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Social Stratification And Conflicts Of Middle English Society In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales Wati, Eni Lidia
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Societies in a country are usually included of some different social layers in common way they live. It shows how much difference and equality could distinguish them into grouping which have both positive and negative implications for the most. As seen, they generally have different life to each other, depending on their level in such way living together. Sometimes there would be a social injustice and conflicts to those who are segregated by strata of social classes. The crucial issue to which society divide the class, not surprisingly, often depends on how ironically they show their own power as the pride of life which could result social conflict in the end. It is common for social integration that is separated by very little physical appearance of social position and economical condition to be at opposite ends of the social gap. People who come from different strata, especially the upper class usually try to expose their abundance and glorious thing, like wealth, money, the pride of noble integrity, political power, and so many prestige things to underestimate the lower. On the other side, the under might feel envy watching the upper glory by that way, so it makes them do any unfair thing to get the upper down. What many people do not understand however is that it also threatens the social unity and its ideals ofgood living. This fragile thing is really dangerous to happen in any country all entire the world. It seriously can cause separation, amalgamation, social diversification, and even social conflicts which could destroy the peace of life. That is why every people should not differentiate social level for keeping a good harmony of socialization.In this case, the purpose of this study is to determine how the crucial problem ofsocial injustice in social stratification may result the social conflict for the life existence. It has already been analyzed and figured out into main point of this thesis research. Taken from the fiction characters which are reflected among the real people of Middle English society at the era, the writer has successfully analyzed and determined toward the defining social classes and the conflict problem itself in performing the Middle English social levels and how the conflicts happen portrayed in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer book.The focus of this research study uses Social Class and Stratification theory ofPeter Saunders, as the main theory to use for finding a way to crack the problem analysis. The  writer uses the  theory above to  strengthen her thought about social  injustice in stratification. Peter Saunders has written the theory to develop a thought how social classes are divided and how inequality may arise and result the social conflict in society. It is the logical reason which the writer uses the theory as a foundation that is why.The results indicate a violation of social stratification could harm social harmonyin any such ways of life. What the social grouping and the conflicts itself that happen in The Canterbury Tales is just a depiction how much harmful a social classes existed into the social living. Many competitions, discriminations, public unfair, and so many other bad things that could be happen in this fragile way. It should not be happened anywhere we live, just to have a good way for happy life and to find the right one.  Keywords: Class, Social Class, Social Stratification, and Social Conflict.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Discourse analysis, language function, Manusia Setengah Salmonbook.This study investigates language functions used in Manusia Setengah Salmon book by Raditya Dika. The objectives of the study are to find the kinds of language function used by the author in the book and to describe the most dominant kinds of language functions found.This study uses descriptive qualitative approach. It is categorized as discourse analysis because this study analyzes the used of language in humor book genre. The data are collected from three short stories of nineteen stories which are related to the whole story and those are analyzed by using Roman Jakobson theory on language functions.The result of this study shows that there are several language functions used by the character in the book, including the author. They are; referential function, emotive function, conative function, metalingual function, phatic function, and poetic function. Referential function is the most dominant kind of language function used by Raditya Dika. This function is used in describing of Raditya Dika experience of his life in the book with thirty four sentences used.Then, the effective of language functions found in the book are, referential function, emotive function, and phatic function while conative function, metalingual function, and poetic function are rarely used in the book. Since this study is only analyzing the kinds and most dominant of language function used, it is more interesting to associate it with others theories such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, drama or other theories that contains on the data are chosen. Besides, the researcher suggested next researcher to start further researches in any humor book genre or another phenomenon of language by using the other theory on language functions.