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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Stereotype, Advertisement, „Go-girl‟magazine.The concept of gender is related with the socio-cultural construction about how men and women should behave. That expectation shapes the stereotypes on the way with how group of people labelled other people. Furthermore, the conventions of gender and stereotypes have been shaped by the discourse practice in the advertisement. This research is intended to find the meaning construction of female stereotype especially in ‘Go-girl’ magazine beauty product advertisement. The object ives are: (1) to find out the lexical choices stereotyping women in ‘Gogirl’ magazine beauty products advertisement (2) to describe the meaning construction about female based on the reader interpretation. This CDA research uses three dimensions of discourse proposed by Norman Fairclough which cover textual analysis, discursive practice and socio-cultural practice.In text analysis level this study suggests that (1) there are two dictions related withwomen personality. (2) there are nine dictions related with physical appearance.Those dict ions result two stereotypes: ‘women should have self confidence andexpressive personalit y’ and ‘women should have good physical appearance’. Inthe discursive level this study suggests that the readers construct the meaning ofadvert isement based on their interpretation, (1) ‘women should have br ight skinand have slim body’ and (2) ‘good personalit y is also important for women’. Inthe socio-cultural practice level, the participants feel that advertisement mayinfluence the reader’s mind but they still have their own concept of beauty.In the future, it is  suggested to the next researcher to develop and explore thistopic more deeply in different theory or object such as newspaper, political propagandas, official documents, law and regulation and so on. So, it will be veryuseful for the knowledge development especially in critical discourse analysis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: Visual Image, metafunction, image, verbal text, advertisement,Samsung Galaxy S4 Advertisement is one of the developing social media in society nowadays. As one of the communicative social media, frequently the society interpret the message differently with the one that the advertiser wants. Therefore, this study is conducted to help the recipient in finding the message that the advertisers try to deliver. There are two objectives in this study, (1) to identify the meaning of image and verbal text of Samsung Galaxy S4 advertisements, and (2) to find out the relation of the image and verbal text in constructing the meaning of Samsung Galaxy S4 advertisements.This study uses qualitative approach because it aims to analyze the meaning of image and verbal text in the advertisements. The writer applies metafunction theory to find the meaning of image and verbal text and also the relation of image and verbal text in constructing the meaning of the Samsung Galaxy S4 advertisements.By applying metafunction theory the writer finds the meaning of the advertisements by elaborating the three functions; Ideational function, interpersonal function, textual function. The result of this study shows that all the elements contain image and verbal text in advertisement are to support the product itself. Besides, it is also considered as the invitation for curiosity of consumer.The writer suggests the next researcher to use the different theory such as semiotics theory, or use different kind of advertisement such as video advertisements. The writer also suggests the advertiser to consider the salience of the product since it will emphasize the product itself.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Appraisal, Attitude, Modality, President Barack Obama, Inaugural Address. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) views language as a meaning-making. Appraisal as a framework under SFL focuses on the ways the speakers construct particular identities and how they position themselves in front of people whom they are addressing. By analyzing the language that is used by the speakers, it can provide the sight of the speakers’ objectives and belief, as well as to understand their position in relation to the others. In this study, the researcher is interested to analyze the Appraisal on 2013 inaugural address delivered by President Barack Obama. There are two problems of the study that are proposed by the researcher: (1) what are the types of Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation elements used by President Barack Obama in his 2013 inaugural address?; (2) how does the attitudinal positioning function to convey the perspective of President Barack Obama?. The researcher applies a theory from Martin and White (2005) and limits the data by selecting the utterances that contain adjectives, verbs of emotion (mental process), adverbs, and