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Reformasi Struktur Pemerintahan Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 Azima Dimyati
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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In regional autonomy laws, the government handed over the authority to the provincial government, district and city that include more space for functions and activities transferred to the local government including government administration sectors. Regional autonomy is the right, authority, and obligation of local autonomy to regulate and manage its interest’s society except the foreign affairs politic, defense, security, justice, monetary, national fiscal and religion.Decentralization will increase the ability of local government to pay attention to the right and their community, the best way out, and also to improve the acceleration of social and economy development areas. Decentralization is conducted together with the deconcentration and assisting tasks, to enhance the creativity of local government apparatus that are actively doing the planning, implementation, and supervision of all government activities including the development.The district government and the city become an appropriate level where the devolution of power and resources will be handed over according to government functions  and activities over a wider area. They do the next five years development, following with the identification of influenced factors including the various issues and conduct the policy steps that need to be implemented in a systematic and integrated way.Reformation of government structure at the provincial, district and city gives a wide power and responsible for managing their own area. Local government should really implements the functions, rights and obligations under the regional autonomy law. The community expect the leader grading from the provincial level, district, city, sub district and village, that they must have the ability of honest, competent, responsible, moral integrity, and able to sacrifice for the benefit of society. The desire of society to achieve their future goal that is the prosperous society, expects the provincial government leaders to the existing village leaders are not doing things that deviate from practice to meet the interests of individual, group, and political party. As it is known that corruption, collusion and nepotism are increasingly and becoming unmanageable in the level of bureaucracy.
Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Puskesman Mulyojati Kota Metro (The Quality of Health Care Services at Mulyojati Public Health Center in Metro City) I Wayan Lendra
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): September
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Health Care Service is one of the citizen’s basic needs that must be properly fulfilled by the state. It is stated in Indonesia Constitution dan Laws. Therefore, the state that represented by government  must give high public health qualities to the citizens. The Mulyojati Public Health Center (Puskesmas Mulyojati) Metro City has given the good quality in public health services to the customers, at least in 5 aspecs i.e: tangibility, competence, politeness, communication and service’s procedures. But, there are some things that should be improved by official i.e: the facilities, servant attitude both medic and paramedic and personal quantity. Generally, public health service at Mulyojati Health Center has fulfilled the minimum requirement of quality public service.
Maladministrasi Dan Ketidak-Berdayaan Andi Alfatih
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): September
Publisher : PUBLICA

