepat dan secara cepat, tentulah bukan merupakan pekerjaan mudah. Oleh karena itu, saat ini banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan sebuah aplikasi. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu pekerjaan user (pengguna aplikasi) dalam mengolah data menjadi informasi yang berharga bagi jajaran manajemen maupun non-manajemen.Demikian pula pada perusahaan integrasi sistem dan penjualan perangkat keras komputer pada perusahaan. Pada awalnya, penggunaan komputer untuk membantu proses bisnis di perusahaan memakai Microsoft Office Excel sebagai alat bantu pengolah data transaksi mereka. Akan tetapi, dengan perkembangan perusahaan yang semakin besar dan kebutuhan pengolahan data yang semakin kompleks dan banyak, maka perusahaan ini memutuskan untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi yang cocok untuk mendukung proses kerja mereka. Intersystem Business Solution (IBS), demikian nama aplikasi yang mereka beli dari sebuah perusahaan pembuat software.Ruang lingkup penelitian ini dibatasi pada aplikasi IBS yang digunakan oleh divisi pembelian dan persediaan, penjualan, dan keuangan, lingkungan penelitian dilakukan pada perusahaan, yaitu di kantor Jln. Arjuna Utara No. 9I, Jakarta Barat.Menurut Kotler (2003: 61), “satisfaction is person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations”. Yang artinya bahwa kepuasan adalah perasaan orang akan kesenangan atau kekecewaan yang disebabkan membandingkan hasil kinerja sebuah produk dengan harapannya.O’Brien (2005: 11) menyatakan “end users are people who use an information system or the information it produces”. Yang artinya bahwa pengguna akhir adalah orang yang menggunakan sistem informasi atau informasi yang dihasilkan oleh sistem. Sedangkan Remenyi, Money, dan Sherwood-Smith (2004: 153), dalam bukunya mengemukakan bahwa “user satisfaction is generally considered to result from a comparison of user expectations (or needs) of the IS with the perceived performance (or capability) of the IS on a number of different facts of the IS. This is considered to be

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