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Error Analysis, error, narrative paragraph, types of error English as an international language has an important role to develop science and technology. Many countries in the world use English as a medium of communication among people in different countries and also of writing many kinds of books in which those are spread in different countries. In Indonesia there are many kinds of foreign books written in English, they claim Indonesian students to be able to learn and to use English in schools or in society in order that the books they read can be applied in various fields so that the development of science and technologies in Indonesia can be obtained. Although English is a foreign language, Indonesian students, from elementary up to university levels should learn English. In the process of learning, Indonesian students surely make errors. It is understandable since the rule of Bahasa Indonesia and English is different.This research has aims: (1) to identify the types of errors and (2) to find the most frequently error in the recount text produced by the twelfth graders SMA Negeri 3 Malang.This research is designed by using descriptive qualitative research and document analysis to answer the problems of the study. The data were collected from the twenty recount texts produced by the twelfth graders students of bilingual class of SMA Negeri 3 Malang. In collecting the data, the researcher asked the students to write a paragraph about 150 until 200 words with a topic. The researcher analyzed the data by using the theories from Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982) about surface strategy taxonomy.The results of this research are found that the students did errors when they wrote a narrative writing. Those errors are omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. Omission were divided into some parts, omission of preposition, omission of „be‟,plural marker,article and subject. Then, addition were divided into two types, addition of „be‟ and addition of verb. Misformation also divided into two types, misformation of „be‟ and misformation of verb. The last is misordering.The researcher suggests to the next writers who want to conduct the similar research to use the different object and analyze the errors with other theories. Another suggestion is to use the same theory but with the different object like using a textbook or an article for the data.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : gaya belajar, hasil belajar Gaya belajar merupakan merupakan cara yang khas siswa dalam mempermudah memahami, mengingat, menyerap, mengolah setiap informasi yang di dapat guna untuk memaksimalkan hasil belajarnya. Permasalahan gaya belajar pada siswa kelas XII Bahasa 1 SMAK diponegoro Blitar yaitu gaya belajar yang beraneka ragam. Keaneragaman tersebut tidak disadari oleh guru pengajar sehingga hanya memberikan materi dengan satu metode pembelajaran saja. Seharusnya guru dan siswa saling memahami gaya belajarnya, sehingga siswa tidak kesulitan menerima informasi. Kemudahan siswa dalam menerima hasil belajarnya tentunya dapat memaksimalkan hasil belajarnya. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Bagaimana pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Jepang siswa kelas XII Bahasa 1 SMAK Diponegoro Blitar 2) Gaya belajar apa yang sesuai dalam belajar bahasa Jepang di kelas XII Bahasa 1 SMAK Diponegoro Blitar. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif, untuk menjelaskan secara deskriptif pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa jepang siswa kelas XII Bahasa 1 SMAK Diponegoro Blitar. Teknis analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisi regresi linier sederhana. Data gaya belajar dari kuisioner dan data hasil belajar diambil dari nilai ulangan akhir semester bahasa   semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) gaya belajar berpengaruh positif, signifikan, dan sangat kuat terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Jepang siswa SMAK Diponegoro Blitar. 2) gaya belajar auditorial merupakan gaya belajar sesuai dalam belajar bahasa Jepang di kelas XII Bahasa 1 SMAK Diponegoro Blitar. 3) Semakin banyak melibatkan indera dalam gaya belajar semakin baik juga dalam memahami dan mengolah informasi yang berguna dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Peneliti menyarankan agar siswa dapat memhami/ mengetahui gaya belajar yang paling dominan pada dirinya, atau lebih baik dapat memaksimalkan semua indera dalam gaya belajarnya dalam meningkatkan hasil belajarnya. Bagi guru dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas hendaknya guru lebih memahami gaya belajar siswa. Kemudian bagi peneliti lain menambah jumlah variabel penelitian sehingga nanti ada perbandingan antara penelitian ini dan penelitian berikutnya.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: strive for final goal, strive for success, strive for power, novel.The discussion in this thesis is about four demigods who must reach the goal in their missions. Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of Athena Novel was written by Rick Riordan and was published in 2012. The focus of this thesis is to analyze the exertion and the characteristics of the four characters in achieving their goals. The theory of strive for final goal by Alfred Adler is used in this thesis. This theory describes human characteristics in achieving a goal. Strive for the final goal has two sub-theories. Strive for success for people who want to achieve goal for all humankind and strive for power in the contrary.The result of this study shows that the theory of strive for success dominates the characteristics of the four characters that the author analyzes. Annabeth is a character who seeks for peace which belongs to strive for success characteristic. This model of character prefers unity rather than a division. Leo has the characteristic of creative power. This characteristic often gives a brilliant idea. Percy has a characteristic of caring with others. Piper has the characteristic of willing to sacrifice. All these model of character are in Adler’s theory strive for success.The author has suggestions for further researchers who want to analyze Rick Riordan’s Heores of Olympus: The Mark of Athena novel. The author suggests using mythological theory to analyze this novel. Aspects of Greek mythology are much in this novel which is very interesting to be analyzed.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Teaching is a process that the teacher instructs the students to do something. While, learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or something being taught. In the teaching and learning process, the teacher and students do some activities in the classroom.  There are three kinds of activities in the classroom; opening, main and closing activities. Beside activities, there are also some students’ responses toward the English teacher in teaching and learning process. The study is aimed to describe the activities of English teaching and learning process and describe the students’ responses toward the English teacher in the teaching and learning process, especially in the Wahid Hasyim Junior High School Malang. This study shows that there are three activities in the English teaching and learning process; opening, main, and closing activities. Then, these are the students’ responses toward the English teacher; the students felt that the teacher was listened them, explained things clearly, helped them, trusted them, did not get angry quickly, etc.Keywords : Teaching, teacher, learning, learner.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Pelesapan, PartikelPartikel merupakan kelas kata yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri dan akan menunjukkan fungsinya setelah disusun dengan kelas kata lain. Setiap partikelmemiliki fungsi dan cara penempatan yang berbeda. Akan tetapi, pada percakapan sehari-hari seringkali terjadi ketidakteraturan salah satunya yaitu pelesapan. Partikel は(wa) dan を(wo)merupakan partikel yang sering dilesapkan. Situasi seperti ini tentu membingungkan bagi pembelajar asing. Oleh karena itu, untuk lebih memahami tentang pelesapan partikel, maka  pada penelitian ini dipilih pelesapan partikel sebagai tema. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana pelesapan partikel  は(wa) dan を(wo) dalam film Ponyo karya Hayao Miyazaki untuk membuat kalimat yang alami dan bagaimana tingkat keseringan pelesapan partikel  は(wa) dan を(wo) dalam film Ponyo karya Hayao Miyazaki untuk membuat kalimat yang alami.Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Data temuan dianalisis denganmenggunakan teori dari Miyajima dan Nita (1995) yaitu pelesapan partikel は(wa) dan を(wo) untuk membuat kalimat yang alami. Berikutnya data diperingkat untuk mengetahui tingkat keseringan terjadinya pelesapan partikel は(wa) dan を(wo) dalam film Ponyo karya Hayao Miyazaki.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 19 pelesapan partikel は(wa) dan を(wo) yang sesuai dengan lima dari enam situasi yang dikemukakan oleh Miyajima dan Nita. Pelesapan partikel は(wa) dan を(wo) paling sering terjadi pada situasi “ketika menunjukkan sesuatu  pada lawan bicara, tapi tidak menyebutkannya dalam percakapan”. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya penulis menyarankan dilakukan penelitian tentang pelesapan partikel は(wa) dan が(ga). Penelitian berikutnya dapat menggunakan korpus data berupa komik atau rekaman percakapan orang Jepang secara langsung.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Conversational style, High-involvement, High-considerateness, Preference Structure, ‘Sarah Sechan’.People have their own way or style in doing conversation. Through conversation, people also may represent a social action. A person usually tends to accept one thing and refuse the other ones; this structure is called as preference. This study was conducted to find out the conversational styles that are used by the host and foreign guests in ‘Sarah Sechan’ talk show NET. TV, and also to find out kinds of preference structure in the talk show.This study used qualitative approach to gather and analyze the data. The data of this study were spoken words or sentences from three videos of ‘Sarah Sechan’ talk show NET. TV entitled ‘ERU Ingin Mengadakan Konser Kecil di Korea untuk Orang Indonesia di Sana’, ‘Sarah Sechan Kedatangan Angie Miller Juara 3 American Idol’, and ‘Sarah Sechan Kedatangan Finalis Asia Next Top Model’. The videos were downloaded from result of this study shows that the host uses high-involvement style in guiding the talk show. Host’s conversational style in guiding the talk show is to enhance the communication when she talked with a less active guest and also