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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Ecocriticism, Human and Nature, Environmental, Epic Movie Environmental problems become the trending topic in development of modern technology era nowadays. The environmental problems are studied specifically in ecocriticism. These problems are usually caused by unbalance relationship betweenhuman and nature. In this research, the researcher analyzes harmful reciprocal relationship between human and nature portrayed in the Epic movie.  The problem ofthe research is divided into two points; (1) The harmful reciprocal relationship between human and nature, (2) The impacts of the relationship between human andnature described in the Epic movie.This research uses qualitative method to analyze data because the data are in the form of utterances and figures taken from the movie. In addition, the researcher explains the result in the form of description rather than numeral. Hence, qualitativemethod is the most appropriate method to analyze Epic movie. Furthermore, Ecocriticism is used to analyze the movie.The result shows that humans can exploit nature as research object without any concern about the impacts. Nature is also exploited as medium to establish human’s power. Humans gain benefit from the relationship because they can improve their quality of life but nature becomes increasingly damaged. Moonhaven which is originally beautiful with balance ecosystem becomes unbalance and dry.The researcher suggests the next researchers to use Ecocriticsm theory in analyzing different movie like “The Lorax Movie” to show the impact of development of technology toward nature. This movie tells that humans create artificial natural object such as trees which are made of plastic. Moreover they must buy fresh oxygen to respire.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci : Gairaigo, ryakugo, wasei-eigoDalam bahasa Jepang terdapat jenis kosakata yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa asing yang disesuaikan ejaannya ke dalam bahasa Jepang namun kosakata tersebut tidak terdapat dalam bahasa aslinya yaitu wasei-eigo (Japlish). Kosakata bahasa Jepang yang dianggap terlalu panjang akan mengalami penyingkatan begitu juga pada wasei-eigo. Menurut teori Kindaichi, penyingkatan kata dibagi menjadi tiga golongan yaitu tanshiki shouryaku (単式省略), fukushiki shouryaku (複式省略) dan bentuk perkecualian. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menjawab dua rumusan masalah yaitu (1) Seperti apakah proses penyingkatan pada wasei-eigo dalam kamus Katakana-go Shinjiten Kaiteisanban (カタカナ語 新辞典 改訂三版)? (2) Bagaimana frekuensi kemunculan jenis penyingkatan pada wasei-eigo dalam kamus Katakana-go Shinjiten Kaiteisanban (カタカナ語 新辞典 改訂三版)?Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan sumber datakamus Katakana-go Shinjiten Keitaisanban (カタカナ語 新辞典 改訂三版).Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 95 kata yang termasuk dalam wasei-eigo yangmengalami penyingkatan kata. Dari 95 kata yang ditemukan tersebut, 11 kata termasuk dalam tanshiki shouryaku (単式省略), 77 kata termasuk dalam fukushiki shouryaku (複式省略) dan 7 kata lainnya termasuk dalam bentuk pengecualian. Penyingkatan yang paling banyak terjadi baik pada tanshiki maupun fukushiki adalah penyingkatan pada bagian belakang (geryaku). Dari hasil frekuensi penyingkatan kata diketahui bahwa penyingkatan kata pada kata majemuk merupakan yang terbanyak terjadi pada wasei eigo.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Pragmatik, tindak ilokusi, tindak ilokusi asertif, tindak tutur.Penelitian ini membahas mengenai tindak ilokusi asertif yang merupakan bagian dari tindak tutur dalam kajian linguitik yaitu pragmatik. Asertif adalah jenis dari tindak ilokusi dimana penutur menyebutkan proposisi berdasarkan kenyataan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Apa saja klasifikasi tindak ilokusi asertif yang ada dalam film Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi karya Miyazaki Hayao? dan (2) Bagaimana makna tindak ilokusi asertif dalam film Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi karya Miyazaki Hayao?Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Searle dalam Leech. Berdasarkan teori tersebut terdapat 6 klasifikasi tindak ilokusi asertif. 6 klasifikasi tindak ilokusi asertif tersebut adalah 断言する(dangen suru) ‘menyatakan’ 報告する(houkoku suru) ‘melaporkan’ 自慢する (jiman suru) ‘membanggakan’ 苦情を言う(kujou wo iu) ‘mengeluh’ 意見を言う(iken wo iu) ‘mengemukakan pendapat’ 提案する(teian suru) ‘mengusulkan’.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah film Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Karya Miyazaki Hayao.  Kemudian, menganalisis data temuan dengan mengklasifikasikan tuturan ke dalam klasifikasi tindak ilokusi asertif dan menganalisis makna dari  klasifikasi tindak ilokusi asertif.Dalam menentukan klasifikasi tindak ilokusi asertif berdasarkan pada penanda lingual dan konteksnya. Data yang ditemukan dalam film ini berjumlah 53 data. Data temuan tersebut terdiri dari  断言する(dangen suru) ‘menyatakan’ ditemukan sebanyak 24 data. 報告する(houkoku suru) ‘melaporkan’ ditemukan sebanyak 4 data. 自慢する (jiman suru) ‘membanggakan’ ditemukan sebanyak 2 data. 