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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Pragmatics, Implicature, Linguistics & Physical context, Social Context Language is used any time by a person in communication process. In fact many people use different ways to express anything in their mind. Implicature is one of the ways by implicating a meaning and producing hidden meaning. Therefore this study has problems which  are : 1. What is the implicated meaning in Malang oneway protest? ; 2. What are the reasons and the purposes of the residents in making the protest?. This study discovers an intended meaning from the protest banners which were collected when Malang One Way regulation 2013 was applied by using Linguistics Context, Physical Context and Social Context.  The writer collected the data by photographing many mounted protest banners in Jl. MT Haryono and Jl. Mayjend Pandjaitan (Betek) and choose some data that contain implicated meaning. In analyzing process, this research using descriptive qualitative method that requires the writer to interpret and then describes the intended meaning behind the data with his background knowledge and the phenomena happen. Furthermore, this study finds out that the data contains implicated meaning and represents residents idea of dissatisfaction to Malang One Way regulation 2013. They tend to implied meaning packed on protest. In this study, the reader will find Linguistic Context, Physical Context, and Social Context theory used by the writer to discover any intended meaning, reason, and purposes.  The writer suggests to the next researcher interested in a similar topic which is implicature to use Relevance Theory from Sperber and Wilson. This theory use background knowledge and context to build an exact meaning on implicature. Thewriter also suggest to use another data in a scope of art such as modern or traditionalsong lyrics, title, or script of drama.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: Foreign language learning, personality, extraversion/introversion,neuroticism, temperament Personality potentially determines an individual language learning at advantages or the opposite. Personality in this particular study refers to four classifications by level of extraversion and neuroticism of Eysenck (1947) theory. Later the classification known as temperament. Thus this study is conducted in order to investigate the influence of personality toward English, as foreign language, proficiency. There are two issues which determine how the study is conducted; (1) What is the individual temperament of the FIB students 2013 (2) How is the correlation of each individual temperament toward basic four learning skills on the process of foreign language learning.Using quantitative approach, this study uses data in form of numbers. The instrument of the study is questionnaire of Eysenck Personality Inventory or EPI. The instrument is used regarded as the most appropriate to classifies personality into four types of temperament and the reliability of the instrument, using Cronbach’s alpha, wasestimated at an alpha level of 0.837 at Nodoushan (2011). This study involved 47students as sample of population which all of them are students of English StudyProgram year 2013.The study identifies FIB students 2013 temperaments. Choleric noted on 23 students, 15 found as Sanguine, 2 found as Phlegmatic, and 7 found as Melancholic. The correlations are found between temperaments and the courses. Moreover the researcher finds significant correlation value between courses Understanding LongerTalk toward Cholerics, Sanguine, and Melancholic. Then another significant correlation value is Critical Reading toward Choleric and Sanguine. Based on the findings, the first and second hypotheses are accepted.To extend the study, the researcher suggests next researcher to describe further the influence using different theory, method, inventory, or even data. Thus the similar studies will provide beneficial references related not only to future research but alsodeveloping suggestions of learning management.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Flouting of Maxim, Implied MeaningHuman is a social creature who has a need to socialize with others. In order to be able to do so, human needs to communicate well. Good communication needs a good understanding between the speaker and the listener in which they understand what each other means. Cooperative principle is a principle which can help the speaker and the listener to understand what each other means. However, sometimes the message given by the speaker contains not only literal meaning but also implied meaning. In a communication, though, the speaker sometimes does not fulfill the principle. When the speaker intentionally disobeys the principle, it means that the speaker flouts the maxim. The writer conducted the study of implied meaning in Mata Najwa talk-show program. Hence, in this study the writer answered problems