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Peranan Humas Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Komunikasi Vertikal Di Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Riau Monica Mutiara Tinambunan
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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The forestry official in Riau Province is a government instance that does the government official's house in forestry. One of the phenomenon that we can see in this official that connected to vertical communication is the less of that vertical communication between the leader and the subordinates and the contrary. The purpose of this observation is : 1.To know how is the role of public relations in increasing the quality of vertical communication in this forestry official. 2. To know the support factor of the Public Relations succeded in increasing the quality of vertical communication in this forestry official. 3.To know the barrier factor of Public Relations in increasing the quality of vertical communication in this forestry official. This observation uses a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach that give an emphasized to the way of looked, valuation or the emotion of an informan that I search as a data. The source of data consists of the primary data that directly found from the Public Relations and the employer of the forestry official in Riau Province. The result of this observation shows that : 1. The role of the PR is less than how it has to be in increasing the quality of vertical communication. 2.The support factor to make the Public Relations succeded the quality of vertical communication at the forestry official in Riau Province is the desire of Public Relations to study the Public Relations by themselves. 3. the barrier of Public Relations in increasing the quality of vertical communication at forestry official in Riau Province is the Public Relations is just focusing themselves at the general activity of Public Relations. Especially the external activity like documentation and publication. Otherwise, they left the internal activity.
Strategi Komunikasi Dalam Penggalangan Dana Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat "Kemitraan" Adi Damae Prasetya
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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This research aimed to identify (1) How the partnership implementing communications activities? (2) Assessing the marketing strategies used by the institutions in proposed program funds. (3) indentify stages of communication strategies and types of activities in fund raising (4) Evaluation of Communication Strategies used by the Kemitraan.Interviews, observation and data collection used as methods to analyse descriptively of the situation in Kemitraan. The results showed that the Kemitraan has potential experiences, staffs, administration, programs and access to gain trust from the donor. In the other side, the communication strategies used can be improved in the future to assure the availability of funds for this institution. Experiences and strategies used by Kemitraan can be as an example and comparison to other NGOs who are interested to study in fundraising and communication strategy.
Komunikasi Pemasaran CV Laktatridia Dalam Memasarkan Susu Kambing (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Pemasaran dalam Mengenalkan dan Meningkatkan Penjualan Susu Kambing di CV Laktatridia Ciwidey, Bandung) Iis Saidah
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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This research uses case study metode wich would give such as comprehensive description of all marketing communication of the CV Laktatridia, complete with its implementation and problems that they are facing in doing the marketing of the goats milk.The research decides that the main target objective of the marketing Laktatridia product which is developed under the name "ETTA" is the people who understands, care, and middle up class. Laktatridia sells the goat milk using oral and write communication, through advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and trade expo. The media uses by CV Laktatridia are face to face communication, telephone, brochure, banner, website, and expo which information about goat milk brand, name and address of the company, and the quality of the product. Laktatridia develops fresh goat milk in cup with original taste.The marketing communication division "ETTA" goat milk has a lots of barrier such as they didn't have marketing professional employee and less general employee, Gaot milk is less familiar on the public, and less awareness of the public about the benefit of milk. The model of marketing communication which is developed by Laktatridia has six steps communication processes; they are evaluate the objective, stake message communication content, selecting the right channel, generate credidble sources,  and eliminating the flaws design.The conclusion of the research decides marketing communication which is developed by Laktatridia less effective, need to optimalization and new innovation in doing marketing communication to more effective in the future.The suggestions of the research are Laktatridia need to access information of goat milk more large reach, recruit professional employee, compromy with supermarket or distributor, strive for stable organization structure and doing development product with innovatif method so it will be easy in marketing and increase of audience interest to goat milk.