苦情を言う(kujou wo iu) ‘mengeluh’ ditemukan sebanyak 6 data. 意見を言う(iken wo iu) ‘mengemukakan pendapat’ ditemukan sebanyak 11 data. 提案する (teian suru) ‘mengusulkan’  ditemukan sebanyak 6 data.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: Complaint Strategies, Students of English Department UniversitasBrawijaya, Discourse Completion TaskThis study focuses on identifying the complaint strategies used by Students of English Department Universitas Brawijaya in fifth semester by using theory from Trosborg (1995) and. This study was conducted in order to find out the types of complaint strategies used by them and to know how social status influences their realization of complaint. The problems of this study are (1) What are the types of complaint strategies used by students of English Department Universitas Brawijaya and (2) How does the social status influence the students’ realization of complaint strategy.This study used qualitative approach because the analysis was the form of description rather than number. The data were the utterances containing complaint produced by students of English Department Universitas Brawijaya in fifth semester and the data sources were 30 Students of English Department Universitas Brawijaya in fifth semester. The data were collected by using several steps; designing the instrument of Discourse Completion Task, making the prompts situation in academic setting and giving the questionnaire to the participants.This study revealed that there were four categories of complaint and seven sub-strategies of complaint. Those were three Hints in category No Explicit Reproach, one Annoyance and three Ill Consequences in category Disapproval, 14 Indirect Accusations and 29 Direct Accusations in category Accusation, three Modified Blames and seven Modified Blames (Behavior) in category Blame. Strategy of Modified Blame (Person) was not found in this study. The writer also found that social status influences the degree of politeness of the students. In this study, the students use Indirect Accusation when the complainee has higher social status. Moreover, when the complainee has equal social status they tend to use Direct Accusation as the major strategy.For the next researchers, the writer suggest them use another approach in order to analyze speech act of complaint and better to compare the study of complaint between native speaker of English and EFL Learners.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: Sociolinguistics, euphemism, Insert Trans TV Language has different characteristics to show its uniqueness. The existence of taboo language as one of the characteristics in each language makes the user of the language should be aware of this prohibition. The use of euphemism is not only to dress up the linguistic taboo, but also to express politeness that can be accepted by people. It is used to avoid people saying certain matters directly and rather to say it into other polite words or acceptable words. In this study the writer is interested in analyzing euphemism, which is about using mild language to prevent the harsh language in particular terms. The writer examines euphemistic expressions used by announcers and presenters of Insert Trans TV . This study attempts to answer the two research problems, namely: (1) What types of euphemism are used by announcer and presenter of Insert Indonesia infotainment Trans TV, and (2) What are the motives of announcer and presenter of Insert Indonesia infotainment Trans TV in using euphemism.In analyzing the types of euphemism in this study, the writer uses the theory of Warren (1992). She gives four devices for euphemism formation: word formation devices, phonemic modification, loan words, and semantic innovation. Later in analyzing motives in using euphemism, the writer uses theory of Ullman (1962) where he has three categories of euphemism motives: fear, delicacy fall and propriety. In this study, a qualitative approach is used to analyze the data in the form of transcript containing euphemistic expression used by announcers and presenters of Insert Trans TV.The result shown in the transcript proved that announcers and presenters of Insert Trans TV used several types of euphemism: 4 compounding, 2 acronyms, 1 onomatopea, 1 phonemic replacement, 1 loan word, 1 abbreviation, 7 particularisation, 1 implication, 2 metaphor, 3 metonym, 2 reversal, 5 understatement, 2 overstatement. In addition, the analysis of motives in using euphemistic expressions found in the transcript is 3 motives of fear, 19 motives ofdelicacy fall, and 10 motives of propriety.The writer suggests the next researcher develop this research by using a different object such as novel, movie, and also from daily activity or daily conversation.