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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Agustina, Ermy Dyah Ayu. 2013. Dade Hamilton’s Character Development as an Open Homosexual in Nick Burd’s  The Vast Fields of Ordinary. Study Program of English, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Dyah Eko Hapsari. Co-supervisor: Aris Siswanti.Keyword: character development, homosexuality, social psychology.Homosexuals are a part of a minor community referred as LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender). They are discriminated and physically and verbally oppressed because of their abnormal sexual behaviors. These cause a negative impact on the LGBT teenagers for they become too afraid to reveal their true identities. The Vast Fields of Ordinary depicts the life of a teenager named Dade Hamilton and his development as a homosexual and how  he deals with identity crisis. This study aims at finding the roles of external factors that influence Dade’s character development.      Social psychology approach is used to analyze the external factors that influence Dade’s thought and behavior. Interpersonal relationship, group dynamics, and identity development theories are used to support the analysis. Theories regarding homosexuality in a social psychology context are used to examine his identity development as a homosexual and how the status affects his social life.   The results of this study  reveals that there are four factors that influence Dade’s character development: peers, family, lover and group. They give positive influences to his traits and help him to be more mature and overcome his identity crisis. As a result, he can finally reveal his true identity and live as an open homosexual.    The writer suggests English Department students to do a research on LGBT-themed literature using either Cass Identity Model that describes the stages of lesbian/gay identity development or Fassinger’s theory that explores the two processes and four phases of gay identity development.  She hopes that doing this study can raise the awareness of the existence of LGBT people in society and decrease the level of discrimination against them.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Rahmawati, Hanifa. 2014.  Motivation  of  Elementary Level Students of “English for Adults”  Program in Learning English  at  LBPP LIA Malang. Study Program of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas  Brawijaya. Supervisor: Fatimah; Co-supervisor: Yana Shanti Manipuspika.   Keywords:  second  language,  motivation,  elementary  level, English for Adults Program, LBPP LIA Malang.    There are some factors influencing the learners’ success in second language learning. One of them is motivation. Motivation in second language learning is defined as the learner’s orientation with regard to the goal of learning a second language.  This study  discusses about  motivation  of  Elementary Level students of  “English for Adults”  Program in learning English at  LBPP LIA Malang. The study was conducted in order to  find out the primary  type of motivation and the most dominant motivation in learning English. This study used quantitative approach. The instrument used was AMTB questionnaire, proposed by Gardner in 1985. The motivation part of the questionnaire consists of eight items divided into two parts: four items for instrumental motivation and other four for integrative motivation. The participants of the study were 36 students, which were divided into 4 levels. Therefore, the participants were 9 students of each level which were taken randomly. The result revealed  that  the primary  type of motivation of each level was instrumental motivation.  The students of each level have  different  dominant motivation in learning English. Elementary Level 1 students are learning English for their future career, in order to make them become knowledgeable people, and for getting a good job. Elementary Level 2 students are learning English in order to make them become more knowledgeable people and for getting a  good job. Elementary  Level  3 students are learning English  for their future career and  in order to make them become  more knowledgeable people.  Elementary Level  4 students are learning English for their future career and for getting a good job.    In conclusion, the students of each elementary level have the same primary type of motivation and different dominant motivation in learning English. The writer suggests the institute to make a better program for their students. It is suggested for future researchers to use another instrument in collecting data in order to prove whether the other instruments are applicable in other research. The writer also suggests Study Program of English to add more references related with motivation.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Turnip, Suryani Dupades. 2014.  Registers Used in Stand-up Comedy “Indo” Malang Community. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Isti Purwaningtyas; Co-supervisor: Ida Puji Lestari. Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Register, Register Variables, Stand-up Comedy, Stand-up Comedy Indo Malang Community. Language and society are interconnected each other to create a good communication. Then, people intentionally use a specific language variety namely register to simplify the terms used. The registers can make people who do not belong to the members misinterpret the meaning because they do not know about the three kinds of register variables which construct the context of register itself; they are field, mode, and tenor. This study uses theory of Halliday and Hasan (1989) to analyze the registers which are used in stand-up comedy Indo Malang community. There are two research problems of this study: (1) What are the registers used by the members of stand-up comedy Indo Malang community? (2) How are the register variables which consist of field, mode, and tenor applied in the conversation among the members of stand-up comedy Indo Malang community? This study uses qualitative descriptive approach because the writer describes the registers used by the members of stand-up comedy Indo Malang community and how the register variables are built in the context. As the data, the writer uses the utterances which contain registers during the evaluation in JumaTawa 65. Then, the data sources of this study are the coaches and the  comics of stand-up comedy Indo Malang community. The finding shows there are 18 registers found that are used by the members during the evaluation sessions of JumaTawa 65. Then, to make the readers become more understandable about the meaning of the registers in the context, the writer defines them into common meaning and particular meaning. The writer also finds out that register variables that consist of field, mode, and tenor are important to know the topics which are discussed by the members of stand-up comedy Indo Malang community, the function of the utterances, and the relationship among the participants.  The writer suggests the next researchers to  use another way and the other theories to analyze registers phenomenon that happen in the society. They also can conduct a research in the different communities to make the language varieties become more varieties.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Josephine, Bernike. 2014. Alih Kode dan Campur Kode Pada Percakapan Orang Jepang di Malang. Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing : (I) Ismatul Khasanah, M.Pd.,M.Ed.,Ph.D. (II) Febi Ariani Saragih, M.Pd.   Kata Kunci: Bilingualisme, Kode, Campur Kode, Alih Kode   Bahasa merupakan salah satu media yang digunakan manusia untuk berkomunikasi. Dalam berkomunikasi pada masa kini, seseorang dituntut untuk tidak hanya menguasai satu bahasa saja, tetapi lebih dari satu bahasa. Penguasaan lebih dari satu bahasa disebut dengan bilingual. Seorang bilingual biasanya mengalami peristiwa alih kode dan campur kode saat berbicara. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan responden orang Jepang yang tinggal di Malang sebanyak lima orang. Untuk dua rumusan masalahnya adalah : (1) Apa saja jenis alih kode dan campur kode yang terdapat dalam percakapan para responden ? (2) Apa saja hal yang dapat menjadi penyebab campur kode dan alih kode dalam percakapan tersebut ? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisa data. Tahapan penelitiannya adalah merekam pembicaraan responden dengan voice recorder, melakukan transkrip data, dan membuat tabulasi alih kode dan campur kode yang ditemukan, kemudian analisis data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari transkrip percakapan para responden, ditemukan 47 peristiwa alih kode dan campur kode, yang terdiri atas 13 peristiwa alih kode dengan penyebab yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah pembicara. Selain itu ditemukan 34 peristiwa campur kode dengan penyebab yang paling banyak adalah saat membicarakan mengenai topik tertentu.    
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Sugiyanto, Eka Nur Noviani. 2013. A Study of Figurative Language Found in Westlife’s Songs on  Coast to Coast  Album.  Study Program of English, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor : Ismarita Ida; Co  –  Supervisor : Emy Sudarwati. Keywords : Stylistics, Figurative Language, Westlife’s Coast to Coast Album. This research deals with figurative language employed in Westlife’s songs on Coast to Coast album. There are two problems to answer in the analysis. First is what figurative languages are found in Westlife’s songs on  Coast to Coast album. For the second one is what are the messages of the songs in Westlife’s songs on Coast to Coast album.  This study uses qualitative approach. The data sources used in this study are the lyrics of the 19 songs of Westlife boyband on Coast to Coast album. This study uses the theory of figurative language by Keraf (1991) and Perrine (1969).  The result reveals that there are 163 figurative languages found in Westlife’s songs on Coast to Coast album. Those figurative languages are divided into 2 similes, 89 metaphors, 27 personifications, 5 ironies, 1 allusion, 8 synecdoches, 31 hyperboles and there is no metonymy at all. Figurative language that is mostly used in this album is metaphor. The songwriter uses the figurative language itself to add some elegance to the song. There are also its messages of each song that was shown by the used of figurative language.  The writer hopes that the future writers understand the theory of stylistics, especially about figurative language and its meaning to understand what is the contents of the song and also its messages. Second is they could use another theory to make their study different from the writer. Third, if they want to conduct a study that is related to the written media, they should decide the object well so it will not make any trouble when the study is going on.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Hakiki, Muhammad Aminullah. 