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Jurnal Al-Maqayis
ISSN : 23381337     EISSN : 26153890     DOI :
Jurnal Al-Maqayis Jurnal Al-Maqayis: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban is a peer-reviewed journal on Arabic education and Arabic Studies related topics to Arabic Language in Education, Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, Arabic Language and Linguistic, Arabic Language and Literature, and Islam and Arabic Language Studies. This journal is published by the Arabic Education Department, Magister Program, Antasari State Islamic University, in partnership with PPJKBA Indonesia (Arabic Studies Journal Management Association) and IMLA (Association of Arabic Lecturers). Click Here to Download MoU. This journal is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge for the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 10, No 1 (2023)" : 6 Documents clear
Development Of Educational Crossword Puzzle Games In Arabic Vocabulary Learning For Madrasah Aliyah Students Siti Naharul Maskanah; Jepri Nugrawiyati; Lailatul Qomariyah; Wildan Nafi'i; Dahlina Dahlina; Faishol Mahmud Adam Ibrahim
Jurnal Al-Maqoyis Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN ANTASARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jams.v10i1.5999


This research examined the production of an educational crossword puzzle game used to facilitate Arabic vocabulary learning in Madrasah Aliyah. Using the Research and Development Approach by Borg and Gall, the authors used 4 stages to produce the product:  exploration, product development, testing, and finalization. After analyzing the data using methods, the results show a score of 5 (very good category) and validated media experts with a score of 4.8. (Very good category), and limited trials with a score of 4.4 (very good category) and field trials with a score of 4.5 (good category). Further research is needed to expand this vocabulary learning technique beyond this small dataset. 
تداخل اللغة الإندونيسية مع اللغة العربية في محادثة الطلاب بمعهد نور الحكيم لومبوك الغربية/Indonesian interference on Arabic in the conversation of the students of Nurul Hakim's Islamic boarding school, West Lombok M. Syahrul Anwar; Habibia Adama; Bakri Mohammad Bkheet Ahmad; Halimi Zuhdi; Friska Fadhillah
Jurnal Al-Maqoyis Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN ANTASARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jams.v10i1.7648


This study aims to study the forms of Indonesian language interferention in Arabic used by students in the madrasah environment who practice their knowledge of Arabic every day and aims to discuss the factors that influence language intervention and the impact of language intervention on students' conversations. This research is qualitative research using descriptive method. The data obtained in this study were through observation and interviews with students and teachers at one of the schools at the Nur Hakim's Islamic boarding school, West Lombok. The results showed that Arabic was used by students at the Nur Hakim's Islamic boarding school, West Lombok. It turns out that they are still very much influenced by their mother tongue, namely Indonesian. These interventions are spread over several aspects such as phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicography. Teachers try to minimize various forms of language disorders by conducting conversational activities regularly, teaching Arabic grammar and asking students to memorize Arabic vocabulary.
Analysis of Changes in the Sound of Arabic Loan Words in the Translation of Akidatul Awam by Syekh Ahmad Marzuki (Crowley's Theory Perspective) A-esah Wemamah; Fahnida Aulia
Jurnal Al-Maqoyis Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN ANTASARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jams.v10i1.6794


Arabic has considerable influence over the Indonesian language, namely in vocabulary or loan words.  This study aims to identify various forms of sound changes that occur in loanwords in the translation of the text Akidatul Awam. Using qualitative descriptive analysis, the researcher examined the data to discern the Arabic loan words in the text that take on an Indonesian phoneme. The results found 80 borrowed words in the translation of Akidatul Awam with various forms of sound changes in Crowley's theory; namely sound attenuation, sound reinforcement and sound addition. This research is expected to be able to increase knowledge in the field of linguistics, and assist language users in choosing and distinguishing loan words that are standard in Indonesian.
The Importance of Digital Media in Arabic Language Learning; The Use of Canva in Vocabulary Learning Ubaidillah Ubaidillah; Muhamad Muflih; Nurul Fajri; Hambali Jaili; Nikmatun Azimah
Jurnal Al-Maqoyis Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN ANTASARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jams.v10i1.8675


Using media in learning Arabic is an essential way to convey messages and materials quickly to secondary school students. This study explores how students in a modern Islamic boarding school in Indonesia learn Arabic using digital-based media known as Canva, a program that contains both technology and novelty. This research uses mixed methods, with data obtained from observations, interviews, and questionnaires. Results show that learning vocabulary with Canva increases students' motivation and concentration, resulting in more effective and communicative vocabulary learning. 
استخدام وسائل أنتشور.ف.م في تعليم اللغة العربية/The Use of Based Arabic Learning Media Nahdliyyatul Azimah; Abdul Wahid Salleh; M Imam Fakhrurrozi; Shiddiq Billal Yusuf
Jurnal Al-Maqoyis Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN ANTASARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jams.v10i1.8837


Learning Arabic today cannot be separated from digital media. One digital platform in the form of audio that is close to the lives of millennials and has principles of efficiency in learning is a digital media in the form of audio streaming that is used by students in accessing learning materials and at the same time functions as an assignment portfolio. This article aims to describe the use of the application. in Arabic learning activities and student perceptions in using the application. This study is classified as qualitative-descriptive. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, documentation, and observation. The data analysis refers to Miles & Huberman, including; data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The findings obtained in this study include (1) is the main supporting medium for students to understand MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) material, for example; vocabulary pronunciation, reading narrative texts and dialogues, and understanding Arabic grammar. (2) as an efficient learning medium, from the aspect of time, effort, and cost. (3) Students are greatly helped by the existence of mainly those who come from public schools and are still beginner Arabic learners. 
تطبيق طريقة العصف الذهني على أساس الذكاء المنطقي الرياضي وأثرها على الكفاءة النحوية لطلاب التخصص الأول بمؤسسة مركز العربية باري كديري/The Implementation of The Brainstorming Method Based on Mathematical-Logical Intelligence and Its Influence on Arabic Grammar Competence in of Takhassus Class Students at Arabic Center Pare Kediri Abd. Syakur; Yuyun Zunairoh; Ayman Al Akiti; Muhammad Iqbal
Jurnal Al-Maqoyis Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN ANTASARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jams.v10i1.8876


Most non-native students regard Nahwu as the most challenging subject. at Markaz Arabiyah, Nahwu teaching still applies a conventional method namely the lecture method and uses a few media. Therefore, the researcher offers an alternative method as a solution to solve the problems. In this case, this research aimed to know the influence of Brain Storming method based on Mathematical-Logical intelligence on student's competence in Nahwu subject. The method of this study is experimental with Quasi-Experimental Design which used Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The population consisting of 30 students of which 14 students are from the control class and 16 students are from the experimental one. The strategy of data collection used in this study consisted of test. The data analysis used a t-test. The result of this study showed that independent data of the T-Test Sample, it could be known that the Significance Value (2-Tailed) is 0,021 < 0,05 which meant that there were significant differences between the average of the experimental class and the control one. The influence and effectivity level of that method is taken from the N Gain Score test which showed 45,19% for the experimental class and 29,73% for the control class. It meant that the Brain Storming method is effective enough, while the conventional one is not effective

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