of the study, namely: (1) What maxims are flouted as shown in the translated version of the host and the guests’ utterances produced by the host and the guests in Mata Najwa talk-show program Penebar Inspirasi episode, and (2) What are the implied meanings of flouting of maxims produced by the host and the guests in Mata Najwa talk-show program Penebar Inspirasi episode. This study employs qualitative approach to describe the implied meaning behind the host and the guests’ utterances of the flouting of maxims.The findings of this study showed that there were four maxims that were flouted by the host and the guests, namely: (1) maxim of quality, (2) maxim of quantity, (3) maxim of relevance, and (4) maxim of manner. Also, they flouted the maxim because of certain reasons. At a time, they want to make some points where they want the listener to understand it, while in the other hand, they wanted to avoid talking about certain topic and giving certain information that they did not want to tell.Hence, the writer suggests the next researcher to analyze the flouting of maxim in different objects and to use other theory that will help to define the implied meaning.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci : film, yakuza, hubungan oyabun dan kobun.Yakuza merupakan organisasi kriminal yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat Jepang sejak zaman Edo. Yakuza menjalankan berbagai bisnis ilegaluntuk mendapatkan uang. Anggotanya dapat dikenali melalui ciri fisik, seperti tatodan ruas jari kelingking yang terpotong akibat ritual yubitsume.Dalam berorganisasi, yakuza cenderung merendahkan hukum negara dan menerapkan aturan tersendiri. Yakuza menjunjung tinggi nilai bushido, giri dan ninjou dan hubungan oyabun dan kobun. Hubungan oyabun dan kobun merupakan hubungan antara orang tua dan anak yang berakar dari konsep ie. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini penulis merumuskan masalah, yaitu bagaimana hubungan oyabun dan kobun yang tercermin dalam film Outrage dan Outrage Beyond karya sutradara Kitano Takeshi.Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan konsep hubungan oyabun dan kobun untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan oyabun dan kobun yang tercermin dalam film. Penelitian ini berfokus pada hubungan oyabun dan kobun dalam keluarga yakuza. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan teori pendukung mise en scene dan teknik pengambilan gambar yang membantu penulis menganalisis cuplikan film.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam film Outrage dan Outrage Beyond terdapat cuplikan serta dialog yang mencerminkan hubungan oyabun dan kobundalam keluarga yakuza. Hubungan tersebut menciptakan ikatan yang kuat diantaraanggota. Seorang ketua yakuza akan berlaku sebagai oyabun yang memiliki kewajiban melindungi kobun, demikian pula seorang anak buah akan berlaku sebagai kobun yang berkewajiban memberikan pelayanan dan kesetiaan kepada oyabun.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Eksistensialisme, Jean-Paul Sartre, Mauvaise foi.Hubungan karya sastra dengan filsafat memang tidak dapat dipisahkan, dikarenakan setiap karya sastra memiliki sebuah pesan untuk disampaikan sebagai pengejawatahan ide-ide dari pembuatnya. Dalam hal ini penulis bermaksud meneliti tokoh Watanabe di dalam film Ikiru karya Akira Kurosawa dengan teori filsafat eksistensialisme Jean-Paul-Sartre terutama konsep mauvaise foi. Karena didalam film tersebut banyak sekali terdapat sikap mauvaise foi yang dimanifestasikan oleh tokoh utama yaitu WatanabePenelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Analisis deskriptif pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tokoh Watanabe yang memiliki sikap mauvaise foi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Watanabe memanifestasikan sikap mauvaise foi dengan baik terutama pada penolakan terhadap kesadarannya akan kebebasannya serta lari dari tanggung jawabnya sebagai individu yang seharusnya merdeka.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Komik, Ekokritisisme, Isu Lingkungan, Alam, Pencemaran, Pemanasan GlobalMenurut Djamal Irawan, lingkungan hidup adalah kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup, termasuk di dalamnya manusia dan perilakunya yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan kehidupan dan kesejahteraanmanusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya. Hasil interaksi antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungan memiliki efek positif maupun negatif. Efek negatif yang ditimbulkan dari interaksi antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya disebut dengan isu lingkungan. Isu lingkungan di Jepang mulai bermunculan sekitar tahun 1868 saat Restorasi Meiji, dan kerusakan-kerusakan lingkungan disertai dengan penyakit yang menyerang warga semakin sering terjadi. Salah satunya adalah Penyakit Minamata di Teluk Minamata akibat keracunan zat Merkuri pada tahun 1956. Kesadaran akan melestarikan lingkungan mulai