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Representasi, Individualitas, Noruwei no Mori. Noruwei no Mori merupakan novel realis karya Haruki Murakami yang ditulis di Roma-Italia dan diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1987. Novel ini bercerita tentang tokoh Toru Watanabe berumur 37 tahun yang sedang berada di dalam pesawat Boeing 747. Ketika mendengar instrumentalia Norwegian Wood dari The Beatles, ia teringat akan masa lalunya hampir 20 tahun silam. Novel ini berlatar belakang Jepang di tahun 60-an, di mana banyak terjadi demonstrasi oleh para aktivis mahasiswa menentang industrialisasi dan bagaimana tokoh Toru bersikap individualis menghadapi keadaan di masa itu. Seperti halnya pengarang, Haruki Murakami mempunyai pengalaman yang serupa ketika menjadi mahasiswa menghadapi kericuhan di universitasnya. Karena itulah penulis melihat tokoh Toru Watanabe adalah representasi individualitas pengarang Haruki Murakami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan bagaimana representasi individualitas pengarang pada tokoh Toru Watanabe. Pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan ekspresif dan tokoh penokohan. Sementara itu, metode analisis deskriptif digunakan sebagai metode penunjang untuk memperjelas langkah-langkah penulisan penelitian.   Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya bukti bahwa tokoh Toru Watanabe memiliki gambaran individualitas pengarang dalam sikap, pemikiran, minat dan pribadi yang unik menurut konsep individualitas.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: figurative language, advertisement, Indonesia Tatler magazine. Figurative language is related to the aesthetic of words. The writer conducted a research about figurative language in the advertisement taglines in Indonesia Tatler magazine. This study is aimed to identify: (1) the kinds of figurative language found in some selected advertisement taglines in Indonesia Tatler magazine. (2) the meanings of the figurative language of some selected advertisement taglines found in Indonesia Tatler magazine.In  this research, the writer uses qualitative approach. The data source is Indonesia Tatler magazine August 2013 edition, the taglines of analysis are from advertisement in Indonesia Tatler magazine. There were several steps to collect the data: taking advertisement from Indonesia Tatler August 2013 edition, Selecting, listing, identifying advertisement taglines which contain figurative language related with theory of Keraf. The writer analyzed it trough the following steps identifying what kinds of figurative language used in the advertisement taglines with related theories, classifying the data and putting it into table, analyzing the meaning of the figurative language of some selected advertisement taglines.The writer selected 20 advertisement taglines from Indonesia Tatler magazine as the object of her research by using the theories of figurative language, connotative and denotative approach about style in language. The writer has been finding: alliteration, personification, hyperbole, metonymy, and climax. Personification is prefered to use in some advertisements in Indonesia Tatler magazine. Personification is assumed to be the most effective way than others, this figurative language can support and create an interesting meaning since it is reflecting human’s characteristics into the thing.The writer suggests that the next researchers conduct similar research about figurative language by using different point of view or objects. Moreover, the next researchers are able to find other theories concerning the idea of figurative language.
STRATEGI PENERJEMAHAN IDIOM BAHASA JEPANG YANG TERBENTUK DARI UNSUR ‘MATA’ KE DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA (Studi Kasus Pada Novel Kani Kosen Karya Kobayashi Takiji dan Terjemahannya Kani Kosen: Sebuah Revolusi oleh Andy Bangkit Setiawan) DEA D., FRINENTIYA
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Idiom, Penerjemahan, Strategi Penerjemahan Idiom Penerjemahan adalah pengungkapan kembali isi pesan Bahasa Sumber ke dalam Bahasa Sasaran baik dalam hal makna maupun gaya. Dalam penerjemahan yang terpenting harus dipertahankan adalah makna. Salah satu hasil terjemahan dari bahasa Jepang sebagai Bahasa Sumber dan bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Sasaran adalah novel Kanikosen. Dalam novel Kanikosen terdapat bermacam-macammakna kiasan, salah satunya idiom. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana idiom bahasa Jepang diterjemahkan dan strategi penerjemahan idiom yang digunakan oleh penerjemah. Idiom adalah ungkapan yang lazim digunakan yang disusun dari dua buah kata atau lebih, makna keseluruhannya tidak ditentukan dari makna dasar tiap-tiap katanya. Dalam menerjemahkan  idiom dari bahasa Jepang ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, agar makna yang disampaikan sepadan, penerjemah menggunakan strategi penerjemahan idiom. Strategi penerjemahan idiom menurut Baker adalah (1) menerjemahkan idiom dengan makna dan bentuk yang sama (2) menerjemahkan idiom dengan makna sama tapi bentuk berbeda (3) menerjemahkan idiom dengan parafrase dan (4) menerjemahkan idiom dengan penghilangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis dimulai dari penentuan idiom bahasa Jepang dan terjemahannya. Idiom kemudian dikategorisasikan menurut bentuk terjemahan. Tahap terakhir adalah analisis strategi penerjemahan idiom.Hasil analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis menunjukkan bahwa idiom bahasa Jepang diterjemahkan menjadi bentuk verba sebanyak 10 data, adjektiva sebanyak 3 data, dan nomina sebanyak 1 data. Strategi penerjemahan idiom bahasa Jepang yang ditemukan adalah menerjemahkan idiom dengan makna sama tetapi bentuk berbeda sebanyak 1 data, menerjemahkan idiom dengan parafrase sebanyak 13 data, dan menerjemahkan idiom dengan penghilangan sebanyak 6 data. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan pada idiom yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia yang mengandung unsur alam, binatang, dan sebagainya.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key Words: Humor, Solidarity-based function, Power-based function, Sherlock Holmes: a Game of Shadows Humor has always been an important part of human life since it becomes one of strategies that helps people to deliver their intended message in communication process. It serves various functions which can be classified into two broad terms. First, solidarity-based function is a way to use humor in attempt to establish and maintain social cohesion. Second function is power-based function which concerns in using humor as a strategy to disguise unacceptable messages. Humor can also be encountered in movies. The researcher conducted a research on conversational humor in Sherlock Holmes: a Game of Shadows movie. There are two proposed problems: (1) What types of humor are used in conversation between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in Sherlock Holmes: a Games of Shadow movie, and (2) What are the functions of humor used in conversation between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in Sherlock Holmes: a Games of Shadow movie. To answer the problems of study the researcher applied two theories namely theory of type of conversational humor by Dynel (2009) to answer the first problem and theory of function of conversational humor by Holmes (1998) to answer the second problem.This research used qualitative approach because the analysis is in the form of description rather than numeral. Besides, the research was conducted through document analysis as the data were in the form of conversations between two prominent characters in the movie which contain humorous intention. The data were taken from script of the movie.The results of the research shows that 5 out of 7 types of conversational humor were employed in the conversation. Those are teasing (9 data), banter (1 datum), putdown (1 datum), self-denigrating humor (1 datum), retort (2 data), and witticism which only covers 3 out of 8 types under the term namely paradox, irony, and hyperbole which are represented by 2 data of each. In addition, the research also shows that the most predominant function of humor in this movie is as a tool to do power.It is suggested to the next researchers to use natural conversation which is spoken in Bahasa Indonesia as the object under study to test whether the theories used in this study are applicable in context of Bahasa Indonesia or not.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, ideology, tobacco warning label The number of cigarette consumption in Indonesia increases every year (GATS, 2012). To minimize this number, several efforts have been implemented, such as the use of tobacco warning label. Historically, the first warning label in 1999 is “Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin” and recently in 2014 it changes into “Peringatan: Merokok membunuhmu”. This changes and different emphasized meaning indicated hidden ideology. This research is designed to analyze both tobacco warning labels using Critical Discourse Analysis. There is one problem of the study in this research, namely: What are the ideologies constructed in tobacco warning labels in Indonesia’s cigarette packages? And the objective of this research is to find out the ideologies constructed in tobacco warning labels in Indonesia’s cigarette package.This research uses a qualitative approach by using content or document analysis. There are two steps in the data collection. First, is to find out the text or utterances of tobacco warning labels in Indonesia’s cigarette package based on government regulation number 81, year 1999. Second, is to find out the utterances of tobacco warning label based on government regulation number 109, year 2012. In analyzing the data, the researcher only uses one process that is analyzing both tobacco warning label utterances using textual analysis and discursive practice.The result of this study shows that both tobacco warning labels have variety of features of text which conveyed different meaning and intention. At the level of textual analysis, both tobacco warning labels show negative image of smoking and it is to ask the smoker to stop smoking. At the level of discursive practice, the aim of the warning labels is not to decrease smoking consumption or forbid smoking, but to increase smoking awareness.In conclusion, both tobacco warning labels have the same ideology. The ideology is to give freedom to society to protect themselves from the harm of smoking by giving education and increasing society’s awareness that is shown slightly in both tobacco warning labels. For further research, the researcher is expected to be able to develop and explore further by using different theory and different subject in order to help the readers to understand more about the theory of CDA.

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