2014.  Interlanguage in the Translation of Seventh Semester Students of Study Program of English Universitas Brawijaya. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Brawijaya. Supervisor: Fatimah; Co-supervisor: Yana Shanti Manipuspika.  Keywords: Error, interlanguage, translation, interference error, intralingual error.  Language is used in human communication, either in  spoken or written one. Language as a source of communication has a vital role in human life. As people communicate with other people with different languages, it is not enough only to learn one’s native language. To strive in this globalization era, a person needs to learn foreign languages and master the skills especially translation. The more languages one can master, the more he is able  to compete. One of the  foreign languages that should be learned is English as it is one of the languages that is used in communication around the world. In  this research, the researcher investigates the kinds of errors and most frequent  errors produced by seventh semester students in their translation. The researcher used qualitative research and content analysis in order to answer the research problems. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the theory of sources of errors by Richards (1971) and Lott (1983). The data were five translations made by seventh semester students who have taken “Introduction to Translation” class with a grade of A. In data collection, the researcher provided the participants a test in which they have to translate from Bahasa Indonesia to English within 45 minutes. This study found that the most frequent error is false concept hypothesized with 59 errors (68.7%), followed by incomplete application of rules with 17 errors (19.4%), then interlingual with 7 errors (7.6%), and transfer of structure with 4 errors (4.3%). The researcher found that there are still many translation errors made by the students even though they have high grades in the translation class. The researcher suggests the next researchers who want to conduct a similar study by using another theory and giving the participants a  different criteria, like the TOEFL score.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Sulistiyo, Yekti. 2014. Analisis Kesalahan Pengucapan Intonasi  Jodoushi 「でしょう」pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Jepang Angkatan 2010  Universitas Brawijaya. Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Brawijaya.   Pembimbing: ( I ) Agus Budi Cahyono, M.Lt., ( II ) Sri Aju Indrowaty, M.Pd.  Kata Kunci: intonasi, jodoushi.    Manusia menggunakan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi. Pembicara berkomunikasi dengan ekspresi pengucapan serta intonasi beragam. Sering kita mendengar perkataan yang sebenarnya sama, tetapi karena perbedaan  gesture maupun intonasi, maksudnya berbeda. Penulis menggunakan studi analisis kesalahan  pengucapan intonasi dalam bahasa  Jepang. Penulis melihat ada satu kopula atau jodoushi yang memiliki tiga makna berbeda. Arti ketiganya adalah (1) menunjukkan konfirmasi, intonasinya diucapkan dengan nada naik, (2) menunjukkan dugaan, intonasinya diucapkan dengan nada turun, (3) menunjukkan simpati, intonasinya diucapkan datar dan panjang. Hal ini masih sulit bagi orang asing yang sedang mempelajari bahasa Jepang.   Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif untuk pedomannya. Studi deskripsi digali dengan wawancara, yaitu setelah sebelumnya penulis merekam suara responden pada saat diminta membaca kalimat yang mengandung jodoushi 「でしょう」. Lalu, penulis mengkomparasikan hasilnya dengan rekaman suara  native speaker. Penulis menggunakan visualisasi sinyal suara untuk memperkuat hasil komparasinya. Populasi yang diteliti adalah Mahasiswa Program studi Sastra Jepang Angkatan 2010 Universitas Brawijaya. Datanya diambil langsung dari populasi. Jadi, jenis datanya adalah data primer.   Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata-rata 33% Mahasiswa belum bisa melafalkan intonasi  jodoushi「でしょう」dengan benar. Jenis kesalahan pelafalan intonasi paling tinggi (86,7%), terjadi karena responden melafalkan  jodoushi「でしょう」dengan intonasi naik. Meski bukan kalimat yang menyatakan konfirmasi, kalimat itu menjadi bermakna konfirmasi. Penyebab kesalahan yang paling dominan adalah selain karena bahasa ibu, juga karena responden cenderung berpatokan pada teori yang menunjukkan konfirmasi, yang telah pertama kali mereka pahami, meski sebenarnya mereka sekarang mengenal cara pelafalan yang berbeda-beda.    Penulis menyarankan kepada mahasiswa jurusan bahasa Jepang agar mempelajari lebih dalam tentang intonasi  jodoushi「でしょう」. Hal ini dilakukan supaya mampu melafalkan bahasa Jepang semirip penutur aslinya. Penulis juga menyarankan pada peneliti selanjutnya meneliti intonasi lain dalam bahasa Jepang, misalnya jodoushi 「そうですか」atau jodoushi yang lain.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Hamid,  Syamsu Abdul. 2014.  Implikatur Percakapan Dalam Serial Drama Great Teacher Onizuka 2012 Episode 1. Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Pembimbing : (1) Ismatul Khasanah (2) Ismi Prihandari  Kata Kunci:  Prinsip Kerja Sama, Prinsip Kesantunan, Implikatur  Percakapan, Maksim.  Bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari harus dipahami oleh pembicara dan lawan bicara.  