to show her enthusiasm and interest in the topic of conversation or the guests’ talk. Moreover, 4 out of 5 guests in the show also use high-involvement style while one of them uses high-considerateness style. Guests’ high-involvement style in the show is to convey their interest in the conversation. The writer also found when some high-involvement users come in a place and have a conversation; there will be a speaker who unexpectedly becomes less active. Meanwhile, highconsiderateness style in the show happens because the speaker tends to wait the other to finish talking before he takes his turn. The preference structures which are often used in ‘Sarah Sechan’ talk show NET. TV are assessments, requests, and invitations. The responses are negative (dispreferred) and positive (preferred). There are also many kinds of ways in giving responses; given directly, delayed ‘yes’, and given through an action.The writer suggests the next researchers to use different objects in the form of conversation and use another theory of conversational style and preference structure.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: word formation processes, jargon, Coffee Corner, barista, Indonesia Latte Art Championship, pedagogical.Language  always develops  day by day, this development influences many factors and aspects in language itself include pedagogical unit. Language, human and society are inseparable, different background of many aspects influence how they use their language to show their society. Some of  the occupation fields also create their own language and vocabulary to help them doin their daily activities. One example is the increasing number of coffee shopexistence that give effect to the number of barista occupation. In this study thewriter is interested in analyzing  both of the jargon and the word formation processes that were used by barista. This study is aimed at analyzing the jargon, word formation processes, and the meaning of the jargon used  by Coffee Corner barista for their Indonesia Latte Art Championship 2014.This study is using the descriptive qualitative approach. The writer only focused analyzing the  jargons that were used by four baristas who work in the Coffee Corner from  October to November 2014.From the results of this study, the writer found that there were 68 (sixty eight) jargons. The jargon were analyzed  based on the theory about sociolinguistic and related it with the morphological process. Those 68 (sixty eight) jargons underwent seven word formation processes. There are blending, borrowing, coinage, compounding, acronym, derivation, and multiple processes. The writer also consulting the result with the Coffee Cupper’s Handbook (2001).The writer suggest the next researcher who is interested in sociolinguistics and word morphological language with same topics will analyze it with another field that is happening in the society and relate it with the pedagogical unit. The writer also hopes that this study will give contributions to the English Education Study Program as the references to analyzed about Word Formation Processes onJargon Used by Coffee Corner Barista for Indonesia Latte Art Championship InTerms of Pedagogical Unit.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 2, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci   : Drama, Kehidupan, Masyarakat Jepang, Single Father Karya sastra menampilkan gambaran kehidupan yang terjadi di masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk karya sastra adalah drama. Penelitian ini menggunakan drama Oh, My Dad!!untuk mengetahui gambaran single father yang tercermin dalam kehidupan Shinkai Gen’ichi dan kemampuan single father dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anakpada drama Oh, My Dad!! karya sutradaraKono Keita. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, rumusan masalah yang akan dibahasdalam penelitian ini adalah seperti apakah gambaran single father yang tercermin dalam kehidupan Shinkai Gen’ichi dan apakah Shinkai Gen’ichi mampu berperan sebagai single father dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anaknya pada drama Oh, My Dad!! karya sutradara Kono Keita.Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra oleh Ian Watt (2003) sastra sebagai cerminan masyarakat untuk menggambarkan kehidupan single father pada masyarakat Jepang. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dianalisis berupa gambar maupun kata-kata yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan Shinkai Gen’ichi sebagai single father. Selain iu,penulis juga menggunakan teori film mise en scene untuk menganalisis adegandalam drama Oh, My Dad!! yang menampilkan kehidupan single father.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab tokoh Shinkai Gen’ichi menjadi single father adalah karena perpisahan dengan istri, terdapat 3 kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh tokoh Shinkai Gen’ichi dalam mengasuh danmendidik anak, yaitu kesulitan menyesuaikan diri sebagai single father, kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi, dan  kesulitan membagi waktu antara bekerja dan mengasuh anak serta diketahui bahwa tokoh Shinkai Gen’ichi tidak mampu mengasuh dan mendidik anak karena dalam menjalani kehidupannya tokoh Shinkai Gen’ichi masih bergantung pada orang lain, tidak mampu mengatasi setiap permasalahan yang ada dan tidak mampu menemukan solusinya.

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