digaungkan di Jepang pada tahun 1997. Pada tahun 1998, penduduk Jepang mulai diberikan penyuluhan mengenai pemanasan global. Pada tahun yang sama, Fujiko F. Fujio mengangkat isu-isu lingkungan global ke dalam komik Daichouhen Doraemon volume ke-10 ini sebagai sarana edukasi masyarakat tentang bahaya pemanasan global.Teori ekokritisisme dari Cheryll Glotfelly dan Greg Garrard digunakan untuk menganalisa isu-isu lingkungan yang tergambar dalam komik ini, termasuk jenis-jenis, penyebab, dan solusi dari isu lingkungan oleh Ir. Philip Kristanto. Selain itu, teori komik yang dicetuskan oleh Scott McCloud juga digunakan dalam menganalisa komik Daichouhen Doraemon: Nobita to Animaru Puranetto volume ke-10.Kesimpulan hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat delapan jenis isu lingkungan global dalam komik Doraemon Petualangan volume ke-10: Nobita dan Planet Binatang yang disebabkan oleh populasi penduduk dan perkembangan IPTEK. Isu-isu lingkungan tersebut antara lain adalah alihfungsi hutan kota menjadi lahan komersil, penggundulan hutan yang mengakibatkan satwa-satwa liar kehilangan habitat, desertifikasi atau penggurunan yang mengakibatkan wabah kelaparan, polusi air yang menyebabkan hilangnya spesies-spesies hewan  akuatis, polusi udara yang menyebabkan hujan asam, penggunaan nuklir sebagai senjata perang, dan pemanasan global (global warming).
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : Semiotics, Signs, Music video, Mandarin popMandarin Music Video as one of entertainment media capture the prominent theme of the society. Entertainment media seem very helpful for the society to gain their solace because they can contemplate their experience through the video. This study examines the signs found in Jolin Tsai’s music video entitled Wandering Poet and interprets the meaning of each sign. This study is conducted to answer two problems: (1) What are the semiotics signs found in Jolin Tsai’s Music Video entitled Wandering Poet? (2) What are the interpretations of semiotics signs that found in the Music Video entitled Wandering Poet?.Since the study is related with interpretation in music video, the writer uses qualitative method by using document analysis as a proper method. The writer opted Jolin Tsai’s music video entitled Wandering Poet because the application of black and white has plentiful meanings which related to the prominent theme of Chinese society, isolation and loneliness. The writer accumulates the scenes and then places them based on theme and context. The writer only concentrates on drama scene rather than others since the signs mostly appear on it. In this study, the writer classifies the signs by using Peirce’s typology of signs (1958) and provides the interpretation of each signs indenotative and connotative forms. In order to get more appropriate meaning, thetheory of color by He (2009) is used to enhance the meaning of symbol based onChinese culture.The writer found all types of sign based on Peirce’s typology of sign (1958). The most frequently appearing type is Icon which is 162. Icons mostly appear in a form of visual object since it resembles a thing it signifies. The second frequently appearing type is symbol which is 75. Symbols appear in the form of text and ideas which is built by certain society. Then, the least frequently appearing type is Index which is 57. Indexes appear in the form of gesture and expression. of the actors.Signs appear in Jolin Tsai’s music video entitled Wandering Poet shows that all types of signs merge together to deliver a story.The influence of Chinese culture is very prominent in this video because most of the signs have Chinese elements within it. For the future researchers, the writer suggests to choose another type of music video such as performing based music video and concept based  music video for broaden variation in semiotic on music video.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Borrowing word, Part of speech, Sport rubric Jawa Pos. Language is known as human's culture product. It is created by human’s interactions. By the interactions, people start to make a connection one to others in order to make something which is called as communication. There are many ways in communication. The writer conducts a study about borrowing word in “Jawa Pos Newspaper Sport Rubric”which presents some borrowng words. There are two problems to be solved, they are: (1)What part of speech borrowed in the sport rubric on Jawa Pos newspaper (2)What types of English borrowing words in the sport rubric on Jawa Pos newspaper. This study uses descriptive qualitative approach to gather and analyze the data. It isincluded into document analysis because the researcher interprets the wordson sport rubric of Jawa Pos newspaper to answer the research problem.The result of the study,there areone hundred fourty one (141) English borrowing words foundin sport rubric Jawa Pos newspaper. The result of part of speech found in English borrowing word sport rubric on Jawa Pos newspaper (one hundred sixteen) nouns, (four) verbs, (twenty one) adjectives. The researcher finds types of borrowing word (ninety six) simple words, (thirty) complex words, and (fifteen) translated words.This study is conducted to identify English borrowing word. Therefore, the writersuggests the readers especially those who want to conduct the similar study to analyze deeply about all English borrowing words. The writer also suggests the next researchers to use other objects from different newspapers or different rubric of newspaper. The writer hopes that this study will be very helpful for the readers and the next researchers.