Pewarisan Budaya Organisasi Dalam Konteks Komunikasi Organisasi (Studi Kasus Pewarisan Budaya Organisasi di Ma'soem Group Bandung) Agustin Rozalena
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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This research aim to knowing the pattern of the inheritance of the organization culture Ma'soem Group, especially in PT Ma'soem that manag the product Pertamina, and Yayasan Pendidikan Al Ma'soem, that is involve in formal education. This research method is qualitative with the case study plan. The field data is receiv from the informant, technically the data collection that is us that is the interview, observation, as well as the analysis of the document of non participation.Results of field work show that (1) the orientation and the manifestation from spiritual values and philosophy Sundanism in the organization culture Ma'soem Group is clarify  in the point of view and the mission, business strategy, structure and work procedure, system and the rule, the name, the form, and the symbol, the anecdote, the creed, and organization jargon, as well as ritual.(2) Ma'soem Group had the typical organization culture, strong, and be proud of. In this case, the values of the culture that is invest by the leader can increase the will, loyalty, and pride as well as more far creat the effectiveness of the work. The orientation of the values that are apply this including the value of the achievement that honesty, discipline, and the characteristics is believed. (3) The involvement of the leader is very big is cause by the hero factor that is strong from the founder and the first generation of the founding continuer of the organization. (4) Through the pattern of vertical communication with the communication channel in the spreading of the centipede through the story, ritual, and the rule is not written and written show that the organization Ma'soem Group is the organization that is open with input, criticism, new ideas, as well as the spirit in developing the similarity of the perception work as religious duties.(5) The inheritance of the organization culture Ma'soem Group is begun from the founder and the leader is dropp off to the managements ranks and the manager through the communication channel interpersonal, the group, and the public. Both formal and informal media.
Kegiatan Sosialisasi Telkom Solution Business Partner (TSBP) Dalam Meningkatkan Sikap Karyawan Menangani Kasus Pelanggan Telkom Solution Dian Dwiyane
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. is the largest company engaged in communications services, to full fill the needs of telecommunications in a growing business world. PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (Telkom) launched "TELKOM Solution", an InfoCom service which is integrated with the main target corporate market (high-end market). "TELKOM Solution" concerned the quality aspects and highlight the benefits also value to the business world. This research, examine socialization activities taken by the management of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. about "TELKOM Solution". The socialization gives information about the services offered by "TELKOM Solution". The socialization of "TELKOM Solution" is being concept in a message or subject matter given by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, tbk. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, tbk. gives message about the system of "TELKOM Solution" service , the goal is to avoid the acknowledge about the excellence and function of "TELKOM Solution" service.
Pola Komunikasi Pemasaran Politik Bupati Purwakarta Periode 2008-2013 Studi Fenomenologi Kegiatan "Gempungan" di Kabupaten Purwakarta . Rohendi
KOM & REALITAS SOSIAL Vol 2, No 2 (2011): April

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Political communication built in elections and local elections in Indonesia so far, is mostly done through a model campaign dominated by the use of campaign techniques that figured konvensional. Euphoria campaign, brings the crowds, took to the road, a convoy of vehicles, install the flag, to sing and dance. Form of campaigns such as this in addition to providing space of anarchism and clashes between supporters also bias kontenstan accountability in the vision and mission after they were elected.Along with the change in the way this nations democracy, voters think the paradigm is slowly shifting from the Political Party Centre to the Voter Centre. Political ideology that first become a bargaining power for the voters, is now shifted to the fulfillment of wants and needs of voters. The consequence of this is political marketing strategy should place more emphasis on market tastes of voters rather than party ideology or the contestants themselves.Purwakarta Regent phenomenon is still rarely get from a politician who used its power to construct society as well as build his political image. As if to difficult to disentangle whether conducted by the Regent was a building campaign or political campaign. For the people of Sunda principle "karaos nembe kahartos" (feels just understand) enough to convince that the Regent Purwakarta is a leader who still necessary both present and future.The purpose of this study was to explore how the construction of political communication does and how the patterns of political marketing communications are built?. Theoretical perspective in this research study attempts to explain what was done with the activities Gempungan's Purwakarta Regent. Phenomenological approach construction be done in order to explore the communication in the event that subsequent researchers unravel the construction in order to find the patterns of political marketing communications in it.

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