modalitiesThe researcher conducted her study using qualitative approach. In collecting the data, the researcher firstly searched for the transcript of President Barack Obama’s 2013 inaugural address from the Internet. Then, she read the transcript and selected the utterances that contain Attitude elements.The study shows that President Barack Obama used all of the types of Attitude elements in his 2013 inaugural address, which are, Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation. The most dominant type of Attitude is Judgement, the second isAppreciation, and the least is Affect. Judgement of positive capacity is the expression that is often found in Obama’s inaugural address. In Appreciation, Obama mostly used positive reaction in his speech. In Affect, Obama only used the expression that are related to dis/inclination and in/security. In relation to Judgement, the type of modality that is mostly used by Obama is intrinsic modality. By using Appraisal theory to analyze the utterances in 2013 inaugural address of President Barack Obama, the researcher found that the attitudinal positioning of Obama as the speaker function to give positive perspective towards his own feelings, the behavior of American people, as well as the phenomena that occurs in United States of America.Finally, the researcher suggests the future researchers to conduct the Appraisal analysis in the other speech from English speakers. Future research also can be done by taking all of three aspects of Appraisal or only focusing on Engagement or Graduation.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Language style, Diction, Sentence Structure, Social Factors, Indonesian Political Parties, Campaign Slogan.Language style is the way how to use language that can show the user’s characteristics. In order to use language in spoken or written communication, people rather to have their own style. In this study, the writer is interested in investigating the types of language style used in the slogans of Indonesian political parties 2014 campaign advertisements based on the diction, based on the sentence structure and also the social factors. The research problems of the study are : (1) what types of language style are used in the slogan of Indonesian political parties 2014 campaign advertisements based on the diction (2) what types of language style are used in the slogan of Indonesian political parties 2014 campaign advertisements based on the sentence structure (3) what the social factors influence the types of language style used in the slogan of Indonesian political parties 2014 campaign advertisements.This study used qualitative approach. The data were the slogan of Indonesian political parties campaign advertisements. In analyzing t he data, the writer used theories by Keraf (2009), Chaer (2006) and Holmes (2001). There were five Indonesian political parties in this study.The types of language style based on diction that mostly found in the slogans of Indonesian Political Parties campaign advertisement is formal style, followed by informal style and the last is spoken style. While, the types of language style based on sentence structure that mostly found is parallelism style, followed by repetition style and the last style is climax. Regarding the social factors that influence the types of language style used in the slogan, the writer found that function factor is the most dominant factor that influence the slogan. Then the second factor is participants with seven slogans and the third factor is topic and the last factor that influence is setting.In short, the writer finds the type of language style used in the slogan of campaign advertisements based on its diction and sentence structure and also the social factors that influence it. The writer suggests that the future writer to find the types of language style in the spoken data so they can analyzed the types of language style based on the tone or meaning. It is also suggested for the future writers to analyze to use another theories beside Keraf and Holmes theory to analyze the language style
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.298 KB)


Keywords: Psycholinguistics, Mental Lexicon, Word Association Test, Stikes Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto. Psycholinguistics has three areas, they are language production, language comprehension and language disorder. This research investigates more in language production using word association test. Word association test is a test to give response on a stimulus word. This research intends to investigate word association produced by the medical students. The researcher uses Peppard’s theory (2007) to classify word association type. There are two aims in this research. The first is to find out the types of word association produced by the fifth semester students of Stikes Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto and the second is to find out to what extent their medical knowledge influences the participants in choosing the responses.This research uses qualitative approach. The researcher uses word association test to collect the data. There are 8 stimulus words which trigger 448 responses from 56 participants. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses two steps. Firstly, the researcher classifies the data into three types of word association based on Peppard’s theory. Secondly, the researcher analyses the data and gives explanation about each of the classification.This research indicates syntagmatic response as the highest response which consists of 198 responses in encyclopedic knowledge, 106 responses in collocation and 58 responses in multi word item. The second type is found in paradigmatic response which consists of 4 hyponymy, 45 hypernymy, 31 synonymy and 6 coordination. Phonological and orthographical response are not found in this research. In some stimulus words, the participants produce responses that has relationship with medical knowledge. It proves that the participants are influenced by their medical knowledge and experience in choosing responses.The researcher suggests Study Program of English to provide more references about psycholinguistics to enrich the related literature. Besides, the researcher also suggests for the next researchers, to apply word association test in other groups of participants or investigate more about how female and male produce response word in word association test.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.925 KB)


Kata Kunci: Proletar, Kapitalis, Kanikousen, Marxisme, Perlawanan Buruh.Proletar adalah orang dari golongan proletariat, dan proletariat berarti lapisan sosial yang paling rendah termasuk golongan buruh. Sastra proletar adalah karya sastra yang muncul dari ide dan pemikiran atas nasib yang dialami oleh kelompok proletariat, dan mengandung semangat untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak kelompok proletariat demi kehidupan yang lebih harmonis tanpa adanya kesenjangan sosial.Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan film Kanikousen yang merupakan karya sastra proletar yang cukup terkenal sebagai sumber data. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bentuk-bentuk perlawanan kaum buruh dengan menggunakan teori Marxisme sebagai teori untuk menganalisa. Marxisme merupakan teori yang menggambarkan perlawanan kaum proletar khususnya buruh. Metode Deskriptif Analitik digunakan penulis untuk menganalisa bentuk perlawanan buruh karena dapat menyajikan data secara runtut berdasarkan fakta yang ada.Hasil dari penelitian ini mendapatkan gambaran bentuk-bentuk perlawanan kaum buruh dalam film Kanikousen karya sutradara SABU. Bentuk perlawanan yang didapat berawal dari aksi verbal hingga menuju pada aksi radikal. Dalam film Kanikousen ini perlawanan secara verbal kurang membuahkan hasil namun setelah terjadi aksi radikal, revolusi yang diharapkan berhasil dicapai. Film Kanikousen tidak hanya dapat dianalisa bentuk perlawanan kaum buruhnya saja. Film Kanikousen ini juga dapat dianalisa melalui pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Fokus penelitian selanjutnya dapat menekankan pada kondisi masyarakat Jepang pada zaman Taisho.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Word Formation Processes, Jakarta Post Newspaper, Jokowi News.The writer is interested in conducting a study of word formation processes found in Jokowi news of Jakarta Post newspaper. The aim of this study is to investigate the words formation found in news. There are two problems of the study. (1) What are the word formation processes found in Jokowi news of Jakarta Post newspaper. (2) What is the most word formation process commonly used in Jokowi news of Jakarta Post newspaper. The finding of this study is expected to give a useful reference for the students of Study Program of English to improve a better understanding of English word formation processes.The writer used the theory of Yule (2010) to analyze the data in this study. The writer took 16 Jokowi news in Jakarta Post as the data. This study used qualitative approach because the data are in the form of text.The finding shows that there were 104 words included in word formation process’ theory by Yule (2010). The writer found 10 words of borrowing, 13 words of conversion, 9 words of acronym, 2 words of clipping, 2 words of multiple process,35 words of derivation, 21 words of compounding, 2 word of coinage, 1 word of blending, and 6 words of backformation. This study reveals that derivation is the most word formation commonly used in Jokowi news of Jakarta Post newspaper.The writer would like to invite further researcher to conduct further and better study. The next researcher can try to find out theory based on the different expert. The writer also suggests for the next researchers who are interested in doing furtherresearch in this area to conduct the research with more variation in data collection.