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: cohesion, grammatical cohesion, India’s Supreme Court DeclaresHomosexual Sex Illegal” article. Cohesion is the interconnection among sentences because of the formal factors or the internal factors in the language. The general function of cohesion is to make the discourse cohesive. One of the examples of discourse is an article. The article that is used in this study entitled “India’s Supreme Court Declares Homosexual Sex Illegal” by Harmeet Shah Singh and focus on homosexual sex. As we know, homosexual sex is a taboo and illegal, so that it is interesting to be discussed. The objectives of the study are to find out the grammatical and lexical cohesion devices in the article and to analyze the use of them in the article.The study uses qualitative approach. The data of the study are sentences of phrases which consist of grammatical and lexical cohesion in the article. The data source of this study is the article taken from website in the edition column which was published on December 11th , 2013.The results of the study show that all kinds of grammatical cohesion can be found in the article, except substitution and verbal ellipsis. Reference is grammatical cohesion mostly use in the article, then followed by conjunction and ellipsis. In addition, all kinds of lexical cohesion can be found in the article, except synonym. The types of lexical cohesion are reiteration and collocation. Reiteration includes repetition, superordinate, and general words. Cohesion gives influences to the article and the article has fulfilled all those criteria from JS Badudu about language in journalism, namely brief, concise, simple, straight to the point, interesting, and clear.It can be concluded that the article is a cohesive one because it has texture in it because the writer uses the cohesion devices very well. It also consists of 5W+1H (what, where, who, when, and how). It is suggested that other researchers conduct further study about coherence because it is often related to cohesion.    
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 10 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.304 KB)


Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Register, Auction of Die-cast, Die-cast Toys Malang on Facebook.Humans live together as society and humans need language to comunicate with others. People create group of societies based on region, interest, social class, religion and many others. In specific group people create their own terms in theircommunity which is called register. In this study, the writer conducted a studyabout register used during the auction of die-cast toys Malang on facebook. Thereare two problems of the study, they are (1) What are the registers used by Die-castToys Malang when they do the auction on facebook?; (2) What are the contextualfactors influencing the registers used by the members of Die-cast Toys Malangwhen they do the auction on facebook?In this study, the writer used a qualitative approach. The data are utterances which contain registers. In collecting the data, the writer acted as a passive participant who only watched and captured the conversation during the auction, listed the register found during the observation, and did an interview. In the data analysis, the writer classified the register into a table to define the common sense and particular sense, the writer used the theory about contextual factors by Brown and Attardo (2009), checking the validity of the register found by asked to the admin of Die-cast Toys Malang community, and drawing conclusion.The writer found 21 registers used by the members of Die-cast Toys Malang Community on Facebook. There are 6 which have common sense, and 15 which have particular sense of registers. Then, some registers related to selling process, the condition from the package of Hot Wheels, and calling from the bidder who waits until the end of the auction.For further study in register, the writer suggests for the future researchers who want to conduct a study on register phenomena analyze it in other communities, such as photography community with the different analysis, such as critizing the utterances within Pragmatics field or analyzing under Second Language Acquisition dealing with grammatical error.

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