Dalam komunikasi tidak hanya pemahaman makna tersurat, namun  pemahaman makna tersirat  juga diperlukan. Penyebab terjadinya implikatur  percakapan adalah  karena pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dan prinsip kesantunan. Dalam bahasa Jepang implikatur percakapan juga banyak ditemukan,  untuk itu penulis meneliti implikatur percakapan dalam serial drama Jepang yang berjudul Great Teacher Onizuka 2012. Tujuan  penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui implikatur  percakapan  dan bentuk pelanggaran  yang terdapat dalam serial drama  Great Teacher Onizuka 2012 episode 1. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Kesimpulan  hasil penelitian  yaitu implikatur percakapan yang timbul adalah ungkapan rasa jengkel, rasa sesal, rasa malu, rasa takut, rasa terkejut, rasa marah, rasa senang, mengkritik, menasehati, menyindir, mengeluh, memohon, memerintah, menolak permintaan, meminta ijin, menjatuhkan mental, mengancam, menjuluki,  membuat kesepakatan.  Sedangkan  bentuk pelanggaran yang terjadi adalah pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama yaitu:  2  maksim  kuantitas, 2 maksim kualitas,  9 maksim relevansi, 3 maksim pelaksanaan. Pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan yaitu:  2  maksim kerendahan hati, 3 maksim pujian, 7 maksim kesepakatan, 4 maksim kedermawanan, 3 maksim kearifan, dan 3 maksim simpati.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Indrawati, Dewi. 2014.  Kritik Lingkungan Terhadap Pencemaran Laut Dalam Film Doraemon : Nobita no Ningyo Daikaisen Karya Kozo Kusuba. Program Studi Sastra Jepang. Universitas Brawijaya  Pembimbing : (I) Fitriana Puspita Dewi  (II) Eka Marthanty Indah Lestari  Kata Kunci : Kritik lingkungan, Pencemaran laut, Film Doraemon  Pencemaran laut sebenarnya sudah lama terjadi namun belum banyak masyarakat yang menyadari akan dampak yang ditimbulkannya. Film Doraemon : Nobita no Ningyo Daikaisen  adalah salah satu film yang menggambarkan pencemaran laut yang terjadi di bumi. Penulisan  skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan kritik-kritik lingkungan mengenai pencemaran laut yang tercermin dalam film tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan penulis adalah ekokritik. Ekokritik sendiri merupakan sebuah pendekatan yang menggunakan sudut pandang  ilmu lingkungan. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan mise-en-scène untuk membantu menganalisis adegan-adegan dalam film yang menggambarkan pencemaran laut. Bentuk-bentuk pencemaran laut yang menjadi kritik dan digambarkan dalam film ini sendiri antara lain pencemaran laut yang diakibatkan oleh sampah, tumpahan minyak, serta limbah. Selain itu, ditunjukkan pula dampak dari pencemaran laut tersebut, yaitu mutasi terhadap hewan laut dan Bumi akan menjadi planet yang rusak. Penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk meneliti tentang mitos dari Pedang Duyung yang menjadi benda yang diperebutkan oleh Alien dan Bangsa Duyung dengan menggunakan pendekatan semiotik. Dapat juga dikaji tentang siapakah yang dimaksud dengan Alien dan Bangsa Duyung itu sendiri.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Pratama, Alfian Febriandi. 2014. Strategies in Apologizing among Writers inPembaca Menulis Column at Jawa Pos Newspaper. Study Program of English,Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, UniversitasBrawijaya, Malang. Supervisor: Nurul Chojimah. Co-Supervisor: Yana ShantiManipuspika.Key words: speech acts, apology strategies, Pembaca Menulis columnCommunication is a primary need of social life. Communication is also usedfor asking for an apology. Apology is a speech act used to restore relationshipsbetween a speaker (S) and a hearer (H) after S has offended H intentionally orunintentionally. Apology also happens in mass media. The researcher conducted aresearch about strategy in apologizing among writers in Pembaca Menulis column atJawa Pos newspaper published from 11thJanuary to 28thFebruary 2013. There aretwo problems to be solved: (1) what apology strategies are used among writers inPembaca Menulis column at Jawa Pos newspaper, and (2) How those strategies arelexically realized in direct and indirect speech acts.This research used qualitative approach because the analysis is in the form ofdescription rather than number. Then, the research was conducted throughdocumentary analysis because the researcher analyzed the writers’ utterance inPembaca Menulis column in Jawa Pos containing apology.The result of the research shows that there are seven types of apologystrategies found to enrich Trosborg’s theory, namely (1) confession, (2) explicitapology, (3) explicit apology followed by explanation, (4) indirect apology followedby explanation, (5) explicit apology followed by justification, (6) explicit apologyfollowed by admonition, and (7) rejection to apologize. The research also shows thatthere are 17 utterances using direct speech acts.Based on the findings, it is concluded that in Bahasa Indonesia, to apologizeis easy. The writers in Pembaca Menulis column apologize for some reasons. First,they realized their mistake; second, they prevented the complainer to make anothercomplaint, and third, the value of apology in Indonesia is lower than that in English-speaking country. Every language has it strategy to apologizing but the way toexpress the apology is influenced by the culture where the language is used. Theresearcher wants to suggest the next researchers who are interested in the same fieldto use objects which is collect by observing the natural conversation in BahasaIndonesia to enrich Trosborg’s theory.

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