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In developed country, the public order mostly has reached the satisfying level. Public administration guarantees whatever ordered by the government will be conducted well. There must be maladministration if it is not realized. Maladministration can be defined as the failure or inability to execute the administrative jobs mannerly, equally and professionally. There is a tendency of direct or indirect disadvantages in maladministration. The failure is caused by some aspects such as careless policy made, ambiguous objective, incorrect sanction, incompetency, incompatible job, organization conflict, mismanagement, overloaded work load, and unwise expense of money. Maladministration is the practice of executing the administrative jobs by breaking the set and settled regulations. There are some serious actions to be done by the government to reduce maladministration such as employee recruitment, law enforcement, strengthening the mission accomplishment, welfare improvement, etc. There must be a transformational leader to realize this, since he will able to empower others or his subordinators. Maladministration has caused the inability for many people, and it happens in many countries, places and institutions. Lets we avoid this kind of practice.
Penyampaian Pelayanan Publik (Public Service Delivery) Pada Daerah Otonom Baru Simon S. Hutagalung
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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This qualitative study revealed that the problem of education and health services in the Kabupaten Pesawaran consists of three issues, namely: (1) human resources, (2) Infrastructure and, (3) budget. Problems that occur within the scope of human resources consists of the problem of quantity, distribution and motivational educators and medical personnel to provide services. Factors that affect education and health services in the region covered by the two scope, namely: (1) The condition of a dilemma in the delivery of services agency performance, (2) The relationship between the stakeholders in the education and health service delivery. In addition there are also some aspects that could be a potential raw material for the development of alternative models of public service.
Rasionalisasi Kelayakan, Opini Serta Aspirasi Masyarakat Terhadap Skenario Pemekaran Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Maulana Mukhlis
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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At the time of evaluation and the Institute of Public Administration Ministry of Internal Affairs shows that most regions of the division in Indonesia does not reach the ideal goal, as expected, the Government of Central Lampung regency actually want to do the expansion. Appropriate alternative scenario, the largest district in Lampung province will be divided into three districts, namely Central Lampung (at this time), District Seputih Seputih West and East District. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rationalization of Central Lampung regency expansion scenarios and how they impact on the future expansion of Central Lampung (as a parent regions). Rationalization made to the fulfillment of eligibility as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 129 of 2000 as well as the opinions and aspirations of the people of Central Lampung to the expansion scenario. The results showed that the formal technical and administrative as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 129 of 2000, Central Lampung regency eligible to be expanded. On the other hand, the majority of people (81.5%) calls for expansion of Central Lampung regency as well as recommendations for immediate expansion scenario is immediately prepared and proposed to the central government. Although the proposal (the public) to bloom area should not always be taken with a policy of expansion, but the results of two feasibility of the above suggests that the rationality behind the proposed expansion of the public in Central Lampung regency has been fulfilled. Therefore, although the proposed expansion could be completed by a non-expansion policy, the public interest on behalf of rationality, choice of area in Central Lampung regency need to be encouraged and facilitated.
Strategi Pengembangan Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Kaitannya Dengan Profil Dosen Yang Produktif Tita Meirina Djuwita
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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A professional lecturer is the one who determine what is good for students based on professional considerations. The high and low quality of academic education in higher education is depending on the degree of professionals owned by the lecturer. The existence of this thing has caused many education institutions to race each other to enhance the performance of lecturers and require them to maximum their potentials and skills in performing their duties. The efforts to develop the lecturer need to be put in a planned and sustained activity in order to fulfill the demand and the need of quality standard that has changed and developed from time to time. In an attempt to improve the performance of lecturers in universities, then it requires criteria or characteristics of lecturers that professional in performing their duty and finally can show themselves as the productive lecturer.
Manajemen Mutu Perguruan Tinggi (Sebuah Konsep tentang Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta) Endah Christianingsih
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): September
Publisher : PUBLICA

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People considers the quality of private university graduate is not as good as the quality of state university. It might be true especially at the time where private university hasnt followed the process of selection system for the students candidate. Along with the time, the improvement of qualified students that will be accepted, the improvement of qualified lecturer, and the accreditation issue have selected the private university that has not fulfilled the required conditions and even better than state university (Directorate General of Higher Education, National Education Department). If it seen from the University Web Ranking, Universities in Indonesia by 2011, the private university has taken the sixth, eighth, eleventh, and twentieth rank, and the rest of them are dominated by the state university.What have been described above surely become the challenge for the private university. Therefore, the private university should more concern to the quality. The quality of higher education is comprehended as the combination of its product characteristics and customer need, especially students (primer customer) and work place (tarsier customer) (Tampubolon, 2001:74). For the reason of sustainability, it will be better if the private university takes this issue with the hard effort and willing to change and does the continuously improvement to reach the quality standard wanted by the stakeholders.
Pemanfaatan Ruang Kota Untuk Kegiatan Usaha Pedagang Kaki Lima ( Studi Terhadap Kegiatan Usaha PKL eks Pasar Bambu Kuning Kota Bandar Lampung ) . Aryanto; Eko Budi Sulistio
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 2 (2011): September
Publisher : PUBLICA