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: psikolinguistik, belajar, membaca, menulis, keterampilan berbahasaMempelajari bahasa asing tidak terlepas dari faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya. Begitu juga dalam mempelajari bahasa Prancis sebagai bahasaasing bagi siswa kelas XI Bahasa SMAK Cor Jesu Malang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan, untuk: 1) mengetahui keterampilan membaca dan menulis siswa kelas XI Bahasa SMAK Cor Jesu Malang. 2) mengetahui faktor-faktor psikolinguistik apa yang mempengaruhi siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Prancis. 3) mengetahui bentuk korelasi antara faktor psikolinguis ik dengan keterampilan membaca dan menulis siswa.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif tidak murni, yaitu gabungan antara metode kualitatif dan metode kuant itatif. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data dan mendeskripsikan hasil korelasi yang dihitung menggunakan metode kuantitatif.Hasil dari penelit ian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor psikolinguistik yang dialami oleh siswa memiliki pengaruh terhadap keterampilan membaca dan menulis bahasa Prancis. Hal tersebut terbukti dengan hasil korelasi antara variabel faktor psikolinguistik dengan variabel keterampilan membaca dan menulis siswa. Hasil korelasi tersebut menyatakan bahwa variabel faktor psikolinguistik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan variabel keterampilan membaca dengan nilaikorelasi sebesar 0,762 dan nilai signifikan antara variabel faktor psikolignuistik dengan variabel keterampilan menulis sebesar 0,789. Pengajar juga memiliki pengaruh dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Prancis sebagai bahasa asing.Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, disarankan untuk meneliti lebih dalam mengenaifaktor-faktor psikolinguistik yang mempengaruhi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Prancis dengan melakukan observasi. Selain itu, peneliti selanjutnya juga dapat menggunakan penelitian korelasi dengan objek penelit ian keterampilan berbicaradan mendengarkan dengan faktor psikolinguistik.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci: Anime, Joshi, One Piece, ShuujoshiShuujoshi merupakan partikel yang diletakkan di akhir kalimat, dan digunakan berbicara dengan lawan bicara untuk menyampaikan perasaan. Partikel yang termasuk dalam shuujoshi yaitu, ka, yo, na/nee, sa, zo dan ze. Dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada penggunaan dan fungsi shuujoshi zo dan ze dalam anime one piece the movie Z. Shuujoshi zo dan ze merupakan shuujoshi yang digunakan oleh pria. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) apa saja penggunaan dan fungsi shuujoshi zo dalam anime one piece the movie Z (2) apa saja penggunaan dan fungsi shuujoshi ze dalam anime one piece the movie Z.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, metode deskriptif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan dan fungsi shuujoshi zo dan ze dalam anime one piece the movie Z karya Eichiiro Oda.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 40 kalimat yang menggunakan shuujoshi zo dan 12 kalimat yang menggunakan shuujoshi ze. Menurut hasil analisis shuujoshi zo dapat digunakan setelah kata benda dengan menambahkan bentuk da di belakangnya, kata kerja, kata bentuk rashii, kata sifat, sedangkan fungsi shuujoshi zo yaitu untuk menyatakan perintah, ancaman, menyatakan ketegasan pembicara, menarik perhatian dari lawan bicara. Sedangkan shuujoshi ze dapat digunakan setelah kata bentuk ajakan, darou, rashii, kata sifat, kata kerja bentuk biasa maupun kamus. Sedangkan fungsi shuujoshi ze yaitu untuk menyatakan ajakan, menyatakan ketegasan pembicara dam menarik perhatian dari lawan bicara.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 1, No 8 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keyword: Ethnorace, Racial Stereotype, Family Goy, Jewish.People or society is not distant from stereotype attached to them. Jewish, one of the ethnorace, also has certain stereotypes. Religion has a lot of characteristics from their information with stereotypes. Stereotype is how people overgeneralize information about another group.“Family Guy” as a television series in America reflects social values of the people, including Jewish. Especially in episode entitled “Family Goy”, Jewish are depicted as to have some stereotypes. Therefore, this problem of this study is to reveal racial stereotype as depicted in “Family Goy” episode of “Family Guy”.In “Family Goy”, Jews are stereotyped as money minded, devoted to god, survivors, tidy, and hairy. These categories are based on unique and religious characteristics of Jew which are depicted in the series of Family Guy“Family Goy” episode of “Family Guy” shows stereotypes labeled to Jewish group as reflected in every scene of the series “Family Goy” episode of “Family Guy”.

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