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Reformasi Struktur Pemerintahan Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 Azima Dimyati
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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In regional autonomy laws, the government handed over the authority to the provincial government, district and city that include more space for functions and activities transferred to the local government including government administration sectors. Regional autonomy is the right, authority, and obligation of local autonomy to regulate and manage its interest’s society except the foreign affairs politic, defense, security, justice, monetary, national fiscal and religion.Decentralization will increase the ability of local government to pay attention to the right and their community, the best way out, and also to improve the acceleration of social and economy development areas. Decentralization is conducted together with the deconcentration and assisting tasks, to enhance the creativity of local government apparatus that are actively doing the planning, implementation, and supervision of all government activities including the development.The district government and the city become an appropriate level where the devolution of power and resources will be handed over according to government functions  and activities over a wider area. They do the next five years development, following with the identification of influenced factors including the various issues and conduct the policy steps that need to be implemented in a systematic and integrated way.Reformation of government structure at the provincial, district and city gives a wide power and responsible for managing their own area. Local government should really implements the functions, rights and obligations under the regional autonomy law. The community expect the leader grading from the provincial level, district, city, sub district and village, that they must have the ability of honest, competent, responsible, moral integrity, and able to sacrifice for the benefit of society. The desire of society to achieve their future goal that is the prosperous society, expects the provincial government leaders to the existing village leaders are not doing things that deviate from practice to meet the interests of individual, group, and political party. As it is known that corruption, collusion and nepotism are increasingly and becoming unmanageable in the level of bureaucracy.
Strategi Pengembangan Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Kaitannya Dengan Profil Dosen Yang Produktif Tita Meirina Djuwita
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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A professional lecturer is the one who determine what is good for students based on professional considerations. The high and low quality of academic education in higher education is depending on the degree of professionals owned by the lecturer. The existence of this thing has caused many education institutions to race each other to enhance the performance of lecturers and require them to maximum their potentials and skills in performing their duties. The efforts to develop the lecturer need to be put in a planned and sustained activity in order to fulfill the demand and the need of quality standard that has changed and developed from time to time. In an attempt to improve the performance of lecturers in universities, then it requires criteria or characteristics of lecturers that professional in performing their duty and finally can show themselves as the productive lecturer.
Teori Pembangunan Dunia Ketiga Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pembangunan Nasional Rahayu Sulistiowati
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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In which way world development theory of globalization influence towards national development strategy in Indonesia become principal topic here. Fact that at this world, there is no country genuinely autonomous, that mean there is no country which development perceivable only as reflection from what is going on outside the national limits, all countries mutual depend on each other. One clear dimension from that interdepende, brainstorming has physical, biological and ecological hit overall and limitedness. Conjunction with the problem above, so its follow three things that become series of the key issue, which are: (a) money current and investment pattern; (b) technology change and production internationalizing; (c) trade and international regime. From all of that third keys issue, for Indonesia in the effort of choose and carry out the develpment strategy must pay attention external factors besides internal factors. Mainstream that mus can be built in this situation and condition now days, is how to create and give birth to innovative thingking, strategic and application so that efficiency and effective the result.
Faktor-Faktor Penghambat Kinerja Birokrasi Publik Di Era Otonomi Daerah Herman Sismono
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Government bureaucracy is one of the main activator elements in local governance. As a local device, bureaucracy is organized to support the implementation of local government tasks. Therefore the local government bureaucracy should be designed in a proffesional manner in order to deliver the maximum performance. But, unfortunately this time, the local government bureacracy is regarded as the main source of the failure in local governance. It is not separated from the poor performance of the bureaucracy that makes many government programs can not be optimally achieved. Some of the factors inhibiting the performance of local government that reviewed in this paper are (1) Bureaucracy does not understand who it serves, (2) The emergence of friction or discord between the head of local government (as head of the top bureaucracy) with regional parliament (DPRD) as a representation of sound of people who must be served by the bureaucracy, (3) The organizational of local government bureaucracy that is very big in terms of quality, (4) The low quality of accountability and transparency in local government bureaucracy performance, (5) The high influence of political power of regional head to units of bureaucracy, (6) Low responsiveness and sensitivity of the bureaucracy towards the problems faced by local communities.
Masyarakat Sipil Dan Prospeknya Di Indonesia Ida Farida
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Civil society is a space that lies between the countries on one hand and society on the other hand. There is an association of people who are voluntary and a network of relationships between the associations in that space. The realization of sustainable human development is not only dependent on the country that can govern well and the private sector that can provide job and income, but also depends on civil society organization that facilitate social and political interaction and mobilize the various groups in society to engage in social activity, economy and politic. Indonesian society is a highly pluralistic society or particularly called as the society that has a very high level of social fragmentation whether it sourced on economic issues, social culture, ethnicity and also the political field. Those are the things that inhibit the growth and development of civil society or at least slow down its development.
Optimalisasi Peningkatan Kinerja Perangkat Daerah Dalam Perspektif Kualitas Sumber Daya Aparatur Iwan Satibi
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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The improvement of government apparatus performance is a non-negotiable compulsory. The urgency of this performance improvement can be understood in tine with the increasing demands for a service of government officials that has been assessed by many experts and the result is still disappointing. One of the strategic efforts that can be done is through improving the quality of personnel resources. Therefore, the extent to which the strengthening of the policy of increasing the quality of personnel resources can make a significant contribution towards the improvement of the performance of regional-unit organization.
Peranan Motivasi Pimpinan Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana Di Kota Bandarlampung . Asmaria
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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The implications of family planning goals are not only merely to reduce the number of births but also to improve the quality of the population, the quality of human resources and the health and social welfare that have been done through the setting of birth, maturation age of marriage and increasing the family endurance and welfare.Achieving those family planning goals are closely linked to the role of Family Planning Counselors (FPC). Family Planning Counselors help to provide the information and motivation, distribute contraceptives and perform data collection on families. Family Planning Counselors are also have been utilized by other sectors, particularly in Deviating poverty and network support community participation in family planning programs.Similarly, the heavy duty and responsibility of Family Planning Counselors would require the motivation to improve their performance, so the writer is interested to study this problem with the title of how is the role of motivation in improving the motivation of family planning counselors in Bandar Lampung city.In answering this problem the author uses the descriptive qualitative research method. Data were collected by library and field methods, such as observation field, depth interview, and documentation. The sources of information in this research are family planning counselors, other related and authorized party and PUS as the party that knows well about the family planning counselors. The interview results were analyzed to be drawn a conclusion. The results of the research showed that the performance of family planning counselors in Bandar Lampung city is determined by the motivation given in the form of additional incentives, clarity of career (promotion) and the provision of complete working equipment.
Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Penanganan Pedagang Kaki Di Kota Bandar Lampung (Studi di Pasar Bambukuning Bandarlampung) Sudarman Mersa
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Street vendors and the city are like two sides of the coin. The existence of that one will always be followed by another presence. However, the city government would always consider street vendors as a virus of development that must be eradicated. This is the dilemma faced by the existence of street vendors. However, there are some municipalities can collaborate with street vendors to build the city in accordance with the vision and mission as well as friendly to the environment. Bandar lampung city government also has a hope for street vendors to continue its activities, without disturbing the beauty and cleanliness of the city. Various policies have been issued by the government of Bandar Lompung city , however the appeared street vendors problems, so far, have not been solved propery.

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