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PKL menjadi fenomena sosial yang terjadi dibelahan dunia manapun, termasuk di Kota BandarLampung. PKL diangap usaha informal yang mengangu ketertiban umum, kenyamanan dankeindahan kota karena menempati ruang-ruang public seperti trotoar, lahan parker, jalan raya, lorongpasar, Pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan penatan relokasi (pemindahan) paksa sehinga timbulkonflik terbuka antara PKL dan aparatur Pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung. Penelitan ini merupakanpenelitan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitan ini menunjukan bahwakeberadan PKL selalu menempati ruang-ruang pusat kota sebagai wilayah ramai yang paling seringterjadi nteraksi sosial sehinga keberadan mereka menimbulkan masalah sosial baru, penyelesaianmasalah PKL dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung mengunakan produk kebijakan yangtidak terkait secara langsung dengan PKL dengan cara kekerasan sehinga menimbulkan konflikbaru. Penelitan ini merekomendasikan ketatan bagi Pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung untukmengunakan produk kebijakan yang sesuai dalam menangani masalah PKL dan patuh terhadapkebijakan tata ruang wilayah perkotan dan bagi PKL untuk juga patuh dan melaksanakan kebijakanpenatan PKL, DPRD telah menyelesaikan produk kebijakan khusus tentang PKL, keberadankebijakan penatan PKL bermanfat bagi Pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung karena mempunyailegitmasi hokum dalam menindak PKL bermasalah dan bagi PKL ada pengakuan secara hokumkeberadan usaha informal PKL, selain itu keberadan kebijakan tata ruang wilayah Kota BandarLampung juga mengatur keberadan PKL dalam menjalankan usahanya di bagian-bagian wilayah Kota.PKL (ilegal stret trader) is become social phenomena al over the world, unexceptin Bandar Lampung City. It is considered as informal busines that disturbing publiclaw order, comfortnes dan beautifulnes of the city, because they (the traders) usepublic space like pedestrian, parking areas, side of highways and market’s coridorsas their busines activites place. Bandar Lampung Government has decided torelocate and to manage them in other places but hey denied, because they consideredthat he new places wil not benefited for them. Therefore, there was conflict betwenthe traders and the government. This research is considered as descriptive withqualitative method. Data were colected by interviews, observation anddocumentation. The result shows that the main factor why conflict is ocuredbetwen traders and government is when the traders use busy public space for theirtrading place. In order to solve the problems, government has aranged new policy sothat the traders know where the places they can use for their busines. This isimportant policy, because although sometime the traders disturbing public areas buttheir busines activites are neded by people with midle low income. By this law,the traders can do their trading legaly and legitmately. Beside that, the policy canbe used by government o replan and to manage the using of city’s land.
Relasi Pengusaha-Penguasa Dalam Demokrasi: Fenomena Rent Seeker Pengusaha jadi Penguasa Muhammad Ali Azhar
PUBLICA Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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Reform has opened up opportunities for entrepreneurs to fill vacancies in the government leadership. That is, because the election can not be denied in addition to requiring figures, intellectuals, also takes charge. The tendency is then driven by a ban on civil servants, military, police and politics since the reforms initiated. This success encouraged the expectation that the next number of employers who will be ruler of the greater. Some key findings in this paper, as analyzed in several phenomena: First, the recognition that entrepreneurs are middle class people who are needed to fill the vacancy of the public that in the past many occupied by civil servants, military and police. Second, the employer is considered to have more opportunities and capability compared with other community groups to win political support as well as in managing the administration of the state. Third, the future of Indonesias political future will be characterized by the role of the entrepreneur.
Teori Pembangunan Dunia Ketiga Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pembangunan Nasional Rahayu Sulistiowati
PUBLICA Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Maret
Publisher : PUBLICA

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In which way world development theory of globalization influence towards national development strategy in Indonesia become principal topic here. Fact that at this world, there is no country genuinely autonomous, that mean there is no country which development perceivable only as reflection from what is going on outside the national limits, all countries mutual depend on each other. One clear dimension from that interdepende, brainstorming has physical, biological and ecological hit overall and limitedness. Conjunction with the problem above, so its follow three things that become series of the key issue, which are: (a) money current and investment pattern; (b) technology change and production internationalizing; (c) trade and international regime. From all of that third keys issue, for Indonesia in the effort of choose and carry out the develpment strategy must pay attention external factors besides internal factors. Mainstream that mus can be built in this situation and condition now days, is how to create and give birth to innovative thingking, strategic and application so that efficiency and effective the result.

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